Perk Changes that the Game Needs

But the Community isn't Ready For...

Survivor Perks

Sprint Burst

  • Nerf: Reduced the movement speed bonus from 50% to 35%.


  • Rework: Overhauled Lithe to be a more chase-oriented Perk.
    • Buff: Added a new effect of increasing vaulting speed by 15%.
    • Buff: Added a new effect of making any Rushed Vault turn into a Fast Vault, with a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.
    • Buff: Removed the Exhaustion status effect caused by the Perk.
    • Nerf: Removed the 50% speed boost from vaulting windows.

Balanced Landing

  • Buff: Removed the Exhaustion status effect caused by the Perk.
  • Nerf: Removed the 50% speed boost from falling from great heights.


  • Nerf: Removed the ability to wake up from the Dream World.
  • Nerf: Removed the 50% speed boost if you did not activate the last Generator.

Smash Hit

  • Buff: Increased the stun duration caused by the Perk to 4 seconds.

Killer Perks

Crowd Control

  • Rework: Overhauled Hex: Crowd Control into Crowd Control.
    • Buff: No longer a Hex Perk.
    • Nerf: Now only activates on the first window triggered while chasing a Survivor.
    • Nerf: Now has a cooldown of 14/17/20 seconds.

Coup de Grace

  • Buff: Can now accumulate tokens via hooking Survivors.

Beast of Prey

  • Buff: Now activates upon initiating a chase instead of activating Bloodlust.
  • Buff: Now has a consistent maximum duration of 20 seconds.
  • Nerf: Now has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

Save the Best for Last

  • Buff: Reduced the amount of tokens lost when hitting the Obsession to 3/2/1.
  • Nerf: Reduced the maximum amount of tokens from 8 to 6.


  • Nerf: Removed the ability to completely block Flashlight blinds. Instead, it now reduces the speed that you are blinded by 50%.
  • Nerf: Now only grants the aura reading upon evading a blind attempt.


  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    Ayo i don't 100% agree w all of these but still go off fr I'm happy to see this kinda stuff

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    yeah no.

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    Not gonna lie these don't feel well though out, most of these aren't a nerf, they're full-on rework, and not a good one at best, I'm a survivor main, and even the killer perks seemed absurd. Some of these perk I almost never see, but when I do, the perks feel just fine.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Nerf to lightborn? Absolutely not.

    Lithe buff doesn't even really make since as it is already a chase oriented perk that is good and ever Rushed Action becoming a fast vault doesn't make sense. How do you fast vault a rushing in and out of a locker?

    Beast of Prey is something no one would complain about changing as no one uses it now though if you want to really be out of the box buff Territorial Imperative.

    The nerf to adrenaline is a terrible idea I'm usually playing killer, but I don't quite need that much help.

    Save the best for last is fine you could just give the buff and not the nerf ain't like it is strong.

    Coup De Grace should be like this as it makes no since to need to be losing to get a single use lunge extension of all things

    Do not buff Smash Hit

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    1) I should clarify that the 15% increase is only for the fast vault you initiate off cooldown. This does not apply when you have cooldown.

    2) They aren't meaningless. The removal of the Dream World counter is necessary to stop it from countering a Killer power, while the removal of the 50% increase in speed if you AREN'T finishing the last generator is a huge nerf.

    3) None of the three Killer perks I buffed (whichever ones you're mentioning) would be pointless. They would serve their functions very well and create interesting builds.

    4) STBFL is more than likely the best Killer perk in the game at the moment, if just because of it being the only unchanged meta perk out there.

    5) No one likes Lightborn in its current state. Not Survivors, not Killers.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    5) No one likes Lightborn in its current state. Not Survivors, not Killers.

    What? I mean yeah survivors don't like it cause it counters the flashlights, but killers... why exactly?

    But yeah, you just want to remove exhaustion perks, which I don't exactly get why? Could you elaborate?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I get the impression you don't like Exhaustion perks that much. From what I can see, all the ones you nerfed are ones that provide a speed boost, except Smash Hit, and I'm not sure I understand the purpose. The nerf to Sprint Burst doesn't seem like it'd achieve anything beyond annoying people, and the new version of Lithe seems totally fine but could easily be its own perk. This version of Balanced Landing would be unbelievably strong, way stronger than the version we have, so I'd be against that one.

    Is there a wider issue you have with Exhaustion perks that might shed some light over what the intended effects of these changes would be?

  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,165

    You finally get what you wanted, the dh nerf, so now you want to nerf the others exaustion? Oh my god

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Ya don't get it. The whole point of exhaustion perks is so they can't use them multiple times in a single chase. A perk that eliminates vaulting momentum mechanics and actually speeds up the vault, on a 30 second cooldown not limited by exhaustion mechanics no less, could and would break so many tiles in this game.

    They are meaningless. The niche interaction with freddy doesn't matter cause no one plays the killer anyway. Man needs a rework. The no sprint burst is a nerf sure but that's not why people run the perk, therefore it's meaningless.

    The killer perk buffs are pointless because you're adding rather mundane and not very impactful changes to perks that made 0 impact on the game to begin with. And even with said changes would remain useless perks.

    As for your 4th and 5th statement this is screaming survivor main. There's literally no reason at all to nerf STBFL. It's a ok perk that only really works on specific killers, all of which are mid tier and don't impact the game massively. And even on killers it works well with like Deathslinger the better mains aren't using it anymore.

    With lightborn this right here is the nail in the coffin with your entire post. This claim of "No one likes it" is complete and utter gaslighting and false information. I have literally never heard a single killer ever say they dislike it or have a problem with it. And I mean actual killers, not fake killer mains. The ONLY people who've ever complained about it were survivor mains who were mad they could bully killers with flashlights. So this leads me to believe that you might be a survivor main who has no reason to be making these objective "Matter of fact" statements about perks and what should happen to them.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I love current Lightborn because I have IRL eye issues and prefer not to get flashbanged in DBD. How this game is worse than cod and siege in managing to not scorch someone's eyes out is beyond me.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited May 2023

    stbfl needs to be more base-kit. I think survivors health-state should be reduced to 1.25 seconds and killer hit recovery should be reduced to 2.25 seconds from 2.7 second. As a result of changes, STBFL should be reduced from 5%->2%.

    Strangely enough, I do agree with your changes. I think there are too many exhaustion perk that do not belong as exhaustion perks. Head on and Background player should also be removed from exhaustion perk list. Its foolish to try to make bad exhaustion perks to compete with dead hard, SB and Lithe. I think smash hit could also be normal perk that increases pallet stuns by 0.5 second with short cooldown of 40/35/30 seconds.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    if stbfl received that buff and no other changes i wouldnt hesitate to call it op, its already one of the best killer perks