These perks deserve a "within 8 metres of your location/effect lingers for 15 seconds" buff

Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

Those effects that some perks such as Leader, Vigil and Streetwise have

Survivors standing 8 meters from you will be affected by them

Now Bite The Bullet works when a teammate heals you or just nearby

Corrective Action will not suck that much anymore. You can give the effect to teammates doing a gen that you can't join. Maybe apply when healing as well?

Inner Focus because it's one of the worst survivor perks in the game, but it would still need more buffs.

Sole Survivor for the extra effect and to be more useful when you are not literally the only one left.


  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,039

    Corrective action could work map wide and would still be bad.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,152

    Agreed on Bite the Bullet and Corrective Action. BtB should at least apply when you're being healed at all times, and Corrective Action would be more useful as an area-of-effect that prevents failed skillchecks for everyone near you. It should have a higher token capacity too.

    Not sure how this would work with Inner Focus and Sole Survivor.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    Teammates near you will see the killer's aura as well (Inner Focus)

    Sole Survivor just blocks aura reading abilities, teammates near you will have their aura blocked as well (Maybe with no lingering effect for this one)