I don't understand why people who tunnel/camp at 5 gens complain about gen speeds

I find this to be very strange. By tunneling/camping at 5 gens (and winning), you are artificially pushing your MMR up. And what is the end result? You end up facing more difficult competition ie more coordinated swfs. So sure you will stomp solos and mid level teams for awhile, but to what end? You hit that brick wall and then you'll be stuck in the same type of miserable games that you have been causing for the other side. So if you want to take the easy route out by just tunneling every game, understand that it comes with consequences down the line. Same thing as if you are a low/mid level swf running bnps every game. You'll end up playing those sweaty blights/nurses/spirits with full meta builds. A vicious cycle indeed.
Exactly. I've said this before. It doesn't really make sense to me.
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I would say the “consequences” will come sooner or later regardless of whether someone plays sweaty or not every game. Given how backfill exists, it’s not impossible for an experienced Killer to get rookie survivors and vice versa.
If more players on either side at a certain MMR rating stopped playing, matchmaking would be forced to grab players from lower or higher ratings to compensate.
People complain about gen speeds and tunnel at 5 gens because they might have gotten matched with efficient survivors previously due to said matchmaking logic which leads them to assume that every survivor they face will be equally or more efficient every game, hence it is better to tunnel asap to reduce that efficiency before the damage is done.
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There's a very good possibility that these are two different groups of killers (people who tunnel/camp people out immediately being one and people who hate gen speeds being another).
I've been called a camper or tunneler at 5 gens but those are typically in situations when one guy is on hook and two of the 3 other survivors are standing by the hook trying to unhook with the 4th on the oppositeside of the map. I have no reason to leave the hook if most of your team is there. Have someone draw me away from the hook. If you all are just waiting for me to walk away aimlessly that's just not reasonable to expect a killer to do. Be willing to trade or draw out the killer (unless they are a hard camper).
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People complain because these two issues aren't linked together like you think they are. People played this way when the game didn't have MMR because the issue of gen speeds generally being able to be pushed far faster than the average to intermediate killer play can or wants to deal with is unto itself problematic. MMR isn't really a factor and has never really been a factor as BHVR have stated that the system isn't really doing all that much other than vaguely trying to get people in more even games.
Though there are players who tank their MMR to match against lower ranked opponents, folks who should be in higher MMR but don't play enough for the game to really make the number go up, and generally speaking survivors at all but day one skill level usually have a better ability to dictate the pace of the game. It's a design flaw with the survivor objective being too simple and having too many ways to trivialize the time investment. This is why you see other asym horror games try to make more dynamic objectives so that the minimum and maximum times are better controlled and both sides in theory should get a chance to play comfortably.
Also for whatever reason, people smurf in dbd which is weird to me. So MMR by design can't really help if someone just spins up a new account to purposely play against folks who they have no business being matched with. That's a separate issue though I wanted to point it out. Doesn't matter if you artificially inflate your MMR by camping at 5 gens cause it will get pushed back down, but you're getting matched with whoever the game can find for you regardless. So that means problematic gameplay issues exist at all levels and should probably be addressed by dealing with the systems of the game rather than telling folks to stop doing something.
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How is this imaginary and who is angry? It’s an observation. If you somehow don’t think this happens a lot, I don’t know what to tell you. We must be playing a different game with a different community.
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While the premise is nice, and would definitely make sense in most games, it's not true in DBD, where MMR is way too lenient to really matter.
The first time I picked Nurse, I won 36 games in a row. Explain how this is possible if MMR worked.
If you play sweaty in DBD you'll just win all your games, and if you don't then you'll lose all of them.
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Chances are the ones camping at 5 gens aren't the ones complaining about gen speeds.
I complained about em as someone who spreads hooks, only to be punished by adrenaline and horrible map design. Not that I condone camping, but don't tell me a genrush SWF isn't annoying as a killer trying to play nice.
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So I just make it simpler.
You don't understand why do people want to win,when they know that winning will cause higher MMR?
But why people hate higher MMR?
Because it is so unbalance that it is nearly an auto lose.
You notice that?
Higher MMR itself didn't what they hated, what they hate is the lose.
So why would you think people would want to lose to prevent from higher MMR?
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My original post mentions swfs too. I’m not talking about either side playing nice. I’m talking about people who insist on tunneling at 5 gens but then complain that “gens went too fast”. I’ve multiple people say this in the end game chat. But it makes no sense. How are gens going too fast at 5 gens? And then if they lose they say the got gen rushed.
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Just change the side in the post then you will know why.
Why people who rushing the gens complain about camping and tunneling?
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Now that is a different story.
If I had to guess, it's because of past games of getting genrushed. They don't mean the current match, they mean a trend of matches from what I'm assuming. I've fallen for that same thought process myself, but I tried to make builds around it instead of camping. I'd say they should just get good, but after facing a lot of the same genrush builds I understand the hesitation.
Hopefully the next update helps alleviate it but I have my doubts.
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It's strange, since there's plenty of real things to be angry about instead of hypothetical situations and us vs. them mentality.
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"I don't understand why people that gen rush complain about camping."
The faster a match goes, the less nice I'm going to play. Sometimes tunneling does not enable gen rushing but stop it. If I have the opportunity to kill someone by camping out a hook stage at 5 gens this could help me win.
Survivors playing efficiently force the killer to play efficiently and vice-versa. Both are unfun to go against.
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Nice fearmongering, trying to scare players into not playing efficiently.
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Why do survivors sit on a gen before the first hook or sacrifice? As long as possible on the same gen? Dont they know its bad manners to do your objectives too efficiently? Afterall theyre always preaching it to killers.
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My favorite was when you could push the same survivor off the same already progressed gen again and again since they focused (TUNNEL visioned) on it instead of looking for another one not directly in my patrolling area.
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It could be argued they keep coming back to it to force you to stick to that area. Thus freeing up their team to work elsewhere uninterrupted.
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people just shouldn't tunnel or camp
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Because winning is all that matters. Camp and tunnel out weak survivors to get to high MMR and face off against stronger survivors (to convince everyone that they are special and important) Their in high MMR you're not so they should be listen to not you.
Now that their in high MMR they can't easily camp and tunnel out players, the survivors know how to play.
They don't know how to mind-game, apply pressure, drop chase or use their brain so gens fly by.
That can't get 4K's anymore so gens need a nerf, survivors need a nerf. "Remember their better then you because their in high MMR" they know better you don't.
They play to win instead of playing to get better. Their not playing the game to have fun, their playing because in their mind they are in a tournament for a million dollars.
This is why the DEVs need to get rid of kills and escapes for the MMR. Devs need to make it where you have to be more active (survivor and killer) in the match and not stand around doing nothing.
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Is there a Meg version for survivor second chance perks too or is this another peer pressure rhetoric against killers? It's also subtly implying that certain tactics are "bad". /s
Edit: Make her wear a headset for obvious reasons in "mmr boosting advantages".
Its surely appening on both sides but excuse my bias, it does feel like there are more complaints about killers doing it.