to the people that think there shouldn’t be DC penalties, why?

leviivel Member Posts: 280

it feels like a third of my matches recently have had a DC or 2 because my teammates went down too quickly or if I’m playing a killer people “don’t like” (Skull Merchant, Knight, Nemesis, few others) and I down them too quickly they DC.

i constantly hear the argument of “I paid for the game, if I’m not enjoying it, I am allowed to DC.” Which would seem like a fine argument in other games with larger lobbies, but in DBD with there only being 5 people in a lobby, a single DC can ruin the experience for everyone. other people paid for this aswell.

now, if you have a phobia and you have to DC, that’s excusable and BHVR definitely needs to add something to counter this like an option of changing sound, model tweaks, removal of textures. (Not preventing you from queuing against them cuz otherwise it would create abysmal queue times for certain characters).

but other than those 2 arguments, there’s never anything else other than: “my internet went out, so I shouldn’t get a penalty” which yeah, fair also, but is there really any other argument?

without DC penalties, casual players trying to learn new killers that others despise would make the game abysmal to play for them. People would DC the moment they get downed, killers will DC at the slightest inconvenience, the whole game would crumble without DC penalties.

incase you’re wondering, I think players should be free to DC without penalty after about 20+ minutes have passed.



  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Huh i haven't seen anyone argue there shouldn't be DC penalities

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Hmm I honestly more often hear the exact opposite that bans should be more punishing (myself being one of those people)

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    Lost connections should be super rare if you have a halfway decent internet connection, which is why the first DC penalty of the day is only 45 seconds if I am remembering correctly.

    It would be great to have a way to leave a match if there are cheaters but I can’t think of any way to practically make that work without being heavily abused.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    I think we live in a time with a technology where one could distinguish between a ragequit (intended DC) and a timeout.

    Apart from that.

    In any case, there should be penalties for leaving a running game, since as mentioned here, it ruins the game experience for the remaining 4 players (assuming the killer is in a mentally stable state, of course).

    In other games like League of Legends the first penalty starts at 5min. After several DC's it increases to 25 minutes and then you even have to actively wait in the queue for the 25 minutes. That means if you stop playing afterwards and play again in 2 days, for example, then you still have to be in the queue for 25 minutes before you get to a lobby. It's a good system and I think it's the right approach.

    Now, of course, the argument could come up: And what if you get a cheater in the game, there are quite a few of them.

    That's right, that's another problem that shouldn't exist, BHVR must be more behind it. I also like the approach of being able to leave the game after a certain time or after the first player is DC'd without penalty.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    What about dcing if you have been slugged for 4k should I get punished for that?

    I know it will be hard to tell for the system but I am helping the team by dcing and I hate that I get punished for doing it.

    Hell sometimes I would take the BP loss but the timer is rough

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195
    edited April 2023

    There SHOULD be DC penalties and soft/perm bans for VALID reasons: rage quitting / leaving the match at any point.

    HOWEVER.. I believe if OTHER people DC before you, and screw the match over, then anyone else DC’ing after the initial DCers shouldn’t be penalized with a soft DC ban.

    For instance: I’m a solo surv. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve gotten into matches where 1-2 other survs DC early at 4-5 gens. Im not talking DC on death hook.

    So what am I supposed to do at that point? 3 survivors are not going to finish 4-5 gens. So If I “Leave the match” at that point, I shouldn’t be penalized. If the Killer were to leave at that point they shouldn’t be penalized either.

    Let’s not forget AFK survs. Or survs that intentionally throw the match early and die on hook.

    I don’t mind being soft banned for rage quitting, but we shouldn’t be soft banned for DCing if someone else DC’d first. That’s my 2 cents.

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    Maybe it’s time for Behaviour to implement bots at any point a surv DC’s (except on death hook).

    Just save the surv’s current health state and items then swap in a bot to take their place. Seems easy peasy..

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437
  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Fortnite doesn't. And they are arguably the biggest one out there, and have been for quite some time.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227

    Overwatch, CoD, Battlefield and Apex don't ban for leaving, iirc.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227


    Pretty sure last time I played OW there wasn't one. I can quit out of QP anytime I want, same with CoD or BF.

