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Killer is NOT the easiest it's ever been

I keep on seeing this topic brought up and it rubs me the wrong way,since i personally couldn't disagree more.
Firstly depending on how back you want to go,the game was not as survivor sided as much as it was an unbalanced mess.Yeah the loops were stronger,infinites existed,busted perks roamed free for a while,hatch gave survivors an easy escape but killers also had tools such as moris for over half of the game's lifespan to even the odds to an equally oppressively degree.
If you want to talk about modern era dbd such as pre patch 6.10,yeah gens took less the complete and killers were a bit slower,survivors had their perks at full power but so did killers.
Corrupt,pain res,DMS and Deadlock was a disgusting combo,that could be run with great success on almost any killer, and has yet to be rivaled imo.A combo in which all 4 perks not only slow the game down but to the resourceful,provided valuable information(Split the map in half,loud noise + scream bubble,info on blocked gens,gen with most progress).
The strongest killers in the game were also arguably stronger.Not only were blight and spirit the best users of the aforementioned build but old DH was of equal hindrance if not a worse since their powers are predictable and speed boost is far worse than a near miss.Ds didn't matter to these strong killers either the same way they couldn't care less about it now.
Nurse was also significantly nerfed,in both build(ruin,penti,und,retri) and addons to a significantly weaker killer.
IF you think m1 killers are stronger,than you might be right,i would argue it slightly depends on the playstle,what doesn't change however is that at a high level these killers cannot compete so it doesn't matter.
On top of that every new map and rework has filled the pool with more survivor sided maps,and butchered some of the few killer sided maps, reassurance was added to completely kill camping by efficient teams,meanwhile otr is as efficient as DS at preventing tunneling.
I would also like to mention that the gen kicking meta(excluding erruption,that was vile) is not as strong as the builds of old for the simple fact that a competent swf can easily power through your 3 gen,unless you play the infamous 2 killers.
This is not even mention the upcoming patch,which we'll have to live before we can comment on it,but it seems like a buff to blight and nurse(Dh nerfed mostly) and a nerf to 70% of the killer roster since they cannot end chases fast enough without slowdown.
The game was at its most Killer-sided directly after 6.1.0
Undisputably the most Killer-sided it's ever been.
38 -
Yeah, I couldn't disagree more with op personally. Killer had a lot of options when it came to gen regress in general. Not only that, but the most popular gen regress perks were ones that made 3-gen situations way more unbearable. Additionally, while gens taking longer might have been a good change for the overall gameplay, it is noticeable that tunneling and camping was made easier because of it.
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Why,cause the gens got an extra 10 seconds to complete,while all the gen regression perks were butchered one after the another?You gave us a bigger bucket,but if you can't empty the water you will still drown.They also introdcued a bunch of perks to speed up the gens.
Because Ds was nerfed? OTR i would argue is stronger vs most killers,pair it with basekit bt on top.
All the stronger killers (untill next patch ig) got nerfed in one way or another.Dh right now allows you to get a free speed boost vs them since their abilities are predictable.Nurse got heavily nerfed no debating there.
All the maps released are reworks are terrible as well.
Holding a 3gen i would argue isn't as strong as chase orietend regression(but it might be a playstyle difference).
But hey m1 killers are 5% stronger,they might get one extra hook vs a competent team!
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10 extra seconds on every gen, adding up to 50 extra seconds minimum.
Overcharge, Call of Brine and Eruption were literally the closest we've seen to an uncounterable meta.
DS was killed off, OTR doesn't stack with BT. If you get hit off of hook, it does nothing for you.
DH got heavily nerfed in that patch. No more DH for distance, no more OP DH.
This patch enabled ANY Killer to hold an unbreakable 3-gen even if they played horribly.
