Killers are leaving...



  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 561
    edited April 2023

    There is really people thinking that PR 25% is a buff compared to the 15% live one? Scourge Hooks are bad, as most of the time you need Agitation to make this perk realiable, since there is some maps that is impossible to get a single Scourge hook proc (Like RPD, or the Swamp). Anyway, Pain Ressoance (aside Jolt) was one of the only perk that applied regression without the need t going to gen and kick it, making the game more dinamic.

    Now, think of this situation: you hook one survivor in Pain Ressonance then go chase another one. After ending that chase, you don't have a scourge nearby, you hook in a normal hook. Then you encounter the first one you chased. If you chase this surv and have enough luck to down and get a scourge hook, you get nothing. Not because you are tunelling, but because you're just doing your objective efficiently.

    Sorry, but if a killer spread too much the hooks (more than with 2 or 3 survs), most of the time this will lead to 4 escapes, even with 2 or 3 people are in death hook. """tunneling""" like this is necessary until the devs add a basekit mechanic to incentivise spreading hooks more than focusing on one or two people.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's unfortunate.

    There are a lot of good people here with incredible minds for the game.

    I wish those people were a little louder and a little more recognized.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893
    edited April 2023

    Anyone still mad about this update is hella biased one way or the other. This is about as even handed an update as you could hope for, even if you don't agree with all of it.

    As for DH, I thought people were on something when they said the 6.1.0 was a buff, but to say this is a buff? That's just lunacy. The old DH for distance version was by far the strongest version, it was op as hell. Now it's just tedious, and mostly because it's tired, not powerful.

    I won't be sad to see it go (and make no mistake, this is about getting it out of the meta, not "balancing" it. And that's fine), but it's not super strong any more.

    From the killer side, one aspect of the gen kick meta nerf that I haven't seen discussed much is that it will also kick Nowhere to Hide in its metaphorical balls. It's been pretty prevalent since Knight dropped, but it's use was tied heavily to Overcharge/CoB.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    So if you get bad spawns how is the regression increase not more valuable? Is slowing the early game down not worth more than slightly more regression in total? If you run Agi I would say a 12 hook game is more like 9-10 scourge hooks of value. New PR is 6 at 15% and the 7th is 10%.

    So it would be 25 vs 30. You could also be at 50 vs 30 if there was a scourge hook on your second chase. If you find the first guy after the second chase you are still 5% higher in regression.

    High tempo is the best way to slow gens down. New PR can let you save the gens from going early and let you build that pressure up. You don't really need game delay if you have one dead at 3 gens. New PR lets you get that large regression out faster. First 2 hooks both on scourge and you are looking at 50% regression compared to 30% You need to win 2 chases to be 5% higher than the new PR's first chase.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The correct change to Dead Hard is the one where I never have to see it ever again.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,100

    Killer main here, this patch is still 40% net positive for me. Dead Hard is still nerfed somewhat. Med kits and CoH is significantly nerfed. I almost never used Pain Res, Overcharge and CoB, so those changes don't impact me much. I am only disappointed that Dead Hard will still be in the meta.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    DS - Still good, just outclassed by Off the Record. Off the Record has 20 seconds of more usage, can be used twice per match and can't be countered by slugging. It is old DS on steroids.

    Okay, but OTR is already not good, considering its restrictions, and DS has worse restrictions. Keep in mind that DS is still an exhaustion perk, precluding the use of Iron Will, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Overcome and other exhaustion-related perks. Additionally, as far as I understand, this version of DH will still lose its activation token if it gets used without tanking a hit with it. This makes it incredibly hard to use, very limited in its usage, and extremely punishing to misuse.

    I don't think that's 'still good'.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Or do gens. You forgot that we can't do gens either. Just run around like flightless birds in a pen as they run around with shotguns.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"But pop also had the downside of making your chase weaker since the survivor would leave and you had to either make your chase longer or forgo the kick."

    Pop rewarded you for finishing multiple chases. The current meta rewards tunneling. The survivors decided they like tunneling. I never had this as an issue after using Pop for a long time.

    -"I don't find myself getting really unlucky with PR. "

    I played a game tonight vs some real tryhards in a swf who picked a corn map. I was playing MM for a daily. Using PR I got maybe 4/10 hooks to use my ability. If it had been once per person it would have been used like twice. That's a hell of a nerf. If every hook is made white then sure maybe make the perk do 40% progress and be once per game.

