CoH is too strong on SWF.
Predicted this would happen. The last thing we needed was to buff SWF. I know many survivors will say "but statistics..." SWF can use callouts to their advantage by where to find a totem, the best place to put it, and when to call for a buddy to run over to heal them INSANELY QUICKLY. I thought we were trying to get rid of the healing meta.
I don't expect any changes for a while, seeing as how CoH was just nerfed for solo, and I still remember how long it took BHVR to change OoO 🙄
I think its fine. But maybe they could adjust it back to 50% instead. But new coh does give solo q players the option to be more coordinated with the new aura reveal and be altruistic which is nice to see.
0 -
nothing in this game should be balanced around SWF
9 -
In other words, who cares about the killer’s experience. Nice to see such open bias.
23 -
There we go again. Adding voice chat would fix the problem since the devs would actually be able to balance the perks/game mechanics properly.
I've had ONE good usage of CoH so far (played around 20 matches after the patch dropped), other than that my teammates just don't give a damn about healing someone who's been standing inside the boon waiting.
5 -
Be happy for every Survivor who brings CoH and wastes time off Gens. There will be plentey who will still do that.
Or, you can still try to blame your losses on SWF and CoH. Which you will do anyway.
32 -
Game should be balanced around Supa Nurse though.
What can Devs do to improve the low MMR survivors to be on par with his Nurse?
14 -
Sadly, many survivors here really do feel that they should be able to beat someone who is better and more experienced.
15 -
Then remove the possibility of people playing the game together
Let's see for how long the game will survive
3 -
Killers think the same. If the Survivors are better than them, they demand the game to be changed so that they have so much advantage that they can beat those Survivors.
Both sides do it. And it is stupid on both sides.
31 -
I know right ?
Somehow many killers really do think they're Otz that should beat someone like Ayrun.
10 -
give all survivors jetpacks!!
1 -
Give Artist ability to fly
7 -
I dont understand why they seem to think its a good idea to implement changes that hurt solo survivor more then swf. It should effect both equally or ideally swf more in some way.
1 -
Be happy? It takes 5 seconds to heal!
7 -
I get that CoH must be worth having 2 people run to a corner of the map, and that travel time should be compensated, but +100% on healing speed is way too much when altruistic heals are back to 16s.
Maybe make it back to +50% but, to make the way back to their objectives a little quicker, completing or receiving an altruistic heal in CoH could give 10 seconds of slight Haste (thinking like, 3-5%) ?
It would be unlikely to affect chases since people would not be able to heal quickly midchase, and still not allow to outspeed the killer should they come as the heal is completed.
It would just be a slight speed buff on the way back to gen, unhook, or whatever else survivors do when they're not in chase.
That'd just off the top of my head, not deeply thought out.
4 -
All you need to do is make SWF not have EVERY advantage over solo.
It's really simple.
Add the rule : no character/item/perk/offering repeats in a SWF.
4 -
Old CoH was ridiculous but the new perk is "ok".
I still think they should have gone through with all the heal changes since they deleted all the gen regression perks.
6 -
At +50% heal speed, CoH is just a considerably worse version of Botany Knowledge, so no, that wouldn't work. A minor haste will not save enough time to make it worthwhile, either.
If +50% heal speed wasn't broken on PTB, then +100% heal speed now isn't broken either, since they both save the same amount of time.
3 -
True blight+add-ons and nurse and spirit are all fine. Easily LMAO.
2 -
Feedback appreciated !
+50% on 24s saved 8s, and made the heal 16s long.
+100% on 16s saves 8s, but makes the heal 8s, which is a little crazy.
It's not entirely about how much it saves but also how efficient it makes the survivors.
Maybe a cut at +75% would be better ? Make the heal 10s ?
3 -
BHVR needs to learn when to actually nerf something that's in dire need of nerfing instead of giving compensation buffs. CoH always was broken beyond belief and by DOUBLING its healing speed it's almost as good as it was before, now that's just plain absurdity. This patch is quite literally a wrist slap to survivors whereas killers got nerfed HARD.
9 -
I feel like it's fine.
I wouldn't mind if it went to 75%, but I haven't found it to be an issue for me, yet. Perhaps something will change my mind.
The patch, after all, hasn't even been out for 24 hours.
7 -
I think it's fine. CoH saves 8 seconds in total per heal. If it takes more then that to travel to the totem spot then you didn't really gain anything.
I feel like swf are most of the time better off just grouping up where they are.
Sorry but this prediction feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Be fully honest here. Did you actually come to the conclussion that swf is strong with it or did you just choose the result you wanted.
Do you know for certain that the survivors that beat you with CoH were in swf and weren't solo players who can actually coordinate heals on a somewhat simular level now thanks to the new aura reading of CoH?
6 -
Yes, be happy. Because people who use Boons (even before it was nerfed in the most recent patch) are the reason you win games as Killer, since they are very, very inefficient. Even more now.
And while it might take 8 seconds (for 5 seconds you need more than just CoH, 5 seconds is 3 times as fast, not just doubled healing Speed like CoH provides) there are two Survivors doing it, so two Survivors are not on a Gen and took their time to go into the Boon-Area and heal.
9 -
COH was in a perfect spot in the ptb, there was absolutely no need to make it 100% again especially as they have admitted that healing is too fast and hits don't really feel impactful enough then they go and do this. Maybe when they were crunching their numbers on COH it must have slipped their minds to crunch the numbers on call of brine also which now saves less than 4 seconds if the gen goes untouched for the whole minute, but wait thats a killer perk.
