Is matchmaking really the biggest problem of solo queue?

ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

I have been thinking about this lately and would be interested in what other people have to say.

Solo Queue is a pain point that many people complain about. It seems like many people agree that the power level order is Solo Queue < Killer < SWF. And I would agree with this when talking about the general experience, when only talking about balance however, I would say all of these are not nearly as far away from each other as some people would argue, with Solo Queue maybe even being on a level of killer.

Most people also seem to agree that it's an issue of matchmaking, which I definitely do agree with to an extent. Balance, in my opinion, is the least of all problems solo queue has, now that solo survivors have icons to work with. The game is arguably in the best state it's ever been, balance wise, if you ask me. Or at least it's almost there.

But I wonder if matchmaking is the only big issue of Solo Queue, or even the biggest issue. Thing is, with matchmaking being such a problem, you'd think that both sides would have equal complaints about matchmaking, but at least I personally see much more complaints from survivors than killers. For every survivor team that is completely outclassed by the killer, you would expect a killer that struggles immensely with a survivor team.

Of course, SWF might be the reason that is not the case, keeping a lot of people that are good at the game out of solo queue, because they play with friends. I do not know the stats on SWF, but I do believe that a lot of swf groups are just 2 or 3 man swf's.

Personally, I think there are two other issues for solo queue that BHVR really needs to look at.

The first one is the tutorial. I finally got to play it since I was forced to do so after the last midchapter update, and boy is it bad. What this game needs desperately are tutorials that teach players a bit of advanced gameplay tips as well, especially when it comes to looping. This game's tutorials do absolutely nothing for that. To me, it seems like too many survivor players are just bad at the game.

The second problem are the archive challenges. I fear these are a particular source of frustration for solo queue as well, because instead of playing optimally, some survivors simply waste time with their missions. The cleanse 4 totems mission is a prime example of this. Of course the only solution would be to make missions more boring and samey, but honestly, I think that would be better. But missions like having to cleanse 4 totems need to go, fast.



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited April 2023

    Solo queues only real problem and why it feels so bad is matchmaking. The game is balanced around around solo queue, not swf. The bad experiences people have in solo queue are all related to either getting bad teammates or playing bad themselves. There is no balance issues with solo queue. The number one advantage with swf isn’t even comms, it’s getting guaranteed good teammates.

    Here’s the problem though. We can’t necessarily just improve the matchmaking for a couple reasons.

    Firstly it’s bad in order to speed up matchmaking as they prioritize fast queues over balanced matches. If they made it more accurate you’d be waiting much longer and they won’t do that.

    Secondly the matchmaking needs to be bad as it covers up the games balance problems. The game is balanced around having weak links that make mistakes. This is why people hated mmr even more near it’s earlier release as it was a much smaller matchmaking net and made way sweatier games. If they made it more accurate matchmaking they’d have to buff killer a lot and people obviously don’t want that, so bad matchmaking allows them to stay in the state they are.

    I play almost strictly solo queue and 99% of the time I lose it’s either bad teammates or me making mistakes myself. There are no balance issues with solo queue, it’s skill issues, but that’s a hard pill for people to swallow and own up to.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If you're a semi-decent killer, you're going to get matched against majority SWF because solos can't push high MMR because they don't escape enough.

    If you play solo survivor exclusively, you'll get primarily matched in full solo lobbies where you have less chance of escaping.

    Of course this doesn't apply if you're a fog whisperer/big content creator cause BHVR did something to the matchmaking to deal with the DDOSing/hackers. Those players get fed a steady stream of complete babies to beat on while average killer players get the pleasure of playing with the 10k hour SWFs and bully squads

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I can't see how tomes or not having a good tutorial would have more of an impact on soloq games than having large discrepancies with survivor skill. The tutorial would impact only the new player MMR and tomes ,while disproportionately affecting soloq over swf, should simply go away after the players finish them. If the tome was a survivor issue it should get bad at the start and slowly get better with more and more players finishing their challenges.

    I would actually say that the biggest issue isn't matchmaking though. The biggest issue for soloq and 100% needs to be avoided at all cost is... having the game being frustrating. When players are frustrated playing the game they will have less patience in-game and will give-up more easily. This then affects Matchmaking which will then will further the frustration.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I would kind of hope that second part is a joke, but I doubt it is.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The real kicker is the thing you are trying to balance for in solo queue you really can’t balance for…. And that is the random nature of PUGs.

