Nowhere to hide, one thing that i hate about this perk

BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

I like that most aura reveal perk and add-ons have warnings. But i hate thta nowhere to hide because the range walks around with the killer this means that you can get caught of guard because you didn't even knew the killer had kicked a gen.

I am complaining because this happened to me, suddenly i hear a heartbeat and hide. The killer comes directly no question to where i was. I was so confused until i remember, wait does he have NWH and kicked the gen at the end of the map. I wasn't even close to gen, i didn't hear him or saw him kick the gen, i wasn't even trying to go for that gen.

If the perk is OP or not idk, but it feels BS that the killer had this massive advantage that i just had no way to know. Got bring distortion i guess.


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    It's the same with darkness revealed, that will also trigger without you knowing. That's just the nature of aura perks, you might not expect being seen. But imo there should not be any info that the perk is present. It's part of the skillset as a survivor to recognize or rule out such "silent" perks. The killer has to do the same, and they may have to deal with stacked gen speed perks, which also are not recognizable apart from gens being done faster than normal. I find that quite similar.

    If it really bothers you that much, bring Distortion like you already wrote. That may be a dead perk though if the killer does not have any aura effects (although then you will know which perks a killer does NOT run, which can be just as valuable as knowing the perks a killer runs). Alternatively, you could bring Alert, so you know when and where (if not undetectable) a killer kicks something, so you can be "alert" for NTH. Fearmonger will be your nemesis, though.

    Last but not least, you could bring Object, which will tell you when the killer sees you, making you see them. Although you have to deal with them seeing you every 30s, except when you are not the obsession.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I know that i can do things to avoid it. Just feels cheap because i feel like the perk should puish survivors that try to hide next to a gen, but i wasn't remotly close or aware that the killer kicked a gen. It's more in my head that feels unfair.

    But yeah, i would bring distortion. But i prefer to use distortion with friends so i can atleast call out the killer's aura abilities and not feel so selfish. That is my prefered way to use distortion, calling out the killer's perks to my friends so we can play better.

    In solo sometimes feels like a perk to promote tunneling or camping for the rest of the team

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    What can i say, i love Jeff, he is my main, but his portrait is terrible and looks nothing like his model in game. I just can't stand it xD.

    But i do use distortion from time to time. More with friends to be honest.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    So being within 40-50m of gen is now close?

    Because thats the range you can possibly get with NTH and its range and duration.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Hell, if the killer has mobility like blight or Nurse shoot the range up to like 60-80m

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I agree. It should only apply to 24m around the kicked gen. But as someone who runs Distortion every game, it really doesn't bother me.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,228

    Yeah the range should be centered around the gen. It was bugged for a while to be like that and it felt more fair that way.

    Imo it’s the only killer aura reading perk that’s too strong.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2023

    Literally almost no Aura Perk has a tell. BBQ doesn't tell you that you're revealed, neither does Darkness Revealed, Bitter Murmur, Awakaned Awareness, Lethal Pursuer and Add-on's like Glowing Concoction, Compound 21 or All Seeing - Blood.

    Nowhere to Hide isn't the only Perk which doesn't give you a tell.

    So does every Aura Perk now need a nerf?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I think the OP's point is that, even if the perks lack a tell, you can guess they're active because you know their triggers (hook, proximity to a locker, gen completion, carrying a Survivor, start of the game).

    That said, I'm mostly in agreement that there isn't a major issue here. At most, as has gen said, NtH should be centered on the gen rather than the killer.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I would not agree with that. Even if you don't know when they are in play you know when they activate:

    Letal- Beginning of the match

    BBQ- After hooking

    Floods of rage- After unhooking

    Nurses's calling- Healing near the killer

    Bitter murmur- Completing a gen.

    These perks have easy to track tells. NWH also has it, if you saw the killer kick a gen, but because the aura moves with the killer, killers with high movement get a way bigger area of aura and you can get caught while not knowing that the killer has that advantage, because you were never close to the gen to begin.

    I agree that survivors have perks to help them for this situation, i just wanted to explain why i didn't feel that it was fair.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    The point is more so that you can't realistically confirm that you aura was revealed - without Distortion, at least - not so much that you don't know when it could happen. Yes, you'd know when they've activated if they're running them, but you don't know if they're running them. You can't reasonably play around every possible aura reading perk just in case the Killer has it, otherwise you'd spend the majority of the match in a locker, so it's always safest to assume that they can/could see you.

    You've already listed five, but then there's also Awakened Awareness, Darkness Revealed, Gearhead, and I'm All Ears to name a few. That doesn't even begin to include perks that reveal locations & perks that show the aura of the objects you may be interacting with (e.g. Discordance, Surveillance).

    Nowadays, there's so many ways for the Killer to know where you are that you can't realistically say for sure (barring cases where you can identify their entire build) when they can and can't see you, and hiding just in case one of those perks activated is out of the question.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Anyone know a way to sneak a legion, he's the one killer I'm like welp guess no stealth this round.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I do see the point that you are making and can even agree with some of the points. But i still don't think it is fair for the aura reveal to not be the area of the gen so it is easier to tell what might be happening and not be so abusable on high mobility killers.

    Also some of the perks that you you brought don't feel as unfair.

    Awakened has a small range and the killer needs to be carrying a survivor, it is very clear when it is active.

    Discordance, is very easy to guess when cooping on gens.

    Gearhead you are working on gens, you are more aware of danger and the killer might need to either slug or drop a chase to do it, so you know something is wrong.

    I am all ears, most of the time you are in chase and the perk has a cooldown which NTH doesn't.

    I wasn't saying that the perk needs a warning, but feels unfair getting caught by it when you weren't close the gen being kicked to know that could be active.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,156

    It feels unfair when people demand for killers to stop camping and tunneling, but also want to be able to hide from the killer as much as possible.

    Survivor hiding needs more nerfs and counters. It’s boring and unfun for their opponents, and it’s just as much of a problem as camping and tunneling.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited May 2023

    Pre-run means scratch marks.

    I still don’t know why it’s not tied to the radius around the Gen. Ease of code maybe?

    If it’s going to lean into being able to paint an area with a scan after kicking a Gen, make it more hit or miss by reducing the radius.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081
    edited May 2023

    My problem is that the aura range follows the killer. So in the duration the perk activates, especially if the killer has mobility you can get caught by this perk while never being close to the gen to see the killer kick it.

    If the aura of 24m was in reference to the kicked gen i would agree with. But it doesn't work like that.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,995

    Is this perk unique like this? The aura being a literal aura around the killer is pretty powerful, is this on any other perk? Genuinely curious.

    This perk seems pretty damn amazing tbh. Gonna try it on Trapper!

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081
    edited May 2023

    The perk is good, especially if you have other perk for kicking gens like Eruption.

    Besides this, there is Nurse's calling, Awakaned awareness, but those require certain conditions. Some killers have add-ons like Wraith, Bubba and Pig. Besides that, i don't think there is.

    It's probably the most powerfull aura perk in game right now for killer.

  • DrFrozen
    DrFrozen Member Posts: 144

    NWH is fine, kicking gen causes killer to loose pressure and when gen kicking perks have been nerfed there's no point to kick gens anymore. Perk is designed in order to make sure some blendettes won't stay in the bush around the gen.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    a good counter to it is blast mine and the haddie blindness perk