Oh, and they nerfed Survivors Sprint Burst after being hit, decreased the Killer's time to recover after a Basic Attack, sped up pallet breaking speeds etc etc
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DH for Distance is gone, 5 second DS is gone, Exhastion Perk stacking is gone, pallet and window vaccuum is gone, double pallets are gone, pallet spawns have been seriously nerfed and reduced, Deadlock exists as a very strong perk, etc.
You're missing quite a few key changes that happened in the game. Also, you literally admitted that old DBD was so Survivor Sided:tm: that it was "an unbalanced mess" (which I think puts it generously).
Nurse and Blight may be harder to win with now compared to their hay day (and for Blight, that's when RuinDyingTinkerer was around), but on average (meaning across every killer), it is objectively easier now than it was.
Sincerely, someone who played through and suffered through the early days.
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That and the knowledge creep over the last 7 years or so. I can't remember the last time I pulled off a cj or a dumb tech. Every one knows the mind games, Every TL is a 50-50.
I play killer very rarely, so my MMR is probably very low, I "lose" probably 10% of my games and I don't even play hard.
I play ghostface, thats about it. Maybe some spooky myers. The survivors aren't bad, its just when you have even rudimentary knowledge of how the game works its only a matter of time before you down someone.
This is how most of my survivor games go, You pump two gens in the first two hooks and then the killer plays to win (I'm ok with this) Which basically means one mistake on the survivor side and the death spiral begins.
In solo queue if you tunnel someone; everyone will get off gens to try and save that person from being tunneled out early, which then spirals the game further out of control.
With comms people can be a little more efficient, but once you've played survivor long enough you already know what's going to happen anyway.
Its basic pattern recognition, I can watch from a gen see a survivor run into a gym with the killer behind them and I can count down the time before they take a hit. I'm pretty bang on with it as well. When we play for realzys with comms not much gets said beyond what everyone already understands.
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This language is completely misleading though, and I’m pretty sure you know better. It can be the most killer sided it has ever been while still massively favoring survivor overall.
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It didn't.
Sorry to disappoint.
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There is not a single piece of data that says the game is massively survivor sided. 61% kill rate vs 39% escape rate at top 5% MMR. How do you gather that the game is massively survivor sided when numbers like this exist? How low does the escape rate have to go before the game is no longer survivor sided in your eyes? 30%? 20%? 10%?
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The escape rate is what it is because most players are bad at the game. When both sides are bad, killer wins. That’s why the killrates are what they are. I personally don’t care at all how mediocre players perform. I am interested in what happens when both sides know what’s up. In that scenario, survivors are at a massive advantage.
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Even if killer is "the easiest it's ever been", that doesn't mean it's actually easy.
More importantly, that doesn't mean it's fun, either.
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Im pretty sure you dont want to play against the old Dead hard, DS + UB, Ironwill
Oh and 4x Ranger with charge addon that give 12 self healing.
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So the game is Killer-sided for the VAST majority of players.
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So are you literally not going to argue any point?
The 10 extra seconds gained mean nothing when surviors recieved shiny new tools to speed up said progress,and all the killer slowdown power level went down as a result.Keep in mind as well that not all generators are equal.The first 2 gens that pop are most of the time unstoppable anyway.If you were going to 3 gen,every other gen on the map might as well not exist.
Eruption was indeed stupid,the same way original
ds was,or MoM.It was an anomaly and an incredibly broken perk,nothing else.
Ds is still strong,it's in top 15 most picked perks,and i see atleast one every game.If the killer is camping don't unhook and allow they to tunnel?Use the brand new reassurance,or bring ds and dh and tank 3 extra hits.
Dh got nerfed vs m1 killers.It's still strong vs virtually any meta killer since their attack are predictable and typically have a narrow window to down the survivors.Considering it's high pickrate i would argue it's far from heavily nerfed,and i would argue its heavily buffed vs Nurse and blight,since you tank a hit and get a speedboost on top.The original problem the perk presented is also still in the game,the ability to DH to a pallet and be uncountable,or to do it to a window and turn it into a 50/50.
