Quality of Life changes to killer

MSX_exe Member Posts: 50
edited April 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have 2 QoL suggestions on how killer can be improved.

First suggestion: many killers have experienced 1 or 2 gens being done before they get a down. 3 even if they're unlucky. While I think it's a little unfair that survivors can be doing their objectives as they spawn in while the killer has to look for them at the start, it can hurt seeing survivors put a lot of progress in their objective while you didn't even find anyone. My suggestion: a mini basekit Corrupt Intervention.

How it works:

•At the start of the trial, the three furthest generators from the killer's spawn point are blocked for 30 seconds (let's say), and it deactivates as soon as the killer finds a survivor to chase or gets a first hit (Nemesis tentacle and Plague vomit count). The perk Corrupt Intervention stays the same. They can also fix spawn points to further help because some spawn points can be really unforgiving (all 4 survivors spawn on different generators or you spawn in the middle of the map and the "basekit Corrupt" is split. These changes will allow the killer to play the game normally without worrying so much how many gens will get done after the first chase is finished.

Second suggestion: reward killers for hooks by giving them haste that does not stack with the killer's power.

How it works:

Whenever you hook a survivor, gain a 15% haste bonus for 10 seconds (maybe the numbers can be adjusted to 10% or 7 seconds, whatever you feel like it's the most fair). While this change will not prevent tunneling or camping, it will at least incentivise lower mobility killers (90% of the roster) to go and patrol generators and not stay near the hooked survivor. This will especially help in very large maps that are unforgiving for most killers. The haste bonus is completely worthless if the killer decides to camp.

Before you call me a entitled killer main, I'm a survivor main with nearly 3000 hours in the game, I play killer quite a bit, so I know what I'm talking about.

What do you guys think?


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    Sure. Let's do that. But kill rates are high, so to balance this - every time killer is 10m within hook (also hooking action counts) - survivor is teleported somewhere else on the map with minimal distance 40m. Counts also for basement. That will fix camping and to high degree also tunneling. 2 birds with 1 change

  • MSX_exe
    MSX_exe Member Posts: 50

    You can just remove hook grabs to balance it out, but sure 😂

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    That is VERY far from fair trade. Hook grabs do nothing vs instadown. Hook grabs still force trades. Hook grabs still do 0 against deliberate and easy tunneling. On the other hand that base corrupt is free 30s for killer (that he will most likely spend destroying breakable walls with safery) + easy chases next to hook (it's strong indirect buff for awakened awareness). Those are just not on the same level

  • MiniStitch5
    MiniStitch5 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Where do I find these players you're going against? Lol, as a survivor main, I'll try to get chased before starting a Gen. That way teammates have time to pop 1-3 out the gate. But almost every match, I'll run the killer from loop to loop and after the 4th or so loop, there's still no one on gens, so I'll just give the killer a free hook so that, hopefully, I can start doing gens.

    As for your second suggestion... I'd be OK with it, if they put a pause timer or something similar on hooks being camped. Yes, that includes proxy camping.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    These suggested changes are terrible. Also, it makes sense that you’re suggesting these changes because killer obviously isn’t you’re strong suit since you said you’re a survivor main. Take some time to keep learning how to play killer and try to tunnel every match, you’ll get the hang of it.

  • MSX_exe
    MSX_exe Member Posts: 50

    I'm good at killer, but I'm stronger at survivor. I don't see how these changes would be terrible, care to explain?

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135
    edited April 2023

    High skilled killer mains know that these changes would be overkill because the best way to win in the current meta is to tunnel a survivor out as fast as possible and then hopefully have a 3 gen to defend. The way to counter this is to gen rush. The perk Corrupt Intervention is a huge trade-off. You block gens and prevent immediate gen rushing but you eventually lose the perk for the rest of the trial. Giving basekit Corrupt is no-risk, all reward since you’re not wasting a perk slot.

    Giving haste after hooking will make it way too easy to immediately pressure gens on small maps, and will reduce the benefit you’d normally get while playing as a survivor on a large map. It’s just not a good idea.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I would definitely like to see second idea.

    It would help M1 killers, while top killers wouldn't really change, because all three use their power to travel across the map.

    First change is hard to tell, probably fine, but it would need to be tested on PTB more.

    The fact it drops once chase starts would fix most issues. It would definitely buff trap and stealth killers, but it wouldn't be issue for most of them. Maybe Hag, but she just got nerfed lately, so probably fine too.