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Rant:This game is all about how miserable can your opponent make you



  • Member Posts: 2,723

    This is some of the biggest bull that I have ever heard in my life lmao.

  • Member Posts: 685

    What part? Lmao not saying i agree or disagree i just want to know

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Unfortunately solo queues state is just a symptom of how bad the player base is. This is the only game I have ever played that I have felt genuine distain for how terrible 90% of players are.

    Also players seem to seperate things so extremely in dbd. Grouping Killers, survivors and solo queue as singular terms when it is never that simple. Killers range in such a far range of power it's laughable. SWF is typically talked about like it's a 4 man swf and solo queue is talked about like it's always solo. But I can pretty much say that over half of all games will at least have a 2 man in them.

    People try and make things out to be so one dimentional when it's really not. If you are losing to legion and you consider yourself even decent, that's just a joke. Maybe it's your teamates fault but that will always be the case. You can't make it so solo queue can function when 2-3 players on the team are far worse than the killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    When did anything I just say have to do with Legion? SWFs info is still greater than whatever the devs can give. Changes that affect heals/gen speed should affect TEAMS, not SOLO's. You never know what you're going to get in Solo's, but its mostly the worst of the worst. Even a 2-man can do more damage to a killer than a solo player can with 3 teammates who are scared of a heartbeat or want to walk around the map. When I'm with friends, we win almost 99% of our matches. I play solo, and I get the hardest tunnelers with the best potato stew that you ever saw in a match.

    Had a match where I ran this Doctor for over 12 minutes total on Lery's. I died after 2 OTR's, plus 2 addition hits, on top of another hit from getting fully healed with a anti-hemorrhaging needle for 2 gens to pop. How did that feel? Felt FANTASTIC. I wanted MORE of those matches. I got more, and more of those type of matches. This was all after that update went live. It's like they reversed my MMR but my killer's that I get stayed the same. Like I have to keep potato's alive while I suffer. The videos before, then after this update are huge. I went from teammates running gens, to teammates scared of even touching a gen.

    My gripe is with anti-loop killers. The killers who throw your skill out the window and make you run until you EVENTUALLY die. Not because they outplayed you, outsmarted you, or even did a nice mindgame. They just used their power and chased you until you died. Then you repeat that. No, you don't get to use pallets. Windows? PSH! No windows, either. You either run until they catch you, then hit you, or stay and get double-tapped. There is no skill involved. The Artist is the worst of it. Sit 2 birds and chase the person. They either run, get hit with a bird showing where they are at all times while trying to avoid the new birds that she places as she's RUNNING towards you still without slowing down, sends them, forcing you away from an area, or just melee's you.

    You get to use no pallets or windows. You just RUN until you die, or stay, just to immediately die. There is no skill involved. There is no counter-play. You can't hit a guard with a pallet. You just run, and pray. That isn't a game. That's just a run simulator with an inevitable ending. This isn't a skill issue since you CANNOT outplay a GUARD. Oh, you can GRAB the flag that SPAWNS like 5 seconds after you're chased, with the Knight also chasing you. You know who that doesn't effect? SWFs who can tell a teammate to grab the flag for you. You know who that counter-play does NOT work with? Solo Q without comms. I shouldn't expect much. I mean, there were people who said OLD Spirit was BALANCED. A killer that you couldn't see, hear but could hear you, and see the grass that you moved.

    This game use to require actual skill to face certain killers. It was exciting to outplay someone in the heat of a chase. Now, you see a killer that is anti-loop and you just push the run button. REALLY fun stuff. Range killers were a bit annoying. Anti-loop is the dumbest thing they have ever created. I have the hours, years, videos and knowledge of this game to voice my opinion, and let people know what exactly I do not like about this game now. I just won't buy any cosmetics. I haven't bought anything new since last year and I'll keep not buying anything. Just not worth the money.

    (Adding this sentence in, is the edit. Forgot to answer your last bit. Yes, it's hard to balance around POTATO teammates, but nerfing things to balance SWFs, is only hurting Solo Q even more. Just make edits to TEAMS only. That's it. That would fix most of the complaints for the heals. It's not hard. Your teammates might not BE the BEST, but you won't suffer any more than a SWFs group with a slight handicap to whatever they're doing.)

    Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on
  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited May 2023

    Feel free to disagree but it's true. SoloQ is mostly fine. The HUD changes allow for a bit of coordination and it all comes down to using that information correctly. If you can't do that, that's not a soloQ problem but a skill issue. You can get some very unfortunate matches with team mates that aren't anywhere near the skill level they should be but it's not like you only get paired with Dwights hiding in lockers and never touching gens.

    I play soloQ too. It's nowhere near as bad as its reputation. You're not gonna win every match and sometimes you lose because a team mate makes a gigantic mistake. This is how the game works.

    Edit: Poor choice of words on my part. This experience is obviously not representative for the whole community and I didn't intend to imply that. This is only based off my own experience (and that of some friends) and was meant to show that soloQ isn't this 'horrible experience' for everyone who dares to play survivor outside of a SWF. Thank you to @KayTwoAyy for pointing that out.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    I have about 30 matches in the last 2 days of pure garbage solo Q fun on YouTube to counter-claim that. Maybe your matches are fun and breezy. Mine are pure sadistic torture. There are plenty of streamers saying the same thing that I'm saying too. Maybe its only high MMR being affected, but something has definitely changed. Solo Q is far from fine. It's MOSTLY on fire for High MMR players. My videos are night and day. Not just 1 match. EVERY MATCH. Videos before the update, and videos after, are completely different.

    (Edit is adding stuff: My matches are also usually around 10-15 minutes in length)

  • Member Posts: 685

    Solo que is terrible. Ofc i have good games but nah most of the times its just miserable matches

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Wesker is one of the only killers that are not anti-loop that is ALSO fun to play against. Dude is unique, but a blast to try and outplay. He can only get in straight lines, so there is counter play. His version of anti-loop would be not being able to spray, and you just stay 10% slow the entire match. Wouldn't THAT be fun? No, it wouldn't? It's like they don't even play their own game against people who are GOOD against their opponents to see how frustrating it really is.

    I finally went against killers last night that were not anti-loop, we still lost but I had a blast. I was able to do stuff in the match. Yes, my solo q teammates were the death of me, but I STILL got to PLAY the game. If I wanted a run simulator, I would play Super Mario Run on Android. I'm only dealing with this due to the past rifts that I missed when I took a break for this EXACT REASON. Once that's over, just going to play killer. I also avoided the forums for almost 9 months for the exact same reason.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    The suggestion to bring unbreakable is a valid one regardless of how the match plays out.

    People complain about being slugged and how it ruins their game, well there is a perk for that and if you don’t like being slugged you should probably bring it.

    The same reason I run lightborn a lot. While you can avoid a flashy save it’s so much easier to not worry about it at all.

    Does it always get use no, but I don’t like having to worry about flashlights so I often bring the perk.

    If your gripe about the game is you hate being slugged then bring the perk that helps you evade being slugged.

    If your gripe about the game is you hate everything and want to bring your choice build while avoiding anything the opponent might do that you hate, then your complaint isn’t very realistic.

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    when she loves you and she doesn't want to let you go.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I don't have a gripe. I'm empathising with this particular scenario. Unbreakable basekit is not something I want and it's more my fear that, should slugging become too common and enough complain, it may be brought in to reconsideration at some point.

    Survivors don't want a lot of things: slugging, tunnelling, camping, certain killers, certain scenarios, NOED. However, they only have 4 perk slots to help. My comment was simply to state that hindsight advice isn't always helpful. It's just whatever happens in the draw.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Sure, even so none of these things are something to get angry about As the OP puts it “making the game miserable for the opponent” it’s just gameplay.

    Without these things there is very little variation in game outcome.

  • Member Posts: 329

    meanwhile the solo days, many dudes that killing self on the hook, or your mates who keep dying in 10 sec chases, if you then juke the killer for minutes then they do everything except gens, oh yeah that's nice play swf-killer or die in the solo q! is really a lot of fun

    But that was foreseeable, I had already written that before and complained about it before this patch came, but well bhvr it's not long now and CS2 will be out soon, then I'll finally be one of the people who have thousands of hours (I 9k+ hrs) and turn your back on dbd, then I don't care what bhvr does, as far as I'm concerned they can bring in even more perks for swf and tune many things to swf so that you are forced as a good player to only play swf

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I just hope our feedback is being heard and adjustments are made, there has been a lot of good feedback on the forums I've seen that would help ease the issue without buffing anything too far:

    -Being able to see perks others are running in your group

    -Healing not able to be reduced below 35 percent speed

    -Haemorhage only decaying speed when you run (currently it makes resurgence/reactive healing/solidarity worthless)

    -STBFL being a large issue since 6.1.0 for tunneling/camping playstyles

    -Making head on light up which locker you are in to enable more altruistic use of it

    Just some of the things I've seen recently, I really hope they take some of them into consideration. Solo queue shouldn't be thrown under the bus.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Forcing bleed outs is trying to make the game miserable😭

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Bleeding out is just part of the game and a rather thematic part at that.

