Might be time to set aside myers :/

Myers has generally been one of my mains for a long time but I never tried Ghostface. I finally tried him and it seems like he does most of what Michael does...but better. Anyone else feel this way?
I really hope myers gets tweaked up soon though
Myers is carried mainly by add ons in terms of meta. Ghostface is a bit better at stealth play and can expose survivors without the need to stalk the whole team which can create more pressure since survivors will be more cautious of the insta down
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His insta-kill add-ons need to be nerfed into oblivion, and then everything else should be buffed.
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The only thing that you will be missing when playing GF is Myers' Moonwalk, which is objectively better than anyone elses by a mile. But you have a first person view as killer so it doesn't matter. :(
Edit: Is it Myer's, Myers, Myers' or Myers's?
Post edited by GensByDaylight on3 -
Yeah the main thing I prefer in myers is his scratched mirror addon but there isn't anything else myers does better (aside from tombstones but that's not that fun)
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Yeah, if you’re not using the Tombstone add-ons on Myers then Ghostface is just better in every way. It’s way easier to learn how to play Myers though, so he’s more beginner friendly which makes him more forgiving to play as I guess
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I think it should be Myers'.
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Personally i prefer Myers but i can see ghost face's advantages as well.
Myers in tier 2 has constant 16 meter terror radius. Ghost face has 0 with night shroud, but he can be broken out of it and it has a lengthy cooldown. He can also crouch.
Ghost face needs to stalk each survivor for a set amount of time, is reset on injury and cannot be completed if broken out of night shroud. But it is unlimited and has no stalk range. Myers drains all survivors from evil and can then exposed down any survivor of his choosing and there's little that survivor can do about it. But it's not unlimited, and he needs to be close to get real stalk progress.
When it comes to add-ons, ghost face has a lot of variety although none of his greens are very good. Myers has a some very strong add-ons like tombstones but also stacking stalk and longer duration, with maybe a mirror shard is good too.
Overall i think Ghost Face is harder to play but has more control, and Myers is easier to play and more reliable.
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Myers is like the Alien, ie I admire his purity. There is a cathartic purity and simplicity to his kit and the constant danger of getting one shot without much defense while also having a greatly reduced terror radius can really up the anxiety, but against really good god tier looper he has little means of gaining a real foothold. He is a relict of the past and as a lot of old timers, they still can show some of their time honed expertise everynow and then, but 9/10 they will be left in the dust by modern techniques that just trumps what they can bring to the table.
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Thank you!
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I play on console so ghostface looks and feels awkward with the leaning. Myers is a little easier because he just has to stand there and stalks.
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Yeah myers does feel a little easier to use on console. Even just Crouching as Ghostface works well since you can get closer more easily. I do like the general feel of myers but Ghostface does seem more efficient
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I personally like them both but if I want to win the match I'm picking Myers. Ghostface has to stalk individuals, his reveal is unreliable, and loses all stalk progress with a basic attack. Being able to 99 my power and insta down whomever I want when I want is very appealing (sucks to be on receiving end of this). His early game can be rough though but his snowball potential from there on is higher.
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They both have stealth play make apply exposed so they are pretty equivalent.
Ghostface is a one trick pony though, his addons modify how things work a lil but its still the same shtick every game.
Myers' addons change up how he's played so while ghost face applies exposed a lil more efficiently and has continued stealth without addons, Myers has more versatility which I think increases his replay-ability in the long run over Ghostface.
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I totally get where you're coming from. Ever since they introduced that mechanic showing all survivors being chased instead of just the obsession, I feel like it's put a damper on the Myers experience. I used to have a super spooky build with him, using knockout, jolt, monitor and abuse, and surveillance. Indoor maps were fantastic because survivors never knew who was being chased or if someone was even in chase. But with the new chase indicator, it's like they stripped away the mystique that made Myers so enjoyable.
Now, it's a real struggle to make him work effectively, and honestly, it often feels like it's not worth the effort anymore. I do hope they make some tweaks to Myers in the future, but for now, it seems like other killers like Ghostface have taken the spotlight.
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They're different killers. Myers is not a stealth killer (unless it's Mirror) while GF is. Myers overall is way stronger than GF.
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myers facecamps better