Did you get enough of designing characters as if they were sexual and attractive?

Boons123 Member Posts: 970

It seems like a more profitable way to make skins for the thirsty to buy than to make skins that fit their story, and this is evident in the latest killer we got.

And what next they might make a killer who wears nothing but ripped underwear and with a sexual appearance and then call him "wild - ruthless - and others" and this is the worst way to explain the horror of any character

Well, the majority of the community was clear, "We want more terrifying killers," and in my opinion, they should be terrifying in their appearance as well, and the way they move is frightening, and not just their story.

This is absolutely not an attack on the developers

I want to show how much I resent thirsty people who change the identity of the game to satisfy their desire



  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    Yeah you're probably right, but I can still hope that it'll happen someday.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    I'm actually fed up of lore-matching skins. Idgaf about the lore of this game, since it literally has no impact on the gameplay

    Look at plague, she literally has one skin only

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Terror comes in many forms. Horror is multifaceted and does not need to confirm to a rigid style guide because it is one of the few genre mediums that has always prided itself on being able to color outside the lines that other genres stick to so dogmatically. The vocal dbd community has a big issue with not wanting anything that doesn't fit in their rigid fear formulas.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Whilst it is a money-maker, the thirst side of DBD I've never got. It also felt a little like BHVR lost a part of their control by deciding to develop outfits to please certain fans.

    It's not really a big thing for me whether the outfits are sexy or not, but this was a small example of a larger concern where the creativity is swayed by the public and not the vision. Early killers felt menacing and creepy. Some of the newer ones look like they've come off "The X Factor". It would be great to return to the more grotesque and creepy designs of earlier on.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    They borrowed this from Japanese mythology, and it doesn't do "sexy" moves, , unlike the skull merchant.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    Oh, of course, colorful, light, beautiful clothes, what a fright

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,721

    I'm personally not a fan of playing games with over-sexualized characters, but it's also not wildly out of place.

    A casanova/seductress is just as terrifying as the Boogieman, if not more.

    How that translates to gameplay, however, is another story.

    Creating a super attractive killer without translating any of the elements that make them truly terrifying (if that is at all possible to express in this format) makes for a very weak horror experience.

    I personally would much prefer to see more of the grotesque and uncanny, because their fear factor translates very well to DBD.

    Deathslinger, Trickster, Artist, Knight, and the Skull Merchant were all flops in my book. Deathslinger imo is salvageable, just by making him a dug-up undead cowboy with a heart for vengeance.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    This game is only horror for the first 100 hours or so at most. After that it's something else do sure. If I have to stare at my survivors rear the whole match I would very much prefer that rear be pleasing. Why I play Kate or shirtless David. More skins please.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,206

    It seems like a more profitable way 

    Well, the majority of the community was clear

    These two parts don't agree with each other. What you are saying is that while the community bought the sexier designs, a vocal group doesn't like it.

    As others have said, sex appeal and horror are really closely tied. If anything, BHVR is being more inclusive than the material they are drawing from, with more female killers and eye candy males.

  • Haven414
    Haven414 Member Posts: 97

    Based. I'll admit, I like a couple sexy looking characters, there's no avoiding that, but The Dredge was the last time we got something actually scary looking. I think the best way to keep that stuff going is by doing more licensed chapters with scary cosmetics specifically from it's franchise. So let's keep our hopes up I guess.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374
    edited May 2023

    Dredge is a great example of focusing on the horror aspect of the game. Its a very nightmarish design with abilities that reflect the theme of the character. They have more creative freedom when designing the killers because they don't always have to be human. That being said its not some unheard of thing if they want to focus on other areas of killer designs such as attractiveness. People seem to talk about the beauty of the skull merchant a lot and you can't even see her face so they did something right there with making that part of the character appealing to people. I wouldn't think too much about this as far as the killers go because if they made something like the dredge which was an original design I'm sure we'll get more characters like this in the future.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    It's all shallow demographic pandering for money, that's all I see it as when it comes to this fanservice stuff.

