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Why DBD's upcoming movie will start with "in the memory off..." 🀭

Shnicel Member Posts: 19

Please make survivors louder when they are injured... running too please. Sometimes I can't locate them correctly. Actually killer instinct would be great whenever survivor is injured. Bonus as with healing nerf they will allways be injured 🀣 And to be fair why survivors can 360, but we can't?

I think that you should consider increasing blights, billys, nurses, spirits, weskers ect. speed too, because now without DH survivors would be able to run 1km until I reach them. 3D sound only on survivors location is perfect, lets leave killers sound as it is...2D. Gearhead changes are not what I expected - if only you could please increase amount of skillcheks appearing in general for survs? 😊 No need to increase distortion tokens - 3 are enough for them. Survivors can use Iron Will for stealth instead. Or just heal with selfcare for that matter.

I am ShOcKeD - Survivors still can blind zombies? #ZOMBIELIVESMATTER When everyone else got flashlight immunity. Survs don't deserve neither to DH through my babies, neither to blind them (they are already blind). Please BHVR do something about this.

Can you please already accept changes(in your little plan books) to nerf WOO, sprintburst and that pallet pulling up perk? As that will be new meta because previous one/ones is/are nerfed. I know you have special love to metas BHVR. And for those in concern - no, those perks are not counters to something, survivors don't need to counter anything in DBD.

Have you BHVR heard? Some survivors proved that Fearmonger is few seconds longer as written in perk? Please don't fix timer, easier to fix text in perk :) And lil bonus for us - killermains πŸ€—

P.S. I think we are on a right path to see survivor auras more and more and removing survivor stealth options :) This will improve my personal average killrate to 80% by the way. Pretty please to make more aura reveals to killers 😊 Because they blind me too much with their toxic flashlights.

P.P.S.S. New skillcheck system is great. It should be implied on regular skillcheks. Who missed that got hard penalty by becoming exposed πŸ€— And aswell as on exit gates so that they can't cancel animation (or puzzle or whatever it is) so I atleast can get my survivor grab to complete challanges :)

Looking forward to have fun in dbd :) Can't wait to get home and try all these new features!


  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Low quality bait. This is like trying to lure a cartoon drunk with Pabst Blue Ribbon.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    In memory of mourice, may god bless his soul

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
  • Shnicel
    Shnicel Member Posts: 19

    OMG πŸ˜‚ do we even play same game? I guess not.

    For those who's brains are still not calculating πŸ˜‚ First step - check if an update is missing. (JOKE)

    The post is about DBD survivor life. Years of nerfing, including nowhere mentioned surv basekit nerfs that shadowbuffed killer gameplay quality, about neverending "lets nerf this now", "and now we killers don't like this one". This will never end...even after avg killrate was "ballanced"(40surv:60killers πŸ˜‚) and all its related changes. These infinite nerfs and decreasing or problematic game quality for survs including game code for everyone, will continue... till the game dies....either by survivors quitting or BHVR waking up and starting to think and care.

    Most survs I know make these jokes for a long time already...about these little, practically unnoticable things in DBD, but who are there and make difference...and ofcourse "normal" changes that lately are chosen by repeat or random functionsπŸ˜‚

    I am surprised every comment I got, I got from completely clueless players. GG I guessπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Now I see why game is where it is. When all suggested changes are taken from this forum πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and not analysed

    p.s. if u believe BHVR informs us about every change in the game - sorry to break it to u, but NO πŸ₯² Nor they care about game in general. They shifted DBD from "hell playing Killer" to "hell playing surv" in one moment. EZ 🀣 its fixed I go eat my shnicel. Byeeee

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,461


  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    edited April 2023


    My brain attempting to understand this:

    Edit: I believe I have a basic understanding of what he's saying

    Killer OP, Survivor got nerfed too much, Nerf killer, Survs get shadow nerfed always, Killer so entitled. He was speaking in a sarcastic sense at the start, but everything was so spammed full of emojis it was confusing.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,357

    i'm gonna be honest bruv, you're being a mite bit too hamfisted with the satire here. good satire has the subtlety of a sledgehammer and the precision of a surgeon's scapel, you've got the first part right but you're about as precise as a drunk chimpanzee with a jigsaw