New dead hard is just a bad version of off the record ?

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

What am I missing here ?

Deadhard only activates when you get unhooked ....... its hard to time well and alot of the time because of the latency it doesn't work .....

So why would I use that over off the record that does the same thing, hides your grunts and automatically saves you if the killer tries to hit you ?

If this is the change then surely you should revert it back to thr "lunge" that you got with the original dead hard and increase the hit time considering how hard it is to time correctly now vs a GOOD killer that waits an extra second to bait it out ?

Other than the latency issues meaning it doesent work sometimes there's nothing wrong with how it was before the ptb


  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It's supposed to be situational. The problem with old Dead Hard was it worked all the time. It needed a situational modified the way Lithe, Balanced Landing, etc do.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited April 2023

    It's a buff *from the PTB* version. I was prepared to no longer use DH but it's still very good so I'll keep using it.

    Compared to the PTB version, it's much better for solo queue. Now you know you'll get it twice a game if you're unhooked twice (if u don't get 1 hooked). Also this version doesn't encourage rushing for unhooks to get your DH or having to coordinate getting ur DH in turns in a SWF.

    With PTB DH there was no guarantee you'd get any use out of your perk slot all game and incentivised tunneling. Of course you may still not get DH all game, but it's still much better.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So you're the solo team mate that thinks doing gens is situational

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,171
    edited April 2023

    Use Of The Record => Use Decisive Strike (reset Deep Wounds) => Use Dead Hard

    Not as bad as it seems once you think about it. You can maybe even throw in Renewal and just have a full anti-tunnel build.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,422

    When i read the news, I thought what i would do as a killer.

    If Im there for the unhook, Im still gonna hit the unhooked. Im denying him the new DH he just got.

    This just made tunneling even more beneficial.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Because you lose Off the Record on a Conspicious Action. Dead Hard never times out or shuts itself off for non-use.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    I'd still rather have off the record because in that time frame it's guaranteed to work .....

    They've said they changed it to help tunnelling so that means the killer is going straight back for the survivor off hook so I say again. Why would I go for the perk that has a very good chance of not working/get baited out by a half decent killer.

    If they want to make it this situational then they should change the timing back to the old deadhard with the movement

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    If you are not getting tunneled it's simply better, not even a debate.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    If you have a preference, that's fine. But to act like there's no point to Dead Hard, or that it is "obsolete" is just false.

    Off The Record has a timer that when completed becomes null and useless. Dead Hard and sit and wait until the prime moment and can create a late game clutch play.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363

    idk, i think it's still pretty strong, it's less situational than OTR because you don't need to avoid healing/repairing/etc in order to get value like you do with OTR. that said, the fact it can't possibly be used to extend the first chase is welcome; the game as it stands now has the survivors strongest in the beginning of the game and killers strongest near the end of the game, and making the game more even throughout by removing some early game options for survivors while retaining more options for later game is good for the health of the game

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2023

    Huh? DH did not work ALL the time, it failed majority of the time. A situational modifier like Lithe? You mean windows? Which are in almost every tile of the map? Yea the situational modifier for DH, if were using your logic, was that you had to be injured to use it, and if you failed, you went down.

    DH didn't need the be touched, they listened to bad killers calling for it b/c their egos were bruised and even experienced/well known killer mains defended DH and agreed. There's a big contrast and skill difference from some of the killers I see on here claiming DH nerf was justified versus actual great killers who win 95% of their matches regardless of DH. You see only the handful of times it is pulled off properly, you coincidentally ignore all the times it fails or the server decides you didn't use it in time despite getting the exhaustion effect.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    No, being injured was not a situational modifier because it was an organic part of the game that is going to happen anyways. It ALSO doesn't have a limited window of its use.

    When a perk works ON BUTTON COMMAND, that is far more powerful than needing a window, or a height to fall from.

    People claim Dead Hard rarely ever works, yet I was swinging into it 2-3 times PER MATCH so I guess the failure rate ain't THAT BAD.

