Is med kits bugged? 32 charges I can't get 2 heals

After the patch, I can not get 2 heals out of medkits plus addons with 32 charges and speed boost? Just wondering if this is happening to anyone else thanks.
Medkits have reduced healing efficiency when self-healing (by 33%).
It requires 24 charges to self-heal now, it's no longer 16 charges.
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Oh that's horrible, what's the sense then. They need to change the note that 16 charges does not fully heal like it still shows. I'll wait and play when and if they change it back. No sense in wasting your addons now and wasting med kits to get just 1 heal blah.. thanks and tc I'm done for now. Makers of a game always seems to break the game than do good. Wish I wouldn't have wasted 20 dollars 2 days ago on it now lol. Live and learn I suppose.
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Sadly I doubt it will ever change back. They explicitly wanted no more than two heals per medkit.
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It was intentional. The goal was to nerf self healing while leaving altruistic healing untouched. They wanted to make damage states more impactful, and that can't be done when a single survivor can quickly negate a killer hit without help. You can still self heal, just not as much as you used to be able to. Quite frankly, this is much healthier for the game
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Then they need to change the 16 charges to fully heal yourself ect ect. Sad though you have to use all your addons to justify one heal though, and a single medkit will not do nothing now. It's as worthless as the common tool box which also does absolutely nothing. They need to rethink how they are going to word things and fix appropriately before deploying a patch. 2nd redo the medit addons because honestly I dont see how it really helps now. Maybe you can break down each medkit and addon that work, or better yet just take out all the stupid medkits and leave one that heals fully 16 charges and use speed addons and forget the rest.
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That's all I ever got was 2, but if you are paying attention you can't get 2 now lol. I don't mean that in a smart butt way either.
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What I mean is self healing with a medkit eats 24 charges now. So even with addons you can't get more than two self heals.
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What if you pair it with Streetwise? Does it counter the efficiency penalty enough?
Also now that I think about it, Overwhelming Presence can completely ruin a medkit's ability to self-heal. Even the slightest extra penalty will knock off enough to make it fall short of a full heal, if I understand it right.
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I'd argue that self-care is actually good again, even in its current state. Was running self care, botany and resilience today and I quite liked the build. It really didn't feel that much slower than healing myself with a medkit. And you can do it multiple times per match and also the other two perks are also beneficial. Throw in an exhaustion perk to round out the build. Don't knock it till you try it!
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Streetwise won't get you enough for a third heal. Only way now would be Built to Last will.
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Before the patch I was able to build a medkit that could do 3.5 to 4 full heals depending if I was in a CoH zone or not. That's what they wanted to fix because they saw more people healing themselves multiple times without worry.
The build I'm using that seems to work for me so far vs various Killers (haven't tested out against Skilly, Wesker, or Nurse) is CoH, ShadowStep, Self Heal, and Usually the 4th is Bot Knowledge
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They do take only 16 charges to heal. it just has a 33 percent speed penalty when self healing. That was the whole point. Again, this was intentional. To weaken self healing