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Does anyone else hard tunnel every match?

After hooking a survivor, I leave the hook (so someone comes to rescue) and patrol the nearby area until the survivor is unhooked then I immediately return back to hook to tunnel. I'm finding it's the best strategy since when I tunnel, the unhooker often follows the hooked survvior around to protect them, so I am occupying the time of 2 survivors. The unhooker also usually gives me a free hit, which saves more time. The closer the survivor is to death hook, the more survivors will come to protect the survivor. It isn't unusual for there to be 2 protectors, so I am literally occupying the time of 3 survivors at once and also getting free hits on all of them. I still end up tunnelling the survivor to death no matter what, so I am also removing a survivor from the game, which reduces all action speeds by 25%. After I hook the survivor on death hook, there will usually be a protector survivor nearby, so I literally get to start a new chase on an injured survivor immediately.
No. Why would I?
Unless it's a team I know, and I know that they're gonna be going hard, I have zero reason to tryhard and ruin somebody's game.
I think, ya know, if there's two gens left and someone's on death hook, it's completely understandable to tunnel. You want to win, and that's the best way to do so, the other players have gotten to play as well.
I think hard tunneling someone off of first hook is really a detriment to you as a Killer. You'll never get better and eventually, you'll run into people who can deal with it and that will be a truly miserable experience.
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I don't, and ultimately you do you. But be aware that easy tactics to gain kills can be detrimental. The game is designed to give you more challenging opponents as you progress. More kills means MMR increases, and you may find that you're suddenly getting games where the first person you try to tunnel will loop you for multiple gens and suddenly that strategy may not seem so strong afterall. It may pay off now, but just something to be aware of!
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"I think hard tunneling someone off of first hook is really a detriment to you as a Killer. You'll never get better and eventually, you'll run into people who can deal with it and that will be a truly miserable experience."
You got it wrong. Tunnelling is how you beat strong teams.
Not really. Once you hit the mmr soft cap, you don't get harder opponenets anymore. They give you basically anyone.
What if I am a good looper that also tunnels?
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What is the point of this thread? Most killers tunnel/camp these days. Most find it incredibly boring when killers do this. Does it work? Yes. But then don’t complain about swfs/gen speeds when you are boosting your mmr taking the easy route of tunneling.
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Did YouTube teach you that? Because it definitely isn’t true IRL.
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No? It's based on my experience of hard tunnelling every match for the past 100 matches or so. Though, I should mention that I play killers where tunnelling is very effective, such as Plague and Wraith.
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We all know MMR doesn’t mean anything in terms of fair matchmaking
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No not really
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Not really, if they leave a survivor on the hook, it's basically like a survivor is "dead" since they are doing absolutely nothing. Survivors will only use this strategy if they know I am tunnelling, which they don't since I go far from the hook. I also use Deadlock to heavily encourage survivors to come rescue due to their gen being blocked.
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It's not perfect but there are absolutely ways to make it worse (such as lobby dodging, or using strategies like tunnelling and camping to carry you through many wins). For the most part I've always found my matchmaking to be fine, with the odd outlier (usually if I'm shoved in as backfill)
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There are different variations of this strategy depending on the game.
When and where you hook your first survivor matters a lot for tunneling and camping. If you hook the survivor in the middle of a 3 gen or a place with limited chokepoints for indoor maps at 4/5 gens left, you add an additional layer of difficulty for the survivors. They either do the gens and risk 3 genning themselves later on/risk the hooked survivor getting to second stage because getting the save takes longer due to hook location. Slugging the unhooker forces them to use BT or require the 3rd player to pick them up.
Another strategy I’ve seen is to focus hook states exclusively on two survivors if hardcore tunneling doesn’t work. This forces the remaining two survivors to go for unhooks/saves while the other two survivors on death hook are forced to play safe
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It's how you beat average teams who play for fun.
As soon as you find a decent team, you'll be taught how poor of a decision hard tunneling is.
It exposes areas of weakness. Try to learn from it when it happens
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People still finding tunneling toxic continues to amuse me.It's a strategy,and it is indeed required to a certain extent beat good teams.That doesn't mean your first 3 hooks should be on the same person(unless they mess up and the situation calls for it)
The way you play,and the results you got are waranted,there is sadly little incentive in spreading hooks.However as other poeple have already mentioned you need to refine your strategy.Proxing and straight up camping a hook can work if have a good reason to defend an area,however its usually better to just chase multiple people and resume tunneling the next time you meet your first hook.This gives you the opportunity of finding an easier target,it allows you to generate more pressure and you don't put all your eggs into one basket.
Of course everything is situational.Don't hesitate to return back to the hook and resume tunneling if the survivors unhook 3 seconds after hooking or in your face.This is also why blight is disgusting as a killer,man can chase someone across the map and still pressure the unhook.
