TOFFU Member Posts: 116
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

- 40 sec chase with 8 sec heal still a thing

- 30 sec gens still a thing

- all hex perks dead

- all gen regress perks dead

- body block bully etc still a thing

- more camp tunnel ( bec why i should go and pressure/kick gens if it gives me nothing )

- swf still rules the game

- voice chat.exe discord.exe hud exe still feels like cheating

- dh still a thing ( and even if not . easy to replace )

- I cant even make a build for killer bec 90% perks now trash or countered just by didcord.exe ( like DMS for example )

- game still balanced around cryinng skill issue survs ( gqme cant be balanced around noobs because the noobility line just goes down every time untill moment survs get the flying getpack and still will cry )

"Ouuu my teammates are bad" - so learn the game mmr will rise and you will feel surv power. Or get discord.exe legal cheating

PLAYING BETTER as KILLER result in higher mmr and more and more unfair games and swf bully where you cant do nothing abd stay afk bec its horrible to play with 30 sec gens without BNP even....

PLAYING BETTER as SURV result in higher mmr with better team more easy walk in park games....


" Ouu but 60% winrate " - first its killrate and not winrate....second by this obviously wrong statistics Nurse is worst Mb buff her? Or survs can only say for killrates when they need it. ....

Casuals and noobs which go cry on forum instead of rising skill killing every game....

For those who say killer still issue - its not sbout skill its about how unfair survs are to killer even heaving ability to compliyely ignore perks or stealth etc by side programm....

Post edited by Rizzo on


    TOFFU Member Posts: 116

    Game is balanced around bad skill / new survs due to fact that new players are main money income....resulting in unfair gameplay mid to high

    But devs forget that even if survs are main money ... The killers are reason ppl come to game and hyped at start

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 508

    The game is massively survivor sided and cant be balanced when 80% of the players are looking out for the side they play. Every time a patch even remotely favours killers the toys are out the pram till they get their own way.

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116

    At least fix unfair things like insta heals...voicechat.exe.....swf...genspeed.....hex vs boons....etc

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116

    And for GOD SAKE

    Why killer cant destroy boon..


  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    just tunnel and camp

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  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    SWF and discord aren't going anywhere. Lots of people want to play with their friends, no possible way to prove they aren't on voice chat.

    Bully squads aren't going anywhere. As long as survivors have some means to slow down the killer there will be teams who play that way.

    8 second heal is much less likely to pull off now and absolutely requires a teammate.

    gqme cant be balanced around noobs because the noobility line just goes down every time untill moment survs get the flying getpack and still will cry 

    Are you upset about SWFs or low tier MMR?


    Okay, don't. If you aren't enjoying it don't play killer.


    Survivors have been saying they want three general things addressed - 3 gens, facecamping, tunneling. They partially got the first one, we'll see if the dedicated 3 genners can still hold. Killers have complained about self heals, DH, BNP, and CoH. Self heals weaker, DH loses at least a third of its value (likely more as its first use on an early game chase is most powerful) and CoH was a nerf and a buff (overall nerf). BNPs are still around and likely will be next on the nerf list as their one reason for existing, to break a 3 gen, isn't really valid anymore.

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  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
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  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    Why? If higher MMR killers dodge swfs then all low and mid-MMR solo survivors will end up getting these killers who will steamroll them. How is that fair and not putting others at a disadvantage?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Then at least let me know when I'm against a SWF lobby so I can dodge it.

    Yeah, that's never going to happen. At best, BHVR might consider allowing people to know whether they hit a SWF in the endgame, and they've already shot that idea down on the forum.

    I'm 100% soloQ and see your point, but its not going anywhere.

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  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    why are you still playing? Do like i did: UNISTALL THE GAME. It's not worth our time, especially in this sorry state (you'll also feel MUCH better knowing that you have more time to dedicate to other things/games). If they want to have bot killers then so be it, they will have fun to beat those killers and pressing m1 on generators all the time i guess...

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  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    it's not cheating for them because they'll gain money from them, otherwise it easily could be since that "feature" will essencially nullify certain perks that killer have based on terror radious/stealth... it's a blatant fact that can't be denied that SWF have more chances to win that solo queue survivors... BEhavior on that regard have double standards when things involves money...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196
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  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    Agreed. I get their argument on keeping MMR secret, but it would be nice to know the frequency of either hitting SWFs or playing with them as a soloQ.

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  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    I don't trust the matchmaker very much, however, the only thing MMR has been decent at is keeping new players away from veterans.

    However, what you are saying is that you would INTENTIONALLY screw with it in order to find an easier game and sentence someone else to get backfilled into a game they probably shouldn't have been in. Do you want 5 hour Killers playing against 2K hour teams? Because that's exactly how you get that.

    You are using SWF as an excuse. I can give you tips as Killer to improve and deal with better players, but something tells me you aren't interested.

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  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Pretty much everything you've said has been something all experienced Killer players go through until they realize it doesn't really matter.

    Either you become bitter and turn into an angry Killer main who hates Survivors


    You realize you just need to be better and win anyways. It took me a while, but that's what I did. There's so many things in this game that aren't fair. That's rather the nature of asymmetrical games, I wouldn't get hung up on one.

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2023

    No you cant. Nobody will ever take it.

    This must be baseline

    Why surv dont need to take perk for totems then huh?

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  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    You asked for a solution.

    I gave you one.

    You just don't like it.