    -"Not being able to use an exhaustion on your first chase is a pretty big downside. "

    While you are technically correct the problem is that later in the game you can once again have the "third health state". DH would be fine if they made it so that once you DH you play the game broken.

    Is there any reason to ever use the perk over Lithe or SB?

    Tons of people want to use all of the exhaustion perks. I Still say make SWF have the rule : no repeats on characters, items, perks or offerings. That way everyone takes a different perk and it's not a big deal. If you want the freedom to bring anything then play solo - that's a fair compromise when solo play has an advantage over SWF and vice versa.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    "-You're not supposed to benefit from DH as killer, it's a survivor perk! Do you expect every survivor perk to be balanced to No Mither/Autodidact levels?"

    Why does Dying Light buff survivors. DH could have been balanced around something like : using it gives the killer an emblem that does whatever for the rest of the game. Maybe it could be a 1% permanent movement speed boost if they hit you when you use DH the first time.

    -"DH's effect being an exhaustion perk is a con to DH. Remember that you can also get endurance from BT, OTR, and MoM."

    MoM was stupid broken and they nerfed it. DH has needed years to let survivors abuse it before it was tapped on the wrist. Nobody uses OTR with DH as it ends up with exactly the same result - the killer just hits you 1/2 a second after your feet hit the floor from a hook. That's what I do.

    "How do you want to balance this out if you took away the on-hit sprint from DH? "

    Remove the movement speed effect on DH then it will only work when you DH to make a vault or pallet. There will be no more "free distance" from DH. The only distance you get is with the recovery time of the killer.

    Since you seem so keen on STBFL countering DH this makes the most sense.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    And in that same scenario if you did have a scourge for the second one then you'd have the vallue of 3 old pr scourge hooks and 5% on top of that.

    And in that doom scenario you discribed all you've lost is 5%. The reward is quite a bit higher then the risk here.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    Why does Dying Light buff survivors. DH could have been balanced around something like : using it gives the killer an emblem that does whatever for the rest of the game. Maybe it could be a 1% permanent movement speed boost if they hit you when you use DH the first time.

    Oh, you actually ARE suggesting survivor perks should help killers more than survivors. Okay. That's... Uh... That's a hot take and a half there, buddy.

    MoM was stupid broken and they nerfed it. DH has needed years to let survivors abuse it before it was tapped on the wrist. Nobody uses OTR with DH as it ends up with exactly the same result - the killer just hits you 1/2 a second after your feet hit the floor from a hook. That's what I do.

    Then what's the problem with DH if it never fires anyway?

    Remove the movement speed effect on DH then it will only work when you DH to make a vault or pallet. There will be no more "free distance" from DH. The only distance you get is with the recovery time of the killer.

    So then why should I pick this perk over Lithe or Sprintburst which will net me similar amounts of time without any strings attached?

    Also, what the heck do you mean 'free'? You have to predict a killer's hit, and it costs a health state, that's not free, bud.

    Since you seem so keen on STBFL countering DH this makes the most sense.

    I'm not 'keen on it', just pointing out STBFL already counters DH.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591

    Honestly, I cannot predict how this will turn out in the long run. Self-healing gets a massive nerf and there's almot no gen regression left. CoB and OC as well as Pain Res are all pretty much dead. This will lead us to a gen rush meta, no doubt. However, some killers can build insane pressure against injured survivors especially without DH, so I'm not yet sure how the balance might shift.

  • Bjorkenny
    Bjorkenny Member Posts: 13

    At this point, they just proved that killers better leave in mass and make queue's timers miserable.

    If review bombing and crying is now the new meta to revert patches, this game is really going downhill.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    Off the Record is the most busted perk they ever released if you ignore og Mettle of Man. The perk has much less restrictions than old DS, which people already agreed it was busted af. People think that just because the killer didn't decide to tunnel you, you aren't getting value of OTR. That is not true, Off the Record mutes you so it may be a deliberate decision of the killer not bothering with you since you have that perk. In which case, you are already getting value out of it. The only way I can see someone saying 100% that OTR was useless for them is if they died on the first hook, or never found the killer for the entirety of 80 seconds after getting unhooked. As it is now, Off the Record is a free health state, basically a Second Wind without the broken activation time you have to go through.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,293

    Off the Record is the most busted perk they ever released if you ignore og Mettle of Man.

