unpopular opinion most likely but i dont think Fogwise and Lethal are healthy for the game
Aura perks are most likely the most valuable perks you can have but the informations you get is just ridiclious imo
i run Fogwise as survivor and sometimes even with hyperfocus to get as much skillchecks as possible but the informations i get for free at the beginning is sometimes really too much. its a trapper? well sorry dude i have object on obsession just with a different name.. i can tell when the killer is coming, what he is doing or just at the beginning checking who the killer is without being in the first chase.
the same goes for Lethal.. im maining huntress and its most likely for me the most important perk in my loadout... combine that with Darkness revealed, BBQ and Iron maiden what is actually my main build i have 70% of the time aura reading.. i know at the beginning where survivors are and that for a long time.
i mean yeah sure, its cool but i dont think its healty at all for the game.
if the game was balanced i would even go that far and say give killers lethal as base kit to have early game pressure (pre buff lethal) but in the current state i dont think its fair.
both perks are really bad and i dont think bhvr should throw with aura reading perks as if its nothing.
what was the point of nerfing OoO? all that is my opinion. perks like Surveilance or Discordance are fine for me because it doesnt show you the exact path and location and just gives you a little notification where survivors could be. but knowing every step of a survivor for i believe 8 seconds is just too much. and lets not even start with fogwise.
let me know your opinion on that.
Realistically you can only argue lethal might be too much for blight and nurse. But that means dedicating perks to aura reading in mass which is worse than 2 slow down on those killers. Aura reading is never broken for the most part.
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I use lethal on pretty much every killer because it allows me to get in a chase in the first 10 seconds of the match most of the times.
Just like survivors spawn on top of a gen (their objective) I'm making it so I chase and hook the first one quickly.
As for Fogwise, if you play in solo and you know what the killer is doing, the other 3 teammates won't know anything about it so it's just a good info perk for you to have. If you're in a swf team however... Well, that's a swf problem that nobody wants to face so I won't touch on that, I guess.
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Tbh alert has been super strong for like 70% of DBD’s lifespan and still isn’t used. Same applies to fogwise
As for lethal it’s an amazing perk but not unbalanced and distortion still counters it
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I'm still surprised Alert hasn't been nerfed with a range limit yet. The killer can break a wall on the other side of the map at roundstart and boom, Alert activates in the first 10 seconds.
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Lethal is a crutch that is made for lazy killers who cant use eyes and ears to find survivors, but I laugh at any aura build related stuff because I run distortion and do not have to worry about some high mobility killer coming to my 90% gen with bbq and chli, aura reading perks are very big crutches for killers, even survivors aura reading perks barely is of any use and if they run fear monger you can kiss those perks goodbye. Fog wise I dont use it really.
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Because Alert used to have a range limit, and it was pretty bad
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LMAO. Every perk is a crutch nowedays for someone. Wouldn't actually surprised to see someone claiming that Red Hering would be a crutch perk for lazy and bad survivors. Smh.
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I didn't know that. Still, they could be generous with the limit and make it 40 meters. Run Open Hand to make it bigger. I just think it's a little ridiculously strong, even as a survivor who uses it.
As for Fogwise, if it needs a nerf, make it like Rookie Spirit where you need to succeed a number of skillchecks to activate it for the rest of the match. Though why Rookie Spirit has that requirement despite being far weaker, I have no idea.
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i only use lethal because i dont want to run around the map like a chicken with its head cut off for 2 minutes
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The range of Alert was actually 36m if I remember correctly so not far off. I also dont think its that good of a perk since its not really consistent and gives you information that you can already get from other perks or from the HUD.
Fogwise I also feel is fine since it lost a bit of its usefulness thanks to the HUD update.
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Where does the line get drawn?
Lethals bad, what about bbq and chilli? What about bbq and chilli plus another perk like darkness revealed? Is that an issue or is it ok? Is your issue with the strength of aura perks or the stacking of them, or something else entirely?
How does a perk like save the best for last compare to a perk like darkness revealed? Is one strictly better than the other?
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To be fair, both perks have counters. Lethal is countered by Distortion (seriously underrated). Fogwise is countered by Fearmonger, or by playing a stealth Killer, or by using Blindness add-ons.
