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I find it strange that the weakest killer, Trapper, isn't receiving any buffs
He probably has the lowest killrate in Dead by Daylight. Hell, he's worse than Freddy Krueger.
Trapper is at the bottom of the shitlist. I have respect for Trapper mains.
I find it weird how people still talk about the weakest killer when there are so many contenders that half the roster is constantly called the weakest killer..
lowest killrate has Nurse - that probably hasn’t change considering her skill floor. Trapper still has great snowball potential.
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give him a party hat at base
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If they give Trapper a new mori where he puts a trap onto a survivor's head, instant placement into a higher tier.
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Everyone's metrics and feelings on the topic of best and worst killers are slightly different.
Generally everyone can mostly agree on who is top 3, but when it comes to who is bottom three it can often be based upon whatever your bias is. Generally Trapper should be weakest overall due to his very weak early game do to needed extensive setup and no real tools to speed it or himself up innately. Trapper can snowball, but that is like saying every killer has great snowball potential. Technically true, but can he do it with consistency without requiring addons?
Killrates are probably the worst metric to look at from our end as we don't really have accurate up to date data on that. It is a lot of extrapolating from old stats provided by the devs or the self reporting dbd stat tracking sites. It's still valuable to know, but I don't put too much stock in kill rates because doing so would mean that Skull Merchant is probably statistically a top 5 killer when she's insanely weak in every area, but setup time.
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I posted a suggestion for a Trapper rework:
- allow trapper to start with all traps. After all: huntress, clown, etc., don’t have to find their axes or bottles first, unlike trapper
- allow trapper to set traps on-the-go, just like Artist can set a crow, the trapper can arm a trap while walking (but at a slow waking rate like when Myers stalks), and then once set the trap can just be dropped & placed anywhere , again like Artist setting a crow or Hag drawing a trap.
Trapper stopping, bending over, and having to place & set a trap is too slow & clumsy of a process I think.
How else can you modernize Trapper? I believe this is one way to allow trapper to get away from being a 3gen killer.
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Start with all traps, make it harder to escape traps, traps can't be disarmed, faster set time, if injured trap downs automatically.
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Kinda shows how large the gap between the top killers and the rest are.
But I think most people agree that Trapper is definitely bottom 3.
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- Start with 2 traps
- Able to carry 2
- Able to reset traps
- Traps get darker
- Traps number from 5 to 8
- Traps escape RNG is more harsh to survivors, but its fixed to 6 attempt.
He got alot of buff over time, but at the same time, map rework and new maps also kick him real hard.
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Its either 1 survivor with hack or something idk, but no matter where I setup traps, even on dense grass or places that completely hide traps, they're still able to see and disable all of my traps (they dont follow me, and dont have map).
Or chasing someone injured and randomly another trapped nearby. Suddenly 1 busy self healing, 1 on hook and 1 going for unhook while I chase the last one that possibly get trapped mid chase soon after. Its really hard to make a come back from that just with 2 well placed traps.
Its rare to have in between.
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It sounds like the 2nd Skull merchant.
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I mean they nerfed all the m1 killers with the gen regression perks
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Honestly this got me wondering about what kind of things they're looking to change. I imagine they don't think trapper is in a perfect spot but probably just aren't prioritizing him atm. Now I wish they said all the things they're working on or looking too damn that'd be cool
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But this gap is exactly why the community shouldn’t complain about only one killer specifically but more about this gap and low tier killers in general. Otherwise even if one of the killers get an update/buff there will still be many low tier killers
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Trapper is fine.
Its like saying Sadako is trash, yet she has very high killrate at low and high MMR too.
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His basekit is relatively fine, but he needs alot of QoL, not straight up buff.
Eyrie is pretty much makes him a true M1 killer. No power. Garden is close to second. Many realms need more grass and fog. New Red forest is pretty good.
Traps spawn at very corner in Swamp and Borgo. Many times I cant pick it up because it takes too much time.
Only those 2 fixes and I would be content
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If you give all his traps at the start then he becomes a worse skull merchent. He can turn a 3 gen into an inpenetrable mine field. I tried this once on eyrie, while running chases, i shuffled my all my traps over to the 3 gen by shack, including a gen inside of shack. Full set of 4 players couldn't lay hands on a gen for long enough to make any progress with me running overcharge and pop.
Pallets in the area got cleared real quick and even when they found my traps and avoided them, I could herd them to more hidden ones when I chased them off gens. If I'd been running bloody coils it would have been even more oppressive.
Trappers needs love for sure but giving him access to all traps isn't how to do it. My preferred solution is add a debuff for survs when they sabotage a trap. Each time they disarm a trap that surv gains a token with 33.3% transparency on laid traps, after 3 tokens traps are totally invisible and that surv cannot interact with laid traps anymore. Stepping in a trap removes 2 tokens.
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Trapper main. Ty < 3
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Isn't Pig worse than a Trapper?
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Has high killrate at low and high MMR.
So Pig is fine
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Basekit all traps at Beginning, mangled/hemorrhage combo on traps as basekit too. That would probably fix him well enough. Rework some of his add-ons with that and he'd be in a nice spot imo
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I know killers don't want to hear it but the last official stat has her at what like 60 or something kill rate.
Would like another stat block from behavior to show that some killers are not as bad as the crowd has deemed
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Well you can't argue with data, you can watch pig main streamer he won almost every game as Pig so definitely isnt trash tier
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To be honest as much as I'd love a trapper buff, I don't think giving him all traps at the start of the match basekit is the way to go. All it takes is one person being an idiot (which, in solo, very often) and suddenly he can trap the entirety of Basement or another tight structure and render unhooks effectively impossible.
We don't need another Bubba situations on our hands.
I don't know how I'd buff him in different ways, but I'd rather try and do that instead.
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This will be a great buff to Trappi Boi
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Ill never tire of your artwork. Always makes me smile.
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You are right, and I wish we could buff all the lower tier killers (and maybe reign in some of the top ones) but unfortunately BHVR only adjusts 1-2 killers every mid chapter patch, so this gap is going to remain for a very long time.
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Yeah or maybe they will some day listen and change something up. Like they are trying to do with perk adjustments now, as i understood it, they want to make some perk adjustments now (almost) every midchapter update? Same with minor killer adjustments I guess.
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That would be nice. Or even just getting small balance patches outside of the midchapter would be good.