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I kinda miss old Haddonfield

CaptainHustles Member Posts: 182
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

I really like the aesthetic of new Haddonfield, but it just sucks for stealth killers now. I don't get why they made the road in the middle so huge, it's a street not a highway. And the Myers house feels wayyyy too big and out of scale. Even the stairs inside feel unnecessarily wide.

I personally would like them to crunch the map down a little bit, shrink the highway and maybe scale the houses down a tiny bit. The map feels pretty balanced, except for those problematic windows, and running the Myers house can be a tiny bit of a pain.

Also I think the Dream World with Freddy looked alot cooler on old Haddonfield.

What do you guys think?


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Haddofield was one of the worst maps in the game for Killers. Glad it was changed since now it is more fair. Maybe it is worse for Stealth killers but it is still better than old RNG map. I rememeber you could have fence all over one section of the map making it either dead end or very annoying to go around. Like Gas Heaven walls but worse and more of them.

  • CaptainHustles
    CaptainHustles Member Posts: 182
  • CaptainHustles
    CaptainHustles Member Posts: 182

    Kinda, but not as drastic as they were on Haddonfield. I feel the Badham ones are broken up alot more, and they're spaced out pretty heavily.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 967

    I think they went OTT with the Haddonfield rework. The old one definitely had more atmosphere to it and like others have said the street is now way too wide .

    Also, I can't believe they still haven't addressed the persistent two gen of there ALWAYS being a gen outside the myers house and one ALWAYS in the living room. It's too easy to hold even with some killers going across the map and coming back. I'd appreciate some more upstairs gens too. Most houses with upstairs are just wasted space.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Playing new maps for a while. I feel that there is no map can give me the feeling of safety than old Haddon field.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,991

    The new haddon about to be hell after the update. They moving the gen upstairs with another strong window. You even protect the 3 gen or lose on that map.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,573

    I'm pretty sure the street was that wide in the original Halloween movie.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    Please god know. Some of my worst experiences in this game have come on that version of Haddonfield.

  • CaptainHustles
    CaptainHustles Member Posts: 182

    They were pretty normal sized neighborhood roads. I can understand a bit of creative liberty since it's the entity creating it from memories, and that could explain why the Myers house is way bigger but like... I think the super wide 2-lane road is a bit much.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,876
    edited April 2023

    The road is too wide fore sure, but that pales in comparison to absolute and comprehensive mess that old Haddonfield was. It was one of, if not the most busted map in the game's history. For sure since I started playing, at least.

    Old Haddonfield suuuccckked.

    Post edited by Thusly_Boned on
  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I hate the new haddonfield as either role. I’m in the minority of having preferred the original

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,183

    I think I would prefer the old map balance wise if they'd boarded up a couple of windows in the more problematic buildings (like House of Pain and the Myers House). Currently Haddonfield is not really balanced in a good way at all.

    It's a map of polar opposites that make it unfun for both roles. On one hand you have extremely strong main buildings which are a chore to chase on, but on the other you have massive deadzones everywhere else. It also has ridiculous 3 gen setups.

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    I do feel like the new one lacks much personality