    Dead Hard needed to be taken out back and shot, because it was in every single game and gave Survivors the ability to completely negate a chase and get a free speed boost to start the looping process ALL... OVER... AGAIN.

    That is broken, and insanely unhealthy for the game.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175
    edited April 2023

    You can't nitpick what you deem situational modifier and what isn't.

    Being injured is organic to the match progressing but being able to ONLY use DH when injured, is the situational modifier. That is literally the condition that needs to be met in order to use it. If you fail to use the 0.5 second window at the proper time in the proper situation, you fail and you 99.9% of the time will end up going down. Of course its got a limited window of its use, the limited window is while you're injured, which is when you're most vulnerable b/c you can easily go down in 1 hit and not 2, which means you snowball the match for the killer and hurt your survivor team more.

    When a perk works on button command, on a 0.5 second duration window, its still easy to fail. You can't fail a window jump or a fall from greater heights, the perks still activate. I'm not even going to get into which perk takes more skill to pull off b/c its very obvious.

    If you're swinging into it 2-3 times PER MATCH, that is a testament to you and your skill level, not the other way around. You and a lot of killers seem to think that b/c it works 1/5 times and its against you, it must mean the perk is OP. When in reality, you are making horrible decisions (like swinging into it 2-3 times per match, ahem) and then claiming the success rate of the perk 'isn't that bad'.

    You're not objective, you are biased. The fact you even said that last part about it being 'taken out back and shot' just shows how skewed you are towards killers and have no outside perspective besides that.

    Its not broken at all, good killers worked around it, it didn't have a guarantee success rate like other exhaustions and it was supposed to be rewarding if you managed to pull it off with a 0.5 second window at that.

    Like I said, bad killers scream the loudest and it is what it is. Good killers actually worked around it and won their matches regardless cause they have better decision making skills than a lot of so called 'killer mains' on this forum. They didn't use DH as an excuse to throw themselves a pity party.

    Anyways you can reply if you'd like. I won't engage anymore since you've made it very clear you are not objective at all about this game. Which is fine, but don't pretend you're looking for a discussion. Already pointed out all your inconsistent arguments and countered them.

    Have a great day.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,723

    I'm not a DH user, but as someone who uses OTR frequently they aren't comparable. OTR is really only useful if you are being tunneled. If you get unhooked and the killer is on the other side of the map in a chase, you need to get on a gen or heal. DH has value if you get tunneled off the hook (anything more than 10 seconds) or if you have time to heal up (but makes it really wasteful to run any other type of exhaustion perk)

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I play ten Survivor games for every 1 Killer game, so yeah... I can be objective.

    And being able reset a chase regardless of the environment only be being injured is an OBJECTIVELY unbalanced game design.

    You just used a lot of words to say "Just wait it out", an argument that's been destroyed a hundred times over again.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2023

    "just wait it out"

    it's a 0.5 second ability... if you're complaining about a 0.5 secondability that can only be used when you're injured and must be timed perfectly then that's more on your skill as a killer not that its imbalanced.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,582

    Waiting it out is boring. Waiting it out for every chase for every survivor is even more boring.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,100

    OTR is better when the killer tunnels. DH is better when the killer doesn't tunnel. The main difference is that DH doesn't end in 80 seconds and if doing a conspicuous action.

  • Matcha_
    Matcha_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Off record is used to dodge the killer not mess around in a house without being chased

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    no, it's not, it's not limited to 90 seconds and it doesn't deactivate when you touch a gen or heal.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,422

    Its not situational. Thats literally a difference and reason to choose one over the other.

    Also, running DH with another Exh perks is kind of good for misdirecting late game with a surprise DH

  • Ch0mp
    Ch0mp Member Posts: 20

    >waits it out

    >pallet hits you in the head

    Wow very successful, now they still have dead hard and a pallet between us

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    yeah, there is ALWAYS a pallet within 0.5 seconds away from you, it's almost like you could keep yourself within sprint burst distance of that pallet and just run back to it without the killer being able to do anything about it ....