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What perks do you frustrate the most to play against?

Dh, SB, Lithe, CoH
Fearmonger, The Scourge hook gift of pain, franklens
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Sprint Burst
Fearmongerer, and all blindness perks
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Boil Over
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Boil Over, Franklins, Knockout
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DH and Devour Hope.
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Boil Over, for being extremely annoying, and being stronger against console players (me) than PC players.
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What exactly is the reason you find these perks particularly annoying about? You guys hate boil over, dead hard, sprint burst, fearmonger and franklin's demise the most.
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Sprint burst has always been more annoying than DH, even for distance, ever was for me. I personally think it's stronger and wastes more time, especially with a team of 4 who manages it well.
I hate perks that are inherently anti solo queue, which are basically all the blindness perks plus knockout. They exist only to screw over solo queue players. If something that disproportionately affects only solo q or new players it shouldn't exist, at all.
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Knock Out.
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Boil Over, Franklin's, Knock Out
In the case of Boil Over and Knock Out, they lead to awful playstyles. No item should be powerful enough to warrant a perk like Franklin's on the killer side, and Franklin's shouldn't be in the game.
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well, it depends which killer i'm using. like if i'm using wraith or a "surprise/stealth" killer i hate Sprint Burst because it denies that first hit. similarly, if i'm using a killer that wants to keep everyone injured then i hate CoH but i love playing against if if i'm a plague.
also, which perks i'm using as a survivor can make certain killer perks frustrating. like if i'm using Sprint Burst then i hate playing against fearmonger.
if i decide to bring a medkit as a survivor, then i hate being hit by someone using's Franklings but it doesn't feel as bad if i decide to bring a flashlight or toolbox.
if i bring a flashlight and spend any time trying to go for a save then of course going against lightborn is going to be frustrating.
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Boil Over is one of the most bullshit feel-bad perks.
It literally only affects Console players and it can be damn near impossible to hook people using it. It's one of the worst designed perks and it should be reworked completely.
If I were any saltier, I'd say it was cheating. It's the one perk that I'll be upset about seeing.
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Bamboozle and boil over.
Bamboozle killers are predictable and make holding W even more prevalent since they won’t play a single window
Boil over gamers go to an unhookable spot and get mad when you slug them
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When I used to play on console getting boil overed on lery’s was genuinely frustrating
One of the few times I actually got so tilted I stopped playing
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Boil Over. Complete bs.
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To be fair most windows as an m1 killer either can't be player or are not worth playing if you have bamboozle.
If you bamb a TL thats a different story,but shack,long and short wall junggle gyms are all great places to use said perk.
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I'm going to be petty...
Fixated- faster movement speeds make swings even bigger risk
Hope- same as Fixated... but during Endgame
Blood Echo- As Killer it's hard to get anything out of it... As Survivor it's just as annoying
Deathbound- Serves little purpose (effect is meaningless in the grand scheme of this)
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As survivor;
* Lethal Pursuer - So annoying when that the killer is onto your exact random location after like 20 seconds of spawning in.
* Corrupt - Completely see why killers run it, but its bloody annoying as a survivor having nothing to do apart from break a totem for an inner healing stack. I don't see the need to transverse the map looking for a unblocked gen presumably close to the killer.
As killer;
* Old dead hard obviously
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Probably Boil Over. It’s way too awkward for my liking.
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Regarding DH, I have already made countless posts why I despise that perk. The main part is that it defined the meta for so long that every killer would wait behind a survivor until they used it. Imagine telling a new player that they have to wait after every survivor in every single chase or give them a third health state. Also DH countered most killer powers in the game to a degree. It just always feels bad, making the right play as a killer and getting punished by granting the survivor a third health state.
Devour Hope just feels cheap. When I face it, Devour Hope either does nothing or it hits like a truck and suddenly a killer with 3 hooks at 4 gens kills all of us. The perk is not overpowered but I just really don't like it.
Post edited by Xernoton on1 -
I find none of the perks annoying though I can give you a list of perks that people really despise.
Survivors: Boil Over, Lithe, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Boon: Circle of Healing & Breakdown.
Killers: Lightborn, Hex: No One Escapes Death, No Way Out, Corrupt Intervention, Blood Echo, Blood Warden, Coulrophobia, Fearmonger, Franklin's Demise, Hex: Devour Hope, Knock Out, Lethal Pursuer & Sloppy Butcher.
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yep, same here, but to each their own
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Not because it's particularly strong but because it's makes some killers turn their brains off. Don't think it should be changed though, it's got counterplay and if you're good enough you can easily outlast the block timer
From a Killer POV I also think it's a bit of a crutch, in that if you become reliant on it you won't learn how to play around strong windows without it and will miss out on that experience.
I do understand that many people use it to offset a certain weakness of a killer, namely the chainsaw lads as windows are their hard counter and I think that's extremely fair, I don't think there's fault in that.
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I can't stand Unbreakable, not that i think it needs to be nerfed or something, but if you make an extremely good play as Killer and end up with the whole team downed within seconds, one single survivor having that perk can save the whole team. Nothing more miserable than being a starstruck Trapper killing an altruistic SWF only to have everything you did denied by one single survivor picking themselves up and healing everyone else immediatly.
Had another match in which 3 survivors were hiding in the same corner and i was Bubba, it was beautiful to down all 3 of them with one single chainsaw sweep. Yet by the time I hooked one survivor they were all up again thanks to one single unbreakable.
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stealth perks and gotcha chase perks like bamsnoozle/dissolution endufury
special mention for play with your food tho it's pretty rare but every game against it is a waste of time. you ether never actually get chased or you're playing against a 130~ speed killer super unfun
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I hate Boil Over because it makes the very simple task of putting a survivor on a hook very tedious, annoying, and especially unreliable if you're on console with a controller. In video games, taking control away from the player is one of the most infuriating things you can do, and that's what Boil Over does. On some maps like RPD or Lery's, just walking through doors becomes a pain in the ass that costs me valuable time. And then there's players who use it in cheesy ways like hiding in Badham's basement with it.
Overall Boil Over is just annoying and frustrating to deal with, and not in the typical competitive way. It's like getting rubbed down with sandpaper every time I encounter it.
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If I see a someone with Boil Over who keeps running to a hook free zone (bonus points if there was a hook offering), I'm going to remove them from the match asap or let them bleed out. Depends on how good their teammates are.
I have no problem with all other perks on either side. I just hate how poorly balanced maps are.
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noed, devour hope
as for killer there arent rlly any perks that bother me. maybe sprint burst