The Pinkie Finger for Clown needs to be destroyed

This addon is peak BHVR design in all the worse ways.
The theory behind this addon is very simple, the Clown now has more lethality but has less bottles to work with. A less experienced clown will miss their bottles, while a skilled clown will take advantage of the added lethality. In theory.
In practice, a good clown does not try to hit the survivor, but hit the area where the survivor is going. You are not just trying to slow them, but also trick them into making bad decisions. On top of that, survivors can rather easily dodge your bottles. This makes this addon rather useless, as the ability to occasionally instadown survivors is not worth the cost of three bottles. Odds are, you would have gained more from those three bottles than from a potential instadown.
However, in a great example of BHVR forgetting to apply a common standard, the clown can just bring another addon to increase the amount of bottles he has so that he is only losing one bottle! This makes the addon stronger but you are spending two addons so it is balanced.
If camping did not exist.
If a clown with Pinkie Finger camps a survivor, they are dead. This is because they can down the survivor trying to go for a save and because they can do this rather quickly, Clowns can rather easily turn an attempted unhook into 2 downs. For practically no risk.
However, it gets even worse if you like playing Clown! Which I do! I love using my power in creative ways to squeeze out hits. I still hate this addon. Remember, this still kinda sucks outside of camping. You are giving so many better options for playing the Clown in the fun way to be able to camp like a budget bubba. But since this addons exists, the Clown has to balanced around this broken addon. This makes this addon a shackle on the Clown as a character, as if you make clown better, this boring, unfun playstyle gets stronger too.
So BHVR, please just get rid of this addon. All it does it promote camping and it does not add anything intresting to the Clowns kit. Instead, give us the ability to make balloon animials. It may be just a party trick, but at least it is actually fun.
I think tricksters instadown addon is more problematic, tho i dont think any killer should have an instadown addon.
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Pinky is so overrated imo the only thing it's actually good at is facecamping. It would only work once per match vs good survivors and bottles are actually kinda hard to hit ppl with.
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That is what I mean by that is sucks.
This addon is really only good for facecamping, which is not healthy for the game.
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I agree. They should’ve just reworked it instead of nerfing it again.
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you should be a little more direct with your title. Imma be real from the title alone it sounded like you were making a seething essay post right after killed clapped by a pinky clown.
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Yeah, as a Trickster main, I wish that add-on didn't exist. It's not that hard to build up laceration up to two away from injuring, and downing the survivor afterwards from an m1 attack. No fun or skill involved from either side. Would be cooler if it did something else, like making Main Event have no time window duration to use the power if the Photocard add-on is equipped (although many people and myself believe that Main Event should be held by default). In general though, I dislike the design of insta-down or insta-mori add-ons.
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Also really annoying to watch a, "epic trickster combo" y "tricksters best build" y "this build makes trickster fun?" y its allways iridescent photocard
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I find it odd that people think the pinkie finger is overrated or only good for camping, its a great tool for shortening a chase. Also makes the clown a lot of fun to play and face because there is a threatening extra element to getting hit by a jar.
I sits in the right place as an iri because that's what good iris do change up the play or add a threatening extra.
With the pinkie finger the goal moves on from herding survivors out of position with the gas for hits, to slowdown and closing distance to pop them directly with the bottle for the down.
It changes up how you chase and aim your bottles making for some welcome variation in gameplay. I've always kinda liked that.
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rarely see clown and when i do it almost never pinky finger. With that being said I think camping with a irl head, pinky finger, and etc is extra cringey.
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Good Clowns use this really well in chases. I've not noticed it being used as a camping ability, but don't doubt this happens.
If they wanted to nerf this, I'd just make it that thr concoction is so potent that if the Clown makes a direct hit and is within the cloud, they too become hindered or have their eyesight blurred. Just stops them hitting survivors at point blank range. Honestly though, I'm not overly worried about this.
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That's why I usually save it until the end of the match. I throw bottles in front of and around survivors, and they'll eventually decide I don't have it (if I'm lucky, an SWF will make a group decision on coms that it's safe to take a bottle hit).
Had a game the other day where I killed one survivor, hooked another, used the Pinky Finger to down the idiot going for the save directly in front of me just as the last gen popped, and then mori'd the Obsession with my Rancor. Didn't even need my NOED.
Yeah, that's a little cheap, but survivors could have avoided the entire situation by not unhooking directly in front of me and the obsession not stupidly popping the last gen when they knew I had Rancor.
That said, there are some really good Clown players who can hit people consistently with one of them. As a controller user, I'm not one of them.