    You may get four players with completely different ideas of what the game should be, what’s fun, how to play, levels of motivation to play and altruism.

    So a team game requiring lots of coordination to excel, is relying on 4 strangers whom can’t directly communicate to work together as a team. Good luck.

    This doesn’t get fixed by just buffing the hell out of individual survivors though because then they become unbeatable Uber heroes when they do work together.

    Want to enjoy solo queue the first step is to accept that you are at the mercy of random variation amongst team mates.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Soloq is great. Soloq is fine. I enjoy soloq. Thanks, BHVR!

  • icedrake402
    icedrake402 Member Posts: 145

    Thing is, bad teammates aren't bad usually, they're just inexperienced. As such, they should be getting matched with other new players, and new killers.

    That does not happen. I'm nowhere near the best, but I know how to do gens, not to unhook in the killer's face, not to try random blinds unless they're locked in an animation, and to look at the ground (especially outside chokepoints) when I'm playing against Trapper. But in a lot of games, the absolute basics make me the best on my team, after playing for a year and a half. Something has clearly gone wrong.

    Also, if they had a "better matchmaking over faster matchmaking" option, I would hit that button like the fist of a furious god. It would result in the same amount of actual gameplay, vs another game where 5mins in there have been four face unhookings, and only one gen done, which I solo'd. Games like that, my presence matters as much as if I'd just stayed in the menu tinkering with cosmetics.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I feel like survivors should honestly just play SWF. That should please both killers & survivors. Now, survivors gets teams that function well enough to at least get some people out, and killers get the challenge they’re looking for b/c so many of them complain about survivors stinking in chase, doing brainless things, giving up on hook, etc. SWF is the answer.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2023

    This is a good attitude to have, thanks. As long as my teammates try in solo queue, that's all I care about. How good they are doesn't matter that much to me. On the flipside, when I play killer, I hate it when people quit on their team. It's embarrassing to down a guy quickly with Pig and then he rage DCs ruining the game for everyone because Pig OP plz nerf

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Audience? See exhibit A.

    This is an excellent example of why survivors should SWF. It really would satisfy by killers and survivors. :)

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 619

    Yes. After add HUD, solo play quality has improved.

    I didn't play Survivors that much before, but since the addition of the HUD display, I've started playing them until I reach the minimum Red Rank every month.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    No but people always need excuses, don't they.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited April 2023

    It *feels* like matchmaking is the culprit, but we can't really tell. Hidden MMR is the ultimate cop out. It prevents us from really giving good feedback about anything or holding the system accountable. And you have no way to tell whether you're about to completely waste your time in a backfill lobby.

    MMR can't really account for whether someone is playing for the win condition in any given trial though. I personally hate the Rift and what it has done to solo queue. I only do challenges that I can passively complete through natural gameplay. I skip anything that has me cleansing dull totems, looting chests, running X perk, etc. And I get pretty tilted when I'm trying to play optimally and someone hasn't touched a gen the entire game because they're trying to hide in a TR or cleanse dulls. It's not fun.

    I always go back to the fact that most other PVP games give players a casual or competitive option to give you a better shot at your desired experience and teammate playstyle. It's never perfect in any game, but it's often better. I will always take the 5 minute competitive queue for a good match over the instant quickplay queue for a terrible match.

  • Ivanynakov
    Ivanynakov Member Posts: 235

    Well some basic tutorials for looping may be nice. But I think there is also information barrier for novices when it comes to perk description. It is full of unnecessary information. I made short thread about improving this issue:

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    "Thing is, with matchmaking being such a problem, you'd think that both sides would have equal complaints about matchmaking, but at least I personally see much more complaints from survivors than killers."

    One factor though is that killers see who they're going against, and many can (and will) dodge if they perceive the team to be a swf or the prestiges are high. There was a topic here not long ago about this and most who commented said they do dodge at times. If that killer keeps dodging til they find a lobby with gaps that will be filled by solo queue, and there's a clear skill/experience discrepancy, then yeah survivors will be likely to complain about it. Killers aren't likely to complain about a lobby they shopped for.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,206

    Thing is, with matchmaking being such a problem, you'd think that both sides would have equal complaints about matchmaking, but at least I personally see much more complaints from survivors than killers. For every survivor team that is completely outclassed by the killer, you would expect a killer that struggles immensely with a survivor team.

