SIck and tired of this awful matchmaking system

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

I had a week break because of how bad solo survivor is, I came back and FIRST GAME i looped cenobite for 2 or 3 minutes while someone was hooked, not only did the 2 survivors not unhook the 4th survivor but they didn't even do a gen and when I eventually was downed they were running around like headless chickens doing absolutely nothing.

THIS is why people disconnect in games, I felt like dying on first hook because there wasn't a single gen getting done and someone died on their first hook.... sick of joining games and feeling like i'm just wasting my time.

9 out of 10 of my games feel like they are decided before the game even starts because of this awful matchmaking system, why am i constantly matched with players that play like they've just installed DBD ?

second game we got a face camping Wraith from the first hook so the survivor killed himself on first hook ..... (something you don't punish and just ruins the game through either AFK on hook or AFK on gens if the survivor doesn't kill themselves on hook)

Don't get me started on being matched with these players when coming up against try hard blights and nurses.


  • saym
    saym Member Posts: 82

    I agree with you. I really don't understand why BHVR doesn't let MMR work. And I don't understand why they don't show the player's skill rating. As a first step, you should show the player's skill rating. That way users will give us feedback on the current DBD MMR and BHVR will know what to do.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    The Matching Making System shouldn't be based on just kills and escapes.

    That's the problem.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    It doesn’t work because queue times would be way too long and nobody would play.

    I wish BHVR would just come out and be honest about the fact that there just aren’t big enough player pools in each region to have a functioning matchmaking system. It’s extremely obvious to anyone who plays the game that the SBMM system doesn’t work. I would respect them more if they were just honest about it rather than trying to tell us how it is supposed to work, even though everyone knows it never actually works that way in real life.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Bold of you to assume DBD has any form of matchmaking

    It's a slot machine, get used to it

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,228

    The amount of "do absolutely nothing" in solo queue is wild. I see players go 3-5 minutes without any activity on the HUD. Just...why? So many games are lost because teammates do literally nothing for large swaths of time.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Yea I actually got griefed 4-5 days ago by 2 of my teammates, who didn't do a single gen, divebombed the 3rd teammate on hook over and over. The killer ended up griefing as well for some reason, a Wesker of all choices, not putting the person on death hook. So they d/c'd. I finished a gen, still realizing no one was doing anything so I decided to hide and just go for hatch. They led the killer to me numerous times, teabagged me, to which the killer decided to grief even further, didn't let me bleed out on the ground and kept picking me up + dropping me over and over till I struggled free, to which he'd just down me and repeat the process. After about 10minutes of this, I realized he just wanted me to d/c so I did.

    Matchmaking solo que is awful and that aint even talking about the newer players who are completely clueless, go down in chase within the first 10seconds or Dc/kill themselves on hook over the slightest inconvenience.