    The signs are all there but people don't care because spend money consume product satisfy brain

    Keep in mind a lot of the playerbase will complain about the game to the point of saying they are boycotting it then some feng min skin releases and they go an instabuy it lmao.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    Yep there was a part of this community that was complaining about resident evil 5 jill skin potentially being in dbd but shirtless felix and victorrio is welcomed with open arms🫤

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    Oh, of course, since when was she an attractive, terrifying and frightening character? I don't find any connection between them

    Are you worried or do you like him or her (Literally a contradiction)

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    I seriously won't mind survs running butt naked if it comes to that. It's not like I can stop people from using skins they want.

    Buuut I want killers to be scary and/or disturbing. BHVR had some great original characters in the past. I hope they learn something from the Snore Merchant flop and mostly keep sex and thirst away from killers in the future.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Midsommar, Child's Play, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Suspiria, The Neon Demon, Little Shop of Horrors, American Horror Story

    Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Shining, Maniac, Baskin, Devil's Rejects

    I could keep naming films, but you should get the point. Much can be achieved with bright colors, light, beautiful clothing. It may not be your taste if your response was meant to come off as sarcastic and that is cool, but wanting a game in desperate need of ideas to be limited in ways to express a genre as diverse as horror seems like a recipe for disappointment.

  • Wilx
    Wilx Member Posts: 99

    I'm not one to kink shame, and although the whole sexy cosmetics isn't really my thing. I don't mind what they pump out skin wise. I'm far more concerned about the state of the game than cosmetics.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    If you read, you would understand that I mean those thirsty people who do not care about anything other than satisfying their thirsty desires. Because of that, Vittorio and the skull merchants appeared as a scapegoat and bait as well.

    What about sprite and plague? Well, Spirit is adapted from Japanese mythology and was suitable for the game. If you focus on Spirit, you will notice that it behaves in a confused way, smiling, sad and angry. All of this is expressions on his face, and also that it does not move in an “exciting” move, but rather moves in a somewhat strange way.

    the plague? It looks very distorted and holds incense to cover the smell of mold. She is of the (disgusting horror) type and even the way she moves seems to be carrying out a divine command (the entity) and the same way she moves in front of her people as well.

    But all this is in the past and look what happens now

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    I want bad ass skins. Grungy, gritty stuff.

    Sci-fi. Horror. Tribal.

    Enough with catering and pandering to the thirst.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited May 2023

    I never really saw Vittorio as being thirst bait, personally i actually really enjoyed him for his lore and what he brings to the narrative of dbd's overall lore as well as his cosmetic potential, i'd quite frankly pick him over likes of other Survivors such as the Lyra twins any day.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Sex appeal has its place in horror as well. Always has. Humans and they monster they create are often used to express concepts around sex and sensuality. People can be attracted to the more seductive qualities that lay within horrifying individuals and some monsters are built around that aspect.

    Really all I'm saying is thirst has always been in horror and dbd is fine theme wise. It has something for everyone and if you're not into what is out now, give it time you'll get something you like later. Doesn't have to be huge doom and gloom that dbd's fallen off the pure path of horror. This game could be the most sterile and grim experience possible, like a warhammer 40k game, and people would still find someone or something to thirst over. At least horror has space for that crowd to be serviced without harming anything else.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited May 2023

    I think the biggest problem about the horror community in general are the people who loves gatekeeping what is and isn't considered horror for any kind of reason, it's kinda the same vibe i'm getting from some of the people in the dbd community whenever something even remotely attractive or not conventional horror looking is added.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Nothing wrong with sex appeal, but try to be a little tasteful about it. Trickster and Skull Merchant ain't tasteful, it's obvious they're designed to sell on sex appeal and that's not enough to make a character good. Vittorio is definitely a fanservice character and I think his design is silly and out of place, but at least he has a decent story to him.

  • Rasdengarth
    Rasdengarth Member Posts: 4

    If I'm gonna be stomped on and tunneled as solo queue survivor, at least I wanna see a sexy chick doing it with her mori. Sums up most of my games against Skull Merchant.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    You're telling me you're attracted but scared at the same time? How to be attracted and repelled at the same time

    When you see monster , you will be nervous, you will not care about his story, because now you are trying to survive on your own

    But when you see the Skull Merchant, she looks like a normal person and moves in a way as if she's failed at everything in her life, It will never feel threatened, and even in the actual game, it just stalls the game for as long as possible

    It does not seem to me that lust and terror are a great way to explain horror (if you notice all the characters that were scary when you are new to the game, they were not characters related to sex and lust, but they were terrifying in their appearance, strength, voices, and even their story).

