Should Flashbags/Firecrackers Be Standard Items?


The flashbang/firecracker items are some of the weirdest items in the game. It's the only item that has no add-ons and is single use. On top of that the only way to obtain these are during seasonal events, or through the perk flash bang.

What I want to ask is if these should be more readily available. Should they appear in the blood web year round and in chests in game?

In my opinion, yes. I don't see why this item should be only available through very specific means. They're fun to use, and can be decently useful when used correctly. I don't think doing this would make the perk flashbang irrelevant either. I think it would still see use as a way to guarantee multiple flashbangs throughout the course of a match.


  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2023

    Now that flashlight interactions are going away I don't see a reason why not, though I also don't really see a reason why, in most cases they're just worse than flashlights and I think it's kind of cool to have limited items like that.

    I mention interactions because flashbangs/firecrackers against wraith are borderline cyberbullying lmao.