Not any killer,and maybe vs solos at best. As mentioned previously,yes those 2 abominations could,but if trickster was 3gening your 5k hour swf then i'm afraid I hate to tell you a secret.
The changes were cute in making m1 killers 5% stronger,and look where they are now,the same punching bags for survivors to abuse.The only killers that could stand a chance got nerfed.Blight,nurse and spirit don't want to hold a 3 gen they want to get rewarded for chases,thats what their power promots.
You missed my entire point.Back when all those ridiculous things existed moris allowed you to skip sacrifice stages and kill a survivor earlier than they should.The game was a mess,it was technically survivor sided,but if one sided wanted a free win there wasn't a lot you could do.
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It’s meaningless to discuss the game from the perspective of people who can’t play. If people would do more playing than complaining, they would see what I’m talking about. Time and effort should be rewarded, not creating 10 threads that complain about non-issues.
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Look,whenever i play solo queue and i lose the majority of my games,I look at the perfomance of my team and can agree that we should lose it.
No one is on gens,chases end in less then 30 seconds.Survivors don't know how to deal with a camping killer and just crouch near them etc.
Those players deserve to lose,and the game should never be balanced around such poor decision making and lack of skill.This isn't even limited to solo queue,to many SWF will all die to save that one guy.To many people follow around a killer for their sick falshlight save.
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It is not.
Do those players not matter?
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Their opinions on accessibility, transactions, and front end stuff matter. Their opinions on a killer that they have no idea how to face absolutely don’t matter.
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Shouldn't the matchmaking system be pairing equally bad killers with these survivors?
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Survivors received hmmm, Left Behind, Overzealous and uh, oh yeah, SOLE SURVIVOR as gen speed-up in 6.1.0. All very meta picks that I'm sure you see a lot of.
In that same patch, Overcharge and Eruption were massively buffed. PGTW and Ruin got nerfed and replaced by something stronger.
DS was honestly fine with the change to make it no longer work in the EGC. Making it only 3 seconds of stun absolutely killed any use the perk had.
It does not turn windows into 50/50's. If it does, that's because you are a bad Killer. Pallets, sure, I could see that. Also, it's GOOD that it's better against top tier Killers. Those Killers need counters.
Unfortunately for you and your narrative, the official stats from BHVR show that the Survivors have a 39% escape rate.
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So the vast majority of players should have zero input on balance?
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Would you want someone who couldn’t do math to design a building?
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The escape rates is a very poor metric to go by.
The easiest way to disprove it is to simply look at the top performing killers and you can see big outliers that have no business outperforming other killers.There is no way dredge and sadako are stronger at the dread top 5% mmr.
Another important note is how is 5% mmr even calculated.Does it only count games where everyone is in that mmr bracket,or any game with a single player in it.Does it only count the performance of said players,regardless of opponent?Because a missmatch can easily skew said statistics,espicially considering the poor matchmaker.
How are Dcs handled.I know they don't count the DC itself but what about the rest of the survivors? Even if the game is indeed discarded,you can't do the same for games where survivors give up or give up on hook.
Its also important to note that its easy for a killer to secure a kill even in a losing match.Hooking far away from a gate,instadown,noed,Pig's traps,Huntress and trickster ability to go through healthstates,legion insta down etc.If the killer messes up they will still probably secure a 1k,but if a team does screws up,which can easily happen considering not everyone is in a 4 man,and suddenly the killer got an easy 4k.It also doesn't help that preventing hatch is a lot easier than preventing the killer from securing a kill.
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Answer my question, no weasling out of it.
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Games with a DC are thrown out completely. It's likely that the KR is even higher.
I'm sure if the KR was 39%, there would be constant complaininh and citing of it as proof of the imbalance.
Likewise, to quote you, "So are you literally not going to argue any point?"
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I felt like we were going nowhere so i chose to comment on the most interesting point.
