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Etiquette that survivors follow?

I'm not trying to make this post to attack one side,in fact i hope my observation gets disproven and that i am missing something.
There are many good willed action that killers can make that some players even feel entitled to.
I have met plenty of killers who go out of their way not to tunnel even when its detrimental to their own game(chasing the unhooker instead of the dead on hook survivors for example)
Killers who stray away from certain perks because they feel they are to strong or unfair(Noed is the best example of this).
Killers are expected to take it easy,or even farm in a match where a survivor disconnects.
Many killers don't take advantage of afk players,they slug them at best.
There is also hatch as a sign of good faith killers give to survivors.How many survivors give kills in return?
So whats a similar behavior survivors do?The closest thing i was able to identify is when survivors leave behind their items,but this only happens after the killer has already shown good etiquette first.In fact i would argue survivors go out of their way to make the game worse for killers. Most survivors won't just leave through the gates even when they don't have any reason to stay.They really want to say goodbye and give you 2 free hits.
So that being said,is there any etiquette or code of honor for survivors?Or is the extent of it just showing kindness back and not being toxic.
The hard part is that there's really no "mercy" a survivor can do for the killer to show good will or whatever (short of just letting themselves get killed I guess). Good etiquette for a survivor is more about what you're NOT doing than it is what you're doing (like bullying the killer, mocking the killer, etc).
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It's similar to with killers, everyone has their own etiquette they follow, but nothing clealy formalised among every survivors.
For the record, waiting at the gate is not always malicious. I do it very often to leave when I'm sure everyone on my team is alright and don't need me further. It's happened that I left early when someone was, unbeknownst to me, in a hopeless chase, and my help would have been precious to unhook them once they were caught. So I'll wait until I know everyone that's still alive is ok.
That being said, here's a few things I do before/during/after the game to make things fair and kind :
- No green and rarer items, and no green and rarer addons.
- No items if my teammates all have items / if my team already has 2 of the item I wanted to bring.
- No gen progression perk unless I've faced a streak of tunnelers in prior games and really want to be serious, and then it's most likely just one.
- No teabag / clicking / emoting at the killer.
- If a teammate teabags killer, they're probably alright and don't need further help from me in the trial.
- If the killer didn't manage to hook many people and the team is all out, I'll let them sacrifice me.
- If teammates insult killer in chat, I'll tell them off.
- If there's anything I can praise the killer for in endgame chat, like good mindgames or gen pressure or a ridiculous snowball after we were dumb, I'll do it. It generally sparks very cute convos and I like ending a match on a good note. I collect those chats and look back on them when I'm getting aggravated with some players.
I still feel like it's easier to set the mood of the game as killer, because there's only one of me then to speak for my side, and as survivor I can't control if my teammate is a Yun-Jin set on pissing the killer off and getting us trampled.
That being said, I feel like most people I am matched with, survivors and killers alike, are pretty cool people and few of them are bad mannered or sweaty.
The joys of low mmr ! =D
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I give every Tombstone Myers a kill. I also offer myself for sacrifice to killers who I enjoyed playing with if they didnt do too hot, though most of the time they'll refuse it. I've also never tbagged or BM'd a killer in my life (get hit plenty on hook though unfortunately).
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The double standard is that killers are expected to make poor game decisions so the game is more fun for survivors…….. but survivors aren’t expected to make poor game decisions so the game is more fun for killers.
Any feedback you might get from survivors might be things like “don’t spam the crouch button at the exit gates”, or other things that don’t actually affect the survivor’s chances of escaping.
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To me the reason why more killers give escapes than survivors give kills is the bloodpoint difference. Were talking 7000 BP (more if youre the obsession) youre missing out on if you dont escape, compared to roughly 1.5k if you let a Survivor go.
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Well there's a lot of things in there that go both way:
Many killers don't tunnel even tho it makes them win = Many survivors don't gen rush even tho it makes them win
Many killers don't bring meta perks = Many survivors do the same
Killers who give hatch = Survivors who give kills (although I agree giving hatch is more common even if I haven't seen it happen in a while; but there's also a bunch of survivors who quickly get the gens done, open gates and leave asap when they get teammates who just bully the killer and show no intention of making the game advance so they can do it longer)
Also, survivors who give their items doesn't "only happen" bc the killer was nice to them. The majority of the time I see it happen it's the survivor who gives their item as an offering to ask for mercy (most often when they know they won't be able to get the gates open (happens to me all the time when I play Demo & have portals near the gates) ).
There's also things that survivors simply can't reciprocate: Being nice when someone DCs or someone is afk, although sometimes survivors give their items to afk killers, but bc they're afk they're not gonna know about it anyways. In that same vein of idea, there are things only killers can do to be nice but there are things only killers can do to be rude (let people bleed out, pretending to give hatch only to shut it in your face and then let you bleed out, pretending to farm and then kill everyone...).