    There's 3 reasons for this

    1: Killer is relatively straightforward. You know where the gens are, you are giving paths to follow to survivors via blood and scratch marks, etc. On the other hand survivors have to learn the maps to figure out where gens tend to spawn, what strategies to prioritize, etc.

    2: Killer abilities are 'easy' to use in comparison to survivors. Survivor abilities require hitting skill checks and things like BNPs aren't common enough to see a lot of use at low MMR. However, killer perks like Merciless Storm, can be devastating to low level MMR and require no skill on the killer's part.

    3: The killer doesn't have to rely on anyone else. With 4 survivors there is a chance one of them is not taking it seriously, sleepy, drunk, scared, distracted, internet problems, rage quit, etc. One bad survivor can easily bring down the whole team.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah this is approaching the game with the right mindset.

    I'm not saying things can't be tweaked to make coordinating as a solo a lil easier but it still takes the understanding that its gonna be a mixed bag.

    You can always SWF, there are find other player threads on these forums but I have to admit I kinda enjoy playing solo survivor.

    Everything feels a little more menacing and I can't always rely on other people, like a real survival horror experience.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2023

    The MM is globally the second main problem in DbD after the terrible balance of the game. The MM just increase that unbalance feeling.

    Moreover, when the SBMM was strict, high MMR survivors were waiting 30 minutes to get a match and they faced only Nurse or Blight cause it is impossible for a killer to achieve high MMR while it is easy for the survivors, especially because they are babyssited by strong perks.

    A single survivor with META perks is almost as strong as the killer so imagine 4 survivors with META perks...

    And BHVR, instead of fixing the balance of the game, have decided to force average MMR killer to face high MMR SWFs just for them to not wait too long in the lobby.

    In this case, it seems that the fact the killer will have an awful experience and will be bullied is a problem of a lesser importance than a SWF that has to wait to get a game.

    That is why you never have consistency in the trials you play. Most of them are complete ez 4 escapes or ez 4 kills and there is no in-between 80% of the time.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,913
    edited April 2023

    I honestly think this is it, because all of these content creators talk about how "rare" it is to get these "crazy teams" when basically my games are usually getting these types of teams every 2 or 3 games. Almost like matchmaking is "balancing" my wins based on, "oh you lost recently, let me give you some babies so you get your kill rate back up for a few rounds, then i'll give you these crazy teams again"

    This is basically a conspiracy theory, but this is my theory as to why people like otz and scott hold the opinions they do because their matches actually are easier, meanwhile people like tru3ta1ent are regularly getting these crazy teams far more often than they are.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    He complained that as Pig he downed someone and they DC’d but if you’re familiar with his post history he admits to tunneling off hook (and just in general) and camping. It stands to reason that he employs these tactics in every game he plays as killer. So my initial point that survivors should group up in SWF to appease both sides was illustrated twofold by this killer main complaining about a solo queue player he presumably tunneled and/or camped (a common behavior as per his own admissions) DCing against him. If that survivor was in a SWF I’m sure his tunneling/camping wouldn’t have been as influential, and it’s unlikely that survivor would have DC’d. So he’d get a match he could enjoy since the DC bothered him and the survivor wouldn’t have to DC against his scummy tactics. Hope this helps! :)

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    I was asking myself why my killers' games went so poorly and what i was doing wrong to have such a hard time facing mostly duoQ+ and SWFs...

    Trials felt unwinnable with Wesker and Onryo for exemple

    So i have looked many big streamers and i have seen the survivors they face... average survivors at best they rarely face someone that really know how to loop (knowing checkspot, intertwinning pallets/windows from different loop spot etc...) while i'm facing SWAT teams over and over again.

    I understood that something was wrong and they are clearly not playing on the same system than we do.

    I have bought Wesker last week. My Pinhead/Nurse are both high MMR. My first games as Wesker were ok but after like 5 wins, i ended up facing impossible to deal with survivors. And now it has been like this for maybe 20-25 games meanwhile huge streamers face average survivors for 20 games straight with a 100% win rate.

    We were just talking about this on another forum (french DbD forum) and we all agreed that something is wrong.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    Just took a huge streamer (1500/2000 viewers) that did not use privacy on DbD, i could then see the nicknames of the players he was playing against and i have looked for them on steam.

