The Spirit is the most overrated killer

The only thing keeping her relevant are her addons.

In almost every possible tier list,regardless of criteria,or even in open discussion about killer strength a lot of people default to placing spirit as the third strongest killer or at the very least a solid top 5, and I would like to voice my disagreement.

Basekit spirit sucks,there is no other way to put it.Her power lasts 5 seconds,doesn't even make her that fast(she is slower than oni for reference),has a brutal 1.5 seconds activation time in which survivors make distance and it takes 15 seconds to recharge.

What this means for spirit is that you either use your power to catch up to a survivor or you use it for anti loop.You CANNOT do both.This places her above your average m1 killer but she is hardly opressive.She is just an anti loop killer similar to slinger or trickster,strong anti loop but 4.4 and has a lot of distance to catch up to do.

Whats worse,getting hits with the spirit is often times a prediction or a 50/50.You can ofcourse through skill win more mindgames than you lose but still,making a wrong call or getting outplayed sets you back a massive recovery.

To the people saying to use her power in bursts,you are not entirely wrong,but the aformentioned 1.5 activation time means that you will use 3 seconds at best and in most cases up to 4(which is 9-12 seconds respectively) which is still a lot for a killer to waste.

Now ofcourse i agree that her Ring is an overperforming addons and that her duration giving her recharge feels like to much value.But even with her yellow addons i would still place her below any of the established A tier killers,she really needs her ring to be strong imo.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    A lot of your arguments don’t consider the potential a good Spirit can do. You act like she’s very punishing to play when you play badly, and a killer at her strength should be punishing, which is something Nurse and Blight don’t really have and that’s part of the reason why they’re way above everyone else.

    Spirit can move very fast in her power at basekit while also being invisible with no turn restrictions, so she can play about any loop in the game except god pallets and windows. Those were other things you haven’t mentioned in your post.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Bro what? She's still extremely powerful without addons. It's not like it's even hard to get some of her best ones consistently.

  • IWasLrft2Die
    IWasLrft2Die Member Posts: 389

    A basekit spirit is much more threatening than most of the killers basekit

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Your opinions are your own, but we'd at least like to point the following:

    • She has 5ish seconds of moving 7ish meters with an additional 1 second of that speed post phase. Thats a decent chunk of distance while shes completely invisible sans the sound.
    • She herself is invisible during phasing and all aura reading goes to the husk. No key wall hacks, information from fogwise can be screwed up, yada yada.
    • Her attacks count as basic attacks after phasing unlike blight and (now) nurse meaning she can go zoom with insta downs, run sloppy, etc.
    • She has the option of playing the pallet, catching up to survivors, moving across the map faster than most killers. In short she has options which many like GF or Pyramid head do not.
    • She doesn't need to immediately attack after phasing and wont go into any fatigue like blight or nurse regardless if she swings or not. Also a missed swing isn't as costly on her as others like say Wraith.
    • As stated by GannTM, she can play any pallet except god pallets
    • She weeds out the stupid survivors in the best way.

    We occasionally play spirit without add ons (miss the double passive phasing ones) and have seen people perform well without them against us. We can safely say that while people love the ring and cherry blossoms (of which the cherry blossoms are what we personally hate), she does not need them to stand near the top.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I was literally about to ask if he's ever seen Bubbazaur play her

  • imakepeoplehateme
    imakepeoplehateme Member Posts: 125

    That video proves nothing.It might be the best survivor team in the world but the killer is on a similar way above average level.More importantly,the survivors are under heavy restrictions and yet the spirit is struggling.She got 3t hooks at1 gen,thats worse than what you would expect from the third strongest killer on a killer sided map.

    The problem is she is either an anti loop killer or a mobility one with no chase.You are NOT going to phase from 24 meters away and hit a survivor aware of you presence.All they have to do is hold W and they almost outrun your power,if they vault a window or make it to a pallet you can no longer get them.At pallets while she can play most,strong ones such as junggle gyms favor the survivor who can hear her(its difficult to fake one way with such a slow speed).More importantly filler pallets require her to use her power and yet they are a 50/50 that favors the spirit,the problem lies when you miss, you waste so much time.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    That video proves nothing.It might be the best survivor team in the world but the killer is on a similar way above average level.

    I mean that's the point. The survivors are the best you can find and the killer is at their level. It doesn't matter if it is way above average since it is showcasing the power of Spirit in a controlled environment.

    She got 3t hooks at1 gen,thats worse than what you would expect from the third strongest killer on a killer sided map.

    You talking about base kit Spirit winning vs the best team in the world? Do you think base kit killers should be stomping the matches or something?