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What happend to my Turkey Dredge ? I cant Play him anymore

xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

Im a Dredge Main and Its so frustrating

Before Dredge got killswitched i hv won most of the Games whit him since his release i always got a 3 or 4k but since the Killswitch a month ago i cant get more then 1k or 2 Hooks even against Trash Survivors

What is this ? Got he shadownerfed whit the Killswitch ? I mean i wouldnt be Surprised since some Survivors complained about him and whit the latest PTB Update we know Survivors always got what they want i mean Clown is getting nerfed

Or is he bugged ? because it really feels like since the Killswitch Gens are much faster when night Fall activate

Any1 Else who plays alot Dredge have this Problem ?

I just want to know what happend whit him he is the only Killer where i hv this Problem

Also plz fix the Locker Spawn
