BUFF 6 year meta perk, REVERT healing nerfs, KEEP gen regression nerfs

No way you just did that - it's actually appalling. Speechless.

Guess the people who scream the loudest always get their way.

I'm camping/tunnelling from the first hook. I was maybe considering otherwise, but after seeing that they don't even have the balls to keep healing nerfs while at same time keep gutting anti-gen perks... hard to feel any remorse.



  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,734

    Okay, enjoy.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    I mean it seemed like killers cared more about the Billy add-on nerfs than anything else. It's all I saw discussed in killer streams.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    How reliant are you on gen slowdown perks? This is why I refuse to use them on any killer.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    If every game would be tunnel and camp from 1st hook, you wouldn't even play the game anymore. It can go much worse than it is now, I guarantee you.

    Either that or much fewer killers play the game.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    In no way, shape, or form was DH buffed

    Was buffed from PTB, not from live. Still atrocious considering this perk should've been put to death, like all other killer perks that are already dead now.

    Pain Res was for sure buffed... you just can't spam it anymore like you want

    "Spammed". You're seriously making that statement? It requires a down and Scrouge hook which was based on RNG. The only time it could get spammed is if you continuously got downed at the same spot - which at that point you deserve it.

    I like how you say pain res was buffed from live, but not DH. I can't process your logic, are you comparing PTB or live? Because PTBH DH is 100 % buff no matter which way you look at it. Getting unhooked is much easier than unhooking someone. Are you serious?

    Even if they gave 25 %, it's still C tier perk at best. If you think otherwise, you don't know anything substantial about killer gameplay.

    Maybe don't rely on gen regression perks to get kills.

    Maybe don't rely on SWF cheats, 2nd chance perks (cough DH), 4 %, hatches, etc. etc. The list goes on and on.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,734

    But hey, I'm sure you're a genius and found a way to consistently 4k without gen regression perks in high MMR. 

    You shouldn't be able to consistently 4k at high MMR - or any MMR for that matter.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Well maybe don't take words too literally. No person advocates for 4k every game. People want to have a chance to 4k every game based on their own skill and enemy skill. Clearly, this is something DBD lacks strongly.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    This is precisely why I do not like gen speed-up or slowdown perks on either side. It is extremely difficult to balance how long a generator should take when each side has these perks that manipulate the numbers of the main objective of the game, and that is why I refuse to use these perks on either side. I simply wish the time it took to fix a generator was a static number that couldn't be changed because the game could more easily be balanced around that.

    And obviously I know we all have different experiences, so it would be dumb for anyone to tell you to "get good" when every match is different. For me personally, I feel that my skill level in chases and generating pressure increased over time when I stopped relying on those kinds of perks. Same thing on the survivor side when it comes to exhaustion perks.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Flashlights were "nerfed" against basically the one killer they were good against (nobody is trying to lightburn a nurse). And that killer is lower mid tier AT BEST. He deserved the buff.

    Medkit nerf is solid.

    But the rebuffed CoH back to release levels of healing, which is obviously just going to make it be even more meta than it is now.

    And, oh yeah, they decided to not nerf billy for no reason. Remember when they originally reworked him? "We like the way billy is performing and think he is balanced.... so here are a bunch of changes that nerf him for no reason"

    Meanwhile, gen regression perks got nerfed to uselessness. At least they buffed up the numbers for Pain res to not make it terrible, but its still not going to be as good as it was.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Wouldn't say buffed, but i wouldn't call it nerfed either now. More of a side grade.

    Be realistic with yourself for a moment. How many scourge hooks do you get on avarage in a match.

    You need 7 scourge hooks now to surpass the vallue the 4 gives you from the new pain res.

    By that point you should have already won the game.

    If your strategy resolves around anything other then tunneling then new pain res vallue is more front loaded. It's really not a stretch to see how it could be better now.

    The early game is where killers struggle and there is no denying the new version is better in the early game

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    its the most effective way to protest things and blow off steam when you get tired of dealing with SWF. Because if i'm having a miserable, time, at least i can make someone else have a miserable time too.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    They did nerf healing. Did you not read the bits about medkits and CoH? Or were you too busy finding an excuse to justify being toxic??

    If it bothers you so much, just take break or don't play, really simple :)

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    I mean if that's how you want to play, go off. Just sounds boring to me, but if that's fun just standing around - to each their own I guess. I assume you don't care about BP or ranking up too then.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    Maybe try a different killer? Different perks? Practice more? I have 2.5K hours in this game. I remember being really bad as killer after first playing for the first year and saying to my friends "I'm going to be a survivor only player". I got frustrated with squads and gen rush (it was a lot worse a few years back!).

    Then I gave it a shot. Tried different killers and didn't give up on them until I mastered their power. Played as them without any add-ons to get use to their power. Tried different perks. I worked on getting every killer adept.

    It made killer a lot more fun. Are you going to have gen rush games? Sure, just like you're going to have no gens completed and everyone dead within 4 minutes. If you feel like you need to get a 4K every game, you're not going to enjoy killer no matter what update comes out. I'm happy with a 2K and anything more is great. You don't have to win win every game. It's not that serious. Camping and tunneling is just boring for everyone. Even challenge yourself and do no perks every once in a blue moon. That always feels great afterwards if you did well!