As mentioned previously,i fully agree that Eruption was a ridiculous perk and a mistake,I would appreciate if you could stop bringing it up since survivors had similarly powerful perks as previously mentioned og ds and MoM that broke the game in their prime and i took a while before people realized just how good it is.
Overcharge and Call of brine are indeed a strong combo,howver calling them stronger is a disingenuous, eruption could compete with the original slowdown perks which it's why it got nerfed, if its buffed state was in the game pre 6.10 it wouldn't have even been the best perk at that time since more consistent and strong options were available.
Dms in its prime blocked gens for a ridiculous amount if you could proc it,Pr was 2 perks in one,Pop allowed you to strategically defend generators without wasting to much time,ruin allowed you to amplify your pressure tenfold.If you could constantly juggle survivors and chases you could hamper progress to such a ridiculous degree its no exaggeration to call it the best slowdown perk in the game as long as it lasted and if you were skilled in using it,not to mention it singlehandedly kept totem builds together(undying,pentimento),now almost no one is running hexes what a coincidence.
Deadhard is weaker vs m1 killers and stronger vs m2 killers,you seem to agree with that statement.That is exactly why the perk keeps on seeing use,and why its a problem(which is just about to get nerfed btw),its current state makes it stronger against the only killers that can compete.Yeah new deadhard is worse vs doctor,but if you were losing to him in the first place then thats rough.
I still vehemently believe that DS is still a strong and worthwhile perk.I run it every game I play survivors but thats irrelevant.Its one of the two perks you can run to prevent yourself from getting tunneled,that in of itself makes it valuable.Its contender is OtR which i would argue is stronger than old DS but thats irrelevant,if you get hit of hook since no teamates are taking hits for you after unhooking with the killer nearby,or you don't run sprint burst to get away from the killer thats on you ig.Ds howver not only gives an alternative,not only does it allow you to stack it with OtR,it's also the best anti tunneling perk to pair with Deadhard for obvious reasons,guaranteeing two extra health states, potentially three,and this remains unchanged in the upcoming update.
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"You missed my entire point.Back when all those ridiculous things existed moris allowed you to skip sacrifice stages and kill a survivor earlier than they should.The game was a mess,it was technically survivor sided,but if one sided wanted a free win there wasn't a lot you could do. "
Moris needed you to have hooked them once, unless we're going right back to the start of DBD in which case I can bring out the old killer vault speeds, 20 second CD SB, double window on shack, etc.
In order to hook them, you had to battle through literal infinite loops, DH, SB, old DS, IW, you had to re chase them down through BT, you couldn't leave them because Self Care was 24 seconds and was actually meta. You had to deal with pallet vaccuum, window vaccuum, double pallets- hell, triple pallets, even. Jungle gyms with 2 pallets and 2 windows, no Entity blocker, no bloodlust.
So sure, you could kill someone earlier in theory, but to do that you had to catch them. And the only saving grace is that people were a lot worse at DBD in 2017 than they are now.
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Why,cause the gens got an extra 10 seconds to complete,while all the gen regression perks were butchered one after the another?You gave us a bigger bucket,but if you can't empty the water you will still drown.They also introdcued a bunch of perks to speed up the gens.
It has been [0] days since a killer player has ignored the reduced on-hit sprint, reduced on-hit cooldown, increased action speed and increased bloodlust accumulation of 6.1.
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I would argue the easiest a killer has ever been was 5 blink nurse but overall killer isn't in a bad spot now.
Remember when survivors used to have a free dead hard for distance at every pallet? Shiver
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Pepperidge Farm remembers
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Because they are largely irrelevant.They made m1 killers a tiny bit stronger,thats cool and all but they will stile lose vs competent teams.The buffs are also a lot more placebo then you might think.It's why brutal strength is a weak perk,doesn't matter if you break a pallet a bit quicker if they still make it to another window or pallet.
