Give me valid reasons for hook suicides to be in the game still.

Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's an outdated mechanic that we all know should just begone from this game. Only time it should be available is with deli.

I have a seen way too many arguments like:

  1. They could have internet problems!!! - Wow they probably shouldn't be playing multiplayer games right
  2. They could have had a bad few games before they did that!! - wow that doesn't excuse them ruining the game for the other 4 players, they should have just not queued up!
  3. They bought the game they can do what they want!! - actually the devs still can punish what they want when looking at player behavior, MOST other multiplayer games will punish you heavily pretty fast for this nonsense. This game has no fill mechanic and there is no reason it should. This game is not cod.

It's really my only major problem with this forum and the playerbase. There is no defending this. Sure you can dc once in a while and not receive and penalty, other games allow it every week or so. But hook suicides negate any of the punishment and dc's give you a slap on the wrist. It's simply wild to me.

I have played CoD and BF and they are the only games I have played that don't punish you for leaving and guess what they can viably fill people into the game without too much of a downside. In dbd, it's more like league, one leaver is gg. Filling someone else into a game with a leaver would just be wasting their time as well.

The craziest thing about this other than me having any standards for players in general is that People dc far more often in my survivor games than my killer games in which I only play blight at this point.

It's just the one thing people defend so adamantly on this forum and there is really no backing for the way they feel about it. It's not even a forum thing or it wouldn't happen so much in real games.



  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    While I totally agree that there are some whiny players that just kts on the hook after a slightest inconvinience...the mechanic should stay in the game. It can be and is used for 4% unhooks while one's whole team is already downed/also hooked or you know that they won't come to help or just to give the last surv a hatch. I think that they'll rather need to count repetetive deaths on hook in the first minutes of the match and then penaltize a player?

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    1) "you get hooked and see that one or more survivors are afk"

    • And what? Just because of that you will screw it up for the others? Being AFK for a moment doesn´t meant that he is doing it intentionaly. Mabye he has something IRL and had to go. Thats still not a reason to being a coward what kill himself on hook.

    2) "you get hooked and see one or more survivors teabagging each other in the basement or just walking in circles"

    • Poor excuse. Its very rare situation and I can´t even remember when I saw that situation last time.

    3) "you have survivors that refuse to heal you, and when the killer comes, they bodyblock you so the killer has an easy target"

    • Again. Very rare situation. And if that happens. Report him and move on. I rather get as many points as I can then sandbagg other teammates what are trying to do their best. Just because of one sandbagger I will not be sandbagger as well. And even then... many times there is reason for their behivor like this. So isn´t it because you did something to them?

    4) "healthy survivors that try to get rid of the killer by presenting you as an easier target while you heal"

    • Remeber. This should be a team based game, but still you have main premise of that. You´re being thrown to the arena with other random people with killer and your actions decide about the match. If you loose or if you live to die another day. Its part of the game. And being a coward and give it a shot is just bad behavior.

    5) "survivors that alarm the killer to your location, for example because they wanted to clean that hex totem, even though you run inner strength."

    • As much as its part of the game its not something what should be considered as a reason to suicide on hook. And how about to being smart and go away and do objectives elsewhere?
  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    Facecamp 🌚

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited May 2023

    Well, it doesnt matter how rare some cases are, as i just told my experience for when i did it in the past. It happened.

    for 1) if the match is 3 minutes in and they are still afk, then the game is lost anyway. it might be they have a good reason, but it wont save the match, so i can exit as soon as i can to get a decent one.

    4+5) as you said, its a team based game. And if others don´t want to play in a team, again, i go out and try to find another one, where they do.

    3) na, i play in europe, and a lot of russians play like that. you are not a teammate, you are someone to be sacrificed if they need to be, so you are basicly another health state to them.

    The thing you have to understand, even if you remove hook suicide, people will just go afk, because you cant people force to play. But that might extend to another host of reasons as well.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    There are two ways to look at this.