    Most of the ones i have found with an open profile had 250/300 hours. 🙂

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2023

    You are lacking in reading comprehension. First of all, the comment about someone DCing at first down playing Pig means literally that... rage quitting at getting downed first. That's before I've even had the opportunity to camp/tunnel.

    Second, the only recent posts I've made about camping/tunnelling are that I understand why some people choose to hard tunnel/camp (it makes it easier to win) and survivors dgaf if you play nice (you still get teabagged in exit gate and told gg ez baby killer when they survive). I've also said that I find facecamping Bubba to be hilarious.

    I don't facecamp (unless it's EGC) or hard tunnel because I choose not to play that way and instead prefer to play for hooks. Does it cost me games and kills? Absolutely! Avoiding hard tunnelling out the Meghead in favor of chasing a stronger survivor leads to less hooks and kills. The only time I will gladly hard tunnel somebody out of the game immediately is if they BT body block me from going after someone else. They've bought themselves a ticket to tunnel town in that instance.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    That's one of the difficult things to learn about DBD.

    If you stick a team of good Survivors against a bad or even mediocre Killer, they'll look untouchable and unbeatable.

    Put them up against someone like Hens or Otz, suddenly they look like babies.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    better than others is under-statement. if you actually watched any of tru3's "crazy" teams, he losing generators in <6 minutes against same calibur level as himself. I don't think you understand how fast it is to lose 5 gens in 6 minutes. In fact, I have never seen otz post a game where the team is doing gens in 6 minutes. To get an idea for how fast this, this game which tru3 played 4 weeks ago is example of his crazy teams.

    The video is titled, "Why don't killer want a challenge?". its mildly mocking survivor mains but 6 minute games is killer getting 2-3 hooks. Its why tru3 doesn't play dbd anymore. He dislikes that he plays against baby mode survivors when he loses vs crazy teams and his crazy teams that of same skill-level as him are unwinnable games. The dev don't really balance killer powers or the game around his level of play. One aspect that tru3 has always stated about him playing killer is that he DISLIKES playing for survivor's fun. He does not like being a puppet, an AI-killer bot for survivor. Tru3's crazy team are legit comp-level type SWF's.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    I don't think it's as simple as just matchmaking. I almost exclusively play soloq, and there are people I get teamed up with who are really playing the game, not just playing hide-and-seek or there to do their archives and give up afterwards. Another thing I think also influences many games, is how you yourself are playing, and how well your team synergizes as a whole. Do they even bother with unhooking? Do they heal when necessary or take aggro? Or do they insta-DC at the sound of Nurse's screech?

    What I genuinely love to do test, is see how my gameplay influences fellow solo players. I've had so many teammates play selfishly, to the point that it's costing the team, and the moment you do something for them, be it taking agro/healing them, etc. it oftentimes changes their behaviour as well. If I lose in those games, I don't even care, because people are at least trying to play the game.

    Above all, I think that the root cause might just be why people are playing. Are they there to just have fun and chill? Do their archives or a daily? Or are they in it to win? Considering this game unlike League for example doesn't have competitive/casual mode, it will always be a mixed bag.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    Tell me that those survivors are not babies. You can look the whole video, the low level is consistent.

    But you can also check the Wesker trial at 02:35:30 and tell me these are high MMR crazy loopers...

    Now i invite you to check some other big streamers past stream and see that they face exactly the same kind of survivors.

    One of the streamer you have mentionned just said, on Tuesday, that he was facing survivors with 500 hours while he has 10k hours on the game :)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Uh huh.

    I'm specifically responding to a thread about how one guy thinks there's a conspiracy against certain people to give them harder matches.

    There's not, some people aren't really good players and the matchmaker sucks.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2023

    Not to the point a 10k hours streamer winning 95% of its game during his stream ends up to constantly facing bad survivors while on my side i face really strong survivors 8 times out of 10.

    And it is not about having harder game, we think that the huge streamers that are the showcase for this game benefits from special settings in their matchmaking to not constantly get stomped by unwinnable survivors.

    Look at the video, it is obvious that those survivors are babies. You can also check their names on steam, most of them have 300 hours.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Yes and yes (although not for the reason you might think).

    The first yes is for the obvious. your eScape Based MatchMaking ranking has nothing to do with your skill and game knowledge. Between a 1.4k MMr and 1.6k MMR player, the one with 1400 points might actually be the better player both in terms of understanding killer strength and weaknesses, possessing better a game sense and be a better looper, but maybe they are a Bill main that never leave unless the last survivor escapes, while the other person in question constantly SWFs, inflating their MMR.