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I argue that I would perform worse against these good teams if I didn't tunnel. With this strat, I can probably get at least a 2k against them, but if I didn't it would probably be a 0-1k.
"Smart Survivors always assume you are camping, until you prove otherwise. I stay at the gen until I see or hear you coming."
Then my strategy will work on you. I tested this strategy on Wraith and Plague the most. On Wraith, I don't need to stay near the hook at all. I chase another survivor normally and the moment an unhook occurs, I return to the hook. The cloaked speed allows me to get there extremely fast. The survivors will usually still be healing when I arrive. They have no idea that I am tunnelling since I am chasing another survivor while they are unhooking.
On Plague, I run Black Incense, so I don't need to stay near the hook. I chase another survivor normally and when they unhook, I use Black Incense to find the unhooked survivor and tunnel. I also have vision on every survivor with Black Incense so I know whether survivors are working on gens or going for the unhook, which allows me to change my strategy to camping or chasing depending on what the survivors are doing.
I've also been testing the strategy on Clown recently and it seems to be effective but more testing is needed.
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Nah. I'm gonna be honest, not my thing
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I hardcore tunnel with alchemist ring blight, it is very effective because I can beat players with 5500 hours in the game while I have 300.
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Hard tunneling off of first hook is different than opportunistically tunneling.
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Tunnelling is trying to quickly kill 1 survivor by concentrating hooks on them. In most of my games, my first 3 hooks are on the same survivor. It's tunnelling because I instantly return to the hook the moment they are unhooked. I can be mid chase with someone or have downed survivor but I'll ignore them and immediately return to hook for tunnelling.
They heal at hook because they think I'm chasing another survivor, which they can see with the chase icon. They can't assume that I'm no longer chasing the survivor if the chase icon disappears since Wraith can go invisible during chase, which removes the chase icon. Even if they leave hook, I usually find them easily due to the speed and invisibility of Wraith.
Post edited by adsads123123123123 on0 -
I play with OP's "strategy" most of the time and have 90% winrate with it in public matchmaking. That means only 10% of the siurvivors I face are "decent". But in reality the remaining 10% fairly often involve excessively bad map RNG and / or mistakes from me rather than good play from the survivors. So by your definition, I'd say 5% of the survivors I face are decent...
Camping / tunneling can be countered sure, when done by a dumb killer who does nothing else. But if you have just a bit of game sense you will manage to distract at least one other survivor while proxy camping, as OP describes. You don't even need to chase them, just move them out of gens. With 2 survivors on gens it becomes really hard for survivors to win, from a pure mathematical standpoint. It is almost impossible for the tunneled survivor to loop for 5 gens, and with deadlock usually it's a 3v1 at 2 gen, which is very easy to win.
The only way I could see the strat fail is if survivors coordinate each other to body block, use perks like deli and Reassurance, actively fight the 3-gen from the start (including the tunneled survivor) and don't get unlucky with map RNG / killer choice. I would not call this just a "decent team". In fact, I'm not even sure if it's possible to achieve this for survivors in solo queue.
The strategy works so well that I would consider DBD a "solved" game.
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Not really. Tunneling at 5 gens is mostly unnecessary. I will however go for someone that forces their "anti-tunnel" perk on me DS, OTR). They want to get tunneled, so who am I to ruin their game and put them in a normal game?
I do also hit and commit to people getting unhooked in my face. Nothing personal, but you do not get to heal and come back with 3 health states (2 + DH / Styptic Agent) later.
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If you immediately return to the hook the moment they are unhooked as Wraith, you will find the unhooked survivor 99% of the time. Have you actually tested it or are just assuming what you say? Test it and you will see.
Camping for me is standing very close to the hook and not really doing much else. I only do this when the survivors are wasting their time hovering around the hook or the survivor is less than 15 seconds away from reaching next hook stage.
I've played like 2 survivors matches my entire life. Look at my post history, it's all killer main stuff. I 3-4k in most of my matches, so fairly sure my mmr is high.
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No i don't
In my experience hard tunneling is simular to projectile spamming in fighting games or zerg rushes in strategy games.
Easy wins against bad players but pretty much a autolose against good ones that know how to deal with it.
But if it works for you, then you do you.
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Many killers in the game have pretty straightforward strategies that, if pursued, really increase the chances of a draw at a minimum. Examples are: basement trapper or bubba, 3 gen knight or skully, tunneling wraith is another one (though not as powerful as a tunneling Blight or Nurse).
Because you have more map knowledge than anyone other than a clock calling out SWF as killer, if you've got a strategy they can be really quick to implement. The only real questions then is how long does the first down take you and does the other team have the right perks to counter.
