90% of solo survivor games are decided in the matchmaking which is WHY people DC out of frustration

9 out of 10 games I can tell how they are going to go within the first minute of the game.

I'm either matched with competent survivors which can loop for more than one minute without going down to a M1 killer or i'm matched with a team that play like they've just installed DBD, hide behind rocks, refuse to do gens etc and I know it's going to be a waste of my time.

Add this affect to frustrating matches like coming up against try hard blights, nurses ETC and you can see why people disconnect when they're just thinking "here we go again" i'd like to point out that this isn't defending people who DC but to understand why...

One of the biggest issues in the game is the matchmaking is so hit and miss that unless you're with a SWF group the game has got a good chance of being awful, Because most killers only play solo groups they get used to a stomp of a 4k and those few times they come against good SWF teams they scream imbalance because they hardly practice against them.

Personally i'm beyond sick of being matched with survivors that have no idea what so ever what they are doing making the game pointless, what is the MMR system doing? is there even one being used now because it doesn't seem like it.


  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    exactly this, either survivor sided or killer sided the games rarely have a middle ground. Yet we have people complaining that the game is imbalanced either way etc etc. If the matchmaking actually matched you with people your own skill level then we could actually find out if the game is balanced but most people just complain straight away even though they're not getting the practice vs their level.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    nah i'm done with this damn matchmaking too trust me all good players STOP PLAYING SOLO Q! only plays swf! bhvr won't do it because they have no idea about their own game...

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    Personally i'm beyond sick of being matched with survivors that have no idea what so ever what they are doing making the game pointless, what is the MMR system doing? is there even one being used now because it doesn't seem like it.

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