    Haven't played Apex since it came out, but it didn't back then.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Apex didn't the last time I played it, neither CoD or Battlefield

  • ranzoo_tr
    ranzoo_tr Member Posts: 10

    A higher penality will just make players go play another game, and finaly just quit dbd, which I completly understantd. Having 1 hours ban, it's like the game is showing you a beautiful middle finger XD

    And in my experience, i rarely see DCs what ever the side I play.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    You're making it more difficult than it is. In simple terms, if no competitive mode, then only casual

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I feel they should not only have the disconnect penalty, but also put in a matchmaking system where people who dc often are forced into games with other people who dc often and need to play through a set amount of trials without disconnecting before they're removed from that section.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Whenever the DC penalty is turned off, I notice a high influx of DCs. Even before the DC penalty was a thing, this was the case. And compared to other games like Battlefield, Apex, or other shooters of the like, DCing impacts the matches in DBD much more, and it pushes the match much more towards the killer's favor. Ofc, if the killer DCs, the survivors also don't even get to play the match at all either. Therefore, the DC penalty makes sense to prevent these things from happening. Sure, if people don't DC much, then they can DC every once in a while for matches they don't enjoy and it won't impact anyone as much. But for the people that are ruining many matches by DCing, the best thing BHVR can do is either temporarily ban them from matchmaking, or throw them in lobbies with other DCers.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2023

    Honestly, is that a bad thing? Having people DC over and over doesn't feel like people I'm that excited to play with. If having fewer players meant having a healthier player base I'm all for it. A 1 hour ban I'd assume would be for someone who DCed like..3 times in a day. That isn't someone I'm going to miss being my partner.

    Granted I don't know everyones experience but I'd guess you are in the minority of people who rarely see DCs. I see them in 1/4- 1/5 of my games on either side.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227
    edited April 2023

    If there's not a competitive mode, it's casual.

    No other game bans you for quitting out of a casual queue, so don't be facetious and make it clear in your post next time; clarify that you are speaking about those games competitive queues.

    That is all, I will not be commenting on DBD's relation to this.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Two reasons: Knight and Skull Merchant

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227

    I've actually not yet stated my position I'm afraid.

    You must have me confused with someone else.

    Likewise, my entire point was for you to be more careful with your language and how you word things.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I think we are just being trollolo-ed and getting the same pasted messages :)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I wouldn't go as far as no DC penalties, but I think maybe 1-5 freebies a week (on top of the current system) wouldn't be bad. If there were freebies you could use them in the case of a 4 minute bleedout Killer, or a Plague when you brought a heal tome, or a clear bully squad when you are not in the mood, or all gens done and 0 hooks. You clearly are not going to have a good time, but you can't use them willy-nilly. Also the stats on the freebies could be telling of problems people just put up with, and have their time held-hostage in spirit. Those stats could help work on addressing those problems, instead of leaving them to fester and cause the player to hard quit the game instead of DC the single match.

    One alternative instead of freebies, would be a Killer ban though (1 per 5 Killers released, and an option for 'previous killer'). I despise going against the same Killer over and over and over again. I also dislike Killers like Plague/Oni/Myers where you die because a teammate gave them their power. Not to say people only DC because they don't like the Killer, but a little can go a long way. I'd argue a DC is typically from reaching an 'eff this' moment. Building up bad experiences can make someone reach this 'eff this' moment sooner. Sadly that only addresses the Survivor sided DCs, but I'd argue Killer DCs at least hard ends the match, so they are less of an issue. Similar with the freebie DC idea, the stats on Killer bans can be used to address flaws.

    I know, there are too many Nurse players /s. More specifically if a player does something because 'the other side's fun isn't my responsibility', that justification can be used for Killer player's actions just as a Survivor player's actions, including DCs. That doesn't make a DC allowed, as the bans and game rules indicate. I would argue some level of fun is everyone's responsibility for every other player, since it is a game, and we play games for fun. If you go against someone who doesn't want you to have any fun, then you stop playing with them. If the game keeps forcing you to play with that unfun aspect, you stop playing that game entirely.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    Just imagine if every player had a list of killers they wanted to play against and another list with they don't want to play against. If there is a killer in the match you don't want to play against -> DC

    If everyone did that, how many matches would be played without a dc?

    Sometimes it's a bit ridiculous what you read here from some people. Compare COD or Apex to Dead by Daylight where there is an automatic lobby refill at all times should a player leave their team, amazing.

    If a killer is slagging, tunnels, camping, 3 gens or just cheats then it's a different problem and should be addressed elsewhere but to DC just because you're not having fun at that moment and thus destroying the gaming experience for the remaining 4 players is easy just stupid sorry.

    It would be better to look for another game if you don't agree with most of the game anyway.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    It's not a ban, it's a time penalty, that's an important difference.

    "If you don't like that people are leaving, perhaps coop games are better for you"

    I totally agree. If you want to do any challenges or tomb achievements, then you should consider doing them in a coop game (swf), because the chances of success are better here.