    1 this is a team based competitive match where winning is all the matters. From that point of view killing yourself on hook is a complete destruction of the teams chance to escape IF everyone is trying to play that way. If you take this approach to the game and see your teammates are doing nothing to further the game and are just messing around then you want to finish the match quickly and move on.

    2 this is a party game where messing around is fun and your here to just have a good time. Then if you are getting tunneled or camped you just want out. Yes you screw your team but I you are here for fun then those playstyles completely ruin your game.

    I'm not necessarily defending either of these viewpoints but I do understand them and don't scream when people give up on hook for them.

    Now people that are just mad that they got downed early or are rage quiting because they messed up a chase, those are the kinds that big me. We all mess up sometimes. None of us play every chase perfectly no matter how good a survivor or killer we are. Doesn't mean we should rage quite the entire game.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Because there's not really anything you can do to target hook suicides specifically that wouldn't affect people trying to actually attempt to escape from hook. Hook suicides are annoying but it's something we just kind of have to live with.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    What? A 4% change is a remnant of the initial game design. The game is no longer based around something so outrageous which is majority used for exiting the game.

    You can't in any game, the point is to have a real deterrent from screwing over 4 other players. Players that would dc so often they couldn't play without hook suicides shouldn't play the game in the first place.

    These comments just show how selfish and conceded this playerbase is. Bhvr really just has to step up.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    There are times where trying to escape the hook is a reasonable move, even if it's only 4%. Like if no one's coming to get you, the killer's guarding you hard and your teammates are too scared to just rush to you, or everyone else alive is currently in the dying state.

    Also having interactivity at all points of the game is important. No one wants to go "well, guess I'll just sit here for a minute since there is literally nothing else I can do".

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 813

    If you're going to complain about hook suicides, maybe you shouldn't play the game either. As others have pointed out, there are plenty of valid reasons for doing so, including the same reason listed in defense of the players going AFK (never mind that they too are allegedly "ruining the game for four other players").

    People really need to drop the mindset that they can't have fun unless they win. You don't have to let DC's or hook suicides ruin your fun. Yes, it'll be harder to escape, but not escaping doesn't mean you can't have fun. You can still make progress on your daily or whatever archive challenge you're doing. You can still have fun, edge-of-your-seat chases. It's like another twist in your game, similar to when Devour Hope or NOED activate, or when a teammate legit dies. If anything, the complaints about DC'ing/hook suiciding are just as selfish and conceded as you claim the playerbase to be with their defense of it.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2023

    I feel like if I want to play mp games with trash connection who are u to say otherwise? Some people only have that like ???

    the devs themselves said multiple times in here that no one should be held hostage if they dont want to. Killing urself on hook is a easy way out of that.

    • And most important, It’s a strategy to give the hatch to the last player in case theres only 2 left and its a lost match. its a mechanic worth staying for this reason alone
    Post edited by DarkMyst on
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited May 2023

    Literally none and it's just illogical when DC penalty exists, I get it when this game doesn't have DC penalty, but when it does?

    The only reason I can think of, is just maybe BHVR want to give survivors rights to freely DC (even though this is clearly shouldn't be a thing) while penalizing killers for doing so, all while hiding that, because otherwise they would just add penalty only for killers from the beginning.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    If there are no hook suicides, then just DCs. Think it's better?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Did you know it's "better" as in people actually DO get penalized and if problem is STILL there we can easily increase timers?

    So yeah, having a penalty is certainly better than not having one, which is already proven to be true when DC penalty has been removed in the past.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    In theory, yes. But if one tries to play survivor couple of times, he'll get the reason. Being constantly harassed, camped and tunneled almost every time is not very "enjoyable" (and I remind everybody, DbD is not a job, it's what people spend their free time on). God witness, how many times I subdued urge to DC when played survivor. Oh my...

