Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please balance the game around Solo,this is unbearable.

I've recently posted this thread on the forums and apparently the sentiment that survivor in Solo play is just way too hard is shared by quite a few people. After reading through the comments on the thread a lot and picking up Blight,I have one suggestion.

Please stop designing and balancing perks around SWF,it ruins Solo play which is most players.I win almost every match of a Killer I'm terrible at,while Survivor - a role I feel way more confident in,,my only escapes since the patch were three games,one of which was Hatch,the two others were there the Killer tried to turbo tunnel one of the survivors and actually couldnt catch them.

I dont know what the mythed 4-man SWF on Cowshed experience is,but I find it entirely unreasonable to balance the entire game around that,when that's objectively the absolute minority of games...

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  • Member Posts: 2,205

    I mean, it's pretty simple. Devs goal is between 50 to 60% kill rate.

    Right now soloQ brings it up, while SWF down.

    If soloQ would have over 40% escape rate, how much do you think would have decent team?

  • Member Posts: 286
    edited April 2023

    They clearly balance around SWF,not solo? Look at the past year of survivor perk design for starters.

  • Member Posts: 286

    I don't care frankly. 4-man great teams are an edgecase and you rarely run into them. if you think you run into them constantly,you're wrong. Ask any experienced CC in this game besides Tru3.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Tell me that Circle is a not balanced around SWF,tell me that the focus on altruistic is balanced on SWF,hell,tell me all the 8 billion team perks they released recently are not focused on SWF. All recent klller meta perks have had their counterplay centered around "have a discord buddy to do a thing for you to counter this".

    They added a hud to solo that brought it slightly towards SWF,which is what they balance for. And still,solo is the weakest and the most prominent role,while 4-man SWFs are rare,let alone ones that actually sweat.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Nobody said screw killers but they need to be toned down. I mean I watch the competitive stuff on tofu stream, teams that practice together with thousands of hours of play time get 4k'd probably 50+% of the time.

    Think about what a solo q player feels with a killers power level being balanced so the best teams that practice together still get smashed. killers are unreal.

  • Member Posts: 56

    No, killers need nerfs lol. Or the game needs to reimplemeny infinites and vacuum vaults and do something about the God forsaken slow vaulting and stupid stutter thing when it vaults a pallet.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Latest Otz/Hans videos showed that it is balanced about top-tier from both sides. I've subsided all my further (and previous) questions.

    I was really afraid that it would go on the path of "Quake Champions"...

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    If it is not done by SWF, then it is done by soloQ survivors, right?

    Then there is no need for any change. Because kill rate is between 50-60% for most killers.

  • Member Posts: 235
    edited April 2023
    1. Giving solo players more communication possibilites would help. Like prewritten phrases "I need healing", "Going for Unhook" etc. I made short post with suggestion
    2. Reward players for teamplay. Imagine survivor recieving ~4x less bloodpoints for the in-game actions BUT after the match your personal score is multiplied by number of players survived. So you would care about teammates the same way you care about yourself :)
    Post edited by Ivanynakov on
  • Member Posts: 2,205

    He wants to balance whole game around soloQ.

    What do you think will happen, not affect killers in any way?

    I am fine with base mechanic at this moment. Don't want killers buffed overall.

    Only changes I would like to see are killer specific.

    SoloQ could get buff by more information. That wouldn't affect SWF, because they already have more information.

    But soloQ is not something game should be balanced around, it's not really difficult to understand.

    It's like saying I want game balanced around worst killers to have 60% kill rate, while ignoring top killers.

  • Member Posts: 235
    edited April 2023

    I understand that personal score is important. But other team based games share their wins or loses. So why not to combine your personal score with team score?

  • Member Posts: 286

    Okay "if the survivors are a comp 4 man with the best everything vs top 3 best killers then the game is kinda balanced" is kind of meaningless

  • Member Posts: 286

    That's exactly my point? That's why it meaningless to mention that.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    Solo definitely needs more buffs and QOL changes, but there’s basically 3 reasons why solo gets stomped:

    1. They are easier to tunnel because they can’t communicate or coordinate a way to protect a teammate from being tunneled.
    2. They are more casual players that sometimes don’t bring any item to the match or they use weak perks that provide them basically no value during the match.
    3. They’re not efficient with they’re time and do things like open chests, hide, or taunt to killers to provoke a chase.

    Reasons 2 and 3 cannot be fixed. Solo players will be solo players. But more changes should be implemented to reduce the effectiveness of tunneling against solos.

  • Member Posts: 286

    About your 3rd point,I disagree. With the proper tools and a design that encourages teamwork rather than requiring it,I feel like that problem could be significantly reduced.

    Also if we just..removed archives it would probably also help a lot... That whole system needs a redesign. Too many people throw games for them..

  • Member Posts: 56

    Ok yea I was joking about infinites. I do miss the days when the game was balanced though. As it is, killers are too strong and survivors nerfed every patch lol. I miss when pug would trap killers in games and infinite them for like 20 minutes. Made me happy to see them suffer too. I remember the start when p3 was actually an accomplishment on wraith trapper and Billy.


