What does your fun isn't my priority mean

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,782

I sound stupid I know but I hear it alot most of the time by usually dbd memes that are randomly suggested to me or whatever but it made me think what does it mean?


  • Riski
    Riski Member Posts: 208

    Basically playing without considering the fun of the other side in mind, if it's in the game and you want to use it to win or have fun then go ahead. Player's shouldn't be and aren't at fault for using the tools in the game to win and if you're mad be mad at the devs. I will say that not caring about the other sides fun =/= wanting the other side to be miserible which is something some people seem to confuse at times.

    The killer is free to tunnel, camp and slug to win and the survivors are free the gen rush, t-bag and use flashlights to win as examples and if people don't like that don't blame the player blame the devs. I'm not saying people can'tconsider what's fun for the other side if they want to however they shouldn't be expected to.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Wow lot of emotion, assumptions and insults here.

    No matter what you do in game someone else will probably find it unfun. All you can do is focus on your own enjoyment.

    This doesn’t mean you don’t care about other people’s fun, it’s just that the only thing you can really control is your own enjoyment.

    Players will make all kinds of demands of their opponents to make the game more fun but the reality is the only person who can make the game fun for them is themselves.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited May 2023

    I'm Going to do whatever i want! rather it pre drop everything the whole match or camp out the gate.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    For me, this phrase feels more reflective on the person than the words themselves.

    Technically, the phrase is accurate for everyone. All players want to play the game their way, which is their right because - in many cases - they bought the game, not someone else, so have the right to choose how it is played. This doesn't mean that player's idea of fun is to make others not have fun.

    However, the problem isn't the phrase but the type of people who use it. Those who use it are often hurt themselves. They've had bad experiences which they realise they're powerless to change. So they let themselves be consumed by this and the phrase becomes less of a factual point and more of a way of excusing themselves. It becomes a bit like the phrase: "I'm not meaning to be rude, but...".

    Even nicer players usually have a selfish reason as part of what they do. For example, I don't tunnel or camp. Sure, there's empathy there, but it's also because the tactics are too easy and rather boring to me. If I found them fun, then perhaps I'd do it more? I dunno.

    So in reality, many people have this mentality. It's just that some people get hurt more than others, so use this idea as an armour for their reasons in playing - a way of distancing themself from what has happened before. In reality, if I ever started to feel like this, I'd just play another game personally.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Most survs want fun but also want to escape = normal

    Most killers want fun but also as many kills as possible = toxic

    That's the doublestandards in DBD. Genrush is fine, Killrush isn't. Even both sides are just playing their objectives.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Most people, even who play efficiently, are not unkind. I've met plenty of killers who tunneled yet showed great manners in postgame chat. Because it's a game and it's not personal.

    However, there are players who will not only play efficiently (which there's nothing wrong with) but also trash-talk ggez you, slug you 4min purely to make you seethe, hit you on hook to anger you, stay to teabag at the gate because it's part of their fun and they're not responsible for yours.

    That's the spirit of "your fun is not my priority".

  • NoHookDC
    NoHookDC Member Posts: 234

    Survivors were basically telling Killers 'Play off-meta sometimes! Killer META is boring!' and 'Stop using Nurse and Hag and Legion and Blight! They're boring!' and 'Stop bringing gen regression perks; they're boring!" And 'Stop camping, tunneling, and slugging! It's boring for us!'

    Basically, Survivors were saying 'Stop trying to win so we can have fun!' and 'Killers winning is boring!'

    So Killers replied with "Your fun is not my priority". Basically saying 'Why should I try to lose to make you, my opponent, happy?'. And Survivors hate it.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited May 2023

    It means exactly what it says.

    Your fun is not my priority, my priority is my fun. Now the issue is the game isn't designed to allow me to only care about my fun, I have to also care about survivors' fun as when I play killer I AM their fun. If I prioritize my fun over survivors too strongly I can expect to get harassed, but if I over prioritize survivors' fun I basically resign myself to losing most games and still getting harassed.

    So at some point you have to pick which one you care about more and I learned to care about my fun more than my opponents' fun. It shouldn't be my full responsibility to ensure the game is fun for them, that should be on the devs to make more engagement options for survivors that don't revolve around the killer. When I do play survivor I would like to have fun regardless of whether or not the killer is in the mood to facilitate what is commonly agreed upon as "fun in DBD". I shouldn't be subject to the killer's whims

  • LiquidSoap
    LiquidSoap Member Posts: 51

    This can fixed so easy just add a behaviour score 1-100 if killers tunnel camp and slug they get flagged as toxic and ppl can dodge the lobbys with that specific person same goes for survivors t-bagging bming flashlight clicking etc. If you wanna play this game for fun just dodge the toxic lobbys and just let the those ppl go against their own kind, at some point they will stop doing that seeing that they will be confronted with a endless wave of toxic players (Dota2 has this system implemented and it does wonders, nice friendly ppl get matched with others that fit that criterion and same goes for the other side toxic ppl get matched against others that act the same). And for those who are high and mighty about winning at all costs in this game keep in mind this game does not have a ranked system therefore it is considered a casual game, you get zero benefits from being a ######### person just so you can meet the win condition that literally has no reward behind it.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    For some, it means they're using tactics in the game that are very much allowed but aren't necessarily fun for the other side.