    Unless there are no other ways to venting off (and give a chance to the last survivor find hatch), I don't think suicides should go anywhere. Or if BM of killer players would be punishable too.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited May 2023

    I'm sorry, playing the game is not a BM in any sense at all, and I must remind you that DBD is not a job and you can freely STOP PLAYING , rather than screwing anyone else's game for your own issue.

    Anyone who suicide/dc on slightest thing is literally a game breaking issue, and DBD will be healthier without those kind of people.

    Hatch escapes aren't even objective, it's literal pity escape, there is no need for consistency.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2023

    If the game is going badly I will usually try and unhook, if I die after that I am not really bothered. I would rather de-pip and get into the next game. The 3 chances of escape on first hook are there for me to use after all. I'll also use it if there is one other survivor left who might be able to escape through the hatch.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Which fabulously failed as survivors now just hide at two rather than one, lol.

    Have a hatch or not, one people or two people, those kind of people DO hide, and then there is literally no way killers can find them.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    so i don't have to play against SM

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited May 2023

    Yea. There's a limit on how much you can DC before the penalties start piling up. If you DC multiple times you get locked out for a period of time and you temporarily are not able to ruin the game for everyone else. I understand people who give up against killers like skull merchant but too many people give up for seemingly no reason at all. It gets old and makes solo borderline unplayable.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I get that but as I have said people are dcing more in my survivor games than my blight games. The killers I typically am up against aren't even heinous, it's killers like Wraith, Wesker, Huntress, Doctor and even Billy. I see tunneling sometimes but not in most of the games that a dc happens.

    Like I really can get it if I run alch ring for the first time in 10 games and the survivors happen to be solos with no broken items(unlikely to happen) but people don't even dc in those games. People really just DC for playing the game.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    been uninstalled since sm ptb since bhvr didn't learn from why the knight was hated and literally made a killer with the exact same issues as knight for the next killer

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 420

    Well, if hook suicide is punished, then tunneling should be too. Both things makes a player to be out of the match quickly, right?

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    Believe it or not, but only DCing/killing yourself on hook makes a player out of the match quickly. You can still buy some time for your teammates and mess a bit with a killer while being tunneled.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Why do people always try to make them self look good by using this lame saying of you screwing 4 other people which would be the other 3 survivors and killer, but here is the thing. Killers dont even care about survivors to begin with lol. Yall cry nerf all of survivors good perks and what not .

    Also do remember that people have a right not play something they are not having fun, simply just move on. Who wants to get for example 10 games in a row with a sweaty 3 gen camping skull merchant with the same build? Who wanna gets tunneled to death just cause killer wanna use their mori so badly, or sit on a hook forever because of a basement face camp bubba?

    Again if survivors wouldnt stop being nerf from 6.1 to now ofc the DC increases wouldnt have happen as much because I for sure know before 6.1 the dcs was not THIS BAD, it happen yes but no where as much as now.

    People with this crying about swf this and that. This is the only game I seen where people moan and groan so hard about people rather playing with their family or friends instead of wasting their time with a bunch of potato randoms that dont know what they doing.. Tru1alent mr killer main always groan about swfs, its like what? Your running a killer for a gen or 2 and when finally down all you see are these potatoes walking/urbaning around the map? Not every swf is even good or even sweaty to begin with. Finally seem when a killer dc its not a problem but its a problem if a survivor does it? Killer dcing =screws the 4 survivors as well.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Everyone have a right on what they want to do, if it bothers you some much maybe you need to look into yourself. I swf so dc aint a thing for me and if am killer, its like christmas if someone dcs on me ill just end the game quicker and go to another match -=)

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    another anti hook suicide thread. y'all have this every other week it's so tiring.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Yawn, enjoy ranting like a child because at the end of the day they are not gonna get rid of hook suicides.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    If there's 2 of us left with multiple gens to go, I'd like to just move on

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    not really. i feel you take the game too seriously if your game's seriously ruined by someone not wanting to play in a match.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    That's a weird take. It's childish to ruin the game for everyone else because something unconvinced you. I can turn your comment into literally anything.