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Indeed. I'll take your advice - will go out of my way to get 4 unique survivors, which were never hooked before, which are also downed next to scrouge hook, to affect gens that can actually get regressed by 25 %. All of this while still not being pounded by gen speeds and having fast chases.

    Makes sense, and is reasonable & rational advice.

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2023

    I have over 1000 hours alone as a facecamping toxic bubba.

    I can assure you it doesn't get a 1k.

    2k minimum, no matter what. Deadlock guarentees this.

    3-4k if altruistic.

    1k if you turn off and let them play you... But your bubba so it isn't hard.

    Lethal guarentees the first down insta quick, deadlock means their dying before 1-2 gens left, need I go further? Insidious for solo queue, more slowdown, so on and forth.

    Factor in the odds of a rage quit while you face chainsaw being 85 percent, which gives the guarenteed 4k.

    Plus nobody can bully you. Ever.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,001

    No one is asking for a 4k every game.

    Oh, they are my friend. There are plenty of threads about it here where killers show their entitlement to 4ks. (I'm sure the same is true of survivors wanting 4 escapes but this is mainly a killer populated forum from my experience here). I've even seen a thread attacking perks because killers aren't getting their 4K fast enough. It does happen more than you'd think, unfortunately.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    You put that in quotation marks like as if I said that. I didn't say that, and I can't figure out what I posted could be seen as that quote. The only part I can think of is saying how you're going to get some gen rush games, but I also said you are going to get easy 4K no gens done games too.

    You're going to be brutalized in some games, and in others you're going to be the one brutalizing. That's how PvP multiplayer games work. I mean when I play survivor I'm more likely to die on hook vs getting 0K to 1K as a killer.

    If I'm unlucky getting a camping tunneling killer that is focused on me, it's obviously worse - That feels like a zero hook game, being bullied by a head on flashlight squad lol

    I feel like on average I get 2K and 3K games as killer and I feel like that's fair for 4v1. I'm more likely to get a 4K game than a zero K game. I dunno, maybe it's different for others, but that's not what I'm seeing and I feel like my MMR is high. I get it, it doesn't feel great losing to a well organized squad but I just move on to the next. I don't see it majority of the time. If I notice it's happening a lot (usually at late hours) I'll just bring my strongest killer with add-ons.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Will you also give advice to someone who got tunnelled and camped to accept that they won't get an escape and also not just try as much?

    Will you also give advice to survivors to run fun builds instead of meta stuff like Dead hard, prove thyself etc? Also for items, and not relying on comms?

    If so, then fair, but you seem biased so far.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    It strange that ‘high MMR’ killers always hitting us who dont use Gen slowdown with “just wait until youre at high MMR”

    But I have a better question for them: “do they think theyre really deserved to be at high MMR, or because tunneling and 4 slowdown carried them”

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Ok, so the logical advice is to accept it and move on? Let's not discuss game balance and close our eyes.

    Thanks for the effort, but I am not asking for "how to have fun". I'll create my own fun whichever way that is.

    This is a place to discuss game balance, and by all means, it should be discussed instead of ignored. Accepting bad game balance is the worst thing you can do if you actually care about this game's future.

    Especially with BHVR devs, who need someone to actually watch them over as without (good) community feedback, this game would be long dead.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    No one gets to high mmr just by tunnelling and camping. You will lose the majority of your games because people can actually loop and survive the tunnelling.

    If you think that you can do it just by tunneling and camping, and not having any other skill then you're delusional. It's a combination of running good build, ending chases quickly, and having good game knowledge of exploiting survivor's weaknesses.

    The anti-gen perks or even tunnelling is useless if you don't know how to end chases quickly.

  • jayoshi
    jayoshi Member Posts: 314

    Again, didn't say that lol I said sometimes you're going to get a game where survivors run you around. It's going to happen no matter how many nerfs or buffs they bring into a game. What I'm saying is if you do lose to a well organized squad, just like if you were to lose to a killer who is great at their power and great at looping / mind games - to try again and move on. I'm not saying every game is zero to one kill as killer, because it's not. It can FEEL that way, but it's not.

    If you're getting 2K or more as killer a majority of the time, then I believe this game is balanced. Are you not getting a majority of killer games where you have killed two or more survivors? Write down "Zero to 1 kill(s)" on one side of a piece of paper and then write down "2 or more kills" on the other side. Then do tally marks for every game you play. Try that with 50 or more games. See what you get :) Or even mix it up and do three rows. "0 - 1 kill(s)" "2 Kills" "3 - 4 kills". Because emotions will make you believe almost every game is a zero to 1K.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I know you're gone but...if you know how to end chase quickly, then why complaining about slowdown perks nerf.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 204

    Yeah they overnerfed the gen regression perks, again.

    Put em in the trash bin with Hex: Ruin, Pop goes the weasel, and that one artist perk that's useless. Devs should have made COB and OC 150% speed max. and Allowed PR to get a token back each gen done. FFS. They hate killers