The reason Solo queue is so bad at the moment

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

It’s the archive challenges pretty much

For killer the archives challenges are generally very basic and things you do naturally while playing. For example stuff like breaking pallets, hooking survivors and even just hitting survivors. The only challenges that really require you to go out of you way are really specific killer challenges and glyphs

Then we have survivor. Sure there are simple challenges like do gens and be chased but then there are challenges like “Hide within 10m of the killer for 120 seconds” or “escape through the hatch”. All these challenges do is encourage throwing matches and lead to solo games being ruined because 1 survivor isn’t pulling their weight

Ever see a survivor not do anything on the hud for like 2 minutes? The guy is probably looking for a glyph or the last totem to finish their archive challenge or waiting for their teammates to die so he can get hatch. It’s dumb and has made solo queue undeniably worse since it came out

I’m not really sure how to fix this since we have like 3 years worth of archive challenges which encourage this gameplay but it is something bhvr should look into when making new archives
