Kinship perk

I think the "Kinship" perk should work the same as "Reassurance". It should also highlight the survivor on the hook during the action, so that the other players understand that there is time to take care of the generators while the killer is camping. Every time I take this perk, none of my other teammates can understand that I have this perk.
I think it would be nice to show its activated some way for sure but I don't really agree with either of the perks being used to incentivize your teammates to do generators, unless you're being hard camped of course. I see them as a means to help you or your teammates from dying, not promoting gens over friends. I know that's sort of irrelevant cause people will use the perks how they see fit, I just find it kind of unhealthy for gameplay personally.
Overall though, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some kind of visual so you know.
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They did quietly add a blue buff icon that shows when you get close enough to activate it. However, until you get close, there's no way to notice if a hooked survivor has it or not.
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It should absolutely show an icon when it's relevant, as in whenever someone with it equipped goes second stage in any way. Before anyone gets close enough to activate it. The actual effect is fine and honestly strong but most of the time if someone already goes for you and see it activate, they won't go "Oh, I have more time. I won't tape down W and save since I'm near the hook already haha".
Then again the same goes for Deliverance, when someone with it active goes on the hook first time it should show everyone they have it. Always a :))) moment to basically have to jump off ASAP because someone left their gen on the other side of the map the femtosecond you got hooked to sprint in a straight line towards your hook and you don't want them to waste time, when swf never has to worry about anything like that.
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I think instead, important perks like Kinship and Deliverance should just show up on the in-game hud somehow. Either that or we need to start showing people's builds pre-game or on the start menu. There's no reason not to. All it does it alienate soloQ.
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I mean, it could be nice if both survivors AND killer had access to that info.
That way killers who are smart could go "aw crap gotta bounce".
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The smart Killers already know to bounce in the first place, as well as anyone being able to see the bar not moving anymore.
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Oh fair.
Can we take away the red bar survivors get when their actions are being tampered with?
Surely they are smart enough to see the bar move slower than usual :)
And on the topic of camping, while I strongly discourage strictly "face camping" (as it limits your situationnal awareness) you do know that good killers sometimes camp to force survivors to do a 2 man rescue, right?
You know that's its a valid strategy in some given scenario right?
Or are you one of the interesting folk who just call anyone within 20 m of your hook some profanities after the match?
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Personally I would characterize forcing a 2 man rescue through camping a lack of skill, as they weren't good enough to pressure the Survivor team enough without resorting to the easier methods. The more difficult the means, the more skill it takes to execute. I know when I fail as Killer and I gotta resort to cheesier methods for a 'win', that isn't my skill talking, it is my lack of skill. I'm not playing for money, so I have no reason to sweat it out to that extreme other than if I felt as though I needed to 'prove to myself' I could win. In knowing I could win without trying, I take the gamble and try to win without it. When I see a Killer engage in that (outside of tourneys), I can see they lack the self-confidence in their capacity to improve. Maybe there would be cause if they needed to get MMR/'gold/iri rank' for a seasonal cosmetic, but since there is no such feature, it is meaningless. (The monthly pip based BP is penalized in attempting [face]camping, so that can't be a reason.)
I only get frustrated at it when playing with friends. Also when trying to introduce new people to the game, and they are then denied the ability to play because they haven't had the chance to play enough to improve. They get a bad experience and (in about half my friend group) get turned off of the game forever, never to touch it again.
There are many 'valid strategies' but 4 minute bleeding out everyone as a Knockout Hag or Nurse is hardly enjoyable (as either side, as Killer has to babysit the dying Survivors to ensure they die, so both sides kinda can, kinda can't entirely alt-tab and do anything else). Just because a strategy doesn't break the explicit rules, doesn't mean it isn't unenjoyable and/or in need of some form of fixing. A 4-man SWF comp-dropping on the Garden of Pain that they sent me to with all 4 equipped with BNPs is also an immensely unenjoyable experience. Luckily they recently fixed Medkits/CoH and 'gen hostage' perks, so we aren't without hope in fixing these extremes.
Back to the topic though, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to the hook timer being a literal timer, instead of the bar it is currently. Both sides could see an actual 60s timer start where the hook bar is, and could better gauge their actions (I personally would like 2 decimal places for the timer). I would say Killer ended should show a symbol to indicate the pause, and Survivor sided should show the extended timer next to the real timer. Those perks are intended to punish camping, so ensuring it is punished harsher with more accurate information would be for the better. Anyone in Reassurance range of a hook is getting hit by the Killer anyways, (outside of 2 story maps) so it forces a chase instead of the non-interaction of camping.
