Healing totem can't heal self now? casual gamer here

Not good in english btw

Casual gamer here playing with young people, students and kids... We enjoy playing this game because of healing totem, sometimes we can't see each other in the map, that is why I put healing totem so they can heal there self on there own while hiding from killer.. To kids to lessen there nervousness from these game and enjoy walking while hiding.. Healing totem is there home.

I hope devs you return HEALING totem soon for self healing...



  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    This could definitely work, if the devs:

    • make snuffing the totem as the killer make the boon perks on the booner go on a 30-60 second cooldown
    • make healing a total of 2-4 health states in the boon area automatically snuff the totem and trigger a 30-60 second cooldown
    • make the healing speed in the boon area drop with the distance from the totem
    • and yeah, make boon self-healing not stack with medkits and healing perks
  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    "The game isn’t even directed at kids though?"

    They never said it was...? where'd you get that from?

    "Though the per Self-Care still exists!"

    you're really telling new players to use self care? jesus christ.... at least recommend them to use medkits first

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893
    edited April 2023

    They are asking for game adjustments to make it more easy for kids that apparently struggle while playing?

    To kids to lessen there nervousness from these game and enjoy walking while hiding

    yes, I recommend self care. No need to cry for ‚Jesus Christ‘, you don’t have to agree. But it is a valid perk in this game and has its uses. Also they said they are playing together. Also also, medkits are limited use which isn’t what they seem to look for at all.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    "They are asking for game adjustments to make it more easy for kids that apparently struggle while playing?"

    Ok? Does that mean they think the game is for kids or does that mean they are suggesting a feature be reverted for kids who struggle while playing? These are two different things. Rather than jumping to incorrect conclusions, tackle what they actually said.

    "yes, I recommend self care. No need to cry for ‚Jesus Christ‘, you don’t have to agree. But it is a valid perk in this game and has its uses." you are recommending the worst perk for healing... if you're going to give advice don't give bad advice, you can already tell this user is dealing with players who are very inexperienced in the game, telling them to use bad perks that make you take forever to heal yourself is supremely detrimental and it'd genuinely be better if you hadn't posted at all

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Ok? Does that mean they think the game is for kids or does that mean they are suggesting a feature be reverted for kids who struggle while playing? These are two different things. Rather than jumping to incorrect conclusions, tackle what they actually said.

    in both cases I tell them that the game is not meant for kids. And if these kids actually already struggle with nervousness maybe the game is too much for them. I didn’t tell them directly to stop or told them they are in the wrong, so I don’t see where this supposed „jump“ to an „incorrect conclusion“ and why you think you must be in the right here?

    if you're going to give advice don't give bad advice, you can already tell this user is dealing with players who are very inexperienced in the game, telling them to use bad perks that make you take forever to heal yourself is supremely detrimental and it'd genuinely be better if you hadn't posted at all

    I give the advice I want to give. And Self-Care seems to be exactly what OP seeks for. As I already said, you do not have to agree. You can give your own advice. You can say you don’t agree with my advice. But DO NOT tell me what kind of advice I am allowed to give. Not everyone strives to use only the best and most effective meta-perks and strives to play on a perfect competitive level. Self-Care can be useful especially in a casual swf where everyone can coordinate around it.

    please get off your high horse.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269
    edited April 2023

    "high horse". sorry that i give a ######### about not giving casual players bad advice. apparently that means i'm on a "high horse". sorry that you think giving casual players bad advice is something i should just accept, but I won't, because casual players shouldn't be listening to you, as your advice is bad. medkits>>>selfcare and don't require a perk to do it. sure, you get theoretically less heals but taking more time on heals gives you more time to be found as you're stuck in one place for longer spending time to heal yourself. it's a bad idea for their hiding playstyle to use a very long heal as if they're making loud healing noises for a longer amount of time, they'll get found easier. your advice doesn't make any sense in any way and it's just bad advice. don't give casual players bad advice. they need good advice so they learn smarter things to do. think before you speak next time and stop dying on the hill of your bad advice.

    We're talking about kids here, mate. Kids dying because self care healing sounds revealed them because they were making noises for too long will just frustrate them to no end. That's why I'm suggesting a faster heal, as to lower the possibility of getting caught out from self caring sounds. It's just a smarter suggestion when dealing with young children.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    It’s not bad advice. That is just your subjective take on it. And yeah the way you act you are on a high horse.

    medkits have limited use. What are these kids supposed to do after their one or with addons possibly two heals? Now they can just suffer through their nervousness again?

