This is unbelievable how this game has became survivor sided

fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

Cant yall see how unbalanced this is ? survivors dont even need to be good anymore to win game. They dont even loop anymore , they just run from a one palet to another ??? by the time you break half the palets in the game to be able to start real chases. well youre lucky if you lost only 3 gens. not to mentions how ridiculosly fast gens go. yet you still go further and nerf even more gen regression perks ?? and buff survivors perks to rush gens even faster. so imagine playing againt a swf , you simply dont stand a chance vs a well coordinated team efficient on gens. no matter how good or bad you are if you dont down someone in the first 20 sec of a game you most likely will lose 1-2 gens. Then every survivors rant if you tunnel someone out ? i mean yall dont feel bad for rushing gens ? why should we feel bad for tunneling someone out of the game when its becoming pretty much the only way to stand a chance vs a swf. If you happen to play vs solo survivors , all they do is run into dead zone constaly reseting by healing into COH. Remember you need to hook them 12 times to kill everyone wich is a lot harder and longer than rushing 5 gens. it really feels like this game is balanced around playing agaisnt solo queues. wich game tune their game for starting players and not the end game. Im now even talking about how big the maps are and how impossible it is to protect gens. the only option we had to hold gens was to cover a 3 gens set up , but even there you need regression perk to even be able to hold 3. im sorry i rarely post to rant , but this is getting ridiculous. yes im killer main , and yes im starting to think about quitting. Where the fun ? and if youre survivor main and cant even realise how unfair this is becoming well too bad for you youll lose too in the end when every killer main is gonna be gone for good !

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 537

    How many hours do you have playing killer? What killer were you playing and what map were you on?

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    idk how to check my hours on console. I play myers, ghostface, pig , nemesis having fun here and there with the others but mostly those.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    im sorry i cant agree on that. ive been playing for 2 years and yet i see a real difference from 2 year prior. either that its on killers perks tool etc or survivor side. and i see a real difference on the type of players winning game. i use to lose only to good loopers good team , now its easily noticable that ven players unable to to loop just holding w from one pallet to another ? nah man most survivors arnt good and win game so easily nowadays ! gens goes way too fast there way too many ways to counter killers. ( maps / palets/ gen rushing/ dead hards / healing / body blocks / sabo/ rescue ) if you cant aknowledge that killers have to sweat every single game to even stand a chance compare to survivors ? your either blindfolded and live in deny

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    Only what i can read is "I need a break from DBD".

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    i did mention a lot of things deficient. like healing , gens completion speed, slowing down generator speed would encourage killers to stop tunelling. they tunnel only because they relly on this to win not because they enjoy it. nerfing even more perk regression is going to push this problem even further.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,561
    edited April 2023

    remember the times where killers were complaining surv is so easy, looping=running around in circles doesn’t require skill at all etc? Or gens being each 10 sec less? Old BNPs?

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    I'm starting to feel that some fellow killers are on the verge of a mental breakdown 😑

    Yeah, gens are flying way too fast, but to say that survs don't have to be good to win is a bit much. If you struggle with palets there are at least 4 perks that could help you. You could take Enduring and Brutal Strength, palets won't mean much then. Or you can play Wesker/Legion. You can also bring a combination of Deadlock and Merciless Storm to slow down gens. Both perk are passive, they should buy you some time in your first chase.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Ive been maining killer since 2018 and have roughly 5.6k hours, and yes even 2 years ago the game has gotten easier for killer

    Just think, exactly 2 years ago the most recent killer was Trickster (who Ive been maining basically since) and the meta back then consisted of Ruin/Tinkerer/Undying/Corrupt. A meta that was heavily reliant on RNG and hoping your totems would last long enough to provide any real value.

    Survivor meta was also much better, DS got its first nerf since 2019 at this point, base gen speeds were faster, and one of the strongest Survivor perks still remained, being DH.

    You also had a pretty big balance patch which ridded of one of the most frustrating and unbalanced thing in the game, being Hatch spawning even if multiple Survivors were in the game. Sure CoH did get added as well, but it was quickly nerfed (twice) and after the 2nd time it became the most over rated Survivor perk in the game, even moreso than Prove Thyself.