    Not really. I mean, it's definitely stronger than DS used to be, but that doesn't make it powerful. It's very restricted in its use, demanding inefficiency from the survivor if they want to put it to use outside of its intended use, and that intended use is entirely in the killer's control.

    The perk has much less restrictions than old DS, which people already agreed it was busted af.

    If you, like me, meant to say DH there (I royally messed up in the post you quoted, freely admit that), then yeah, old DH was pretty busted.

    If you're talking about the DS prior to 6.1, then no, no one agreed it was 'busted af'. Pre-6.1 DS was incredibly healthy for the game since it basically blocked a perk slot for survivors in exchange for blocking tunnelling for the killer and doing barely anything else. It took the spikes out of both sides and slowed trials down, which is what both sides are constantly begging for. The DS stun duration nerf is one of the worst changes DBD has ever gone through.

    That is not true, Off the Record mutes you so it may be a deliberate decision of the killer not bothering with you since you have that perk. In which case, you are already getting value out of it.

    No, you're not, because you're not allowed to do anything to further your team's interests if you want to keep OTR. The moment you do -anything- to help the survivors, you lose OTR. You're a non-entity as long as you have OTR on, outside of bodyblocking, which is admittedly unfair to the killer.

    The only way I can see someone saying 100% that OTR was useless for them is if they died on the first hook, or never found the killer for the entirety of 80 seconds after getting unhooked.

    Or you got hit within 10 seconds of being unhooked, in which case OTR becomes blocked, ironically making tunnelling harder the counter to the anti-tunnelling perk.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Oh yes, the great streamers. Because we all know they have the ultimate wisdom, even when they are unable to take a changelog and understand it as a whole and not just complain about the individual parts of it.

    Streamers are also players, not game designers. In fact, they are worst than your average player as they have an audience that would simply repeat whatever they say no matter how wrong they are.

    I don't agree with what OP said, but using the "streamer council" to argue anything without taking in count if what they said is true or not is so funny.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    First only eruption got nuked (and only the annoying part at that) and while pr got nerfed overall (our opinion) it got a decent compensation for it.

    Second people would have used DH regardless of which change went through. The newest one at least gives a reason to go for the unhooked instead and protection against killers who wait out the base kit bt.

    Third, NEVER did we say it's ok. We just want it to happen less on ALL SIDES.

    Lastly you straight avoided our questions.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    Off the Record is better than the DS version which didn't deactivate when doing a conspicuous action. First, it can be used twice perk match, something DS never could, so if you wanted you could get rid of DS early and not have to deal with it for that survivor again. Second, you could slug survivors so counter DS, with OTR, you can't. Third, Off the Record has 20 more seconds, which does make a lot of difference.

    About that part which you said that you said that you have to do nothing to use OTR, that's simply not true. First, the endurance deactivates with a conspicuous action, the muting does not, which means that if the killer don't see you repairing a gen or doing something similar, they will still think that you have Off the Record and decide to ignore you. Not only that, but you can *still* make your time useful while within OTR's limitations, bodyblocking is just one of these actions. Getting yourself healed doesn't deactivate it, as long as it is not self healing. Also, you can interact with killer's powers, which is also being useful. Disarming Trapper's traps, removing a reverse bear trap, cleansing the vile purge, following a Ghostface to take him out of his power, solve the lament configuration, locking lockers when against a Dredge, waking survivors up against a Freddy, snapping out of madness, turning off Sadako's TVs and getting rid of condemnation, destroying Artist's crows, kicking Victor, using a vaccine or a spray, disarming drones and destroying upside down portals. For example, just yesterday I found a survivor who used Off the Record to activate my traps as a Hag, so even if she got hit, she would still have a free health state.

    The *only* counter to Off the Record is Save the Best for Last and the original pain add-on, other than that, it has no counter whatsoever.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited April 2023

    PR got a decent compensation for it? Are you real?

    Before, you needed to get lucky with Scourge Hook spawning, as if they all spawned in the same corner of the map, you are screwed. It was still useful because if you was lucky, you would get the effect everytime you hooked someone, so if you get downs fast you could use it reliably and have more chances for it to really do some slowdown.