    You are still acting like these casual players want or need to play super effectively. They don’t. They can play this game the way they want. Otherwise you could just tell them to not heal at all and git gud at looping and instead of healing focusing on gens.

    stop acting like you have everything figured out and only you know what’s good and what’s bad. And learn to be more polite and take your own advice - think before you speak.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    Why should I be polite to someone giving bad advice to casual players? Casual players deserve good advice, and you're not doing something worth me being nice about. What you're doing is scummy.

    Medkits have limited charges, but who gives a #########, really? The amount of heals you get out of how long SC takes will pretty much be how many heals you get out of that medkit anyways because SC takes so long... the match won't last long enough for the unlimited heals of SC to matter regardless since they're casual players... like i've said... nothing you're saying adds up. You don't know what you're talking about. Stop suggesting SC.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    We're talking about kids here, mate. Kids dying because self care healing sounds revealed them because they were making noises for too long will just frustrate them to no end. That's why I'm suggesting a faster heal, as to lower the possibility of getting caught out from self caring sounds. It's just a smarter suggestion when dealing with young children.

    Edit came after I answered. So second one.

    see? A little bit of thinking and already more polite. Sure, you could have just added that or given that advice instead of attacking me. (Or added that Bite the Bullet could further help with self-care).

    although… „younger children“? The talk was about young people and kids, don’t jump to possibly false conclusions 😉

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    kids = younger children... now you're just being pedantic and going after communication differences. is that really all you have? my phrasing of things isn't the same way you phrase things... doesn't mean i'm incorrect or hypocritical.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    no that’s not all I have. I was just making fun of something you did before but that went right past you.

    You still haven’t even acknowledged the fact that I told you you are free to disagree with me and give your own advice. All you got was completely disregarding the OP and trying to make a point how I was scummy for suggesting to use a perk that did exactly what OP is missing.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    So, you basically want a game rated M by ESBR and +18 by PEGI to be balanced around kids playing it...

    Sounds totally logic to me!

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    And i gave a better option for what OP is missing but you still have no idea how to process that. lmk when you figure it out because that'd make discussion go a whole lot smoother

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited April 2023

    To expand on what's been said already:

    The latest update did indeed remove self healing from Boon: Circle of Healing. In trade-off it gained the ability to reveal any injured Survivors within its area and healing others is done much faster. Medkits saw a similar blow to self-healing and buff to healing others.

    If your group needs ways to heal themselves, along with the aforementioned Self-Care (heal yourself without a medkit but at a much slower rate) there's Inner Healing (Break a totem and you can heal yourself by hiding in a locker) and Renewal (heal someone else and next time you're unhooked you heal automatically after a set period of time).

    Both are general perks so any player has access to them without needing additional DLC.

    For keeping track of one another there's also Bond (see others in a certain range), Empathy (see injured Survivors) and, if you have Yoichi, Empathic Connection (injured Survivors see you)

    I'm not personally too worried about kids playing the game, in and of itself. If they can handle it and aren't overly scared by it, have fun.

    My oldest niece loved horror stuff as a kid (late elementary, early middle) and probably would have wanted to play DBD if it'd been around.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I think it's OK when paired with botany, But that's about it

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Medkits didn't get buffed for healing others tho, if anything it was nerfed thanks to all charges being lessened

    I guess for the brown medkit, it's a buff but for every other medkit it's a nerf

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Per the patch notes, nearly all of them had their speed when healing others increased. The only one that went down was the Emergency Medkit (I think that's the green one?) which went from 50% to 45%.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited April 2023

    Yes, from the PTB where it was lower

    It's the same as it was pre patch now except for the green medkit of course

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065
    edited April 2023

    Those are the live patch notes I linked and every one notes the change of what it was pre-update and now and, other than Emergency, every one is an increase. Green and purple medkits do lose their secondary effects, but the numbers got altruistic healing were upped in 3/4.

    There's a separate section for changes made from PTB to Live got those updates

    Post edited by Zeidoktor on
  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    it might be. botany is 50% so honestly most healing seems better with it.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    though I have told you that it’s not really covering everything OP is looking for.

    And I gave an even better option after that which you are in denial about it seems.

    and let’s not pretend you were looking for a smoother discussion you were disrespectful from the very beginning.

  • DarkMyst
    DarkMyst Member Posts: 232

    Let's please remember that this discussion should be centered around the game, and not other players.

    Going forward, let's leave the personal bickering and insults out of the thread, and instead focus on critiquing aspects of the game, not others.

    Thank you!

  • kingkos
    kingkos Member Posts: 2

    After playing many games after update in healing totem, I miss the old healing totem so many player are selfish even your near in Healing totem they dont help you. Old healing totem is very convenient.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Imagine telling new players to use "Self-Care".

    No, don't do this @kingkos

    Use some heal builds maybe or learn to play without CoH (adept) but do not bring Self-Care. It is just bad perk which helps to killers more.