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Tired of playing against him every four or five matches. Since I hate him altogether, it’s just more dirt in the eye. Making the matches old fast. Anyone else share the sentiment?

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  • Member Posts: 269

    I don't like going against wesker too much, but particularly awful feeling matches like the stbfl SM who hard tunneled me today makes wesker feel like a godsend rn

  • Member Posts: 562

    same, i get atleast 5+ weskers per session and its annoying

  • Member Posts: 389

    Yeah I feel similar about skull merchant... she is just not fun to play against or play as

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    I got a little tired of him when he was newer and I saw him literally every other game for weeks, but now that he's just a little less popular (but still popular) I don't mind him anymore. He's a pretty fun killer to face for me even if I do see him a lot. He's also fun to play, so I can't really blame people for wanting to play him.

  • Member Posts: 136

    I like him. Beats facing the usual suspects.

    His only issue is how easy it is to tunnel an infected. Because a lot of Wesker players in public games are unusually bad, however, that tend to be a more frequent experience than I would like, yeah. Beyond that I love playing as him and facing him.

  • Member Posts: 255

    One of the better, new additions to the Killer roster, I main Wesker myself, he's very fun and has a lot of counterplay, I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me (besides it beats playing against Nurse/Blight/Spirit)

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I'm getting Huntress every other game atm. I know she's on the current tome which obviously boosts her numbers, but hearing her humming at the start is almost as annoying as hearing a nurse blink ...... almost.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    I hate Whiskers as well. Not that he's too strong or what, it's just the combo of overrated license (in my opinion, but people are free to like what they like), frequently seeing him, obnoxious TR I've heard way too much and that is freaking everywhere on the map, voice lines, and my swf friend being a huge fanboy.

    Oh, and also frequent tunneling. Though it came to mind after the rest. I might be too aggravated on small details.

    Would rather face a decent Nurse, but would still take him over a Deathslinger or Oni.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Trickster is one of my least liked so I'm happy I barely ever see him.

    Wesker is in the middle for me, he can be fun to go against with a good team but most of the time, your teammates do really bad in chase versus him.

    One of my favorites is Huntress and even Blight just b/c they're fun to interact with in chase and there's outplay on both sides (some tiles are basically free W's for great Blights though).

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I like playing against Wesker, but it can be tiring playing against him all the time. Just wish I would see Artist more often :(

  • Member Posts: 12

    Wesker feels amazing to play but that's kinda his weakness. Playing as him on release was so fun that other Killers suddenly felt much worse, so I get why there're so many. His power can be kinda fun to play around as Survivor but man he is everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Wesker is basically the only S tier killer with a really easy to use power. Nurse/blight/spirit take some work to master. Wesker you just shoot your giant hitbox at someone and hit them.

  • Member Posts: 528

    I'd like to see you play Wesker.

    The only way that he can even be close to an S-tier killer is if you learn how to use his techs, which are almost as hard to master as some of blights. Also, his hitbox isn't huge, just learn how to move left and right. Even though its not as mindless as just clicking space to drop pallet and hold W for prolonged amounts of time, its not actually that hard.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Please find me any tier list that's from a valid person that has wesker lower than 5th. I'd love to see you find one. And yes I do play wesker too lol and it's so easy.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    He may be fun to play as but I'm certainly sick of seeing him every other game.

    What? He's like the top of A tier. You can't get closer to S tier than he is.

  • Member Posts: 528
    edited April 2023


    If you actually played him, and not against noobs. You'd actually either need to tunnel, and camp, or know how to use his techs. Which from what you said, you either just made that up, or you seriously play killer so little that your MMR is still in the dirt.

    Here's Otz's killer tier list. Wesker is in 8th. Otz does not do anything special with him and thats what will play like compared to the other killers.

    Edit: @thrawn3054 Plague, Oni, and Pyramid Head.

  • Member Posts: 336

    If you are tired of playing Wesker so much...I will gladly trade you my back to back Blight games....

  • Member Posts: 389

    I'd rather get stomped on than have my back to back games of a bad killer dcing after last gen gets done....

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited April 2023

    It's a product of overall bad killer design. If you play a killer like blight or nurse then half the time the survivors just quit which isn't fun. Even less powerful killers like skull merchant and knight lead to the same outcome. Then of course there are so many killers which just aren't fun to play as. Wesker is one of the few that actually makes most people happy. I'd rather go against him than most killers in the game.

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