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Should healthy hook grabs still be a thing?

Member Posts: 45

Why or why not?

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  • Member Posts: 427

    They never work for me when I play killer, yet when I play survivor the killer always gets me with it. For all I care, delete it

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    the ping component should be removed. i got grabbed far too often even though the other survivor has already unhooked and runs away.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Well, just to nitpick, the "injured only" vault grabs are the outlier to the other "get caught during any action"-grabs.

    For consistency, vault grabs should be performable on healthy survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'd say that grabs should still be a thing, yet I would also add that if a survivor is grabbed whilst healthy, then if they somehow escape they should be healthy after. Afterall, the killer is grabbing then and not hitting then with a weapon. Same with injured.

    A grab normally results in a hook anyway, so on a rare occasion a survivor does escape they can escape in the state they were grabbed in.

    A killer who grabs a survivor who is healthy can choose to drop them, in which case the killer can throw them to the floor to cause then to become injured.

  • Member Posts: 1,757
  • Member Posts: 297

    With all the second chance perks survivors have sure let's punish the killer some more.

    There is almost no gen defence left and you want more with not being to grab?

    No wonder a lot of killers camp.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    They should remain. Killer is supposed to be able to exert power over one survivor once caught and there should be great risk involved for the rescuer. If anything, survivor is a team role and sometimes they may need to come together and have two people go for the rescue.

    The only thing that needs to go is Bubbi Bois ability to completely remove the chance for an unhook. Survivors should always have a chance to rescue and it shouldn’t take the whole team.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,121

    Agree on grabbing, disagree on bloodlust. Devs already tested that and it just took too long for m1 killers to feasibly catch up

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I'm not sure. It's not fun for anyone to have a protracted game of Tapping Unhook, and most of the time it just ends in a trade anyway... but, even if it's not fun, maybe sometimes it's advantageous to the killer for unhooking to take a long time and/or psych people out. So I don't know.

  • Member Posts: 389
    edited April 2023

    Yes. I'm a fan of not giving free saves. They should get punished for making bad calls. Survivors shouldn't just divebomb into a hook and get a hit at most. Being given a guaranteed hook trade (best case scenario for killer that is) is punishing killers and ultimately I think worse for the game. I'd rather have camping and such than potato random survivors just dive bomb and get us both killed.

    I understand the stalemate not being fun but survivors do have a choice in engaging in it. They could go do a gen, heal someone, escape, open a gate, etc. They can also try baiting the killer away for a friend to get the save. You could body block for a friend to get a grab. There are several choices available.

    I will say that the killer hovering over hatch is dumb. I do think that should automatically close if the killers stand over it for so long. Feels dumb as a survivor your choice is to sneak into hatch or work on 2 gens if they refuse to close hatch

  • Member Posts: 8,816


  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I don’t see how removing this will prevent camping. All this will do it camping to secure a killer at end game way harder. There’s other ways to prevent camping at 5 gens.

  • Member Posts: 389

    That's not the same. DH you must engage with as a killer at some point since your goal is the survivor while unhooking you don't have to engage in as a survivor. It's certainly wise to but you don't. You can still coordinate in solo play as well

  • Member Posts: 389

    Grabs Vaulting stuff is something I don't think is needed

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    Great way to make stealth and w-keying even more popular.

  • Member Posts: 20

    Grabs should stay so BHVR can see how even killers that are not Bubba can easily face camp, completly deny the rescue of any camped survivor AND also get a free kill because another survivor dared try to save someone being held hostage by an uncounterable mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 9,428

    Next they want to prevent insta downs when unhooking a survivor. Why should a survivor take damage while unhooking anyways?

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I'm on the fence about this

    On one hand:

    Yes... cause it causes the Survivors to try and play it safe and gives the Killer a reward for timing it correctly

    On the other hand:

    No... cause "it's not fair" (says someone that has more hours playing Killer)

    Side note:

    Locker grabs are a thing so should we get rid of those as well??? Gen grabs as well???

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited April 2023

    Not in the slightest, does absolutely nothing but make camping easier in an admittedly interesting but completely unnecessary way

  • Member Posts: 389

    I'd be okay with removing hook grabs if there were an equivalent for being punished for attempting to make a grab on the killers face (such as exposed for a brief window etc). Not sure what's best though

  • Member Posts: 389
    edited April 2023

    Not every situation is face camping when you can grab btw.

    Plus, even as a survivor player you are just asking for people to dive dumb hook grabs (which was more of a thing prior to built in BT and ot was awful).

    And on the other hand, why should survivor always be entitled to an unhook? There should be additional risk making a risky play. Survivors have a choice to engage in the unhook game where they can choose not to and prioritize the actual objective as well. Killers are protecting their own objective.

    Facecamping is definitely already penalized, just not in the way people want. You get a lower score if you facecamp and if the survivors just do the gens rather than engage with the facecamping killer and the killer will get a 1k (~8000 score). Does it sucks being the camped survivor? Yes, but survivors don't have to play into it.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    It's mindboggling they are still in the game. Do nothing but encourage hardcamping, are vulnerable to latency and a coinflip at best even without. Create an awkward non-gameplay stand-off. Also lead to the hooked survivor getting animation-spammed, if they're in struggle stage, which is a grating experience. Still glitched after all these years, not allowing a third survivor to unhook for the duration of the animation.

