Checkspots or how poorly loops are designed

Hope some devs see it and change the way those loops are designed, once a survivor knows this, chases can last up to 5 minutes against m1.
Not really. Those check spots are the skill gap. Advanced survivors use them and advanced killers know where the check spots are and how to play around them. Average survivors have no concept of camera positioning and average killers will try to moonwalk through a check spot instead of a sight blocker. I've seen 2000 hr Wraiths try to moonwalk a low wall tile. Eliminating check spots won't help players like that.
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That is not a skill gap, that is just a knowledge gap...
Skill is when it requires you to be able to perform something, looking through a hole in a wall doesn't require any skill.
Moreover, those checkspots are on most maps and in most jungle gym, you cannot play around them unless you play with the few anti-loop killers.
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That's kind of semantics. A lot of the skill gap in this game is knowledge and game sense. Try the check spots out and get back to me. They're not nearly as fool-proof as they seem.
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The entire game is knowledge based more than anything else. Very few things in the game require actual skill. Maybe really advanced blight or hillbilly gameplay but beyond that...
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As it is not based on skill, in a game where everyone have the knowledge, survivors will win 90% of the times against most killers.
It is a problem for the competitiveness of the game. If the game and the matchmaking were casual, it would barely be a problem, unless against SWFs.
But the fact is BHVR tends to make this game as competitive as possible in an environment (game design) that is not suited for competitiveness...
DbD was better prior to the MMR system.
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They are in most jungle gym.
Sure it is not a 100% success rate but good enough to get 4 escapes every games... against all tier B killers.
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You can't eliminate "checkspots" because they are literally just markers for the distance from which a killer can hit you. Or angles that have to exist simply by the logic of how a tile can be set up. Changing these things would usually mean making tiles pure 50/50s, which is not good game design.
Many of the holes and cracks in walls that allow survivors to see the killer also allow the killer to see the survivors, which is actually often more of an advantage for the killer if they're not a pure M1 killer.
I do think that Autohaven tiles should be higher, being able to see the killer over them is not good.
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Ye and in those tiles, with a m1 killer it's a 2 minutes chase for one jungle gym only exactly the same when you loop seeing the killer's aura, it lasts indefinitely.