Will there be an Alien Announcement tomorrow?

So, at the time of posting tomorrow is 4/26, aka Alien Day, which is when the people who create all the stuff usually annouce things like comic books, videogames, etc.
I have been seeing a TON of assumptions so I wanted to ask the forums: Do you think there will be an Alien Chapter announced tomorrow?
Personally, I think its possible but im not hyping myself up about it. There were some leaks of questionable truth and a lot of people think Predator lisenced failed, but an announcement this far away from the anniversary has happened before, and theres other evidence or theories people have come up with like twitter likes and hidden hints.
I don't believe anything until it comes out from BHVR themselves
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Shouldnt today technically be alien day since the first movie came out on may 25th?
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I have it on good faith that it is currently, in fact, April.
wikipedia tells me this:
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Well, we will see.
I still hope for Stranger Things more than anything else (besides Classic Nightmare on Elm Street of course).
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99.9% chance they won't announce anything until the anniversary stream
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Tbh I'd be more hyped for news about that Aliens game that McLean is working on.
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My magic 8 ball says "outlook not so good"
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By the by, where is this happening, anyway? I haven't seen a stream announcement or something.
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I don't know. I sort of expected it to be announced today to be honest since they like to drop things on tuesdays. Maybe sometime this week, cause I think the actual stream was mid-may last year.
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but how else are we supposed to overhype our expectations to the point that BHVR cannot please everyone? ):
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I think if the chapter is alien i don't think they will announce it tomorrow because everyone is expecting it and game companies like to be unpredictable.