    End of 2021 also brought us one of the strongest killers who has barely been touched since her release, and she brought a perk that is and still will be meta, being Pain Res.

    2022 was also a great year for killer, and all I have to say is 6.1.0 .

    All of this is just the last 2 years, and thats VERY tame compared to the amount of changes killers and survivors received.

    Im not blind, nor am I in denial. I just look at the facts and base my opinions based on my own experiences.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    i cant agree on that. ive started playing killer getting destroyed by extremely good survivors i was basicly getting bullied. since they buffed gens speed, it has completly changed not the mention the coh meta. over the years ive became better , not the other way around ? and it has became harder and harder to win games. the maps has changed , the perks has changed favoring survivors way too much. to an extent where even players holding W can destroy you in a 4min match ! yes you heard it complete 4 gens in 4 mins

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Buffed gen speeds??? the only changes related to gens in recent years have only been nerfs

    They reduced Survivor efficiency for coop repairs roughly 2 years ago, and increased the amount charges required to repair a gen from 80 to 90 in 6.1.0

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    you dotn get the point bro ! i do agree that you can build around palet. but you did agree that gens were going way too fast , wich is forcing you into playing a gen regression speed. the palet arnt a problem on itself but combined with the speed gens are going they are only giving so much times for the other 3 to complete gens ? i mean with 3 dozens of palets in each maps. you get the point

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    nerfing a regression perk is buffing gen speed. corruped intervention has been nerfed , pop goes , eruption , hex ruin, and now coming call of brine PR. They have been continously tried to push killers away from regression perks, if thats not a buff to gens speed idk what you call that man

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    M1 killers often feel hopeless against good teams / efficient survivors, that's how the game is designed ATM. Have to sweat to get results.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2023

    yep ! they are the killers i enjoy the most but they are wayy too weak in the current state and its only gonna be even worse with less gen protection

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    If you think killer is weak now, you're welcome to go back to launch day DBD, where hook sabotages were permanent and trapper could have his traps disabled forever. Not to mention that survivors could infinitely loop you in about any map.

    Compared to many, I don't miss old DBD. Maybe I miss the looks, but the gameplay? Absolutely not.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Shoot, even 99ing hooks, double pallets, vacuum pallets, actual infinites. And that's not even half. Old dbd was wild

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,466

    Actual insta heals, 1-hook moris, dribbling survs to negate DS, beefier BNP, having a commodious toolbox last three days, BT on the unhooker too. Those were the days...

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,466

    If you're on Xbox the hours played is displayed on the club pages for DBD, under game progression I think. Haven't looked at it in a while.

    Playstation must have something similar.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,178

    100% true. Infinites used to be a thing, 60 second ds that never went away used to be a thing, dead hard was significantly stronger, insta blind, vacuum, etc. Survivors have been getting many many nerfs(deservedly in many cases imo) for years

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    2018 and 2019 alone were huge in terms of balance changes.

    HEAVY reduction in pallets, nerf to healing, removal of pallet vacuums, removal of insta heals, removal of strong windows, etc.

    The game truly has come a long way, the only problem is theyre taking their sweet time

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Ok, but have you ever stop to consider the reason why these perks have been nerfed is because of the nerf to gen speeds???

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    Well, i play both sides 50/50 and i dont think its survivor sided at all. But i only play solo queue, and as killer, i usually destroy solo queue. SWF is the problem here imo, but it always have been. Doesnt mean the game is survivor sided, its killersided unless you face an swf. Solo queue is the weakest faction, swf the strongest, and the killer in between so he will usually win against solo and a lot more often lose against swf.

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Well, I'm running exactly one regression perk - Overcharge - in all by builds, cause I like it. Sure gens are poping right and left, but I rarely get kills when there's more than two left. You must either be in MMR higher than me or should ask for advice - people on this forum are very helpful when asked a direct question. What are you running right now (perks and killer)?

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    the game is actually more killer sided, but ok.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,280

    Every map did have an infinite because there were only the MacMillan, Autohaven and Coldwind (they were all missing one map tho) maps which all had shack. Back then shack had 2 windows, (the 2nd one would spawn where the pallet is now) there were no entity blockers, fast vaults were MUCH easier to achieve, and bloodlust wasn't a thing.