    It takes 4 mins in accumulated time which is not long at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    I've had the same experience with a slugging sadako who was pushing desperatly for fully condemning everyone just so they could mori the entire team, with a build that ofc worked very well for this type of gameplay. After that match finally ended I just stopped playing this game. Not worth my time or energy.

    BHVR is amazing at saying that they care, but they don't really show it. How long have people been giving feedback on face-camping, tunneling and slugging all match? They mentioned being able to pick yourself up as an anti-slug solution months ago, but ofc that got scrapped.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I think if the killer leaves you on the ground for too long you should be able to self recover without unbreakable. It would prevent situations like this from happening.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    One could argue that the threat of being slugged is a great motivator to avoid being caught making games intense and interesting.

    The more uncomfortable the consequences the higher the stakes. I appreciate that threat as it’s what makes dbd an interesting game to play.

    Bleeding out is timed and that timer is relatively short. When slugged I like to try and crawl to a good hiding spot to avoid being picked up and hooked thus preserving my hook states in the event I do get healed.

    The goal is to avoid the killer so that if all slugged and bleeding out you are the last one who can play for hatch. Crawling toward common hatch spawn sites is a good bet and gotten me an escape more than once.

    The game isn’t over till everyone is dead and I’ll play it to the bitter end. There is nothing boring or frustrating about that, it’s all in your head.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I do agree there needs to be some distance people ought to put between them and a game once it becomes unfun. Almosy everyone has periods of gaming whereby nothing goes right, such is the nature of DBD. It rises and falls. I can have several wins in a row, followed by several losses. The idea of accepting this as just a game is healthy.

    It's when the game become all-encompassing that it becomes unhealthy. Cote was mocked ages ago when he suggested if people are frustrated to play Civilization, when in actual fact that was very sage advice. Do something else if a game becomes frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 375

    O bollocks to that, if survivors could stop the killer from doing anything for 4 straight minutes the forums would be on fire

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Ah the ol "other people complain so why can't we argument" as if that lends legitimacy to any kind of complaint. But lets unpack it anyway.

    That does happen in a way, players whine all the time about survivors hanging out at the gates for the full 3min timer. Not exactly the same but its players whining about timers so semi relevant.

    People whine no matter what side they choose to affiliate themselves with, moreso if they have chosen a particular side, because blind tribalism tends to obscure objectivity.

    About the only time it makes sense to shorten the bleed out timer is if all players a slugged and there is no way to recover the team. It makes sense in that scenario to speed up the timer.

    Otherwise 4min is not the end of the world any shorter and you'd probably bleed out too quick if repeatedly slugged throughout the game. (maybe 3 mins would work, but the goal is to give your teammates enough time to pick you up before you bleed out).

    Also slugging, and knowing when to slug are important tools in the killer arsenal so we don't want to completely remove it.

    A base kit UB would just render a lot of play options mute making it a relatively bad fix also.

    Being downed needs to remain a genuine threat to avoid, if you could just pick yourself up for free then where is the threat? So not a great idea.

    Its good advice to say if you don't like being slugged then bring unbreakable. There is a tool to help you escape from that condition so use it.

    "But I want to avoid being slugged while still brining the build of my choice waah" is the common response to that and now we are moving into the realm player entitlement which leads to stale meta.

    We can all bring the most optimal build possible every game because there are no in game effects we have to consider or avoid as the tools to avoid them are all built in. Why have perks at all at that point?

    So the ol mantra goes lets get rid of this one "boring' effect because it takes too long, by making the game less varied, threatening, exciting and generally more stale on the whole, that'll fix the bor... er... wait a minute?

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    It also largely removes any real threat from being downed and the need for survivors to work as a team.

    I don't need to come rescue you because if the killer doesn't immediately pick you up then you can pick yourself up.

    Meaning I can just sit on this gen.

    Survivor - Survivor interaction is just a vital to the game as killer- survivor interaction.