    Now? You don't only need to be lucky with the hook placement, you would need to be lucky that when you first hook someone the max progressed gen is not just 4-5% done, as that would be a waste of the effect. And if you aren't lucky enough those 4 times then puff! Perk's gone, and you didn't get value from it.

    PR nerf was ok when all healing times was higher as the killer would get more downs and PR would become more oppressive, so it needed balance. But now that they reduced the healing again (because everybody repeat the mantra that altruistic healing wasn't a problem, yet not one person can explain or give a compelling argument of why it wasn't) PR depends so much in RNG that it would be almost useless no matter if it's strength is 15, 25 or 90%.

    Oh, and by the way, DH won't serve you in that situation for the simple reason that if you are getting tunneled on unhook the killer would simply have to hit you to trigger the basekit protection for you to not be able to use DH, as Deep Wound would make it to not protect you from the hit anymore. So it is just as before, but worst.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I agree completely. Those of us killers that have been here long enough have seen perks come and go. You need to adapt your gameplay every change some but there is always viable builds and winning strategy's. Corrupt and deadlock are still excellent passive slowdown. Add new pain rso and no way out and that should be more than enough time to do what you need to as killer.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    Decent as the gen with the most progress loses a Quarter of total progress now. Would you rather it be back to 15% per token? We don't like the nerf, but saying it didn't get something back would be lying. Add to the fact that you can CHOOSE if you want someone on that shiny hook, you have some (not alot admittedly) control over when you want it.

    For the healing speed thing (and this is opinion based like the rest) that 2 survivors healing each other for practically a gen's worth of time just plain wrong.

    ...not sure what your going on about for the 3rd paragraph so if please explain if you want us to think of a thought out answer.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363

    i remember watching a streamer get a 4k at like 3 gens remaining with a full endgame build and sarcastically complain "oh no, i didn't get to use any of my perks"

    this is that. if you're not getting any regression out of your scourge hook procs, there's a 98% chance its because survivors are doing nothing. the goal of the game is to get hooks and eventually kills, not to make gen progress disappear. you didn't get value out of scourge hooks because there was no gen progress? feel free to take a screenshot of the "merciless killer" end game screen, print it out, and wipe your tears with that.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited April 2023

    A quarter of total progress loss if the most progressed gen has a quarter of total progress in it to begin with the moment you hook a survivor for the first time. If while carrying the survivor to the hook they complete a gen an the next one has only 2% of progress in it, it would regress just a 2% of progress. And I would prefer if them just removed the "Scourge Hook" requirement from it so it would depend a little less on RNG instead of making it stronger, at least.

    And they could just keep the 24 altruistic seconds, buff CoH to 100% as they are doing, buff the medkits to go from 50 to 100% of healing also and they would have the same effect in terms of "altruistic healing being equal as self healing with a medkit is a problem because a streamer said so" as now healing someone with the best medkit would reward you with a healthy survivor and almost 21 charges in a gen instead of the 24 charges that would take the survivor to heal themselves, while still giving some breathing time to killers. But no, because people would still complain that they being equal is still a problem as someone, somewhere said so.

    And I think is simple to understand. Before, taking in count an scenario where the killer can get the unhooked survivor soon after being unhooked, if they decided to go after the unhooked survivor they would first have to deal with the basekit protection (Endurance + Haste) for 10 seconds, making the chase longer and almost impossible for the unhooker to not get DH, as for it to not being a "Safe Unhook" the unhooked survivor need to get downed again. From the wiki:

    For an unhook to be considered as such, the just unhooked Survivor must not enter the Dying State for the following 10 seconds.

    So, despite what people said, tunneling to denying DH was not a viable option unless you already planned to tunnel, so it wasn't an incentive to do it. Now? Now it would not only incentivice it, it is the best decision to make, as someone already with Deep Wound won't get the protection hit from DH. If you want to avoid the unhooked survivor to get it, you just need to trigger the basekit Endurance for him to get Deep Wound.

    In other words, DH would not help you in that situation as there is no way a killer that has you on his attack range would simply wait the 10 whole seconds so you can get to chose when you are protected of the hit by using DH. They would hit you to trigger basekit Endurance, and just keep chasing you like they would do anyways. In fact, this change would benefit killers than can camp reliably like Bubba the most.

    DH won't only not protect you from being tunneled , but now you would only get DH when survivors stop unhooking you with the killer 5 meters away of the hook... yeah, good luck with that. That's what happens when people complain of things they don't fully understand.