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2023

    Give me a tip how to use pain res dms vs hud and discord

    Give me a tip how to use stealth vs discord and fog of wise swf abuse

    Give me a tip how to stop 30 sec gens without new parts while you run other side of map at start ...and no corrupt not helping

    Give tip how to beat God pallets

    Give me tip how to pressure gens while i have no regress perks left with 40 sec chases and 8 sec heals

    Give me tip how to use pinhead when survs making 30 sec gens ignoring active chain hunt

    Give me tip how to tunnel when all others bodyblock coordinating dh cooldowns

    Give me tip how to use hex vs discord when all know from start where hexes are


    I like when survs call things like Discord giving you allmost all surv aura perks without occupying a perk slot...a skill killer issue....

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    You say this like its 1 sided. Both sides do this. And there are only a handful of people on this forum that are actually objective and can take a step back from 'their side' and look at everything from a neutral stance, b/c they care about the game.

    You can preach this 'survivors cry till they get their own way' all you want in your mind and on the forums but the fact is, both sides do this (including you right now) but I guess ignorance is bliss for you and others. Keep doin you, you're def objective and def not biased at all.

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Instant heals were nerfed a long time ago. There used to be two of them and they were LITERALLY instant. Gen speeds have been nerfed multiple times. They upped the time it takes from 80-90 seconds, toolboxes were massively nerfed a ways back, Brand New Parts were nerfed a long time ago. All boons are trash come patch where things like Devour Hope is still incredibly powerful, that's why it's such a risky perk. A good spawn point all but guarantees it wins the game, where a bad one will merely waste a survivor's time to break it.

    You should go back and see how the game was several years ago before you talk about this stuff. Back when there were two to three times the number of pallets, literal infinite loops, literally instant heals where a button push healed a health state instantly, Decisive Strike where you'd pick up the survivor and just get stabbed in the neck a couple seconds later, pretty much guaranteeing you need to down them four times... Let's just say you don't seem to understand just how easy killer is now compared to what it was before.

    Aside from a handful of ridiculously overpowered things like no-hook mori's and the like, the power balance has drastically skewed towards the killer side of the coin from where it was initially. I don't necessarily think balance is possible (or even desirable) with how wildly varied the builds people use can be. (like no addon M1 killer vs full sweat squad of 16 meta perks, 4 good items with addons, etc) But don't talk like the game isn't the easiest for killer that it's ever been.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Anyone saying that people playing with friends are cheating for a competitive advantage is way too sweaty and bitter. Most SWF's are just people of varying skill levels playing a game with their friends. Bully Squads are definitely a thing but they are probably the smallest sub-group on the game and no serious person is gonna defend how they treat killer players.

    I sympathise with anyone who has the game's mechanics used to intentionally grief them, whether that be bully squads stun locking the killer for 30 minutes straight or a new survivor getting face camped out of the game before they get to play or even learn anything. But if the game's balance is so bad that it results in you making hysterical posts about how the other side gets to win for free and your side is always being mistreated, then you should definitely leave and play something else. There's no need for you to stick around and fight to make the game better for everyone (It's just a game and the world will be on fire in a decade or two, so who cares).

    Just leave and try to enjoy something else.

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  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    PR will still damage the gen. You use your game sense as Killer and patrol gens, if they stick on it, you get a hit and DMS blocks it. If they run early, DMS blocks it.

    I don't believe Fogwise shows Undetectable Killers.

    30 second gens should only be possible under extreme circumstances with Hyperfocus and a good toolbox. Otherwise, it's people stacking on gens, which is good for you as a Killer.

    Force them to drop the pallet, break it and leave. Boom, now there's a dead zone.

    You have regression perks. You should not have forty second chases and the heals will be 16 seconds in CoH since two Survivors need to invest the time to go there.

    Survivors cannot do gens in 30 seconds during Chain Hunt.

    You...don't swing into DH?

    Use Haunted Grounds.

    Half of these things I believe are exaggerations, one is just not true and the rest are kinda easy tips to give.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687

    If it was unintended, why did the devs add SWF in the first place?

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  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,687
  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    More time doesnt mean you're good, I have 2500h and still not good.

    I had a night few days ago play for 3 matches and 2 were Nurse, 1 was Pinky finger Clown. Way far unfair for me, I still play, accept defeat and move on.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Funny thing is, SWFs have 15% higher escape rate than Solo. IF SWFs are removed, what happens next you can guess.

    -> Kill rate greatly increased -> Lead to further Killer nerfs.

    Currently you're in a perfect spot for Killers for all time, where you can decide to play chill and keep dominating mid MMR with 10 hooks and 2 kills, or you sweating to get equal kill rate with 2-3 hooks against high MMR

    Devs already said: no matter how you play, it would work half the time.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,105

    Stop playing killer. Honestly, go survivor, take a flashlight and have fun. If your team is not repairing you can suicide on hook and give the victory to the killer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I said it in another thread and I say it again:

    One of us, one of us, one of us...

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116

    I am tired of this....survs just used to have abnormal things...

    Swf ...its ok and good to play with friends...

    Its not ok when it gives you unfair advantage....

    In other games this coordination improves...

    But only in dbd swf voice comm allow you to completely ignore game mechanics and killer perks.....

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Do you have any tips for Billy and Oni. Controlling them on console doesn't feel rewarding

    TOFFU Member Posts: 116
    edited April 2023

    As i said playing killer will lead you top higher mmr where swf i have 9/10 games making game totally unfair and not fun matter sweat or not....

    And please stop saying things like ...some swf or some survs play for fun and loose, or that you have 4k meaning game is ok.....its not smart to say it.....

    You dont say in cs go that your team have skill issue loosing to wallhacker( same power lvl as swf dbd )

    You dont cry in cs go that you died first - ouh you tunneled me with awp omg ...please nerf awp.... But your team wins....

    So why i should be ok feeling when loosing in unfair games vs Swf and other stuff in dbd just because survs who dont want to learn game and play good are easy to beat??

    Thats all

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