    The second yes is a little different. Imagine a perfect world in which your MMR correlates to your skill at the game (and again, SBMM utterly and completely fails to give even a remotely close idea of any one person's ability to play the game, but lets just have fun) and lobbies can be made really tight without running up the queue times. Even if you only had lobbies were all five players had the same exact MMR (and that was accurate) you would still end up with insanely lopsided matches. After all, a Nurse with 4 slowdown perks on Coal Tower vs a Pig with Brutal/Enduring/Spirit Fury/STBFL on Garden of Pain will perform completely differently. SWF/Solo, maps, items, addons, powers, mindset, these all contribute to why SoloQ is so painfully miserable they might as well just delete the gamemode altogether, since from the previous survey it seems they have completely given up and will instead focus on allowing players to form SWFs more easily.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    That's because the matchmaker sucks.

    What's more likely? The matchmaker that we know isn't accurate and prioritizes speed above all else is messing up and puts average players against 10K hour streamers. OR. BHVR's matchmaker is so good that it can actually be told who to whitelist and give easy matches, thereby creating a conspiracy specifically meant to target people and make them feel worse about their own games which BHVR has gone out of their way to make harder....for some reason.

    Yeah, you guys sound like the people who think there are lizard people.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185

    After all, a Nurse with 4 slowdown perks on Coal Tower vs a Pig with Brutal/Enduring/Spirit Fury/STBFL on Garden of Pain will perform completely differently.

    This is the problem when the global game design is terrible.

    All maps should have the same features/strengh and weeknesses.

    There are so many flaws in this game that i'm tired of it, really... Things that are obvious for the most unaware player that know nothing about game design and yet, the hundreds of DbD devs do not see it... How is it possible ?

    How can you validate a design where a M1 killer, for exemple, is forced to play with Bamboozle, using a perk slot, cause without it you have to drop the chase or accept to loose 1 extra minute ? And if all survivors are on com they will abuse it and go to windows in every chases...

    Killers are so forced to play with some perks and in certain way that it is disgusting.

    Devs do not want to restrict items/perks for the survivors but they force the killers to use perks or else you cannot play them...

    Bamboozle should be base kit as BT and SB after unhook are base kit now. Well that is another subject but the fact that DbD still haven't got any health update to clean the game design to really balance the game is unbelievable.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857
    edited April 2023

    Does anyone have a link to the video where Otz played Legion on Ormond against some random 3men SWF and got 1k? It wasn't even a killsquad, just a regular decent SWF that prioritize gens and know how to loop working together. Pretty good example how people like him, Hens, Tofu, Jund etc don't just magically make survivors look babies, they actually ARE getting babies. There's no conspiracy theory, it was literally confirmed by content creators themselves that they have preferential matchmaking when the previous hacker pandemic was peaking. BHVR isn't out there to get some random person making the unfortunate mistake of playing killer. They are just getting the squads that content creators aren't, hence why people not in BHVR's favor don't get those easy games.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    Yes, Matchmaking is the biggest (but not the only) problem of SoloQ. And this is also why SWF is better than SoloQ - you can "manipulate" the Matchmaking in a way that you can make sure that all of your teammates are decent. With SoloQ and the matchmaking being so lenient you get terrible matches.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I feel that one thing often forgotten in these discussions is the skill of the SoloQ player themself. There's often a lot of "SoloQ is bad because I'm matched with n00bs who don't do gens" comments, but rarely (if at all) any admittance that maybe they have aspects of their game that requires improvement.

    Whilst the other aspects are important, I feel this is often passed over, as if the player thinks it's weak to admit there are things they can do to get better. In fact it's not. Even great players or YouTubers out there had times where they maybe screw up or needed to improve an aspect. There is no shame in this and needs to be seen with a more empathetic eye.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Not really a good example of a video, to be honest. Also, why do we assume tru3 is the very top level of DBD players? He is good, don't get me wrong, but not one of the best. He wastes quite a bit of time near the hooked survivors in this video, and gets outplayed multiple times.