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if you think its a lack of skill think again.
watch competitive gameplay and you'll see certain killer do it.
tunneling Camping and slugging has always been taboo from the perspective of survivors and they always try to shame the killer for it when in reality, these strats are how you win games and its a fact.
agree to disagree.
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If someone reaches the peak of a mountain with riding in a helicopter, or climbing by their bare hands, I'm gunna say the person using their bare hands put forth more effort and skill. Theoretically I could just DDOS my opponents and win too, but that isn't my skill shining through, that would actually be cheating/breaking the law. The path of most effectiveness often is also the path of least resistance. I'm still going to recognize and respect the person with more skill, not the person with better results.
You don't need to have an exclusive perspective of Survivor to realize how easy it is to down someone off hook in a deadzone, especially if the Killer you use has lethality. I can tell when I want to facecamp someone to death for sandbagging their teammate. The other 2 Survs didn't know what went down, so they might still try for rescues, and I can just easily tunnel the jerk out.
Edit: I would argue (results = skill + effectiveness of the tools you bring), more often than not, the weight of the tools is heavier than the weight of the skill.
In short win (or results) =/= skill in DBD.
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You are getting two completely different concept mixed up.
Skill vs efficiency.
A bad player, imo, is a "nice guy killer" that waste his entire match aiming for a 12 Hook match that he is going to lose 100% of the time.
A good killer (with skills) is one that get the job done by tunneling a Survivor out of the game ASAP so he gets to actually play the game.
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Results are the sum of skill + tools. (or R = S+T)
If your tools get you 10% of the way, then you had near exclusive skill. (R =100%, T=10%, S=90%)
If your tools get you 90% of the way, then you had nearly no skill. (R=100%, T=90%, S=10%)
If 2 people are accomplishing the same goal, lets say a 4k, then the person who brought no perks (all other tool and opposition variables being the same) had more skill than the decked out person. If a perkless addonless Clown wrecks my fellow Survivors and I, I'm going to be impressed. If a C33 Alch Ring Blight with Meta perks gets 3 kills, I'm going to find them pathetic failing to prevent the 4th getting out through the gates.
If the tools I brought give me 6 hooks practically for free, and I get 10 hooks total, my skill gave me 4 hooks. If another person's tools give them 3 hooks practically for free, but reached 9 hooks, their skill gave them 6 hooks. That person has 50% more skill than I, even though I got better results.
I'd say the facecamping Bubba with a 4k (because the Survivors tried rescuing to see if they could) has far less skill than nearly anyone else with a 3k. The Bubba might have more wins/kills/effective results, but they lack skill.
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I would agree if there wasn't the variable of survivor's skill level being such an unpredictable match between games.
At a competitive level, according to a recent series of games organized by Oz for comparaisons between top tier players...
you can see that without addons, the survivors are heavily favored no matter what.
so when people make the bold claim that "good killers play without addons just fine" I roll my eyes because that just means they are playing against bad survivors 100% if they are successful.
The game just isn't designed to favor killers in the first place.
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Sure. Every match in dbd is competitive one against 4man that scrims together specifically against said killer.
It's not like pub matches mostly consists of soloQ (I have my doubts about this one with the amount of anti-soloQ changes, but we don't have new stats) players and rarely of 4man. Making it absolute requirement to always play alch ring c33 blight on mac millan "to have a chance at win"...
On the other hand I have most of my games with spirit that has nothing more then yellow addons (most of the time brown) win strong majority of my matches. And I don't feel like miracle child.
Also considering good win rate on other weaker killers - I just don't get the sentiment of "I roll my eyes because that just means they are playing against bad survivors 100% if they are successful.". There's a fairly achievable soft MMR cap in game, so I am probably getting same survivors as lilith omen or supaalf (even if I am vastly inferior).
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Nurse, blight and spirit.
Those 3 are the easy killers around which the game is balanced for right now with maybe Wesker as an underdog coming up strong.
I would say that outside of that, killers are having quite a bad time considering how very little gen pressure they can apply on maps that are as big as the continent of Africa filled to the brim with powerful tiles for survivors to run.
As much as I would like to agree with your opinions, my experience playing Oni, The knight and occasionnally SM (because its new) is VERY different.
