So you want to modernize perk?

Start with perks like Prove Thyself, which might have made sense in the days of old Ruin, or Pop, or whatever old meta was. Why do perks like this still exist? Thanatophobia has also been literally nerfed to the ground, now we no longer need perks like this to further incentivize the already well-known genrush we are experiencing after the last update.
Survivors now make even more use of BNP toolboxes, combined with this perk you don't even have time to scratch your nose they complete a generator.
Prove thyself is a pretty healthy perk imo. I like tram based perks and wish more were designed like it for other uses honestly
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I love when Prove Thyself comes up as a broken perk. Some people think it is way too powerful, others think it is a horrible trap perk and survivors should be spreading out to do gens.
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You can't have your cake and eat it too. Self healing took a nerf, so more players are playing injured. This means it's taking less hits to get them sacrificed. It's literally why tunnelling is so popular - easier to take down an injured person than a healthy one. Survivors know this too, so of course they are using gen progress perks, and why shouldnt they? Are they supposed to just twiddle their thumbs? Healing is no longer an efficient or easily accessible use of their time.
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Both of which are wrong. It exists for those sweet blood points.
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I miss the good Ole days of bbq...
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Those were the days.
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Yeah I hate that they seem to be phasing out bonus BP... not a great reason to do it imo
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They even removed the bp bonus from the needle and suture addons for medkits. I loved those addons but they're not worth running now. Truly sad times.
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Yeah...i hope they change them back at some point but I just dont see it happening:/
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I mentioned it during the ptb and Mandy said the want to remove bp bonuses so people don't feel like they need to run certain things. So yeah, they're likely gone for good.
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If they touch PT I swear...thats my #1 bp farming perks as surv cause it can be hard to max out the objective catagory unless you do co-op 4 gens
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Yeah I feel mixed on...on the one hand I get not wanting to do that but in the other I like the option
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It really does, especially you can't ymget fully value if someone dies. Soo dumb.
Hex ruin also needs looked over again. Way overly nerfed
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I don't care if they touch it so long as they up objective bp gain.
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When you look at the complete survivor objective Prove Thyself has a net value of 0%. It just compensates the lack of efficiency of grouping up, nevermind the fact that survivors should spread out to put more pressure on the killer.
It's only good at providing "saved" progression as you can't regress a completed gen, and at breaking 3gens.
It's a very balanced perk in my opinion.
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Especially because the old BBQ actually was an incentive to not tunnel but to ensure that you quickly got each survivor on the hook once then you'd move on to other tactics.
But they removed that anti-tunnel incentive. #########?