    The only killer that could deal with that was Trapper since he could trap them, how ever it took him roughly 9 seconds to place 1 trap, and they could be permanently sabotaged with either a toolbox or Saboteur

    Exhaustion also wasnt a thing, meaning Sprint Burst simply had a 20 second cooldown (later increased to 40 seconds), Self Care healing in 15 seconds, We'll Make It increasing healing speed by 300% AND worked for self heals (yes that worked with Self Care), and theres worst than this

    All of this, and there was no such thing as a gen regression (kicking gens wasnt a thing) and gens took 60 seconds.

    But yeah, Survivors havent gotten stronger since then

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    im rank1 and it depends on wich killer but nemesis i run franklin/eruption/callofbrine/lethal pursuer on ghost face i run merciless/thrilling tremors/ call of brine jolt on pinhead i run thrill of the hunt/sloppy/hex face the darkness/franklin on myers i run bamboozle/ jolt fire up terminus sometime i mix around things depending on addons but thats mostly it

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,618
  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    thats the only only thing i can say regarding my mmr ! i dotn play pc so i dont have access to my stats

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,618

    Unfortunately, Ranks mean nothing for MMR.

    Are you on Xbox?

    You can check your stats there.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    It tells you your hours played on the dashboard or go to your profile games tab.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    This is what I’ve found based on my experience playing both sides:

    the game is stupidly easy for competent SWF teams

    the game is relatively balanced when it’s a good solo queue team against a good killer

    the game is stupidly easy for killer against potato solo queue

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    Was there a time that most people didn't consider it survivor sided (outside of periods of pretty game breaking bugs or imbalances)?

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    This could be true (I took a break post Trickster and just came back so my info is mostly pretty old) while still being survivor sided even if they got weaker

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    if the game was balanced around facing swf i would say it would be pretty fair. But its not , its balanced around the average solo queue experience ! wich is ######### dumb IMO , it should be tuned for the end game high mmr team or killers

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2023

    exactly this man ! i dont want to outplay noobs i want to play fair games against good teams! this is what it should be

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Hex: Face of Darkness is nice, sometimes survs mess up a skill check on a gen while screaming and said gen exploses....just don't let the devs know, cause we aren't sure if its a bug or a future.

    Have you tried perk Nowhere to Hide? It really works wonders. Very often gens pop cause there's a surv hiding somewhere near a generator. I get many hit's this way and as a bonus survs get a bit thrown off their game.

    System that works for me is 1 regression perk, 1 aur perk, 2 for going crazy or just pluging the holes in my gameplay that come up.

    Aura reading is killers best friend. New Gearhead will get update soon. Maybe it would be something useful in your builds?

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Survivor is entirely to easy. When can I get a hardcore mode?

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited April 2023

    I can understand this pretty well but in my opinion that is simply not possible to manage, at least not in a single gamemode. When they really would start to balance the game all around the top players, the most people would only get stomped every round, until they quit the game because of a lack of motivation.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,649

    I had at match aginst an onryo on fractured and she tunnle(kinda) right away and I was like yeah I can't really blame them.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 395
    edited April 2023

    It's an impossible-to-fix problem. Mostly because the community is just going to complain about everything. If you're good at killer, meaning you actually understand how to play the tiles and apply pressure properly, you're going to get a 4k 90% of the time. It doesn't matter if you play the weakest killer with no perks, you're going to win the majority of your games without the need to tunnel or camp.

    A big problem is that killers don't want to learn the game. They'll ride S-tier killers until their MMR is too high for them to play anything else. It's also easier to camp than learn how to path properly, so they just stick to camping. In its current form, the game is heavily killer sided except when you're matched up with an extremely competent team, and that rarely happens.

    How are they supposed to balance that? If they make it any easier for killers, you're going to lose a ton of killer mains to boredom. It's already an issue. Take your lumps and learn the game. Spend a month playing only Trapper or Oni or someone like that, don't camp, don't tunnel, and you'll get way better at the game.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    "They'll ride S-tier killers until their MMR is too high for them to play anything else."

    Every killer has it's own mmr. You can have a low MMR with Trapper and on the other site massive high MMR with Nurse. Both is possible.

This discussion has been closed.