I guess survivors could "play nice", which a lot of us actually do, but if you play too nice you're being a bad teammate to survivors who are trying to win, it's difficult to find the right balance.
The thing is, killers control the game, and therefore can be merciful in more ways. The goal for killers is to hurt survivors, but the goal of survivors is to do gens. If a killer spares you, he's friendly. If a survivor doesn't do gens, is emoting or is under a hook waiting for the killer, the killer will assume they're either bad, toxic or being a terrible teammate. Unless you're in a swf who all decide to kill yourselves (which is a thing), you can't stop the game from playing out. On the other hand, if a killer decides to farm, there's nothing survivors can do about it. Either farm, sit on gens until you've done them all or get killed (or DC), in any case the killer alone has decided to and can stop you from having a normal game experience, which isn't possible for survivors.
How are you going to prove you're being nice to a killer by running up to them and acting all "hey look i'm letting you kill me" when the killer doesn't need your permission and would have done it anyways? Most killers will just hit & hook you no questions asked, and claiming you did it on purpose in the post game chat is not going to come accross as nice. It's like when killers suddenly decide to farm bc they're clearly losing, thank you but we were clearly all going to escape anyways. If you don't get killed on purpose but sacrifice yourself at the end of the game, a lot of killers don't like that you're not leaving quickly and assume you died accidentally to the endgame collapse.
Anyways, a lot of words to say: it's an asymetrical game, of course both sides don't have the same means of showing they're being nice. (also saying "i would argue survivors go out of their way to make the game worse for killers" after claiming this isn't an us v them post is quite bold)
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You are right that a lot of survivors good etiquette is not doing certain actions but the vast majority don't refrain from doing any of them.I would argue the majority the killer playerbases follows at least one of the aforementioned self imposed rules while they play.
That being said i don't see survivors not abusing realm offerings,even though its incredibly disrespectful to send the killer to an obviously survivors sided map.And its not like they shy from doing it.Play killer on a friday night,more than half you games will have a map offering.Whats more,killers barely use them,and when they do the majority of times is to make an already off meta build work(scratch mirror on indoor map,good build vs pallets on gideon,trapper on maps with grass).
As mentioned in the original post,just leaving is another good etiquette survivors could follow,and yet again the majority want to be sent off.
Survivors are also notorious for abusing bugs and features before they get fiexed.Killers aren't saints either,but right now when merciless strom is bugged how many killers are running it?I see it once every 7-10 games,but thats anecdotal i guess.Now look back at boil over,and how many teams were bringing maps and staying in areas where they could not be hooked.It felt like every third game was one of those,and the perk itself was ran on half the playerbase.
What about pips,letting a survivor go especially at iri grade is the difference between getting a pip or not.If you want to be technical you get a bonus of 2500 bp for not letting anyone escape + the hook and sacrifice + the bp for closing the hatch.The main thing however is the message conveyed,no one is playing survivors to farm bloodpoints,killers get way more.
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Surrendering and begging for mercy isn't a sign of good faith.You weren't in a position to do something annoying and went out of your way not to.You didn't do something kind at the expense of yourself.You are making an offering in which you have everything to gain,since the match is over either way.
Losing a game as killer and having to wait 2 minutes,or having to push everyone out while they sit there and sometimes even tbag is horrendous.I would not even call it toxic on the account of how often it happens,it feels like its just force of habbit to do so.Survivors still do go out of their way not to escape,and waste everyones time, its not a minority either,most survivors do this.
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Exactly my point, survivors aren't in a position to do anything nice because the killer's goal is to kill them. The only thing they can do is thank the killer for being nice, give them a pity kill (which means you can't be nice to someone who beats you) or literally just not be a jerk.
Also I play enough killer to be aware of the practice, it used to bother me a lot and idk if it's just bc I stopped caring but it doesn't feel like it happens most of the time anymore tbh, and I rarely see it happen in my survivor games, we just leave once we know everyone's safe (or I leave immediately if my teammates were rude)
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As survivor I refuse to t-bag, blind at pallets, or otherwise BM unless the killer did it first (hitting on hook, bleedouts even if your sitting directly below a hook). I sometimes give pity kills via hook or EGC if the killer was significantly outskilled.
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who the hell cares about pips nowadays??
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Who cares about bloodpoints?Once you get all the perks and characters you want there is nothing else to grind.Yeah you will need to replace some addons,offerings and items here and there but you get more bp than you consume.
Pips at least feel like a goal you can grind for especially if you need one more pip for the next grade.Getting an extra pip feels more meaningful then 5k bloodpoints that get spent on pieces of litter.
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The most common thing I've seen is survivors who will give a pity kill to a killer they've absolutely dumpstered and the leaving of items for killers in exchange for being give hatch or gate. There is also snoot booping on crouching pigs.
After that though, everything I usually see from survivors is just piles of salt. There could be more good things, but after years of playing the game only the bad behavior sticks out in my mind clearly.