    Post edited by Batusalen on
  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    Tell me you don't play killer or use PR without telling me you don't play killer or use PR.

    Many times, when carrying the downed survivor to the Scourge Hook would just happen that survivors complete 1-2 gens just when you are going to hook, making the effect proc on the next gen with most charges that could be as low as 1%. This is something out of your control and that can happen at pure chance, not because survivor wasn't doing anything. Now it would be even worst as you only have 4 chances to "get a good hit", instead of everytime you would down someone (and RNGesus have blessed you with reachable scourge hook around the map).

    And as a killer that his main build has PR as his only regression perk right now, I can tell you there is a world between getting lucky with Scourge Hook placements or not. If you don't get as much Scourge Hooks as you can, you would not do any noticeable regression.

    Also, you saw 1 case and then all the cases are just like what that streamer lived. We all know that's how reality works.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    25% regression is quite a lot but they should increased the amount of scourge hooks 1 or 2. I will probably use pop with it.

    Dh is usable now twice so it's pretty big nerf especially when they can't use it in first chase. It could have more counters around pallets though survivors have managed drop pallet after I have baited it out sometimes.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    New DH is a huge buff compared to the PTB version.

    So killers were able to be excited for one week, because the PTB version of dead hard was a massive nerf that felt really impactful, but then dead hard got a huge un-nerf, and the new dead hard is a small nerf in comparison to what happened to Eruption, Call of Brine, and Overcharge.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,676

    Pre-6.1 DS was incredibly healthy for the game since it basically blocked a perk slot for survivors in exchange for blocking tunnelling for the killer and doing barely anything else. It took the spikes out of both sides and slowed trials down, which is what both sides are constantly begging for. The DS stun duration nerf is one of the worst changes DBD has ever gone through.

    I feel like this isn't talked about enough. I do agree with the conspicuous actions change and disabling DS during end game changes from the 6.1 patch, but the stun duration actually did what it was supposed to do before. (Which you seem to agree, too, just being thorough with the 6.1 changes)

    Killers used to consciously play around the perk and keep in mind that DS was a thing, which is exactly what a functional anti tunnel perk should be doing.

    Now tho, DS is basically an exhaustion reset button and killers don't even bat an eye. DS isn't the deterrent, the only threat is another potential Dead Hard (until the patch, where even this part goes away).

    It honestly feels like the reaction to DS now is a surprised 'wow, you wasted a perk slot for that' while downing the survivor again.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363

    my go-to, "I don't know what I feel like playing so I'll just throw something dependable on" build on basically everyone from nurse to pig has been lethal, floods, pain res, and a 4th flex slot (usually more aura reading like bitter murmur or BBQ but sometimes it's a chase perk like STBFL or bamboozle).

    I'm well aware of the problems that sometimes arise with hook placement and I think there should be a buff to all scourge hook perks that ensures a certain distance in between scourge hooks (thus ensuring they're not all grouped up on one side of the map)

    usually, I'm able to take pretty good advantage of pain res. occasionally a gen gets popped and I get outplayed that way, but I find that doesn't happen too frequently, especially when i take perks that help me start and end chases quickly. I find if I'm not getting value from the perk, more often than not it's the "playing too well for it to kick in" category rather than the other one.

    not sure what you're trying to say with your objection to my example with the streamer (maybe try rephrasing it if you want a response? but i felt it wasn't something that needed responding to in the first place, that was just an illustrative example of the mindset i was trying to describe - don't be salty if you're playing so well that you don't even need the perks you brought)

  • LollyGurl
    LollyGurl Member Posts: 49

    Honestly, both CoH and NtH will be staying on my build, when used together they rarely fail to tell me a survivor was hiding nearby, especially with CoH bypassing the Distortion NtH is blocked by.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited April 2023

    PR is least dependent on RNG out of all scourge hooks rn. Because it's the only one, that will give you full benefit no matter if you use it on 1st, 2nd or 3rd hook. Most other scourges get value only from 1st AND 2nd. Meaning effectively the RNG aspect is 1/2 for PR compared to other scourges.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    You are aware of the problems that PR has, but you made an argument without taking in count any of those problems... k.