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Alert just isn't that good honestly. It's not bad but it relies on the killer to kick things. If they don't It's completely dead.
@topic I don't feel they're OP by any means. They are really nice but are too situational to be OP.
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What killer isn’t going to break pallets and walls (besides nurse)? Alert has consistent value in every game I used it in
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There are maps with very low pallet counts. Alert lost alot of value with the 3 gen meta nerf.
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True but if the killer is camping a 3 gen you already know where they are. Alert shines by giving you info on where chases are happening and what pallets are gone
It allows you to see where dead zones are and plan chases accordingly which is very strong
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If you think aura perks are a crutch, then gen defense and chase perks have to be crutches as well, since they are typically stronger than aura perks. So on a serious note, which killer perk do you consider NOT being a crutch then? There's nothing left thats even remotely useful.
Also I don't understand, if you are constantly running distortion, then why the hostility against arua builds? At least your perk will do anything for you. If they don't have any aura perks, your perk is dead.
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Because aura reading stacking is stupid and actually encourages tuneling, bbq= ur going to rush the survivor whos about to finish a gen, nurses= your trying to heal and get hit down again. Information perks are crutches on both sides but very much more on killers aspect.
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Agreed XD
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Encourages tunneling? As if the only application for auras is to tunnel. You can also use it to NOT tunnel, or just to get into the next chase as quick as possible.
About BBQ, whats wrong with rushing to a surv on a gen? At least the killer is not camping then. And when you now the killer has BBQ, act accordingly: Avoid being found (locker, going near than 40m,) take a potential chase (position yourself at a strong loop), or let him waste time (fake going in one direction, fake hiding into locker). Complaining about BBQ gets never old, right, when it's one if not the perk with the most counterplay.
"information perks are crutches on both sides"
And guess what? You could consider Distortion as an information perk as well! Bc. it gives you the info which perks a killer uses and which not!
But you did not answer my most important question: If info perks are crutches, and gen defense and chase perks are surely too (since they are stronger), which perk am I allowed to use then, to not be called a "crutch perk user"?
You now, I can totally agree that stacking 4 gen defense perks is using crutches / handholding, and than chase perks can be very oppressive as well, but aura perks? When they have the least impact on a game? When they only help you in finding ppl, but rarely help in downing fast and totally won't help you protecting the gens? Complaining about that is exceptionally silly, imo.
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Both of the perks are fine and currently in a good place.
If you have an issue with Lethal as a survivor you can run Distortion. Distortion counters any aura reading perk so it's not like you're wasting a perk slot just to counter a single perk.
If you have an issue with Fogwise as a killer you can run Fearmonger. Fearmonger not only counters any aura reading perk while survivors are working on a gen it also causes exhaustion so a survivor can't instantly Sprint Burst away from a gen.
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Gen defense perks is counter by =doing the gen and they wont have any effect, chase perks I do not have a problem of a killer using a perk to make chasing easier, if anything am still running and doing what I can to avoid being hit and its actually fun if the killer is trying to find a way to down me quicker in a chase. So gen and chase perks are not a problem to me like how annoying aura reading perks are, and yes i run distortion so i dont have to waste my time getting off my 90% gen and try find some locker and all that extra annoying stuff to dodge bbq. Survivor aura reading perks is mostly so situational and is a joke, specially if a killer runs fear monger. Also loling at the 10k+ complaints on people wanting distortion nerf because some huntress wanna run 4 aura reading perks and get no use out of it. Also what perks can survivors use then without the perk being called crutches and gutted, since you wanna ask about what perk can you use as killer not be called crutch.
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So stacking gen defense is no issue, instadown perks are no issue (most notably node, whcih is widely considered THE CRUTCH perk on the killer side), eight stacks stbfl are not issue, Endfury + Hybris is no issue. But when I run BBQ, a very mediocre perk after extra BP were removed, which makes me leave a hook and possibly waste my time at a faraway, unimportant gen, then I'm crutching in your opinion. You are trolling right?
On top of all that lunacy, BBQ is not even really prevalent anymore, and most of the killer roster cannot even get much benefit out of it, bc they are to slow. I even forgot a counter to BBQ before, since you said you have no time for the others: Hide behind the gens aura. Or is that too annoying as well?
