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Something's off with SoloQ

Member Posts: 5,951

I've been playing a lot of soloQ for the last couple of days and I can honestly say I never had a better time playing survivor. I mostly get very competent team mates and the killers I face are more or less the same. It just feels way better than it used to. Also, there seem to be way less hook suicides and dcs than before the patch.

I don't run any items or map offerings (mainly for the same reason I mostly play without addons as killer: "They MIGHT run out eventually!" Not really though.) and I'm not the greatest looper. I can read some mind games and know how to play a few structures but I could never make a TL wall into a good time waster. Still, for the most part I'm doing pretty well. That has a lot to do with my team mates. These people come to bodyblock at the right time, get a good flashlight save here and there, go for an unhook when the killer is far away so they can't easily tunnel, smash gens whenever they can and most importantly: They don't give up!

Whatever it is BHVR did here, well done! My killer games feel more balanced as well. More close games and less of a stomp or get stomped experience is a great thing in my book.

How's your impression of current soloQ?

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  • Member Posts: 5,951

    If I could, I'd share them with you. There's enough good solo team mates for everyone as it seems.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Can I have some of your luck? At this point I'm basically giving up on Solo Q because I have lost count of how many times I either get tunneled or left to die on my first hook. When I get hooked now, I basically expect so have been basically trying to play Killer when I can't SWF

  • Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2023

    I either have a completely opposite experience or the same as the authors one. No in-betweens  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Yea, my survivor games have been like yours for a while. Sure, sometimes I’ll get the trolling teammates or the potato in a bush, but for the most part, my games have been chill.

    It’s different when I play killer though. If I chooses to play after 7PM, I’m normally going to get teams who bring in two BNPs, a map offering, hook distance offering and at least two people with book over and flashlights. Gens will fly by and I’d have to tunnel someone since I’m playing M1 killers and there aren’t many things I could do.

    Matches before 7PM are more chill.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Mine is the complete opposite.

    * Suicide on hooks increased

    * Quite a few AFK survivors

    * Quite a few d/c's

    * Killers tunneling effectively

    Pretty much getting stomped every game, except for when I play as Knight and survivors turn into superheroes 😅

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    My teammates are unable to complete a single generator between the three of them so if we escape or not very easily boils down to if I'm left alone long enough to crank through all 5.

    I have more fun sat waiting for a Killer match than I do playing a solo Survivor one.

  • Member Posts: 329

    my solo mates are docs that doing 15 gens, saving old women from death and helping poor ppl :))

    but seriously! solo q is miserabel and will still be miserable! until bhvr doing real buffs for solos (action buffs or other stuff like that) or if 2 of 10 matches are ok, you forget the 8 that are miserable... in the sense of when someone robs people and beats them, but instead he feeds poor people with the stolen money, does it all make up for it? no of course not!

  • Member Posts: 329

    yeahhhhhhh! you are so right that when i play swf with people who also have a lot of hours like me (i have 9k+) then i just imagine that the killer will be hit against the wall with 0-1 hook at 5 made gens and with the solo q i'm matched with people who are very bad, but no no :)) i'm just imagining it and deliberately badmouthing the solo q and forgetting the "good times" in the solo q :))) as For example, I just played a nice round solo against a bad killer, but I lose it because my mates die every 10 seconds and as soon as the killer camps useless (even without camping, they are almost always useless) then I think to myself "no thanks, I'll play killer !"

    bhvrs mindset, play Killer, SWF or die in the solo q! i do i do :))

  • Member Posts: 857

    I genuinely don't know anymore what's going on.

    2 weeks before the patch dropped, I went on an insanely crazy SoloQ loss streak of being sacrificed 76 times in a row, more than double my old "record" (36 losses in a row).

    The patch dropped and I escaped 11 games in a row.

    Since then my escape rate is hovering steadily at 20-15%, the same as after the killer patch. I have not noticed a significant difference in either teammate or killer performance. I go up against blink god Nurses and completely potato M1 killers that I can spin multiple times in a row in the wide open with no discernible pattern.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I was so scared when I clicked on this lmao I'm glad you're enjoying the game more, and I hope people keep the positive feedback around current solo q flowing so BHVR doesn't revert anything... I know the game is far from perfect rn but honestly I wish they wouldn't change a thing because I'm scared it would ruin whatever it was that made solo q not so awful (dare I say "good") again.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Sorry to hear that. I'm currently on a 10 games escape streak as a solo, so my experience is really good. It surprises me as well because I've seen the horrors of soloQ. I don't think specific buffs to solos would be appropriate though. When all 4 survivors are competent they already have a solid chance of escaping (not all 4 but at least 1 or 2).

    It's weird. I'm almost certain they tampered with MMR again. Like, it actually works in a way that matches people of more or less equal skill (and still keeps queue times low). I've lost a few games since last patch of course but the times I lost it didn't feel like one ore two survivors were to blame but the killer was just better than us (or had a better loadout). It's a bit sad to see that not everyone is that lucky though.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    UK servers here.

    My games have been pretty much brilliant for the most part! Of course, there may be the odd game where things aren't great, but that could be for any number of team mates, whether it be because I made an error, my team mate made an error, a 2-3 man swf was playing to altruistic or whatever. However, most matches have been brilliant with some great plays. Even losses as survivor feel that we were more outplayed than any other aspect.

    I had an 8 match game as survivor today, of which 5 were escapes and none by hatch. 2 deaths were probably avoidable (1 was me thinking a killer saw my tracks, when in endgame chat they weren't aware and the pallet gave me away, and the other was just me doing a dumb altruistic save whilst injured). The third was simply that the killer was too good (not saying the other 2 weren't, but they were more my mistake).