It's a bunch of games where survivors just easily gen rush without even healing unless they are T-bagging at the gate and the gates open faster than if you just stood there saying some magic password.
it's absolutely unfun.
DH is still around btw.
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Without addons Survs heavily favored - Yeah! All you need is 5k+ hours and to be in comms with every other Surv with a shared understanding of callouts, I'm sure every match has every player like that /s. That's clearly not indicative of 99.99% of matches, so it's clearly irrelevant. If the addonless Killer only can win against 'bad Survs', but wins 80% of the time regardless, the majority of Survs are bad (in comparison to the Killer player). If you want to target the top .0000001% of gameplay, that is what custom matches are for. That is such a disingenuous argument to compare that 4-man comp SWF to normal matches and balance. To be fair, the 'Results Equation' would also have Killer Effectiveness subtracted by the opponents' Skill+Tools, (or Survivor Effectiveness) but the ratio between what the Killer's Tools/Skill was the main point of my previous post. Also even in that Otz vid it showed Skull Merchant, a Killer commonly thought to be on the weaker side, destroy a comp squad when fully decked out. The Knight player only had ~1k hours, so it isn't nearly as fair of a comparison.
Game isn't designed to favor killers - I would agree if there was no Bloodlust, no Entity window block, no basekit permanent pallet breaks, and below an average 50% kill rate. The kill rate is balanced along 60%, so that would necessitate the game being Killer sided to an extent. Now to be fair, the 60% also includes the inflated kill counts from facecamps that guarantee a kill, among other things. The Survivors may have won the match, but one of the Survs dies in the process. Ultimately the game is Killer sided, (and even top 5% MMR per their last shown stats), and the only time the game isn't Killer sided, you have to deal with multiple decimal points to indicate how few people are there (eg. top .001%).
Here are the last stats I am aware being shown if you'd like to verify my 60% balanced kill rate claim.
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those data are from like, October 22.
It's dated.
and the 60% is for certain specific killers and there is quite a gap between let say, Wesker and Trapper.
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Yes, but I qualified that by saying that was the most recent data available. If BHVR released anything kill stats wise since then I am unaware of it. Even then, the lowest kill rate is still above 50%, which doesn't refute my point. Also since you didn't mention anything else, I take it there is nothing else to disagree with?
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I disagree with pretty much everything you said but honestly, refuting your points seems impossible as you don't even acknowledge the gap between the best and worst kilker.
I consider you wrong on all account.
Back in the days the data was collected, Overcharge/CoB was around to help.
Right now Survivors are still running their "nerfed" perks just fine and the changes to healing did barely anything as survivors simply rush gens without healing in the first place.
The game favors survivors 100%
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I never said Trapper was equal in power to Blight, or anything to that effect. I was saying the perks, killer choice, and addon choice are part of the player's tool part of the equation. The skill part of the equation is a separate part. A player with equal skill in Blight and Trapper will be more effective with Blight, because of the stronger tools, not they have more skill now that they swapped killers.
Overcharge/CoB hadn't quite been caught on yet to killer gen-kick hostage holding (in spirit) builds at the time of the stats. I would consider that to artificially give wins, as an ape with a spacebar could win with those perks in that state. If someone had the tools to make people ragequit, and only one side had access to that level of tools, I'd say that side would be favored. Also nerfed DS became a laughing stock overnight.
The only facet of favoring survivors, is because the tools a comp SWF can bring are greater than the tools a comp Killer can bring. I haven't seen a Syringe or BNP in at least 10 games, if not more. Most people bring meme builds or some form of gimmick for their tome. I'm just confused in what world you think the average DBD match strictly favors Survs. Now the top 0.1%, but normal everyday matches. I mean heck, I literally just got done with a Pig match on Borgo and won with 1 gen remaining. If one of the most hated maps (for M1 Killers in particular) still allowed me a victory with Pig, I can't think the game is only favored for Survs.
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same! i also been running kinship for some weeks now and i hate that my soloq teammates barely even realize i have the perk
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Absolutely this! I think that the mobile game has this feature so you can have better synergy with your soloQ team mates and know in the lobby what build would be better. I'm surprised this has not been implemented since boons came into the game, since it's been common to see somebody running CoH and somebody else runs Inner Healing (especially before the last update.) SoloQ definitely needs better communication tools (please, nobody say that there is a chat in the pre-game lobby because it's only for PC players.)