    For others, it's a phrase used to excuse unsportsmanship behaviour.

  • NoHookDC
    NoHookDC Member Posts: 234

    Rofl. This would be abused:

    • Killer killed you first? Give him a low score.
    • Survivor ran you for 3 gens? Give them a low score.

    Hilariously bad idea to give the players the ability to punish their opponent for made-up rule infractions like camping, tunneling, flashlight clicky, and t-bagging.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Basically that they want to prioritise their victory over anyone else having fun, so that they can complain if they're beaten that they're not having fun.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    It's like saying " it's what my character would!" For DBD haha

    It's basically just telling the world youre a big ol jerk

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    I'm seeing a lot of comments here tying the statement to players bringing the strongest perks/add-ons for their side, and playing how they want, regardless of what experience it provides for the opposition.

    That has always been an issue with the game.

    The phrase "your fun isn't my priority" is becoming wildly popular right now because it has been adopted by self-serving survivors. Whether it is disconnecting, killing yourself on first hook, or outright refusing to progress the objective at any point in time, the phrase and mentality is being used to justify the actions of really poor teammates.

    Solo survivor has never been more difficult, yet "your fun isn't my priority" is now the rallying cry of survivors who would sooner queue into another game than help their fellow survivors make it out alive.

    Sportsmanship in DBD is dead.

    People have been turning a blind-eye to this attitude for years, and BHVR in-turn has facilitated changes that support the self-serving survivor. Now that it has been brought into the limelight, I hope BHVR and the community acknowledge how damaging it really is. If not, it will be the death of this game.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Ironically I see that your fun isn’t my priority statement more from killers than survivors. But regardless of who says it, it’s always true. No other player owes any player in this game a single damn thing. Especially not a fun experience. It’s up to the game designers to ensure that, not individual players.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725
    edited May 2023

    Historically, yes, it's been a thing Killers say to Survivors after face-camping, tunneling, bleeding everyone out, etc.

    Recently, however, there has been a massive rise in Survivors using the phrase to excuse their poor sportsmanship. Sure, it is the game designer's responsibility to make sure winning and having fun can coexist. But no amount of game balance will change an awful teammate. It is our responsibility as Survivors to be team players. If we can't do that one simple thing, we shouldn't be playing a team game.

    Survivors are done being team players, because it is incredibly unrewarding. Rather than owning up to the fact that being a team player is unsatisfying--and calling on BHVR to make a change--people are hiding behind the veil of "my fun isn't your responsibility."

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    True, I don't think this would be workable but I think they could make a system where people that routinely DC or kill themselves on first hook would get matched with other people that have a history of doing that. Friday the 13th had this in the matchmaking system it was called the salt mines

  • LiquidSoap
    LiquidSoap Member Posts: 51

    You know why this would not work cuz nobody bothers to take reports for toxicity into account, you literally have a section in the end game report system for that specific thing and no matter how many times you press that button nothing ever happens.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    All I can say is the phrase isn't exactly one that's very positive

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    My own version of the phrase is "I am not responsible for other peoples' fun, but I do try to be mindful of it."

    What I mean here is I'll play to win as often as not. Maybe I'll bring a sweaty build, sometimes I'll go for memeing. I'll do what I feel is fun, but I also don't go out of my way to ruin others.

    I don't tunnel off hook as Killer because I hate running into it as Survivor. It's pure Golden Rule. (Note: I'm not above hitting off hook if I can trigger basekit BT or even get the down fire the sake of pressure, but I won't re-hook).

    If a playstyle is getting a lot of flack I look for alternatives. People complained about eternal Skull Merchant games due to 3-gennig? I adopted Totem defense and games lasted ~15 minutes and ended in 3Ks.

    Get D/Cs early in the game, I'll let the others go so they can have something for their trouble.

    My end game chats as Killer trend to the positive as a result.

    "your fun isn't my priority" sounds like someone who's forgotten that DBD is, first and foremost, a game, and all participants in a game should have a chance to have fun.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    True, it is the game designers job to punish players for ruining all other players fun. Whether that be nerfing tunneling and camping in same way and adding power to killer in another way or making it so survivors can't dc for free at any inconvenience(dc penalty also needs to be longer though).

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    "Your fun isn't my priority."

    This is usually the general response post game when the losing side tries to manipulate or bully the winning side into adopting a different playstyle that is easier to defeat. Take survivors for example: they harp endlessly about "camping, tunneling and slugging" purely because these actions can defeat them at the 5-gen capture game. The survivor community will nick-name actions and turn them into social taboos as a means of trying to control how killers behave.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,960

    In my experience, it comes from the side that does the scummy thing. Not the other way round.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    Do you mean 'scummy' as in teabagging/smacking people on hook or for doing what wins?

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    I'm having a hard time remembering any player versus player game in history where the players are not supposed to try to win.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,960
    edited May 2023

    It’s not the “I’m playing to win” crowd, I’m a part of that myself.

    It’s the “I’m playing to win at any cost, ideally denying the opposition the ability to play the game at all.” crowd. That, and salt-farmers.