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    I'm not gonna deny that, but we all have to admit they kinda went all out with Skull Merchant and it ended up being for the worse rather than for the better. Neither her "I'm not like other girls, I read manga! uwu Hear my yandere roar! >w< I'm so evil ewe" nor her "sexy" skin are doing her any favors.

    The more subtle and unintentional it feels, the more appealing the character is. When all they got is surface level appeal being bombarded at your face it ends up being more off-putting than appealing.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    It makes a lot of sense to consider the sexual appeal of the characters. I mean then do need to sell these characters, and what else does the Cheese Merchant offer?

    The Spirit was very well designed. Make her scary first, then zoom in to her butt when the game loads in.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I don't know about thirsty people, or what you mean by that, but I absolutely totally agree that there should be more sexual and attractive characters.

    I want to see attractive persons in games and movies, I have lot's of unattractive people in real life (me included).

    So if "thirsty" people are for attractive, strong, smart, exceptional people, then I'm them.

    Otherwise it would be: "enough with strong characters" - no superheroes, no secret agents, no action heroes; "enought smart characters" - no con artists, no sleuths, no geniuses; I can continue the list.

    So yes, please, more attractive, smart and strong characters.

    As for killers, we have a lot of "sexy" killers: Artist, Spirit (which "wears nothing but ripped underwear" in a way), Wesker, Merchant, even Plague, I think. And they all terrifying (especially Spirit, Merchat completely not, that was my only complaint, they could made her half-mechanical cyborg while keeping her sexuality).

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    I mean, it doesn't have to be either or. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say. I'm more into characters like Jeff or Illaoi (from League) than I am into Kate, for instance. I understand Kate is pretty, but it doesn't really do anything for me.

    Plus, some people don't want to play with characters that are hot, but with characters they identify with. Someone closer to how they look, to make it easier for them to live the fantasy the game is offering through their character.

    And others like playing Clown because "he he funny man throw bottle brrrrrrrrrr. Survivor cry. I laugh. Hue hue hue! :)"

    In the end, what people want is variety. When character design narrows down to "Let's make them as hot as humanly possible and we'll think what they actually do later on" a massive amount of people gets neglected only to target as many wallets as possible with the minimum amount of effort. It's a good business move, but it's also understandable why a large amount of people would push back.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited May 2023

    I get you, but I think, honestly, we don't have SO MANY sexy characters. We have Merchant, but before that - Knight (hadly sexy, but charismatic nontheless). Before that - Wesker, ok, but before him - Dredge.

    For survivors, I find hardly attractive last two (but many people won't agree with me and that's great). For me Vittorio, RE-squad, Kate, and even Meg are very hot. But I think much more survivors very unattractive to me (for example Jane and Haddie), other people could have opposite opinion. Like you said "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". So I like to play Jill and Meg, but don't play Jane. What of it?

    I don't think there are too much sexually top-hot characters. And if they make a sexy skin for someone, godspeed! But if problem is that people choose mainly one skins over the other, well, it's their choices, cannot blame them.

    So if there will be "bikini Kate" - great. One more skin to her dozens (I'd buy it, if there was a way)

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Ugh....the urge to post alot of drawings.

  • Cataclysimz
    Cataclysimz Member Posts: 25

    The more "sexualized" it is the more I'll want to buy it so I hope BHVR will never stop doing that.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    I'm not sure if it already exists, but how about "stupid sexy flanders" with a survivor and PH butt? Or any other killer of your preference 🤔

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136
    edited May 2023

    well I can agree if their just adding it for the money, but if it actually fits in with the lore, I wouldn't mind at all... Because I don't like when they send that obvious, "Look at this skin, oh and she's sexy!" I would like it if they make the lore so her outfits would match up, then it doesn't feel like a thirsty cash-grab. I think I speak for almost all of us that sexy isn't bad, just when there's no other reason.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    I never imagined that this could provoke the "thirsty"

    I do not know if they know that there are games and sites designated for them to empty their lust there instead of spoiling the matches for everyone

    I think they should make the option in the settings so that all players have default skins from the point of view that made this choice

    It's true that the Skull Dealer will still be the same, but I don't want to see her hideous skins