    And you said it yourself, you have "perks that help start and end chase quickly", which give you more hooks, which give you more chances to get a "good hit" of PR in a gen with a lot of progress. That's why PR was still viable even if you depended on RNG for the hooks to be placed in good spots, because you can proc it everytime you hooked someone. Now, because you would only have 4 chances to remove progress from gens, if you hook for the first time a survivor and the most progressed gen only has 5% done in that moment, quarter of the perk wasted. Hook two survivors twice instead of doing 4 distributed hooks, and that's a lot of time the gens are progressing without any regression done. I think this is not that hard to understand, even more if you are using PR in most of your games.

    And my objection is simple: You saw one thing one time happening to one person, and you really believe is a good example to use to make a point like "If you are unable to get value of a perk based on RNG is because you either doing good or survivors bad" like there is no other possible scenario or outcome where the perk would be useless but you really needed it to do it's thing.

    And it is funny to me that you accuse me of "being salty for playing well" when it's you who use that specific case to make a point that has nothing to do with what is being discussed. But you do you, man.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    "Full benefit" when it could not do even a fraction of it's full regression depending on the moment you use it? Are you sure about that?

    But alright, I will play: What other Scourge Hook perk of the 4 is more dependent on RNG than PR and why being useful in 3º hook have anything to do with RNG? Put me an example and explain me why. Here, so you don't even have to look for the perks:

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    the 100% coh might be a bit of an issue, but other than that killer's shouldn't be the ones to leave just because of this update. there is no crazy self heals anymore and dh is gone (pretty much)

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"First only eruption got nuked (and only the annoying part at that) and while pr got nerfed overall (our opinion) it got a decent compensation for it."

    That's not a valid opinion for people who play killer often vs good players. Everyone I know and the big streamers share the opinion that those perks are dead.

    From 6.1 to now these killer perks got nuked : Eruption, PR, Pop, Ruin.

    -"Second people would have used DH regardless of which change went through. "

    My friends who play at comp level in bully squads had already started planning builds w/o DH. The previous plan where you had to unhook someone would have killed it- and rightly so.

    "-Third, NEVER did we say it's ok. We just want it to happen less on ALL SIDES."

    You're not giving the impression you are a centrist considering you think this change to PR is a buff.

    -"Lastly you straight avoided our questions."

    What question do you feel I avoided that was worth mentioning?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363

    despite those problems the perk is still good. i didn't take those problems into account because the scenarios where it's good and the scenarios in which it goes unused because you're overperforming and don't need it far outweigh the amount of time you're getting outplayed while running it.

    i think you're fundamentally misunderstanding why i brought up the streamer. i'm not using them as an argument, i'm using them as an analogy. i'm saying complaining about not getting value from pain res is analagous to complaining about not getting value from endgame perks, because in my experience, a vast majority of the time the reason you aren't getting value, at least in my experience, is because you're winning too hard for them to matter.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"25% regression is quite a lot but they should increased the amount of scourge hooks 1 or 2. I will probably use pop with it."

    The problem is that in a vacuum yea 25% is a lot. But what kind of progress do you get with Hyperfocus and a BNP with max stacks of stakeout? Oh right that's a hell of a lot more.

    -"Dh is usable now twice so it's pretty big nerf especially when they can't use it in first chase"

    Actually I think you've come up with the most fair solution : Make DH be something you can only use twice per game and you must be unhooked or unhook someone to unlock those charges.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited April 2023

    Of course. That's why you, again, said "because you're overperforming" when again, there are many times when you won't get value from it precisely because gens are getting done fast and just in the moment you are going to hook the most progressed gen gets done. That among all the possible outcomes that luck and pure RNG could make you have while using it that isn't "I didn't have the chance to get value from it because I'm destroying the survivors this match".

    If there is two gens left, you are about to hook for the first time a survivor after getting two hooks in other two survivors (5 total) and just before you do it one gen is completed and the other 3 gens don't have any progress in it, you didn't get value from the perk because you are doing so good and are in such a good place having 4 survivors alive with just 1 gen left to go that you won't need it! My false equivalency fallacy says so!

    Again, whatever makes you sleep better at night, man. I'm not going to argue against the same illogical point over and over again.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    It's very simple. Take single survivor (as other survivors are the same thing - so ypu can simplify). To get full proc out of PR, you had to be able to 3x get that person to hook. For any other scourge, the debuff was applied on unhook, so each of those could proc at most 2x. Now for new PR, you get full 25% regression no matter if you are able to get that person on 1st, 2nd or even 3rd hook. Any one of those 3 instances will give you full benefit. Meaning you have 3 tries instead of having to get correct hook 3x in a row. This is quite a benefit from RNG-wise to get scourges.