    "Something I don't understand is why the Devs removed the compensation players would get when someone DCed. Back in the day, if someone left at 5 gens, the gen amount the rest needed to do was 4 or 3. I fail to remember .I know it was 1 gen if you're the last one.So for example, if 2 people leave at 5 gens, the gen amount that would need to be done by the rest to power the exit gates changed to 2 or 3. That gave a bit of hope to the rest of the players in the match to win. I don't know why it was removed"

    This was before the endgame mechanics were added. At that time, matches where only 3 survivors were connected to the game were finished and not canceled immediately. Therefore, the number of generators was adjusted accordingly. Ongoing adjustment of generators etc. during gameplay if a player DC'd never existed.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    It's a matchmaking ban, not a timeout. It's not kindergarten, you're not a naughty child. Look up what a matchmaking ban is if you're not sure

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Well, apparently you comment was deleted.

    Multiplayer games can't allow the dc's this game does because it ruins it for every single other person. Every other game that allows it is an arcade game that can just fill in other players for the people that dc. That's not viable in dbd(for the player the would be filled in) and if that's not viable than DCing should be far more heavily punished.

    Self unhooking(XDDDDDDDDDDD) is even worse because survivors essentially just get a free out with no punishment(something very common in all of my survivor matches right now). People DCing vs wraith who isn't tunneling several games in a row, just imagine being that person LMAO.

    Your tome, your challenge, your internet and your personal fun is below the need for games to be played out consistently or the game WILL die. I can guarantee you that the biggest reason for survivors leaving the game right now is due to other survivors not playing the game.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2023

    Normally I'm against DC'ing and my views have changed over the years with it but I do feel that given several scenarios with bug abusers, cheaters, griefers and just general unfun mechanics I feel the first DC should be free in a day. However I feel that your DC shouldn't start ticking until after you've left the lobby you're in as it's currently possible to "Disconnect" and then spectate the game you just disconnected from watching it play out and by the time it finishes usually your penalty is gone.

    As for if someone should have the right to DC. This is where my views shifted over the years but I get it. BHVR takes forever to balance things and occasionally adds things that are so unfun I don't blame people for DC'ing. Original RPD, 15-20 minute games on the minimum with Skull Merch / Knight, bugs, being locked in a game with a griefer or a hacker? Yeah all of those things I would understand someone DC'ing to and even to an extent - Go for it. Those things can easily kill my mood playing so I don't blame people at all.

    The main issue with those things that I'm fine with people DC'ing with. BHVR takes forever to update their game and their report system is terrible. The feedback when reporting someone is terrible and you never know if the ######### you just had to put up with is or will be handled so you're always left unknowing. Also takes literally months at the QUICKEST for changes to be made to the game which is where the biggest source of issues were. People become content with how the game is and DC'ing just becomes a natural cycle of this game.

    Also forgot to mention - The Tome. People tunnel vision their challenges and DC if they don't get them at times. In both cases these ruin games but with the way BHVR does challenges it makes everyone play the same way at the same time since everyone is following the same linear track. Challenges need to be randomized per player in the order they are on the track or there needs to be a way to just select challenges or even multiple ones so not everyone is dead locked into doing one thing their entire game for the sake of a challenge. The Tome ruins the quality of games and just compounds with the other two issues I mentioned above.

    All of this put together ruining the quality of games makes people DC. Until BHVR improves some of these a bit more I'm honestly fine with people DC'ing in some situations. I feel there should be a DC penalty but not on the first one per day.

    Also - I agree with the casual / competitive argument foodie is bringing up.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    Your comment was the one that got removed, mine was a response to your comment, but anyway, as I said in my original message (which btw is still up), most games don't ban you for DCing unless you're playing competitively which you aren't in DBD.

    Most other games either don't punish you at all or punish you if you don't forfeit. There is no forfeit option in DBD, unless you count giving up on the hook, which is not a viable option since you get other survivors forcing you into staying in a match as well as the killer sometimes. Some games allow you to DC and X amount of times before they give you a matchmaking ban, because guess what, there are countless reasons why one would want to disconnect, and unless there is evidence that it's being abused, they don't ban their players.

    People play games to have fun, they play multiplayer games to have fun. If they are not having fun, they will leave. I don't understand your logic of punishment. Punish players because they're not having fun or because they're experiencing an issue with the game or connection, or because they're facing hackers, or farmers, or are being body blocked, etc.? Other players are not responsible for your fun, you can't expect your teammates or killer to cater to your fun, they only care about their own fun. No other player has an obligation to offer you a good time. If a match to you is ruined because someone took their leave, then leave too or make the most of it and move on. You can't control other players, and punishing them only hurts the game itself.

    I also don't see your logic that the game will die if people leave matches. When they leave, they start another match. In fact, giving a matchmaking ban to players for leaving may cause them to leave the game altogether. Let's say your teammates are sandbagging you, the killer is helping them, farming with them, and you just want to play normally, but you're forced into the match. You decide to leave and let's say that is the 5th time this happens, and you get a 24-hour or 3 day matchmaking ban (theoretically, of course). Now, you can't play the game for 3 days, now imagine how many other players are in the same or similar situation.