Where did anyone complain about distortion? I check the forums daily, can't recall a single tread complaining about the perk. Let alone "10k". You like hyperboling, right?
Nice try of derailing with that "but what about survivor perks". YOU were the one calling one of the weakest perks in the killers disposal a crutch (info perks). (Actually you called the aura perks for survivors the same). And so I asked you (two times), which perk a killer may run then. Which you STILL did not answer.
Before I can tell you which perks I would consider crutches, we would have to settle on a cructh definition first. Your definition is way to broad for my taste. Just having info you otherwise might not have is not crutch-worthy for me. No info perk tells you what to do with the info it grants, you still have to make the decision to use that info or not. Thinking of BBQ again, even if you see someone doing a gen in the corner, that does not mean it's the smartest move to go there. To call a perk a crutch, it has to have a powerful effect which on it's own can win you games that you would not have gotten without it. Or it teaches bad habits and thus may prevent the player from getting better.
The survivor aura perk closest to being a crutch is Windows of Opportunity, imo. It allows you to greatly extend a chase if you use the info it gives you correctly. It can make you a way better looper than you are without it, and might prevent you from actually learning the loops. But it's still no real crutch, imo, bc you still have to plan your routes. Pre-nerf DH was more of a crutch, bc it allowed you to straight up deny a hit you likely only got bc you were outplayed. Sure it still does that, but with max 2 activations its potential is limited. CoH self heals single handedly prevented hit&run playstyles, but thats gone know. Proove Thyself is a borderline crutch perk, bc it teaches you to do gens with multiple ppl, when it's more efficient to do gens alone (apart form the last ones). Sprint Burst teaches bad habits (walking too much), Urban as well (crouchin everywhere).
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Windows= i dont run that perk period if anything that perk to me would be more of a hinderance than of help because of the yellowness and there other perks that far outshines windows. Dead hard required proper timing and how many times I play killer and some survivor dead hard into an obstacle or at the very wrong time, very easy and common sense to bait. I do not run aura reading perks and find survivors quite fine and if am to get a perk that gives info it be whispers/spies(those do not give aura reading) so distortion at that point if a survivor have it is of no value.
I do not do gens with other people when its solo que because I hate when some idiot rando blows up my 90% gen. Only if am swfing and I do not even run proof thyself unless its some tome requiring gens be done with people which I hate. My swf dont even run that perk either cause they prefer many other things over proof thyself
I hate urban and sprint burst like poison and honestly want those 2 perks gutted because am tired of going from hook 1 to hook 2 because solo que bone heads love saving their sprint burst, I use lithe the best and most underated perk than trash dead hard, I gotten away from many chases or wasted much of a killers time than some situation dead hard lol, heck even some killers had dc after a well time lithe on my part because parental=with a pallet then lithe via quick and quiet with light weight the killer has 0 idea where I proofed to. Finally circle of healing nerf I do not care, there is still self care(i dont care if its slow cause solo que is full of selfish people that dont know what a team mate is unless its a legion or plague where I agree its a waste healing vs those 2 killers) or finally inner healing if am feeling to do totems. So none of these perks you mention I even use lol.
The gen defense perks again is of no value though if the gen is being worked on even though they can be very powerful in the right hands of a decent player running certain killers yes but still its usually just touch the gen to address it or let go if its something like pain res which I commonly do if someone is about to be hooked. Hubris/fury... I encounter that only about 3 times and this was months and months ago, its not common so why should I complain about it!?
My favorite stop lying about using bbq for blood points when it use to give extra bp, that is a bogus lie alot of killers defend. No one care that it use to gave extra blood points and when I say no one cares I mean survivors or me personally didnt care or mind it use to give bonus bp as that was cool, it was the aura reading part am sure no one liked. But we all know truly that the perk was use for the aura reading, if it was not, why is that perk still to this day and time so common to this day and time when you no longer get bonus bp for using it?
On Stfbl oh dont get me wrong that is a perk I been meaning to make a topic about that it sure as heck do need some nerfing. Also I did not say this forum is complaining of distortion the reddit forums are and the 10kofc is an exaggeration but that forum is full of distortion qq please nerf it. You sound so edgy, chill out its just a game lol .