  • Member Posts: 286

    My experience with survivor = lose and killer = win role wise is still very much the same. Got 2 escapes out a dozen(i think?) survivor games vs no losses (2ks or less) as killer...

    IDK. Seems silly to me.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Even when I'm in a 3 stack and we get a miserably terrible random we usually average at least a 2 out. It's very rare that we get 4kd, even in just a duo being able to communicate who gets a unhook and where we are being chased leads to a much higher escape rate. If the game were balanced around solo we'd probably only lose to cracked blights and the occasional nurse. That doesn't sound very balanced to me

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    I don't think game should be balanced around soloQ, that's simply bad idea.

    We can buff soloQ in a way that SWF is not affected (or little), but not really balance killers around them

  • Member Posts: 273

    They could always do something like a base kit Bond and Killers get something similar to Corrupt as base kit.

  • Member Posts: 747

    You get a short, quickly completed objective and an overabundance of defensive resources with the ability to take multiple second chance perks...

    Solo survivors do not need their power increased.

    If you don't like the challenge of solo queue then stop being anti-social and make efforts to play with other skilled survivors. In a 4 v 1 game, any member of the 4 can only be up to 25% as strong as the 1, otherwise the 1 is not the power role. You are not meant to be a one-man-army as a survivor, you are meant to work as part of a team in a dire straights scenario, which should occur naturally to anybody who watches or participates in the game.

    You may have bad matches against a nurse or blight (and they do need real nerfs BIG time), but you guys really ought to stop ignoring the fact that we are operating under a one-size-fits-all format for map generation and that people main killers that have vastly less power/lethality than the one's you're having bad matches against.

    So maybe all the habitual solo queue folks should think about adjusting their expectations, taking a reality check and accepting that they are not about to charge into these trials lone-wolf and walk out feeling like some sort of plot-armored action movie star all the time.

  • Member Posts: 519

    buffing survivor for solo queue buffs survivor as a whole, so they need to be very careful otherwise theyre making swfs even stronger

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    No one said not to buff solo queue.

    They said that balancing the game AROUND solo queue is a bad idea, not that it shouldn’t ever be buffed.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I think you assumed a lot of things about my thoughts considering I agree with pretty much everything you've said here, except for the part about how solo q should just switch to swf to be able to work as a team. Players shouldn't have to rely on external comms to have a chance to win past a certain point or DBD should have in-game comms & basically no "true" solo experience (which is not something I want to be clear).

    Also, simply giving more power to one survivor or nerfing killers as a whole would also buff swf, and therefore isn't what (sensible) people mean when they say "buff solo q", which basically stands for "reduce the gap between solo q & swf". Buffing solo q means stop creating and reworking survivor perks to make them way stronger in SWF than in solo q or pratically unusable in solo q (CoH rework, new "Teamwork" type of perks...), and at the very least let survivors see each other's load-outs in the lobby.

    Honestly I'm quite happy with solo q these days, and I know it's not possible for solo q to ever be as strong as swf, but BHVR has recently been rewarding teamwork & punishing solo plays (recent healing related changes), which makes swf stronger and solo q weaker bc they virtually don't implement anything to make teamwork easier in solo q, why would any solo survivor bring CoH when the best self-healing perk by far is one that needs you to break totems? Why would anyone ever bring a teamwork perk ?

    If BHVR designed survivor perks around and for solo q instead of rewarding teamwork with SWF in mind, we would stop or at least slow down the "more or less accidentally buff swf then buff killer to keep up and leave solo q behind" circle. At this point by buff solo q I just mean "please stop buffing swf and let us see our teammates load-outs".

    I mean balancing around solo q, besides being wishful thinking, also implies swf should be nerfed, it doesn't mean "the game should be balanced only for solo q", it just means the devs would take them into account before implementing stuff instead of catering to a minority of players (swf). And if they were to suddenly balance everything around solo q, surely buffing them to be somewhat close to swf would be a quicker route than nerfing literally everything else.

    And finally, with the state of the game these days I don't think solo q is that bad or needs a bunch of buffs, the only thing I think we need is to see load-outs in the lobby. I don't think solo q should be buffed enough to compensate for bad teammates, as it isn't a balance flaw (although this could somewhat be fixed to an extent with better matchmaking, but again this isn't balance related).

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Should soloQ get a buff to have more information? Yes

    Should game be balanced around soloQ?


    It's not really a difficult concept. You need to pay attention to what is strongest thing players can do with any feature. It's really bad idea to care only about what an average player is going to do with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    Survivors have all the information they need to perform well with the exception of a few builds like 3rd seal/knock out. The problem with solo Q is matchmaking throwing me and 1 other reasonably intelligent teammate into a match with 2 others that can't tell a gen from their rear end and spend the match crouching around admiring the wall textures.

    If I play in a full swf with no comms we will do fine because we don't have to play BHVR's teammate lottery.

  • Member Posts: 286

    This is very well put together. I agree for the most part. The balancing & designing for the minority of the survivor experience is my main gripe.

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