The buffs also barely impact any relevant killer.Yeah the buffs to my blight that can play around half the pallets,that doesn't give a damn how far you are from him,and that doesn't even m1 are crazy.And its not just blight in particular,nearly every single strong killer barely benefits from these buffs including but not limited to Huntress,Nurse,Spirit(with MDR),artist,oni,plague,Phead,Hag come to mind of the top of my head as killers who couldn't care less about the minimal buffs received.
But sure,clown can get an extra hook stage vs a good team after he broke every pallet on the map and saved a whopping 2 seconds!!!
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How long a Gen should be done for you to consider good for killers?
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All of these fixes were made to balance things up. Killer is more "enjoyable to play" thanks to those qol. + you over react to it. Ds still good, and BT has been made basekit. BNPs are still in the game. Prove thyself and gen rush perks still in the game.
I won't talk about solo / poor matchmaking because this is the audience that is suffering the most. DC, level difference between players in the team, trolls, etc is a problem, but it relies on players and BHVR system.
For SWF / good players, it is still and will always be survivor sided. As long as there are no perks & item restrictions & map rework, survivors got it easy.
Post edited by BoxGhost on6 -
Its not about length.If you make gens take longer to repair you not only make the game boring,but reward camping which is even worse.
The current,soon to die meta of CoB,Overcharge required a very boring playstyle due to the fact that their entire value relied on survivors not tapping generators and not rewarding killers for being aggressive and going for chases.
Perks long gone did the opposite,they rewarded you for pressuring survivors off gens(Ruin),or finishing chases(Pop,Pr),being healthier and more skill expressive.Due to the perks being stronger,you could make up for the faster to complete generators,through skilled endeavors which imo made killer easier for better players.
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Great points.
It feels like people forgot survivors got a top 5 perk made basekit.
Ds and OtR are the only perks to combat tunneling that you YOURSELF can equip.Calling either of them bad is straight up wrong.They each shine depending on playstyle and build.(Ds is best paired with DH,OtR is better with sprint burst).
I also agree that solo games are depressing.But just because i lose the majority of my solo games doesn't mean i blame it on balance when we collectively as a team performed poorly.The game shouldn't handhold us,there have been plenty of times when i get matched with 3 amazing solos and we destroy the killer to the point he thinks we are a SWF.All i takes is one bad survivor to take a group down,but balancing around said survivors is not sustainable.
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Killer is the easiest its ever been but at high level I still think the game is swf sided overall
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Yes killer has had those nerfs and survivors has had their buffs. But I think you forget or were not their for changes survivors faced to make killer fairer
Old keys/hatch where multiple survivors could escape without all gens being completed,
Old ds, where you didn't have to be hooked first to use it, you could just use it when you were picked up
Old dead hard (aka dead hard for distance)
Sabotaged hooks wouldn't respawn
Old buffed boil over, basically couldn't hook anyone if they were in a 2 story building
Base buff to killer kicking/gen regression
Buffs to haemorrhage/mangled so heals are reset and slow
RPD has been reworked to make it more balanced
Eyrie of crows was reworked to make it more balanced
Infinites have been removed on multiple maps
Coming up, nerf to coh and self care healing and medkits
I would very much argue killer is in the best place it has ever been, is the game killer sided? Idk, but it certainly is much better for killers nowadays than it was years ago, and it's definitely harder for survivors than it was years ago, not to say these changes weren't necessary, as these changes very much were.
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When old keys and infinites were roaming the old moris allowed killers to either instantly kill survivors,or to do so after a measly hook.Boil over is in the same boat as eruption,a perk which had no business receiving the buff it did.Eyrie is still a terrible map.Every map released and reworked was terrible for killer.RPD is only good for stealth killers and thats about it.Its the best bodyblock map in the game.It has multiple god pallets which are easy to chain.It doesn't lack strongs windows,gens are difficult to defend besides that one 3gen(which you can't cause you need to venture into the map to chase people).