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Fogwise is ok in solo Queue and imbalanced in a SWF. Thankfully Fearmonger counters this strategy. It would be nice if the Killer gets some sort of notification when their Aura is being read though, perhaps via a perk, so that they can change their strategy if needed.
Lethal Pursuer works similar to Corrupt Intervention since the ideal result is to get an early chase and down before any gens are done. The additional 2 second buff to other Aura reading perks could be changed to 1 second in my opinion.
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Alert is a bit slept on imo
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"Windows= i dont run that perk period if anything that perk to me would be more of a hinderance than of help because of the yellowness and there other perks that far outshines windows."
I disagree, Windows is one of the strongest perks for extending a chase. Good luck trying to catch someone that knows how to loop well. Sure they won't necessarily need it, but it enables them to loop near flawlessly.
"Dead hard required proper timing and how many times I play killer and some survivor dead hard into an obstacle or at the very wrong time, very easy and common sense to bait."
You playing potatoe survivors does not proof anything. Competent players know how to use it to great effect. You cannot lunge bc that can be reacted easily, the same with many killer powers. Quick attack is also a gamble, since they will spin in your pov and activate it so you don't see it. You can wait that out, but they will too. Yes there's skill involved to use this perk, I won't deny that. But it also has the potential to correct your mistakes for you, it "rewards failure". That's no good incentive to get better. So thats a crutch in my book.
"I hate urban and sprint burst like poison and honestly want those 2 perks gutted because am tired of going from hook 1 to hook 2 because solo que bone heads love saving their sprint burst,"
Right, not every "crutch" is op, there are also ones that teach you bad behaviour.
"So none of these perks you mention I even use lol."
I did not expect you to. It just was a collection of the things that came to my mind. I also don't think the mentioned perks are all crutches per se. They come near, but are still more or less fine. With the change to DH and CoH, I don't think there are any real crutch perks left. And like I mentioned before, I DONT see aura perks as crutches.
"My favorite stop lying about using bbq for blood points when it use to give extra bp, that is a bogus lie alot of killers defend. No one care that it use to gave extra blood points and when I say no one cares I mean survivors or me personally didnt care or mind it use to give bonus bp as that was cool, it was the aura reading part am sure no one liked. But we all know truly that the perk was use for the aura reading, if it was not, why is that perk still to this day and time so common to this day and time when you no longer get bonus bp for using it?"
Your claim that it was only used bc of the aura is plain wrong. The aura effect was not changed at all, only the BP bonus got removed. But that removal caused a massive drop in usage of the perk. Just check BBQ pick rates according to Nightlight: https://nightlight.gg/perks/Barbecue_&_Chili. Before it was around 35%, now we are more between 15-20%. Again, ONLY the bonus was removed, the aura is UNCHANGED, so this drop goes solely on the bonus removal.
My personal BBQ pick rate mimics that: Before the change, I ran BBQ in literally 100% (every killer game on every killer). Yes the aura is nice, but the main purpose was the BP bonus. It was 100% more BP, and they were direly needed esp before the prestige rework (having to buy all the perks for all the killers). Now that the BP bonus is gone. I only run it when it works with my perk build idea (most notably full full aura builds with lethal, the thing you dislike so much). Sure BBQ is still used frequently on high-speed killers, bc they can use the info effectively. With normal 115% speed killers, BBQ is a mediocre choice. Thrilling has more utility when you want to defend gens, and Floods / nowhere to hide have the better aura effect (cannot be countered except with Aura block).
"Also I did not say this forum is complaining of distortion the reddit forums are and the 10kofc is an exaggeration but that forum is full of distortion qq please nerf it."
Don't know about Reddit. I always thought DBD forums was more killer sided, while Reddit is survivor sided, but that does ntot match with "10k nerf distortion" threads there. Still you are posting HERE, and HERE are simply no "Nerf distortion" threads. So this point of you is pretty much invalid here. No one wants to nerf it here, at least I don't know of any such thread recently.
Distortion is also a double edged sword. Sure it prevents you being found, but that also means that your mates are found & chased more often, which makes "unfavorable" tactics like tunneling more likely. I would only call it problematic if all 4 run it and I have a full aura build. Thats tough luck then, a lost gamble, but nothing OP.
"You sound so edgy, chill out its just a game lol ."
When you post such bold claims, it triggers reactions. You are the edge-lord then :P.