To counter the strategy the other team would ideally all be wearing the same outfits thus making tunneling more difficult, plus have a member with a dedicated anti-tunnel build. If they have a dedicated healer they can also get the hook heal quickly, or alternatively send two survivors to heal, or have a syringe.
As for quality of opponents you face, I find time of day you play and region have a high impact on whether MMR 'works'.
I'm always surprised how many survivors heal at the hook, even when I've made it clear as killer that I'll come back to check after an unhook.
A similar thing that survivors getting tunneled don't do right is where to run. Frequently they'll overstay a loop instead of trying to get away from the generators and to a zone of the map where it will be very difficult for the killer to both be by the hook and patrol the gens.
I don't pursue a hard tunnel unless I'm pretty sure I'm against a SWF. I only find killer moderately enjoyable and the last thing I want to do is play the game searching for survivors who have gone into hide mode.
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I don’t care enough about winning to do it. I prefer to have a 0-1k game where I get a good amount of hooks and points
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No, i find this playstyle boring. I mostly run bbq, to have a clue where to go next, and be on my way.
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If that's necessary to get at least a 2k yes.
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No. Because I'm decent at the game.
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Genrush vs. Killrush. They don't care about my fun, why should i?
I might slow down when i see they're really struggling, at this point 1 is already dead. Better safe than sorry.
I don't BM, don't slugg for the 4k (when they don't act toxic), i don't complain about survs perks, items, offerings (tho my internet will break when i see a Badham, Red Forest or Garden of Joy offering) and playstyles. You do you, i'm just a KILLER doing his objective. And i'll keep doing that as long we have MMR and a escape/kill win condition.
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I don't, but I can't exactly blame anyone that does. It's simple math: taking 1 person out ASAP is conducive to winning. But as you climb in MMR, this strategy becomes less effective. I think most veterans would say that learning to spread pressure is how you improve as a player.
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No don't want to or have to.
I play for hooks not kills.
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Nope I play to have fun over winning every game and that's just creates situation where both sides need to sweat like crazy and it's not just game anymore it becomes job and im at night questioning even why im playing if im not having fun and feeling bad because tunneling still ruins that survivor game. But sometimes when survivors have wronged me or im in bad mood I hard tunnel someone out in next game no matter the situation.
But normally I spread some hooks and if good opportunity rises I take someone out sometimes with bit of tunneling. I mean should I go after deathhooked meg or only once hooked claudette? But if survivors gen rush I switch to hard tunneling and I would not even call it by that anymore because survivors are doing it too rushing their objective. So you just rush you're objective too.
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No, you are the only one who does this.
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You looking for a high five or something?
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Depends on the team, the map, or if I absolutely need to win (e.g. to get a final pip)
If with my first hook I see that 3 gens are done in parallel, it's tunnel-mode. (e.g. using BBQ)
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Is there an actual point here? Congrats you play in the laziest scummiest way possible.
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So basically your really bad at the game in short
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If i want to win consistently after the update ill probaly have to do it more with all the gen regression nerfs. Hard tunneling with noed or something.
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Killers like this are the bad apples that ruin the bunch.
I only tunnel as a last ditch effort if I’m not getting hooks/kills and survivors are popping gens.
I’m not into ruining peoples’ fun either.
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I only hard tunnel if they t-bagged me or if its two or less gens and I need someone out. Otherwise no, I get more blood points if I spread out the damage and kick some gens. I don't go too far from the hook though. Maps are too big and survivors usually have a good view and see me coming from a distance and have a head start. I'd rather intercept someone coming for the rescue.
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Asides from Plague with Black Incense, I said in my posts that I don't camp or stand near hook for my strategy. I patrol the nearby area far from the hook so survivors come to unhook.
Matchmaking is based on mmr not ranks.
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I tunnel almost every match. But that is because I typically only have ~1 gen perk in my builds so by the time I hook someone 2 gens are usually almost done
It's always super tilting to basically play the first chase perfect but then still lose almost 40% of your objective for it. Especially on weaker killers where the survivor basically just needs to predrop a couple safe pallets and boom 2-3 gens gone.
The only real drawback is that it gets boring tunneling every time. I wish you could play for 12 hooks without throwing the game but it's only possible against bad survivors or if you are spamming an OP killer
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-"No. Why would I?"
Base kit you get nothing for hooking three players once each. But if you hook one player three times then the entire game dynamic changes.
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Appreciate you never responding to my last question on that other thread btw
Anyways, yeah, that's not true. You get MORE from hooking the same person 3 times, but you don't get NOTHING from spreading hooks. I don't enjoy curbstomping people and ruining their experience by hard tunneling off of first hook unless I know I'm in for a good match.
