Casual VS Comp

KeiOrtem Member Posts: 252

So I would consider myself a casual player, mostly running meme builds(mad grit on demo, trying to do 360 shreds, etc) as I just dont see this game in a competitive way because if I did I know I would be miserable. Something I dont really get though is when I either play as a more fun/meme killer or even against one of those type of killers when I play survivor there will sometimes be survivors who will absolutely go ham and act like its some sort of ranked competition with a cash prize on the line.

I personally dont see how getting out of the game as fast as possible without any form of interaction with the killer is fun and would rather hold m1 for 5 minutes and then bail.


  • KeiOrtem
    KeiOrtem Member Posts: 252

    I just wish that I didnt have to run some super slowdown build when I'm playing a killer like ghostface or demo, especially with maps like red forest or garden of joy. I just wanna be able to have some fun and not worry about the game ending extremely quick.