CoH and medkits were nerfed at the cost of all remaining regression perks.We still got Deadlock ig,im curios how long it will last.
I don't think killer is weak right now,it's definitely the strongest it's ever been for m1 killers,but for the top 10 strongest killers in the game i wouldn't say so.
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Most importantly THIS ^
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DS is NOT good. PT is not even a good perk.
Considering that we know that SWF increases Survival rate by, at most, 15% we can infer that SWF's aren't actually OP. Best case scenario, they escape a whopping 54% of the time.
4 -
Your comparison is misleading.
Players who are skilled at the game aren't the ones who are good at math, they are the ones who live in the building. Their input on what it is like to live in a certain type of structure should be taken, but that shouldn't be confused with them knowing how to make a building. Especially when the builder has a variety of people he has to design the building for.
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Answer mine first. Should someone who has no clue on a subject have any say in it?
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The person living in the building has a say in quality of life things. He/she doesn’t get yo decide how it’s built. It takes planning and thought to balance a game; it’s not done on spur of the moment, emotional reactions (which is most of this forum.)
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As I see it... there's a lot of back and forth between what used to be in game on both sides
But then again no one brought up Camping and Tunneling cause that was seen as a noob strategy... but now it's wide spread
So lets look at the base game one more time... back when I started playing which was right after Legion was released... oh and there's a lot of me thinking which is kinda sorta hard
Survivors had:
16 charge (I believe) heals...
80 charge Gens... with 2% bonus with great skillchecks
Longer Sabo times (toolbox only... I think)
And Killers had:
.25 Gen regression (nothing new here... but no 2.5% bonus regression)
120 second Hook timers (nothing new here either)
3 Hooks to Kill a Survivor (again nothing new)
Perks.... I can't remember what people had said was "meta"... but I ran:
Huntress Lullaby- the sound of a skillcheck lessened then became silent... and effected all skillchecks (I think)
Ruin- Harder skillchecks
BBQ- Survivor auras and bonus BP for getting 4 stacks
Whispers- to know if I was close to a Survivor
HAHAHAHah.... I can't remember what I ran... cause I didn't play Survivor all that much
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I'm sorry but no. Killer has been improved by leaps and bounds. There has never been a larger variety of killers can hang with the vast majority or survivor groups.
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Well there is a difference between building to sell and building to rent. Rentals still need to be maintained. Doesn't take a architect to point out people are going to leave if you don't do anything about the leaking pipes in the walls.
It's the owners full right to ignore those people but they can't point fingers when the building is condemned later on.
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We're gonna throw our opinion here.
Most of that unbalanced mess in the beginning favored survivors. Moris required hooking (when we started), which could be damned hard with infinites, instant repairs, going from slug to healthy syringes, and the like.
While that combo could work, there were times where it wouldn't simply because they couldn't capitalize on that info. Had both an artist and spirit fail using something like that because they couldn't find or catch the survivors.
Nurse maybe nerfed, but the rest of the cast? The rest got better. And before you say something along the lines of "only these killers are viable" no. Everyone is viable.
Reassurance doesn't fully kill camping, though you won't find sympathy from us on that front anyway, and your correct in that OTR is effective as DS for tunneling. Which is very little. Killer wants to tunnel, they WILL tunnel and get you unless your better than them, or the gates are powered.
The kick meta was worse in our opinion. You could stealth the shpr and Deadman combo, could disable the ruin tinker undying combo, couldn't do beep about the kick meta except try and rush critical gens. Even competent teams would be troubled and a LOT of people found it annoying.
Slowdown doesn't help end chases anyway. It gives you a longer window to start and finish a chase, but if you require that huge window from stacking 4 slowdowns, that's on you not every killer. In addition those slowdowns being changed are still viable (res requires a lot more thinking than it should but a quarter gen isn't to be ignored)
If you want to be super technical, then maybe your correct in that killer isn't the easiest it's EVER been, but it's SO SO much easier now than before.
