About the medkit changes and what they claimed was a "buff" to Botany Knowledge

thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

The changes all in all(in my opinion) are very good and extremely healthy for the game. They turn out to be well balanced and fair for both roles. There is a few things I do still think should be tweaked though.

Ranger Medkits were completely gutted. For such a heavy nerf they should be increased to 75% healing speed when healing others. With the Emergency Medkit losing a 5% towards healing others and now only being 45% and First Aid Kit being increased 5% to 40% total when healing others the end result is all medkits are essentially the same. Why would anyone want to pay more in the bloodweb or even prioritize a very rare item that a a completely unnoticeable difference than using an Uncommon item.

The point of this is not if the changes are good, bad, or indifferent. It's that we have multiple rarity items and addons in the game for a reason. If all items of every rarity are going to perform so close in function then why dont we just eliminate rarity and just make the best of each the only available version? Either that or make the speed increase 50%/60%/75% on First Aid/Emergency/Ranger Medkits.

Now, onto the Botany Knowledge nerf, thats right NERF. That's what it was. I dont know who would think that gaing 17% healing speed in exchange for losing 53% medkit efficacy was a fair trade but you need to find a new department because balances changes aren't your strong suite. Can we please have the 20% penalty removed from Botany Knowledge and maybe even a small efficiency buff added for medkits only when healing others? Nothing crazy, maybe 10-15%.

As a 10K hour player who tries to look at balance changes logically and not with the bias of a role main, I dont think these changes would be out of line.

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    The thing with Botany is that while I wish the efficiency debuff wasn’t there, making it 50% healing speed necessitated that the downside exist. It’s too powerful (especially for self-healing) for it not to have a downside.

    I’m all for removing the penalty (because it does feel pretty bad to play with especially if you pull a medkit out of a chest), but then the heal speed needs to be reduced. Which I’d personally be fine with.

  • thatkatemain2468
    thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33

    so why didnt they just remove the medkit efficiency and maintain the 33%, or even drop it to 25%? Bro listen, if you go to the doctor with an ingrown toenail the doctor should offer a little more realistic solution than "We're going to amputate your leg!".

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I'm always consistently surprised that people don't see how strong Botany Knowledge is. Sure, it isn't overpowered in medkit builds anymore, but it isn't even that it went from overpowered to useless in that context- it's still very good, you just have to compensate for it with a second perk or extra charges (the latter being, admittedly, less of a thing now; still one speedy heal, though).

    A flat 50% healing speed bonus that applies everywhere, with the literal only downside being that you have to work a little harder to use it with medkits specifically, is a really, really good perk. It shines much more altruistically, but it's not even as though you have to use it that way, it even works on yourself.

    Medkits could stand to be more different through the rarity tiers, though, no real arguments there.

  • thatkatemain2468
    thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33

    i am strictly a solo survivor so i never bring an item just because not only is my escape rate less than 1/20 matches but due to having teams almost every match that i can tell within the first 60 seconds of the trial they have less than 20 hours played i end up killing myself on first hook befor a single gen is done like 40% of the time. In the rare occurrence this doesnt happen the times i need a medkit are only when resetting myself is a 911 situation and it comes from a chest so the brown medkits dont cut it, which are the most likely to find. And actually now no medkit will cut it while using botany.

    My 4 main perks are Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, Bond(sometimes sub for Leader or WGLF), and Resilience. I dont need perks with a good team so I only use those to heal faster since most of my teammates wont even attempt to play the game while injured.

    I guess this is how I formed this sort of bias opinion.

  • thatkatemain2468
    thatkatemain2468 Member Posts: 33

    And honestly because Resilience is my only do-or-die perk that i never sub and Im as comfortable with playing injured as Sponge Bob is walking around his pineapple in his underwear Id rather the 50% healing speed only work on other survivors, not for self healing but retain some of the medkit efficiency. Though Im not sure that wouldnt be an abuseable mechanic at the highest tier game play.

    Just my opinion though.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    A bit of an extreme analogy, but I agree. I’d rather it be 33% heal speed and not debuff medkits.