    Yawn, enjoy ranting like a child because at the end of the day they are never going to nerf blights add-ons.

    The game is instantly over and boring for both sides after a rage quit. People who play killer and think rq keeps the game the same amount of fun are boring players and realistically should be fine just playing bots at that point.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Not really, it's always more tiring to see people defending objectively harmful part of the game.

    Yes camping tunneling whatever exists, but none is as much as game breaking as literally giving free rights of DC.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    whatever you say man, you and i will not agree on this so i see no point in discussion

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    As killer if i see a early dc i kill 2 people and let the last one go most of the time, unless killing the last survivor is faster. There's no reason stressing out over someone else's dc, just end the match. Saying the match is "ruined" is a bit much. And I don't get your point about being fine playing with bots instead, most matches don't have dcs that affect the match too heavily, why would I play with bots instead lol

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    If you like survivors to dc when playing killer, then you might as well play against bots as the game is 100% free. I'm not stressing, but the outcome is already determined so it becomes work for me.

    I guess if the only semi-competitive game you have ever played is dbd, then you would enjoy completely walking over your opponent without any chance of being able to throw the game away.

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    Just end the match, they say.

    I have to deal with this bs on a daily basis which is absolutely absurd. Every 3rd game some individual throws himself on hook just because they didn't like the killer they went against/the map/the offering/the weather outside their house. My teammate Johan loads into the game, hears huntress' lullaby, runs to her, lets her hook him and kills himself. I do an adept spirit achievement, Ace cleanses my haunted, gets downed, kills himself on the hook. All this happened in a ######### hour.

    I work on the night shifts and I don't have that much time to play yet some whiny entitled crybaby wastes the time I and other players spent on finding the match/loading in and then we have to wait for a killer to end this nonsense. This shEEt should be absolutely punishable as far as DCs are.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    "whiny entitled crybaby"

    relax man, deep breaths. literally all they did was go next in a video game.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited May 2023

    Yeah, literally all they did was intentionally throwing the game and broke a match for everyone all while not even getting proper punishment, totally not a problem (plot twist: it is).

    Game is meant to be played bruh.

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    What's wrong with these words? They perfectly describe the nature of a certain % of a dbd playerbase and you know it well. And believe me, they won't just end up with loading into another game, they'll proceed to do the same, I personally met the same rq ppl in my lobbies, guess how it ended?

    Speaking about videogames, please tell me why do you think that it's okay for some players to throw up the game for others while it's a normal practice to punish such ppl/such behaviour isn't tolerated in a community of another games.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    dbd playerbase consistently being the most extra out of every playerbase i've been in. they literally decided not to play a match through yet apparently it's worth paragraph over paragraph with you people lmao

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You know, anyone who decided to not play a match through within a match deserves a punishment, because otherwise game will be actually unplayable.

    Which IS the case for today's dbd though.

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    If they constantly decide to throw up games then... why won't they uninstall instead of ruining gameplay for others?

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    aren't you the guy who said you played the night shift and don't have much time to play?

    it truly is impeccable how you people don't see it from the other person's perspective. what if someone, who also worked the same hours as you, decided they didn't want to play through a match because they only have so much time to play and didn't want to play through an unfun match?

    sure, you can argue they should eat a full dc penalty for that, and i don't even disagree, but i feel you only view it from your perspective and treat these other people like they're from the fifth layer of hell. they're players, just like you.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    who said these people constantly do it? what if they only did it for the one match you were in?

  • LeFreezy
    LeFreezy Member Posts: 228

    Please define an unfunny match because ppl that I've played with must be heckin time-travellers that knew the outcome of the game once they loaded into the game and heard the killers' lullaby.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited May 2023

    Eh, even if it's unfun for a player, it's not always the case for other four people.

    Why do we need to care about their "perspective" when they don't have any care for anyone else after all?

    Yeah I do get it when people say "every player is a human so please try to make match fun" but it's ridiculous when they say "I will screw everyone else in a match when anything bad happen for me and this is always on them".