    Every game developer's goal is to have players in a game as quickly as possible, preventing players from playing hurts the game, not disconnecting. Players that disconnect likely just want to move on to another match, therefore they are consistently playing the game.

    The game needs a better forfeiting option or lesser punishments because, yes, people would and will abuse DCing if there is 0 punishment. My point is to only punish those who evidently are abusing this, not the average Joe that might disconnect every now and then.

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    I don't have a proper ability to play with my friends rn so I moved to the solo q and it's...awful. 1 in 3 games one of my solo q teammates just DCs or kills themselves on hook just because they went down too quickly. Same goes to the games as a killer.

    DC penalties need to stay and BHVR needs to do smth with deaths on hook and think of possible ways to make a game easier for the remaining players. It sucks when you just waste your time (which I don't have enough, please let me play a bit after my shift) because some soft crybaby suddenly doesn't feel like playing.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    That's right. Just because a match offers less fun because of a certain map/killer/perks or you get downed within the first 3 minutes and things don't go as expected shouldn't justify to DC that match.

    It should be punished. Penalties should remain and even be increased.

    If you only enjoy the game under certain conditions, you should simply change that game, which this type of player probably does regularly anyway.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I'd also add that comparing multiplayer games to this doesn't work primarily from a balancing standpoint. The other games you have teams sharing equal or close to equal power (same number of players roughly with the same general abilities on each side) while this is a 4v1 game where losing 1 player you lose 25% of your team. The 4v1 design does need to be more strict on DCs partially because it really screws up the game to have a DC while something like COD doesn't (outside of very specific times or if tons of people DC in a game)

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,169

    People that ragequit often should be matched with each other. This allows them to still play the game, and they can ruin each other’s games.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187
    edited April 2023

    Overwatch :

    Small team sizes, check.

    Refill during casual matches, check.

    Leaver penalty in non casual matches check.


    Small team sizes, not the last time I played. Ergo individual DC less impactful.

    + Refill during casual


    Even bigger team sizes making DC even more neglectable.

    + Refill during casual


    Mostly free for all battle royal with separat solo/duo or team queue. Ergo less potential of teammates DCing when going in team and DC in solo are completely irrelevant since everybody else is also solo/duo.

    All your examples are inadequate to compare to DBD since they all have measures to lessen the impact of DCs (refill) or the impact is already close to nonexistent (CoD, Battlefield). And the free for all battle royal Genre is the worst to compare DBD with to begin with, in my eyes.

    Other examples of games i have played where DCs either have alternative measures in place or straight up get punished even in casual queue:

    Rainbow six siege:

    Team size small, check.

    Refill in casual, check.

    Penalty in ranked, check.

    Rocket league:

    Small team size, check.

    Refill in casual, check. + Bots!

    Penalty in ranked, check.

    League of Legends:

    Small team size, check.

    Refill in casual, nope. Straight up multiple 5/15 minute matchmaking timeouts.

    Penalty in ranked, check.

    So DBD remains one of if not the only popular/big pvp game without any measure against DC or to lessen their impact. And therefore needs the DC penalty for casual games like league of legends.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    It doesn't matter how much you want to force someone to spend 20 minutes on a match they have absolutely no chance of winning, you won't succeed. There's always running at the killer, spamming lockers and if all else fails, there's alt tab that will solve all your worries. I understand how frustrating it is, especially in SoloQ. But with the DDOS...I mean random crashes running rampant, hackers flooding the servers, the game spaghetti code genuinely crashing people to desktop who actually want to play the game, the DC penalty is hurting more than it helps.

    People always say that when DC penalties are off the game is unplayable, but I never have quite as much fun when I can just literally check out of a 10k Blight clubbing on SoloQ babyseals. If BHVR made the game less #########, people would actually want to play. Solve the issue, not the symptom.

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    There you have it, straight to the point. Thank you for all the details.

    Now that we're further along, let's discuss the next steps. e.g. the duration. 1st DC 5min, 2 DC 15min and from the 3 DC 25min + you have to serve the penalty in the active queue, if canceled it resets it until it is fully served (even after several days)

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 337

    If a game lasts longer than 30 minutes, the penalty should be removed, only a very small proportion of games last that long.

    Also remove the DC penalty for players who leave the match after the first DC has occurred.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227

    That was never my point.

    The person I responded to said that those games HAD a leaver penalty, which was blatantly false. They used it as a supporting argument.

    I'd like to see bots replace Survivors who either kill themselves on hook or DC.