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Twitch Streamer wins 1000 games in a row as Blight

I_CAME Member Posts: 1,362

You can check Otz's twitter if you are skeptical and want to verify. Do you think Blight should be nerfed? Thoughts? Is there a justifiable reason for why any killer should be this powerful? 1000 wins in a row just seems a bit ridiculous and difficult to defend. Even the great Magnus Carlsen never won more than 125 chess matches in a row.

and yes I am going to keep crying about this busted killer until he is finally nerfed.



  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I also have to disagree with Otz’s because while yes Blight is strong. But I would argue that he’s not as strong as say they say. I mean when I play with Blight I would win sometimes. I would also lose some games with him too, a lot. But this from my own experience from playing on console. I will say that maybe yes Blight may probably feel better on PC, I don’t know. So anyway from what I seen of seen from videos of PC Blights like console Blights they also struggled sometimes.

    What I’m trying to say is that you also shouldn’t relied on win-streaks or data in general. Cause sometimes data for the most part is usually wrong. That everyone’s experience is different when playing and that’s okay. Cause everyone plays and learns and differently.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    Blight's addons need nerfs, tunneling needs nerfs, and bligh's basekit maaaybe needs nerfs. Consider that even at basekit both his map mobility and chase game is insane. Whether or not he should be brought down or other killers should be brought up to that standard is idk

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,214

    BHVR already said they were going to change Blight, when they chimed in on posts re: Blight movement exploits last year. It's just a matter of how much and when they're going to do it. As far as I remember, McLean, who designed Blight, tried to fix him before he left, but "failed to do so." <-- His words. I'm sure they can do it, but it's also going to take a lot of resources too. I wouldn't be surprised if they changed the environment more and collision in general before they mess with Blight.

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  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I really don't think it's worth the resources to fix all of the collision for the sake of blight tbh. Hug tech does have it's minor advantages but it's beyond overblown.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    mmr works like it should i guess.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 333

    The real problem is that with a certain style of play, in the case of the 1000 win streak, hard tunneling "who is my tunnel out this round" and slugging is the easiest way to win the game. However, this style of play ruins the gaming experience for the other players and, if the killer is in a mentally stable state, for himself as well.

    There would be a lot of options to address this issue such as the revamped Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance to reward players even more for taking the time to hook various survivors. There are also useful perks like DS that could be adjusted again so that they are also useful against chase killer, then these 3 seconds are unfortunately useless against a nurse or blight.

    However, as a compensation, the Survivor page regarding Gen Proress should finally be adjusted. Prove Thyself is far too strong and basically the first 2 minutes in the game the effectiveness of repairing the generators should be reduced to something (85% of the normal value) so that killers with less mobility also have a chance and don't lose a generator despite corrupt intervention before the first chase has ended.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,911

    Because DBD and Chess are very closely related and comparable lol.

    Just learn how to juke them. I've yet to be rushed down consistently by any Blights I've run into. They resort to simply M1ing, which I define as a win for me. :)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,261

    :"Buff character because bad players are worse than good players who also efficiently use third party tools on that same character". Only for survivor side lol.

    Our community may not be just survivor mains but surely it is survivor biased.

    On survivor side the outliers ( "seal team six on comms") are whst commonly agrred upon should be available to all players.

    On killer side the outliers need to be hammered down. See the permanence of "nerf top killers" threads.

  • TonyXSplash
    TonyXSplash Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2023

    Oh no… so if McLean was the one who coded the Blight then only him can understand the code written. If they were to do anything for blight, they would have to recode the entire killer from ground up because the guy left the company. That explains why they never touched him for years hahahaha.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,214

    What I meant was that it may be too difficult to even change Blight that they may find it easier to adjust other aspects of the game. It was a joke, but not really.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,214

    Well, I wouldn't say that only McLean could understand Blight; they JUST need to decipher the problem. I do have a feeling that part of the problem has to do with something deeper than just Blight code though because there's been geometry and collision exploits since 2016. Years to fix? Maybe. :D

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    This type of balancing is so annoying. It's definitely the way they balance the game

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Nope. One guy with potentially little else to do with their spare time other than go for this streak does not warrant a nerf based on that information alone.

    If BHVR wanted to change the "meta" of killer tiers, such as they are doing with perks, they should not do it based on one single person.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
    edited April 2023

    Blight needs a slight basekit nerf and some add-on nerfs otherwise he’s fine. His power recharge should be 2.5 or 3 per token imo

    All this streak show’s is that if you tunnel and slug against the average players you will win every match. That’s not surprising

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946

    Aight. Now repeat that with Clown.

