merciless storm

is this bug or it became best perk in history of all perks in DBD by milies ?
i just played vs wraith.. who uses that perk and gen recahed we got skilcheck .. ofc i missed one cuz of my lovely internet... and gen got lbocked and gen went to 0 fcking ZERO ....
so we tried another gen .. and same #########... ######### .
gen didnt regress to 0 it went right away to 0 .. ######### is this ?
It's bugged and for some reason it hasn't been killswitched.
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Yes, it's bugged and BHVR refuses to killswitch it....for some reason.
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that why i see a LOT of killer using it RIGHT NOW
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It should be killswitched. It can change an entire game around when it happens
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BHVR acknowledged the bug in March but apparently don't think a gen instantly going from 90% to 0 is game breaking enough to kill switch.
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Is this a sometimes thing because everytime I've seen it nothing weird has happened just the gen gets blocked.
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The bug only triggers when a specific set of actions occur from what I understand and it isn't guaranteed to happen 100% of the time. That is why I guess it isn't killswitched due to the inconsistency of it.
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Ok that makes sense why I haven't seem it and thank you.
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It’s a bug. The devs know about it, but for some reason refuse to kill switch it. I made a previous comment about this that wasn’t very nice and it got taken down (rightfully so), but the devs definitely deserve criticism for this. Either kill switch it or explain why they can’t/won’t kill switch it. To completely ignore the issue altogether is inexcusable
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Been bugged for awhile. I'm actually not playing at the moment because I'm seeing it so often and it's taking the joy out of games. It's interesting how much you see something increase in use in this game when it's busted.
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Sounds like it's working as intended. Great perk
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i played againts a cinbeote today and with his perks and and that 1 we were in a game for 45 minutes all took hostage EVERY TIME ANYONE missed 1 skillcheak the entire gen was gone every time so their a way to abuse it so it work everytime thye need it killswitched or rework the perk it annnoying for new players anyway