    Previously, I had 6 games as killer, which were 2k,0k,3k,0k,2k,4k. Interestingly, I've had no 1k result since the new patch!

    However, all games have been fun and enjoyable. My fellow survivors have been competent at the absolute worst and opponents have been challenging and helping me improve. I'm having a great time!

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    US West

    Three days ago I escaped one out of five games. Also saw two facecamping bubbas and an artist who after an early game DC let the rest of us bleed out right until the point of death, then picked us up and threw us on the hook (playing at night).

    Two days ago I had a 5 escape streak. (playing in the afternoon)

    Yesterday I played for three and half hours and lost every game. (playing in the morning)

    One game played today, one escape. (around noon)

    That's my general experience. Playing during the afternoon/evening really increases the skill/intensity of survivors I tend to get matched with.

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I've been getting a mixed bag. I have matches where my teammates are potatoes and we all get killed at 5 gens, I have matches where we storm through the generators and all escape.

    But that's how soloQ has always been for me. I can't say I've noticed any real differences now.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Same with me. I'm getting super potato teammates with the sweatiest killers known to man now.

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Solo queue has been pretty rough for me after the update. Lots of killing self on hook and dc’s

    However I’m used to this regardless so I don’t really care

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Out of curiosity, what platform are you on? I'm on Epic. It feels like there's genuinely no matchmaking happening for me in solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    I'm on Steam. I usually upload videos. Since the update, it feels like my teammates NEVER touch a gen. I was chased, got hooked, unhooked, had OTR which is 80 seconds. Got chased the entire time limit, got hit, chased some more, went down and after I was hooked, someone finally touched a gen. This is numerous games.

    It's gotten so bad that I just upload whether its a shitshow or not, because the matches are becoming unbearable. It's like they kept my killers with Iri's and 4 slowdowns but gave me the teammates who have never played DBD in their life. I've also seen a big female streamer complaining about the same thing. Something broke in the MMR system for higher ranks. I'm a very good killer and survivor, but something is off.

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited April 2023

    It really does seem like it's broken at the higher end. I'm usually playing in a 4 stack and we 4 man escape 80% of the time and our combined hours are over 20k. I'd be surprised if my MMR is low/mid, but you never know. The second I go solo queue, I'm getting Urban Evasion gen-allergic teammates. Players who don't know to solve the Lament Configuration to prevent chain hunts, that type of thing.

    Regardless, literally any transparency at all re: matchmaking would be nice. Anything that would let us give actual feedback instead of "this sucks".

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I have over 6k hours total, over PS4 and Steam. I have almost every character/killer P10. I've been here since the launch on console in 2017. Switched in 2018 to Steam. It just doesn't seem fair. I've had a few survivors with less than 200 hours on my team so something is definitely up. I've recorded 10 videos, and only 2 are wins. If you can barely call them a win. You can see the trash that I'm talking about. Always Iri 1, to now, having teammates scared of a heartbeat. It's really frustrating. My killer MMR seems to have stayed the same, though.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Yeah that's the really weird thing. I'm not noticing anything off about killer. Definitely know what you mean on survivor. Maybe matchmaking is pulling +/- 400 now instead of 250, but it depends on the killer MMR. Would explain how survivors with multiple thousands of hours are getting new-ish players. Because I'm getting some genuinely bad killers in my solo games, but my teammates somehow go down instantly to them so it evens out.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    That why lobby dodging is must in solo q. If u under a certain amount hours or prestige im out. don't wanna do it but i also refuse to go into a match with a team that not likely to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Problem with that is, most of my teammates are console players now. It's a toss-up.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    It's the most grating thing. All of my survivor videos now are me just ranting about my teammates as they do literally nothing all match. Literally on video. Every match. I don't mind losing but when I get chased for over 5 minutes, I think 3 gens should be done, but nothing having a single gen finished? Get out of here. No one wants to play this game any more if that is what you get every match.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I have a theory that the time of day and what region you play in, has a significant effect on the quality type of matches players endure. I can’t think of any other reason other than luck, as to why everyone’s experience is different. For example, mine is the complete opposite of yours, and has been for over a year now. My teammates are mostly terrible, and it feels like the game throws me in a lobby with 3 scrubs/noobs to “balance” the match for the killer. There have been waaaay too many times, I’ve died first or second, and did more gens than my teammates- and/or have a lot more points than them. Even more egregious, if we escape or not- I end up with more points consistently. It’s very frustrating to see that ######### at the post game screen, especially when it mirrors how you see your teammates play.

    I’m an average player with game sense, I don’t understand how matchmaking expects me to carry inexperienced/new players vs. killers who have more hours in the game than all 4 of us combined. It’s ridiculous and very infuriating. I don’t mind losing, but a third of my solo experience shouldn’t be stomp sessions because entitled teammates ragequit over being hooked first or don’t like the killer they’re facing. I shouldn’t be getting decimated at 4 or 5 gens because i have teammates who are too scared to go for saves or do gens, even when it’s obvious the killer isn’t close by. They’re just scared at the thought of encountering the killer suddenly, at any point. This is why I complain about the solo exp; because mine is sh!t and I’d gladly swap with yours in a heartbeat.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Funny. In my solo matches, its the killers that behave different, because they camp or tunnel every single match. I literally didnt have a single match without camping or tunneling since the patch. As a result, i mostly play killer since the update, with one or two matches as survivor in the evening maybe (just to see its still going on).

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