    Sure. Overall new PR is weaker then old PR, because potential and attainable 45% is more then "easy" 25%. But again. The chance to get full value is definitely higher with new PR then it is right now and the difference is substantial. The only real limiting RNG factor is no longer on having scourge hook at all, but more in line of what you have already said - if there's non-blocked gen that has at least 25%. This might not be so, but it's very likely that at the beginning during your first chase this will almost always be true.

  • VoidOfMe
    VoidOfMe Member Posts: 416

    "Killer mains complain about the PTB changes"

    "BHV revert the changes using their feedback"

    Killer mains from the forums: "SNIF SNIF BHV HATES KILLERS"

    "I post killer mains that stream that agree with the changes"

    Killer mains from the forum: "OH YES, THE GREAT STREAMERS..."


  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    So if you got 4 PR in that game and them then making it require unique survivors would be 2 then that's making you go from 4 to 3.3(60% vs 50%). Sure that's a nerf, but barely one. You only have to go out of your way twice compared to 4 times and you get 4 PR procs of value still but the 4th one is 5% instead of 15%. You could also still run agi and front load that regression where you getting 4 hooks is equal to 6.6 PR procs which is massive for your early/mid game.

    I don't see a good reason DH would be worth using over other exhaustions. You're not wrong but the nerf makes it look like the perk will not be worth running anymore. In that case I don't care how the nerf looks if I see it much less.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    Eh, I would say it's a slight buff compared to the PTB version (it's still conditional, you don't get unlimited uses, which is going to turn a lot of people off of it), and still a heavy nerf compared to what it was. In fact, now that you can use it only after being unhooked, you'll get at most two uses per match (unless I'm misunderstanding something).

    And it was already a shell of what it was a year ago.

    Is it it a little frustrating that they just don't kill it like they have so many other perks? Absolutely. I'd be fine if they just deleted the damned thing because six+ years of being omnipresent is just enough already.

    But in its current form, it's not even the strongest exhaustion perk. I still think Sprint Burst and Lithe (and probably BL) will overtake it in pick rate.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    "That's not a valid opinion for people who play killer often vs good players. Everyone I know and the big streamers share the opinion that those perks are dead."

    And thats their OPINION . Can it be used? Yes. Can it work against your opponents effectively? Yes. Is everyone gona have the same opinion? Not a chance in hell.

    Lets decide on a definition of "Nuked" before we go on with this otherwise its gona be you say vs us say. We say nuked is "Becomes practially useless [give too little value for the effort] to detrimental [actively helps the opponent or help not at all] to run in an average game". By this definition we would only consider Ruin truly nuked. Each has been hit with the nerf hammer but are still usable and practical enough to run (PR needs testing before we're gona call it.)

    "My friends who play at comp level in bully squads had already started planning builds w/o DH. The previous plan where you had to unhook someone would have killed it- and rightly so."

    Your friends are not the only ones here playing mate. There would still be people to run it no mater what you and your friends do. Why it even maters is beyond us.

    "You're not giving the impression you are a centrist considering you think this change to PR is a buff."

    Overall its a nerf, but its a buff from 15% with 4 tokens. Mayhapse we wern't clear so that may be on us.

    "What question do you feel I avoided that was worth mentioning?"

    How pray tell do you get SB distance if they failed? How do they get it on first chase without SB itself? How do they get it if legion frenzy stabs them? Admittedly it was abit venting at all the nonsense combined with an annoying day but we would realllly like to know.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,685

    In the original PTB version, people that equip dead hard might get 0 activations from it, if they didn't safe unhook anyone. In the newer version, every survivor that equips dead hard gets 2 activations for free.

    In fact, in the original PTB version, there were many people that got zero activations the entire match. Maybe the survivors always got hooked on the opposite side of the map, and someone else got the unhook before the DH user. Maybe it's a game where one of the survivors is trying so much to get unhooks, that the DH user doesn't get any unhooks. Maybe the DH user is injured, and doesn't feel comfortable trying to go for unhooks. There are many reasons why a survivor might not get a chance to unhook other survivors, especially in solo q.