    The fact that Blight even has the power to enable this says a lot.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385

    My winstreak with Blight is 2. Can I be a streamer?

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,330

    I mean personally - I feel Blight has 2 addons that should be reworked or hard nerfed but I feel for the most part it's more representing the strength of heavy tunneling someone out of the game with slowdown perks. I personally feel basekit is absolutely fine though.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Heard loud'n'clear, buffing AdrenaVial again as we speak.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    His some addons needs to be looked tho. But for his base-kit, i am fine.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I hope that when devs decide to make changes to Blight, they aren’t doing so just because someone got a high winstreak and people were complaining.

    While the actual timeline of events may differ, it felt like:

    1) The concept of basekit Unbreakable was floated about after One Pump Willie’s Onryo condemnation slugging strategy became popular.

    2) SupaAlf’s Nurse winstreak also gained traction sometime before Nurse changes were announced.

    If all it takes for a Killer to get changed directly or indirectly is a high winstreak and enough complaints, then perhaps the players should be the ones balancing the game instead.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,058

    Matchmaking is awful, the MMR cap prevents the system from doing anything but separating the newest of players from the rest, and these days it seems like MMR is just disabled altogether. A good SWF can go on winstreaks spanning hundreds of matches too, due to that. Granted, good SWFs are much, much more rare than good killers, simply because it takes 4 good players to come together.

    That said, Blight is objectively overpowered, good Blights 4k in tournaments all the time too, and even the strongest of SWFs would not be able to get a 1000-match winstreak, let alone 4-escape streak. That's altogether unheard of in any even approachingly competitive game. That Blight's add-ons haven't been rebalanced yet is mindboggling. That they haven't touched his base mechanics is likely owed to the fact that the person that originally worked on them is gone, and they are scared to mess stuff up, or too lazy to deal with it.

    Blight is pretty difficult to master though, and there is counterplay, so against most Blights you'll encounter in pubs you can still compete perfectly well if you practice and improve, and it's actually fun to do so. Adrenaline Vial, Compound Thirty-Three and - if to a lesser extent - Alchemist Ring can carry mediocre Blights to be as oppressive as better Blights however, and they really should be getting addressed asap.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    So tell me, is the average survivor swf or solo? From the last stats, they are solo, and if you balance around the average solo survivor, yes, you still have to nerf blight, as well as several other killers.

    The thing you showed is not the power of high ranking survivors, its the power of swf, and we all know its a problem for the game.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited April 2023

    There are *a lot* of things that BHVR said they were going to do that they never ended up doing

  • Kamartins
    Kamartins Member Posts: 39

    Alch ring and c33 need to be nerfed, speed addons are fine.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Basekit Blight is extremely fair to go against. Blight just has some busted add-ons that need changes, namely Alchemist's Ring and Compound Thirty-Three.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I’m pleasantly surprised by most of the comments in this thread. You can’t say that you balance for everyone and then nerf a killer because one person dominates. The best players consistently win.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    1000 wins on Blight seems weird...

    600 wins by playing "normally"

    400 wins by Tunneling and Slugging

    Seems like some players are just wanting to win no matter what

    But that is what it is...

    And yes Blight should be fixed as soon as possible (but when will that be IDK)

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    Lol at the title . Sorry no , no one wins 1,000 or even 50 games in a row as killer OR survivor.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    He is busted. Not surprising.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Devs also love Blight, he will never get nerf, only buff, S tier addons, on S tier killer.

    1000+ wins in a row, only in dbd's balance world lol

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    Blight it self is mostly fine, but there's a few changes Id like to see:

    The hitbox of his swing from a Lethal Rush be slightly reduced, that thing is the size of Mothers Dwelling and the amount of hits I've seen that had no reason to connect is absurd

    Blighted Rat becomes basekit, most people run either the Rat or Crow anyway so this would incentivize running other add ons (of course if this is done, nerfing the Blighted Rat and Crow to compensate would be ideal)

    Adrenaline Vial is probably one of the most slept on add ons in the games history. Use this with Shredded Notes and you have 6 rushes that come back in roughly 5 seconds. How would I nerf it? Idk

    Alchemist Ring either needs a new effect, or a downside. Personally I'd go with the latter to make it more high risk high reward by making it take longer to regen tokens

    Compound 33 just needs the pallet breaking removed

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,809

    My god your bias is showing so hard. So we should ONLY balance the game around SOLO survivors, and ALSO the top tier killers?