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Ngl tunneling early is a rookie move. It can work against low/mid mmr solo q. But when you hit really good teams, they'll cotton on pretty quick and will have a good chance to outplay you and waste loads of your time while other survs crank gens.
Remember I had a wraith try to hard tunnel me on RPD when I had 2 swf mates and a random. The first chase lasted an extremely long time and is probably why he tried to tunnel me. Proceeded to facecamp me and got flashbanged for the save, chased me again and proceeded to have another 3 minute long chase, partially because his chase game wasn't very good, and partially because RPD is my jam when it comes to chases. Finally hooked me a second time as the fourth gen popped, i then got saved by another flashbang play, and all 3 players bodyblocked so hard I gave wraith the slip and he only got one more hook that match and it wasn't me.
Tunneling one surv early in the game stops you pressuring gens at all. Even if you tie up 2 survs on the second chase you're letting the other 2 genrush. You're relying on the survs to make bad saves and cluster round the hook for that tactic to work. When your mmr hits the right level you're going to get genrushed hard and this playstyle won't work anymore.
I play a lot of killer and I never tunnel early unless it's literally handed to me, and even then I usually make a point of chasing a different surv.
And serious question, is it really that fun to hard tunnel every single match? It's not a hugely fun playstyle imo and it must get stale after a while.
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Tbh i don't understand the argument "ruining other people the game" against tunneling. It is always a skill issue...always.
Do you complain against someone in Cs:go for using a AWP and oneshoting you? No, you try to play around or just get better than him.
I've rarely seen someone in a comp game saying "oh...i guess i am dominating to much...i should just play different so the others have fun"
There are a lot games and it is only dbd, where barely everyone is complaining about a way to achieve their objective, because its ruining the fun of others.
If i get tunneled, its mostly my fault. If i manage to loop the killer well, i can waste a lot of the killers time, while my mates can do the gens. It is just that simple.
And tbh i like it to get chased and try to improve my skills in looping. And i can understand the reason of tunneling as well. Gens are flying. Almost every game i see with this great new hud how 3 survs are doing 3 different gens and most of the time the killer lost 2-3 gens after the first hook. So yeah, tunneling a surv is a possibility for a comeback.
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No, I do not.
The issue is that tunneling can backfire very quickly and I have no intention to do that. Sure you can get a lot of pressure but if you make one mistake it is all gone and the match goes downhill from there on. Same if the survivor was just caught in a bad spot but is overall better than me, tunneling will then result in me losing hard.
The only times I tunnel is if a survivor begs for it and it could benefit me (like hitting an "Off the Records"-bodyblock or better: A basekit Borrow Time bodyblock) or if I play Pyramide Head and the survivors make a bad uncage (as in: You uncage the poor soul while I am within 24m).
Going out of your way to tunnel is far to easy to abuse once your survivors have at least a bit of a brain. Some even make it very simple and just start predopping when they are on death hook until they get to a very safe structure which is something even the worst looper can do.
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I usually tunnel one way or another. Often it's because survs unhook in front of me, try to heal right under the hook or someone is just unlucky and runs into me. The other time is when I notice one surv to be much weaker than the others.
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What do you even consider a nearby area? As other people have already stated, you are not facing competent survivors and there are a lot of red flags that point towards this.
If you are facing an at least above average survivor before finding them and downing them, you will lose AT LEAST 1gen (you are using deadlock, but let's say a survivor with full resources can only last 50s chase vs Plague). We assume that 2 survivors are working on the same gen and the other one on a seperate gen. The 2-man gen finishes and the other one gets hit by deadlock at 60%. If the survivor is competent they search for another gen. Neither they go to unhook immediately, nor they wait a 30 second deadlock.
By the time you hook the survivor they should have the info of deadlock. No competent survivor rushes to farm their teammate of the hook. They need info.. Guess what. Since the icon and action update they will know from the indicator that no one is in chase and they can deduce that you are most likely camping. A camping deadlock is easily countered by working on different gens. I dont want to throw Reassurance in (which stacks for same hook state from different sources) to make it harder for your strategy to have some results.
Anyway if you get 3ks and 4ks with your playstyle you are really not facing competent survivors im afraid. Probably average or even below average players. Competent survivor teams are ruthless, super efficient and favor objectives over altruism. What you describe is super altruistic. Occupying 2 survivors to protect the unhooker? KEKW. Just get your 1k at best and your humiliation in the end game chat, if you play against truly competent survivor teams and not your definition of competent.
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It's not about wanting to ruin the game for people. I've never had survivors get every gen to 33% before getting any gen to 66% and until people play that way I'm gonna tunnel.
Even Otz tunnels as the "goto" winning strategy.
The people I am playing against would win in a huge way if I stopped tunneling and tried spreading hooks.