    The result is that many survivors on the original PTB might equip DH and get 0 activations, because they didn't earn any. And a perk that might get 0 activations has a very high chance of being dropped from the meta, after survivors realize they might get 0 activations per game.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"Can it work against your opponents effectively? Yes"

    Will it work well against efficient survivors regularly? No.

    -"Lets decide on a definition of "Nuked" before we go on"

    We already agree on the definition of Nuked. What we dont agree on is which perks got Nuked. Pop has been Nuked.

    Pop went from ~33% usage or more to 6% usage. That's a nuke.

    Iron Will went from ~20-30% usage to 4.5% usage. That's a nuke.

    Eruption is down to 6% which is once again a Nuke because they intended this to become a meta perk. It should be having a ~30% usage with the "buff" it got recently. Lol.

    Right now PR is looking at 23% usage and that's going to get nuked when the patch hits.

    "Overall its a nerf [to PR]"

    Thank you for being honest.

    "How pray tell do you get SB distance if they failed? How do they get it on first chase without SB itself? How do they get it if legion frenzy stabs them? "

    You get distance on SB because you pre-ran or because you were holding it at 99%. That's how you use that perk most effectively.

    Legion is a pretty stupid killer because much like plague it doesn't matter if you are hurt. Both killers suck at getting the second hit.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    Yes, it can. You or me being able to may be different, but being completely unable to is false.

    You didn't give a definition at all. You just went and pulled numbers. Which went down because people found toys they liked more after they got nerfed. Your insinuating that if the usage numbers dropped significant it got nuked correct?

    That sounds condescending all things considered over us not being clear with wording but your welcome?


    "DH is stronger now than the old "DH for distance" because you get sprint burst distance on demand."

    We were referring to THIS specifically with those questions

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"That sounds condescending all things considered over us not being clear with wording"

    I didn't mean to be rude. I just think we can both agree that perks that went from 30 to 6% or lower usage is a very clear indication of "nuked". When they change a perk with the intention of making it a meta perk and then it gets 6% usage - that's an indication the perk sucks.

    -"DH is stronger now than the old "DH for distance" because you get sprint burst distance on demand."

    I still stand by this quote. DH now is better/stronger for the top 5% of players than the old DH was for most players.

    DH in its current form lets you loop throw a pallet and then take a hit - letting you go to a new loop. If the terrain is great you can run 2-3 loops and waste all the pallets. When you're about to get hit you use DH. This last part is the key here because you get the endurance twice.

    What if you only get endurance once per "down". In other words if you were hurt and used DH you could get the endurance - but if you were healthy you would only get the endurance the first time and get no speed boost from using DH (just the distance from killer recovery)

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    Multiple perks can be wasted. DH, SB, Pop, Blast mine, head on, heck even old PR as we've had your scenario happen before. As we've said before killers can chose (little but its there) when to try and apply that 25% and now we got to be smarter about it when playing killer.

    Fair enough to your own thoughts on the healing but we still think the medkits needed changed and not overall healing.

    We saw "Tunneling to prevent DH" more as "Tunneling to prevent this survivor from getting DH" as they needed to save others to activate it. This gave killers a reason to go for the unhooked as it was guaranteed they didnt have DH active (atleast for the first one). Currently going for the unhooker is the same thing instead of the unhooked.

    In your scenario it wouldn't matter which survivor you went for at the start though we feel your correct that it would encourage tunneling later in the match. Either you hit the unhooked through bt and keep going (as an aside, we've had killers, ourself included, wait out basekit protection if they want a survivor bad enough) or go for the unhooker and no DH for them assuming its not someone already hooked. When your scenario happens.

    If survivors are unhooking 5 meters from the killer, then they are either new, trolls, or desperate. Even in solos we often get people who know how to safely save.

    We don't realy see it benefiting bubba though as he really cant be countered camping if the player has a brain. It buffs camping, but dont think it even maters to bubba.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,866

    We would consider that people using "stronger" things. They're not as effective as before, thats a given, but they aren't really nerfed to the point of uselessness (some exceptions ofcourse like Ruin). People want to use the best for their wants, if the current best toy gets nerfed they move on. However, if thats your definition of "nuked" then very well.

    We also believe the intention was they (the devs? higher ups?) wanted to not make it a meta perk anymore when changing it. They want it used less, which to be fair to them they usually get when they "nuke" things unfortunately.

    Fair enough, to each their own.