    Take a look at the kill rates again:

    Devs have stated they balance around 60% kill rate. If you look at AVERAGE MMR, you'll see that blight is at 57% kill rate, which is slightly UNDERPOWERED from 60%, but i'd say +/- 3% is well within the range of normal. If you look at the top MMR, his kill rate is still only around 61% which isn't much different. Still within the range of balanced based on their stats.

    Devs have also stated that SWF does not impact the stats very much (i don't believe them personally) but the point still stands that they claim the difference is very little between them.

    So again, i ask you.

    Do we balance around AVERAGE players, or HIGH MMR players. If we balance around HIGH MMR players, there are for more nerfs they need to do with survivors as a whole, while also nerfing blight and nurse.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,809

    Plenty of survivor teams that are doing massive amounts of "wins" as well.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    I'm not who you are replying to be re:

    Do we balance around AVERAGE players, or HIGH MMR players. If we balance around HIGH MMR players, there are for more nerfs they need to do with survivors as a whole, while also nerfing blight and nurse.

    What are your thoughts? I want to know your stance because I feel like I see you constantly switching positions (to reiterate, this is just how I feel your posts come across or read to me, and not saying you ever said this directly, because I feel like they are worded ambiguously) where sometimes I feel like you are advocating balancing around high mmr/high play, but other times, like now, I'm reading this as if you are trying to argue for the balance of low/average play. This is an assumption, which you know what they say about them, but I'm just going to ask directly, what are your thoughts. How do you want this game to be balanced?

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,809
    edited April 2023

    My opinion is quite simple.

    If the devs want this to be a competitive game where esports potentially is a thing, tournaments, ranking systems that matter etc. Then obviously you need to balance around the best of the best players.

    If the devs want this game to be a casual "goof around with friends a bit" party game, then you balance around average players.

    The biggest problem is DBD seems like it does neither. They obviously don't balance around top level players or 1k win streaks would never be possible. And they don't balance around the "goof around with your friends" because there is so much toxic ######### that you can do in this game "AS BOTH SIDES" that make the game super unfun for other people. Additionally, often times, the most effective way to WIN the game, is to actually play in the least fun way possible. If this was a party game, they would figure out what is fun and double down on that.

    I personally am biased towards the top of the top players for several reasons:

    1. If the game is not balanced around the capabilities of the highest level players, then the high level players will bully the low level players (even with matchmaking) and eventually the game will die off.
    2. If the game is unbalanced at the highest level, there is nothing to strive for, and the game will eventually die off. It may take a long time, but it will happen. Imagine if chess was balanced in way that, at the lowest levels of play, the game is balanced 50/50, but at the highest level, white wins 70% of the games. Do you think chess would be as big of a deal today still?
    3. The top players are able to push the game to the limits, and often times beyond. Allowing you to see what is possible, making it actually easier to make balance decisions with them in mind.

    That isn't to say that you completely IGNORE the low level players. But i say, you balance FOR and AROUND the high level players, while keeping in mind low level players exist. I think this video sums it up very well IMO when talking about TF2 and the" BASE JUMPER" item:

    The whole video is a good watch, but the timestamped bit shows exactly what i'm talking about.

    For example, in DBD:

    • Look at some of the crazy, jungle gym, into crazy main building with multiple god pallets and god windows, into killer shack, into another jungle gym, loops that good survivors can use to waste several minutes of a killers time, meanwhile the rest of their team is doing all the gens. It is so bad on some maps that you literally just don't chase survivors around entire sections of a map because doing so would mean you automatically lose.
    • But now look at low level players, they predrop god pallets, wasting them, then get hit through them anyway.
    • What if we nerfed those god loops and crazy main buildings? Is that going to actually hurt low level players? Not really, because they aren't abusing those structures to their fullest potential anyway.

    The types of changes they keep making are things that actually hurt low level players, or buff top tier survivors like the healing changes, when there are obviously plenty of things they can do to make the game more fair for all skill levels. Camping is another thing they could address. It really only works against low level and solo queue survivors because they can't communicate and deal with it. But the SWF kill squads don't really care. So why not remove camping as a strategy because you are only going to be helping low level players, and you won't really be hurting top tier killers because they aren't getting much use out of it anyway.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
    edited April 2023

    Actually an awesome take on that. I’d fully agree.

    edit - grammar