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Moris could insta kill people in the same patch gens could be completed instantly.Both got nerfed in the same patch.You are right that overall it favored survivors,but they needed to come in prepared,and in solo queue didn't matter.The game was simply a mess back then,the sided who brought stronger stuff was massively favored compared to now.
So the build doesn't work because the killer can't get downs?How do you fail to capitalize on the info?You know the gen with most progress on it,if its white no one is on it,if its red someone is working on it.You also have a hook you can return to if you don't find anyone?The build was straight up busted in its prime,3 of those perks got massive nerfs.
No perk stops one side from doing something.Ds and Otr don't stop tunneling,ub only stops slugging once,reassurence has its limits,but these perks punish the killer heavily in those situations.Getting an extra health state while getting tunneled,preventing the killer from securing an extra hook state by timing reassurence right,one guy running ubreakable picking everybody up once a game etc.
The kick meta sucked,it punished killers for engaging and winning chases,since you couldn't get value from you perks.You had to defend your gens tightly, and be territorial cause a single tap can disable half your build.Eruption was indeed disgusting as aforementioned.
Ruin+undying was a strong core,that only got better with pentimento + support hex(Thrill or retri for nurse).Its a damned if you do damned if you don't build.Ruin was ridiculous for as long as it was up so you couldn't ignore the hexes,thrill and retri further punished you for cleasing the hexes,and pentimento made you do even more totems or suffer a heavy slowdown.
Killer is in a more healthy spot indeed,but the overall loss in strength killer perks have suffered have made slightly weaker than before,with the only viable strategy being to tunnel since your perks no longer reward you for creating pressure or winning chases.
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In solo q, while we cant speak for everyone, most people did come prepared, but yes we agree it was a mess (we kinda miss it in a strange way).
Lets assume you got the PR proc but no one screamed because they let go before the hook, no info. What if deadmans procced but your on the opposite side of the map. Same with deadlock. Most the killer cast wouldn't be able to capitalize on that info well except the fact of "Heres where survivors are this second, theyre probably leaving or hiding now".
The killer is the one creating those situations and those perks are ment to counter them, and only that. Reassurance is only helpful against camping. It doesn't help in any other capacity, while Unbreakable does have other uses, its primarily an slugging deterrent and those other uses are niche (specifically thinking about flipflop, unbreak, and power struggle). OTR and DS are the deterrents to tunneling, but they do not deter it nearly as much as unbreakable deters slugging.
Penti only realy became prominent with plaything. While we can see someone using that build, survivors would simply break the totems again once they noticed. Admittedly it would work wonders for the uncoordinated as everyone would be looking instead of working, but your stuck either guarding the totems or the gens if enough survivors figure out what your doing, not factoring rng of totem spawning. You would have also been unlikely to set up all 5 unless someone needed totems for a perk or rift as boons came out in a close timeframe and most would only break the hexes after penti came out.
For the first part, we're gona assume you wish to be super technical. In this assumption, you would be correct in that its slightly weaker. However, for those of us who have played for a long time, this slight weakening currently happening is MASSIVELY off set by the bonuses killers have gotten recently.
For the second half, we just plain disagree. Tunneling isn't the only viable strategy. Perks like pop and pain res still reward winning chases. Hooking survivors and harassing another still creates pressure. What is currently happening is that everyone who relied on stacking slowdown and kick meta will have a nice rough time and either adapt or sink. We're personally hoping a lot of them sink, but we're also spiteful little gremlins.
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-"On top of that every new map and rework has filled the pool with more survivor sided maps"
Blood Lodge got a lot more fair but Gas Heaven went to being more survivor sided. You're not wrong though in that most maps favor the survivors.
-"IF you think m1 killers are stronger,than you might be right"
I would argue that m1 killer got hit very hard by the update b/c more than anyone else they needed regression.
Killer is not most definitely in a good spot right now - unless you play nurse/Blight.