Devs, you need to stop GEN RUSH as a result of the 6.7.0 changes.

Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

In the last few weeks and with the new patch, I have seen that many average killers suffer from games where the survivors pursue their main objective (gens and escape) and many of the existing killers with the most gen defense PERKS it is NOT possible to win the time possible to make a "balanced" game.

This is leading to more:

  • Tunnel
  • Camp
  • Competitiveness

And most of the killers who are going to hooks are HAVING absolutely no FUN, making an average of 4 to 6 hooks with 5 gens done.

I hope this can be seen by the devs and the community itself.

How do survivors respond to these changes?

Since they don't have the "dead hard" the "healing" is worse, they will repair without looking back. Add that, several perks that killers normally use to stop this type of thing, have been NERFs.

I don't know what solution BHVR will have to stop this type of game, but the generators are literally flying.


  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267
    edited April 2023

    You've been lucky, because I could also do 4k or 3k against average players (potatoes) but I want to see you against random people, not PREMADES, but just people, people who more or less know how to play and do their main objective (gens), you'll explain to me , if you will have to play in another way such as: camping or tunneling, more competitively to balance the game, you cannot deny this, I have 6200 hours.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited April 2023

    I don't camp or tunnel (well - I don't track who I hooked last - so actually I do tunnel if I happen to find last hooked person). I also played more survivor (oh not this patch. I play MUCH more killer then survivor now). I don't play all the killers, but I do play also M1 killers and just today I had 4 games of doctor. 3x 4-3K and 1x 1K. I also played 3x spirit with brown addons (today only 3-4K). Also 2x bubba (both 4K). That about sums up my experience this patch. Yesterday was no different.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Since they don't have the "dead hard" the "healing" is worse, they will repair without looking back. 

    I mean, if only you had a perk that could stop that kind of strategy dead.

    Oh they are still here.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
    edited April 2023

    New pain res can remove an entire gen if you split pressure (so in all technicality it adds a entire gen on its own) no way out also adds a gen basically and you can literally fufill it and pain res at the same time. Corrupt for killers with slow start up. Surge for down explosions to regress multiple gens at once. Thana with the new slow heals to force a lose-lose. Discordance to interrupt multiple survivors at once. Honestly you can make a case for a lot of perks.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Im sorry if you wanted perks to do all the work for you. But these are the options now.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I find it funny you say that but one of your suggestions was Deadlock that actually does do all the work for you.

    I just want regression to be strong enough that killers don't feel like they need to tunnel and camp to win. Those kind of games aren't fun for anyone.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited April 2023

    Discordance is an info perk, not a gen defense perk.

    My guy, It tells you what Gen they are working on. This is what Gen defence is. like Come on now.

    I just want regression to be strong enough that killers don't feel like they need to tunnel and camp to win. Those kind of games aren't fun for anyone.

    That is commendable but we cannot balance the game based on a feeling of not wanting to kill that much.

    Yeah, camping and tunneling isnt fun, I am myself working on some suggestions for bHVR to make those things a bit more fun, but until then its the game right now. We cannot have strong regression like that.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    My build on most killers is now: deadlock, pain res, nowhere to hide and 4th depending on killer (dragon's is nice on spirit - mainly because of synergy with NtH, bamboozle on Bubba-like killers, corrupt on plague or other setup killers, etc). I have very good results with this. It feels nice. You just have to keep in mind probable gen progress across the board - but it's not hard

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    True some of them arent gen defense but i also don't consider all gens being completed the end of the game. Theres an entire phase afterword. So even if they rush the first, stuff like no way out is good. Pain res its very rare to get no value since survivors are apparently always on gens you should be chunking off 25% fairly consistently. Thana was just a suggestion with people saying "they just won't heal". I still think of discordance kinda gen defense. Corrupt at least gives a fighting chance to killers like myers. Ive gotten some pretty good results with pain res no way out deadlock shadowborne on myers. If shadowborne was base thatd be corrupt. *cries in motion sickness* lol. Its especially good enough on high mobility like billy rn. (15 games so far)

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    Pain res is not a good option tbh. Too situational. I'd rather have a weaker reduction that's more consistently guaranteed (say 10% or 15%) than a maybe 25% if conditions are just right with getting the right survivors at the right time at the right hooks. There are too many conditions on it to be worth it imo. Knock it down to lower return but allow more opportunities to trigger (not just 1st hook).

    I do think the killer gameplay does feel more forced to play mean and less gen defensive. I think it's still winnable on either side but I think the gameplay feels like there is less variety to choose from:/

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Discordance neither regresses gens, blocks gens, nor slows repair speed. Therefore it isn't gen defense. I stand by that definition.