    You could also just bring unbreakable, the tool designed to do what you are describing pick yourself up. That's what perks are for they augment gameplay in specific scenarios. Why have perks at all if we are just going to override any in game effects with base kits.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I like to remind audience that unbreakable only works once... And it's not tribal to think waiting four minutes while the killer dances around you is kinda bull

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    So you may need to apply some thought on when best to use it so as not to waste it. Thinking is good for the brain.

    "O bollocks to that, if survivors could stop the killer from doing anything for 4 straight minutes the forums would be on fire" <- this is not the statement of an objective opinion. But making the point that "killers complain too" in a very "us vs them" kind of way, however factual it may turn out to be, doesn't legitimize your point or counter the points I have made.

    I offered a solution to the scenario you pitch here, but you didn't read that did you?

  • Member Posts: 375

    My friend it just not fun not playing the game, you can write me a passive aggressive book all you want but laying on the ground and not contributing to the match isn't fun.

    But continue on with your insults I'm sure they are the high light of your day.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    "My friend it just not fun not playing the game," Then why play it, why are you here at all?

    Call it passive aggressive if you wish, but you started with claiming what I was saying is bollocks the reason for which was "other people will complain about something else"

    Its both aggressive and irrelevant, so I opted to give you some relevance but you don't have any good replies other than you don't find the game fun.

    So I say again if you don't find it fun why are you here?

    You don't need me to insult you, it seems like you are doing just fine beating yourself up on your own if you are spending your time playing a game you don't like and being angry about it. Why do that to yourself?

  • Member Posts: 375

    Because it's still a fun game, just need tweaks. Kinda of like basketball when they put in a shot clock in 1954 to decrease stalling and just unfun play time.

    They're were probably people like you saying "But stalling is part of the game!!!" Yeah well times changes friend.

  • Member Posts: 436

    How many time do I have to bleed out before It becomes a problem? 100? 1,000?


  • Member Posts: 3,904

    That's why there is a timer, you bleed out and the game ends. The problem you are describing has already been fixed. The bleed out timer is the shot clock.

    Yes the times have changed and they did so with the very fix you are describing.

    So with reference to the new complaint... is the bleed out timer too long? I don't think so for reasons already discussed, but maybe they could reduce it by one minute down to 3 to further lessen the wait.

    You've both posed and answered your own point so I'm not sure what point you are trying to make anymore.

    You've also contradicted your other other point of the game is fun but not fun but lets just leave that eh.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Poor analogy. Laying on the ground bleeding out is far different than a game of basketball where the rules are the same.

    Double standards should not exist in a "balanced" game for all players, but sadly, they do.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Well keeping it objective in answer to your vague loaded question, given its not really a problem you should be good to go no matter how many times you bleed out.

    If you find yourself bleeding out a lot I'd work harder on avoiding the killer, maybe bring unbreakable if you really don't like it.

    Hope that helps.

  • Member Posts: 405

    so basically, bring unbreakable to avoid being slugged. and once ive used unbreakable the first time and i get slugged again. then what?

  • Member Posts: 234
    • Hope your teammates help.
    • Move to a pallet and hope for a pallet save.
    • Fill up your rescue bar so a friend can get you up ASAP.
    • Laugh as the Killer throws the game if he is camping your body.

    Or do you think Survivors should get a free perk to stand up whenever they want, just because they say 'Slugging is not fun for us'?

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    There would definitely need to be some conditions to it. It would have to work different than unbreakable. Maybe instead of being able to recover fully right away you can get a second recovery bar that activates say 10 seconds after the first one has been filled. At that point it would be clear the killer is slugging but also give the survivors and killers time to change up their strategy. The killer would then have to pick you up or lose the hook opportunity.

  • Member Posts: 405

    hypothetically speaking, if you played 10 matches and all ten times you brought unbreakable, you got yourself up all ten times only to be slugged again for an additional 4 minutes. do you think youd still play the game after this? i know what your answer will be. But the majority would probably disagree. I know i know. your argument is that it doesnt happen 10/10 times. But why does that matter. The fact of the matter is it happens. its lame. and it does nothing healthy for the game in terms of keeping a player base. if you think this stuff isnt going to make people considering not playing the game anymore, then id call that foolish.