    The killer already gets a guaranteed down on hook trades (especially now without Dead Hard), and hardcamping is something that should have long been rebalanced anyway, there's no reason to reward facecamping with an even more game-deciding benefit. Mindbogglingly bad game design.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    It definitely needs to be removed. You shouldn’t be grabbed while healthy when you’re going for a hook rescue.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Yep get rid of it. If a trade is worse case scenario for the camping killer that’s not bad at all.

  • Member Posts: 691

    I would say hook grabs should be removed. If you are in a SWF then saving vs a camping killer doesn't matter if that mechanic is in the game or not. You can always get the save and never get grabbed by simply having a survivor body block the killer while the other saves. Removing it doesn't seem like there would be any major downside since the killer can still get a trade, and it would no longer be a grab or trade vs soloq. This would still make camping at certain times still valuable but not let them have the chance to massively snowball the game vs soloq teams by getting a grab.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    Non-hook grabs - Yeah, and I have no problem with any of those. (Gen grabs, sabo grabs, totems, chests, etc.) The main circumstance where hook grabs come into play is facecamping though, or at least some degree of camping. Yes, theoretically the Killer could run to the opposite corner of the map, chase the bush crouching Claudette back to the opposite corner (with the hooked Survivor), then grab when she tries to rescue, but that typically doesn't happen in realistic cases. At least some degree of camping must be present for a hook-grab to occur.

    Hook Dives - Which is only possible when healthy. If the Killer cleverly uses their power, or spreads pressure correctly, they can negate this possibility entirely. Even in this circumstance where the Killer would be denied a hook grab, they still get a hook trade.

    Survivor entitled to unhook - I would argue back why a Killer would be entitled to a hook being an automatic free-kill? Is a Killer entitled to a 4k either by slugging for it, or what if the game just ended on the final Survivor escaping to 'tell the tale' when the third Surv died? Neither side is entitled to a free win. This would make a Killer have to earn the kill moreso than they currently have to, (by forcing them to engage in the '3-strikes you're out' hook mechanic,) while fixing an edge-case problem. Removing hook-grabs wouldn't prevent the killer from slugging the entire team and hooking them. Also the risk has no back and forth, it is strictly Killer-sided. Other facets of the game have both sides have to risk something in order to gain something, and shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing.

    Facecamping's 'penalties' - The issue is how this is bad design. In a versus multiplayer game, the fun is typically driven through competitive interactions through opposite sides, or cooperative interactions with your side. Interactions with others is key, otherwise you could just play a single-player game. When a Killer facecamps, they deny interaction from the other side. The winning move is 'not to play', or more accurately hold M1 for 120/450s. I don't know about you, but I don't queue up to ONLY hold M1 for the sparkly generator lights. This means a Survivor craving fun, will likely try to risk a rescue. The thrill, is in the interaction. The Killer player is weaponizing or holding the fun hostage against the Survivors. This also is a low risk action. Typically risk should equal the reward. This is where people often make the claim 'optimize the fun out of the game', as this is a low risk high reward circumstance. Plus, many people have basic human empathy, and wish that their hooked Survivor teammate could 'play the game' also. Also most facecamps from the onset result in a 2k minimum, not a 1k, if the killer can abuse 1-shots. Heck, even in soloq with M1 killers they can get frequently get 2k+ with facecamping, due to the lack of coordination. Removing healthy hook-grabs is one way they could meaningfully address facecamping, without impacting any major other facets, such as 90s hook timers. The Survivors would know to just hook trade at 55-59s, and Killers won't have any more (meaningful) incentive to facecamp.

    Also as I said in my previous post, hook-grabs are based more on latency, not even skill. I shouldn't have an advantage playing with a friend who lives somewhere else in dealing with unhooks. (Albeit, at the cost of chase lag hits.)

  • Member Posts: 389

    Non hook grabs- I agree with most of yours but the Vaulting grab is the worst one imo (worse than hooks even).

    Hook dives- I disagree any killer can just counter it. Most killers don't have the ability to commit 3 hits by an exit gate (1 for unhooker, 1 on unhooked bodyblocking, and 1 more for either target). You don't need coms to coordinate that at all. I'd consider those to be very free saves if the killer can't capitalize on survivors making a bad move (doesn't have to be a grab, but there should be something above a basic hit).

    Survivor entitled-not a free kill, they are on the hook so obviously the killer got them there. Getting a 1k or 2k is by no means a win by any measure. Someone being able to defend a hook is not the same discussion of "killers hold always get a 4k".

    Penalize facecamping- yeah I agree it's not fun being facecamped or having a teammate facecamped, but that's just by design of the game unfortunately. If killers can't defend hooks anymore since most can't get 3 hits in such a short span of time there has to be compensation for this.

    I'm all for getting rid of hook grabs if there is a good solution to punish bad unhooks (remove built in BT maybe? although the idiotic unhooker should be punished).

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