3 -
Please let me know what do you think of this thread
0 -
No, voice chat wouldn’t fix the problem, as many people wouldn’t be able to use it (language barrier, lack of hardware, people just not wanting to speak with randoms, toxicity which is already complained about would go up rapidly, background noises, etc pp). Now, if they really wanted to add voice chat, that’s fine, though it should never ever be used to balance this game otherwise it will be completely unplayable for soloq.
2 -
I won't run into boon area for just heal you. It is big time wasting. You can sit here for forever, i will stay on my gen.
4 -
CoH is especially weak now on SWF, let me explain.
Setting up a boon takes 14 seconds, running towards a boon usually takes way longer than 8 seconds, because you don't want to chase next to the boon, let's say 14 seconds until 2 survivors are inside the boon is reasonable.
That's 14s (setting up) + 14s (running towards the boon) + 8/16s (healing; depending on 1 or 2 survs needing a heal) = 36/44s for 1/2 survs healed.
Now, without the boon that's 0s (setting up) + 7s (presumably you now don't have to run across the map to find your buddy and the boon) + 16/32s (healing) = 23/39s
I think it's pretty clear that SWFs who can communicate their positions are much more efficient without CoH now.
Also, keep in mind Boons can be snuffed out, and to be honest I would argue that one boon blessing lasts on average for 2-3 heals until it's snuffed out.
4 -
-Time of a survivor find a totem in the first place
-14sec Blessing
-2 survivors run to COH zone (lets say, 10sec of running, means 20sec of no Gen)
+ Save 16sec to heal both survivors.
-The time of 2 survivors running back to Gen.
Coh does have one problem, its that if 2 survivors run to a Coh that really close, the feeling of they going back to healthy is crazy.
8 -
It aint just Survivors
1 -
My teammate waiting in boon for me to come heal them : *nervous screeching*
My oblivious ass thinking I can see them with Aftercare and forgetting about the CoH nerf : Mh, they should really heal themselves instead of just standing around. *2 seconds later* WAIT-
1 -
I don't have that problem because I use leverage, sloppy, dying light, and coulrophobia
1 -
What perks/items make it take 5 seconds to heal? 16 seconds at 100% speed make it 8 seconds, and with Botany making it 150% speed that makes it 6 seconds, but not 5.
3 -
Valorant, Overwatch, Phasmo... a lot of other games, you name it, that have voice chat and none of the factors that you mentioned really are that much of a problem and the majority of people still use it.
Language barrier? Again,other games handle that pretty well and the majority of the servers people are playing on share the same level of basic English.
Not wanting to speak with randoms? Turn VC off and play the game like you did before.
Toxicity? Very much present in any other game.
Lack of hardware? If you don't have a mic, you can still listen to your team's callouts.
You can opt out of it, but at least you would have the choice, as in any other games with VC.
It's all about OPTIONS and whether or not you make use out of it depends solely on your decision.
1 -
Tbf any survivor nerf hurts solo more than 4 man swf.
2 -
It is not even close to as good as before. The thing that made CoH good was you could reliably heal yourself with only a small speed penalty.
3 -
The same can be clearly said for most killer mains. They lose to a coordinated team which played well or they messed up and then it's automatically the fault of some perk
Probably wouldnt be an issue in NA but in Europe we have almost 50 different countries who all speak a different language. Some of those don't want or can't speak english that well and i'm pretty sure this would lead to an absolute mess where you get insulted with russian etc. slurs all the time. That's my experience from other games and it's already like that in the aftergame chat.
Botany Knowledge or We'll make it is much stronger on a coordinated team than CoH btw. It costs way too much time to set up which is also very risky.
4 -
Before the nerf, Circle of Healing was never FOR solo... I mean, the perk has a range for multiple survivors
0 -
CoH did not need the significant altruistic healing buff it got in the patch
3 -
There is no way for the game to know if a team is an "SWF"
(Queueing up together is not SWF)
0 -
Are those games really completely balanced around voice chat in that anyone that doesn’t use voice is actually at a vast disadvantage? Because that’s what you were asking for..
as I said, an optional setting for it which doesn’t influence the balance, sure. No problem.
and yes language barrier is an actual thing outside of the USA servers maybe.
0 -
"Lack of hardware? If you don't have a mic, you can still listen to your team's callouts."
Then you can't balance around it. What if the entire team had no mics?
And I keep saying this and I keep getting ignored by everyone when I do so whatever but this is also completely platform dependent too, because Nintendo would never ever ever ever allow third-party comms, or comms in general. And people do play the switch version. And they're going to be left out of further disadvantage because they can't do this or listen, so I could never be balanced around having comms if stuff like this was added.
2 -
No the language barrier exists here too, probably less so than the European agent servers though. If most of my in-game chats are to be believed, most of my team and who I get matched with are in Mexico and South America (especially Brazil?) and I don't speak a lick of Spanish or portugese, for instance.
1 -
There is no way for the game to know if a team is an "SWF"
That's just ridiculous. If you started the game in the same lobby inviting people to play "SWF" then you're a SWF.
2 -
(Queueing up together is not SWF)
0 -
It is majority survivors. Also see the mass DCs and review bombing survivor mains did once the nerfs were announced. I have never seen killers do something like that.
1 -
Oh I assumed South America would have their own servers. But yeah makes sense that Mexico doesn’t so… it’s not even an argument if you play on US servers. Weird..
also good point with Nintendo, I keep forgetting this when this topic arises actually..
0 -
Because everyone you go against is a swf? F soloq right?!
1 -
How did you queue up together if not in a SWF lobby?
Did you say in voice coms - 1,2,3 - click as solo players over and over and over until you got in the same lobby?