If this is how medkits MUST be, can we at least have all the rarities merged into browns?
Because now its just more bloodweb clutter, there's no point at all in having different rarities if they all have the same stats because nobody uses them for altruistic healing
If you guys really insist on having 3 brown medkits rarities with different names, at least make it official and just make them browns
Alternatively you can just, y'know have them take different niches like toolboxes and flashlights. Why are medkits different?
It's a 5% difference to each rarity... and the charges are limited (with only granting a heal and a half by default when using on other survivors)
There's no way you can be serious with this
The only time you'd actually use that is endgame (especially at the gates) because you don't need the charges anymore
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No, I want it as it is. I love variety, even if it is simple
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But like, there is no variety
They literally are just brown medkits with different names at the moment. Do you also want all the toolboxes and flashlights being their lowest rarity as well?
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There is a difference so that the violet affects the Skill Checks
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You can use addons to make them better.
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But the point stands. There's very little difference between brown and purple. I don't think making brown trash-tier and purple god-tier is way to go, but considering most common use-case (self heal) makes them absolutely identical - the rarities makes very little sense.
I am not saying make the purple self-heal 50% faster. It doesn't even need to be speed-based. There are other things that would make it valuable. Like making slightly less noise, mentioned skillcheck sizes, even simple things like additional bloodpoints or anything else. Just make the rarities matter at least a little
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It does not anymore
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Exactly! This is exactly what I'm saying here, make them do different thing, at least something
It's like if all the toolboxes did the same thing
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Yeah, medkits are mostly used to heal oneself. Why? Because often you are left injured and can't find a person. And if you need to heal someone else, you can heal them without a medkit. It's a no-brainer. So yeah, from that perspective, all medkits are identical. There is no difference among them.
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Yes but you can use them on any medkit
I'm saying there's no difference between the rarities, as it stands why even bring a purple medkit when it has the same stats as brown medkit?
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it matters as much as the price difference. What were you expecting?