    I would argue that we absolutely can and should have strong gen defense even with how tunneling and camping currently are... IF and only if that gen defense doesn't function if you're engaging in those strategies.

    We have perks like that. Pop and Ruin. They just suck. Buffing them, DS and OtR all in the same patch would go a long way towards a healthier, more fun DBD.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Hard disagree. If you manage to down 1st person before 1st gen pops, you delay first popping significantly. Chances are you will be able to repeat it again - and that is huge - survivors will now waste a lot of time on healing, unhooking and chasing. It's possible you will get 1 out by 3 gens left without any tunnel (going for 9hook for 1st one out) - because your start of the game went so well (provided you don't screw up now).

    Don't get me wrong. This is still nerf to the version before this patch. But saying the perk is now useless is... About as true as saying new corrupt (the version after 6.1) is now useless. That's just not true. And you will see it in usage rate. PR did not get the nerf CoB or OC got. It's still very good

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    To be clear, I'm not saying it's useless. I'm saying it's not a great option. Yes it can work but I personally prefer perks with consistency rather than situational ones that can be amazing in certain circumstances(just kinda my overall attitude in games in general).

    I'd rather run something like Pop goes the weasel where I can get several triggers with much less conditions in place. With pop I know I can get 20% regression several times over in a game while pain resonance I get one shot on each survivor on specific hooks hoping that I hook when a gen has 25% progress completed. The 5% difference (and without a kick) doesn't feel worth it to me at least when I can control what gens get regressed and I can trigger it several times over

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    Well don't forget pop and pain res are different now. Pain res is 25% of total progress. Pop is 20% of current. So youll never get even close to pain res because of current vs total. If a gens at 40 charges itll take off 8 charges. While pain res will take 25.

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    Oh yeah I forgot the pop change. Qell, either way I don't see the value of pain resonance much tbh

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited April 2023

    And that's cool. If everyone saw the game the same, we would all be using just 1 killer with same 4 perks over and over. It's just that PR is still good and even if it's not unconditional now, it can be super-duper good if things align well (and not very bad if things are not just plain super-unlucky). But I understand that's not something everyone will be happy with

  • Percival_nxs
    Percival_nxs Member Posts: 193

    Regarding PR, Is still a scourge hook, so you need it to be close to you, you dont get it every time. I did some games finished with still 2 tokens on PR just because i didnt had the hook. Expecially on RPD.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
    edited April 2023

    So for comparison. Say you got a pop per gen and each gen was at 89 charges 20% of current

    89x.2=17.8 (dbd rounds down)

    17x5=85 charges.

    Pain res if pop was any lower than 89 charges we were using for comparison (which it goes down like a rock because of current) 3 hooks would beat it out.

    But we'll do the whole 12 hooks for a fun thing to.


    17x12=204 max charges that pop can remove in a given game.

    2x as much as pain res with 4 hooks. (Feel free to fix math if i messed up somewhere) but yes rng with scourges can be a factor ofc. Personally i always get the 4 eventually. It has some value i feel depending on what ya run with it. Pop just doesn't seem to hold up much anymore.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 619

    The scourge hook is a perk that is greatly influenced by generation, and on top of that, depending on the situation of the gen, the most repaired gen will end at the timing when you try to hook. It's gone. It's hard to choose when to use this perk, but I don't think I want to use it very aggressively because it doesn't have a sense of stability.

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    Yeah pop is much less good nowadays (I honestly forgot about the change to pop). Really I don't see myself using much gen regression aside from merciless storm. I kinda view the pain res change as a slight nerf due to it being limited use. I'd love for scourge hooks to become more of a thing (along with other niche types of perks like boons or hexes aside from the small couple outliers).

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,267

    Exact. The thing is, what is the purpose of nerfing all the gen defense perks? Does the BHVR believe or think that it does not need it due to the changes? I think that sometimes they don't know and they are based only on stats and they don't know how the game really is.

    Pain resonance the "adjustment" for me is a mega nerf, although they have increased from 15 to 25%, there are many situations.

    Call of brine: 125%? Yes, we can use it for the info, but for what? If the basic kick is 100%, I save a gap to find another...

    Deadlock, jolt well... they are good options, but I repeat, why should we get 2 or 3 anti gens perks? To look for fun? I would like to ONE DAY play without gen defense perks, but BHVR won't let me, why? I do 4-5 hooks (no camp and tunnel)

    I don't know, a lot of gens defense perks have been nerfed because of? Due to the nerfs to healing, perks like dead hard among others? I don't know, but the solution is not to balance the game with perks, there are many problems in the game, both in one role and the other, but I'm talking about mine (MAIN KILLER) and it's a smoke to play as a killer right now and well it's been a while couple of month.