  • Member Posts: 405

    i think the real reason camping and tunneling are left the way it is. because they know if these two things are dealt with kill rates would drop significantly. and they dont wanna hurt those numbers. because they mean everything

  • Member Posts: 685

    I always thought that when there are 2 survivors left that if the killer tries to slug for the 4k the survivors can pick themselves up

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Basically this, bring unbreakable and use it wisely.

    Slugging forces survivor interaction and teamwork which is a big part of the game.

    The primary gripe here seems to be people don't want to wait out the 4 mins when the whole team is slugged and the killer is just letting them bleed out.

    Now we don't want a mechanic that just basically removes slugging because its an important tool the killer has and its a mechanic the forces necessary teamwork from the survivors, survivor is about teamwork. Its also another motivation to no be caught by the killer and allows for all kinds of play such as baiting out pallet saves ect. Also downing all survivors and removing their ability to complete the objective is a legitimate way to win the game as killer.

    Slugging in of itself is not a bad thing... so we don't need a mechanic that all but destroys it. Like built in UB.

    How do we keep slugging but remove the tedious disliked wait of bleeding out while the killer doesn't hook?

    The answer is to tweak the time it takes to bleed out in that scenario. We either shorten the time overall or introduce a mechanic that quickens the bleed out timer when all survivors are down and can't pick themselves up.

    I don't think that's an unreasonable suggestion.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    uhh ooo err.. so many things wrong with presenting this as data.

    You have discrete measured binary variables escape yes/no mixed with ill-defined subjective perceptions of play i.e. tunneling/proxy camping.

    Small sample size with escape % given alongside average kills representing counter data in different formats.

    Its err all kinds of erm yeah nah.

    This is a metric of your personal game outcome not overall game health, using yourself as the baseline for overall game health is errr..

    Points for effort but not great for its purpose.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I definitely think under certain situations there should be a shift in the match on what the survivors and the killer can do. Not so much of a shift that it gives either side a big advantage but rather it makes it feel like you're still able to do something without having to overstress yourself. If 2 survivors are left and 3+ gens are left to do then the last 2 survivors don't have much incentive to put forth the extra work required for the same outcome had all the survivors made it and just a few more BPs. I think a lot of people just give up in those situations, but I also see situations where they try. I'll keep trying in that situation but it hardly ever works out in my favor. It usually ends with giving the last survivor the hatch chance, or the last survivor completely forgetting the hatch exists and goes for a save in a hopeless situation.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    oh man lets unpack this.

    All 10 matches you bring unbreakable and you still bleed out for the 4 mins in all 10 matches. That doesn't happen its not as prevalent as people like to make out.

    The fact of the matter is it happens yes, but not to the extent you need it to happen to illustrate your point which is 10 out of 10 games or 100% of your play time.

    If it takes that level of unrealistic hypothetical to make your point then your point is rather weak. (boy I get tired of having to say this to people on this forum, its such a common mistake).


    See how the suggestion here doesn't require some fanciful hypothetical that appeals to the extremes in order to seem valid.

    This is what I mean by objective vs emotional discussions.

    Yeah for sake of argument if I did get bled out for 10 games in a row I would probably call it a day playing survivor, but the problem here is the mechanic of being left to bleed out for 4 mins not slugging or bleed out in general. So if you read the above post I've addressed this in the most practical way I can see fit.

    Without the need for extreme hyperbole.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2023

    You make a good suggestion here, I think the primary issue though isn't so much being slugged or even bleeding out as a mechanic.

    The primary complaint people have is the scenario where the whole team lies on the ground and bleeds out while the killer refuses to hook. In that scenario you'd be looking at speeding up timers to close the game out rather than wait around for the 4 mins.

    You wouldn't remove the viability of slugging as a strategy to apply pressure but still attenuate the major complaint people have with slugging, which is the slow bleed out of the whole survivor team. Which is what I'm proposing.

    Its impactful where it needs to be without removing the gameplay that slugging and bleed out initiates.

    I don't disagree with you on a mechanic like you suggest I'm just trying to focus on the major point of contention people have which seems to be the everyone bleeds out for 4 mins scenario.

    EDIT: although if that timer was too fast it would make mass slugging the team more viable than hooking so you might see an increase in the behaviour as it becomes more efficient than trying to hook. The suggestion is not without it's own caveats.

    Maybe UB could reactivate, in the scenario that all 4 survivors get slugged thus giving you an additional out and some more viability to it as a perk for avoiding the bleed out.

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