    Also, I think barely anyone thinks that Torment Creek is a balanced map, especially with the RNG that he had.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2023

    It's not a conspiracy theory, it's pretty clear that something is amiss with the matchmaker when it comes to fog whisperers/larger content creators. Other people see it and have made content about it. Choy compared tru3 vs. otz during the afk no perks challenge and tru3 faced significantly harder survivors and teams while otz had matches where no one even had dead hard. tru3 gets sniped a lot and was kicked out of the fog whisperer program while otz is a game golden boy. nothing against him personally ofc. Just boot up an OhTofu or ScottJund stream on any given night and watch them stomp the hell out of survivors running into walls or hiding behind z walls. These dudes have 10k hours and play for a living while I, a console playing average killer player, get p100 players every other lobby

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    It's a conspiracy to say that BHVR manipulates the matchmaker because they have something against you and Tru3.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2023

    They took off the DC penalty specifically for fog whisperers when the hackers were holding games hostage, it's not some ridiculous big stretch that they've manipulated the matchmaking to give them easy games to show them winning/having fun to their large audience. I'm not saying they have anything against me, I'm saying that someone has to play against those teams that are routed away from players they should be matching with.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    Uh huh.

    Even if that were true, which it verifiably isn't, multiple streamers have spoken about how they don't like that. Tofu doesn't like to play Killer because he keeps winning too easily.

    Personally, I think you're just making excuses for your own poor gameplay. The matchmaker sucks, we get it. However, it's just as likely to put you against someone you're better than.

  • smartemarte
    smartemarte Member Posts: 254

    I'm so sick and tired of the matchmaking system

    People moan and complain about people disconnecting but 9 times out of 10 it's because they're sick of wasting their times in games that are over before they even started....

    i've just come back after a week of not playing because i'm sick of it and first game back i'm against a wesker that downs 2 survivors in the first minute because they played like they've just installed the game for the first time, what is the point in this ? the game was over at matchmaking and there was literally nothing I could do.

    I'm close to just uninstalling now because the game just isn't fun

    I'm either matched with horrible players that run around like headless chickens not doing gens or i'm matched with try hard toxic killers that use nurse blight etc which are already too good.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Sure man if I was 17 years old and had all day to play this game with no responsibilities, I could be amazing too. The fact is I'm not and have a real career. When I just want to chill out and play for fun at night, I shouldn't be getting matched against p100 squads that are there to troll or against resilient/adrenaline sweat teams that are playing against me like BHVR has a $50,000 check waiting for them when they escape. Somehow the biggest content creators don't seem to deal with this stuff though 🤷‍♀️

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    You also shouldn't be getting matched against complete baby teams that you can easily steamroll, like you seem to want.

    Fact of the matter is, you probably have an extremely limited sample size. Content creators play FAR more games than either you or I. This raises the odds of the matchmaker tossing them people.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    If i was drinking something right now it would be all over my monitor i swear

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    his entire point is that playing survivors equal to your skill-level as killer with vast majority of the killer roster is not a challenge. It is simply impossible to win. your best case scenario is draws/losses. The times you win as killer is when the survivor is vastly below your skill-level as killer. In my opinion, there is very little skill expression against player's equal to your killer level. your often just a puppet for survivor's fun in most cases.

    most of the maps between S-rank to B rank in otz tier list for map balance play similarly for high-level survivors which is like 60% of the maps in dbd. they're all survivor sided for the most part so I would not blame the map too much. The video just showcases the classic strong survivor SWF vs killer experience of dbd. Something to note is that video's game is not average dbd game. the average dbd game is facing survivor that are really bad at looping and the killer outplaying 90% of the chases as most survivor are not that good at looping so you usually win as killer if your good at killer.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If I was getting matched against the players Tofu gets my kill rate might actually go above 1 - 2

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    Smaller youtube streamer probaly unknown by bhvr with 270 winstreak on clown (pinky finger), this is US east server which may have some of the weakest survivors overall tho (players like Scott and Zubat play on the same server)

    If you're good and play optimal with strong builds you can just do well overall and hardly lose pretty much, maybe you'll run into more sweats depending on the time of day or being unlucky but i play on EU servers and i have had good experiences overall i'd say, i could still win maybe 90% of my killer games but i havent played since the latest patch. If you want to look at someone who plays on EU servers and wins alot generally and goes on decent streaks look up Zeb89 on twitch (gets maybe 250 viewers on twitch on average)

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If people find out someone got a 270 winstreak on Clown, they'll be calling for him to be nerfed!