Survivor 360 Spin Bullshit

aarongai Member Posts: 155
edited May 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I counter 90% of these with no problem.

But the remaining 10% feels like they're cheating. Here's how it goes:

  • Survivor tries to twirl me
  • I wait it out, realign my view on them
  • They're still swerving, but I track them
  • Swing straight at them
  • Lunge cancels itself despite me holding M1
  • Miss

The game forces the killer's lunge to end if the survivor is within striking range, which normally results in a hit if they are moving at a normal speed. But because the survivor is spinning, they're moving faster than normally possible by exploiting the camera + movement keys.

It feels a lot like how you whiff a swing when a survivor activates Sprint Burst, except spinning isn't an exhaustion perk; survivors can do a Sprint Burst speed spin anytime they're about to be hit and cheat you out of what you deserve.

Anyone else experience this?

Post edited by aarongai on


  • WitchWalpurga
    WitchWalpurga Member Posts: 119

    Killers getting pallet hits while they get stunned and still down you feels like cheating. The survivor did everything correct but the does not get what he deserved: to continue looping.

    360 work 10% of the time. Accept it. It's a mechanic not a cheat

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    It's more then perfect example. Survivor dropped pallet in time, but because there's a ping, killer at the same time hit survivor - both actions coming true the server for loose-loose on survivor side and win-win on killer side just because of higher ping.

    While spinning is just survivor dodging killer's hit (and no, survivor can't run quicker then his 100% movement speed even when rotating)

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,029

    Works as intended. Pallets do not stun instantly and it's to punish dropping it late. Basically its the survivors job to mindgame the killer into getting stunned, it's the killers job to time it to hit through it, or back off and not get stunned. If a survivor plays right they dont get hit.

    360ing is different. It can force a whiff from a killer, even if they play exactly right, track you, and even touch you as they swing, but its a miss because the swing is stopped from being in range, but it doesnt check fast enough to land.

    Basically, you're saying that it's bullshit that a survivor can play wrong and get hit. but think its fine a killer can play correctly and still get ######### for no reason.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    Connection and tic rate my dude. Sometimes you will vault a window and be hit regardless if you fast vaulted right and timed correctly. Or get hit by a hatchet behind a corner. It’s the same thing

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Devs have mentioned multiple times that pallet stuns are not instant, and they purposely created a delay between a survivor dropping a pallet and the stun frames being active.

    So this doesn't even need to be a ping issue. There's literally a timeframe where both players can press their action button, and the valid server response is both a stun and a hit.

    And a survivor isn't "just spinning". They are also exploiting an unintended mechanic that allows them to exceed their intended turn rate. BHVR should fix this, so that survivors can still spin in place, but only at the intended turn rate.

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    Wait, if you counter 90% of these problems, then why is it cheating? I'm new to killer, so I guess I don't have much room to talk but only way I mess that up is when they just disappear to the left of your screen, but that's when I'm right behind them, and that little burst of speed you get when you lunge never helps me, so I just no-lunge.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Devs specifically said 360 is not exploit. Direct message from devs in their Q&A. And ping will still create those scenarios - best way you can see it is when killer get teleported to other side of the pallet

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    360s complaint now LOL. I tell you it seems what survivors need to do at the start of the trial is to run and point to the hook so the killer can place them there and win =). These posts are really getting outrageous now. Oh but in killers rule books for survivors killers getting undeserved hit through pallets and window is fine. Yep yep sounds about right. Hmm let me guess the next complain of survivor, oh yes a survivor who saves another survivor via a pallet stun should be removed its too unfair to the killer.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185
    edited May 2023

    The amount of times a killer has missed a basic attack, but quickly spun around, and as their weapon is basically by their knees it connects with the back of my shoe and THAT counts as a hit - then you can put up with the reverse from survivors.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Survivors being able to go over the intended turn rate is an unintended mechanic. The game should be fixed so that survivors can only turn at intended speeds.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    That would be true. If survivor in fact could go beyond limit. But it's just normal moving. Survivor is just close so he looks to be moving quickly

  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 155

    Yes. This is all I'm asking for.

    Many killers' turn rates are capped to balance their powers (Hillbilly, Blight, Oni) and nobody says a word, but suggest survivors get their turn rate capped and suddenly everyone loses their minds.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    The most ridiculous part of all of this is I'm not even asking for the survivor turn rate to be capped, because it's already supposed to be capped. I'm just asking for the intended cap rate to be enforced, and for survivors to be unable to bypass this intended turn rate cap.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,337
    edited May 2023

    i think OP is complaining about Server Hit validation. When your M1 stops preemptively and you are pulled back, this is server hit validation. It means server deemed the hit as unfair/invalid.

    OP is facing lag switchers who are using 360's then lag switching to avoid the hit by abusing server validation. This is my best guess. Lag switching is basically when survivor purposely lag their connection and it makes them impossible to hit because they end up teleporting on screen from the desync. I have faced some lag switchers in dbd but they are not common. Lag switching is as bad as hacking but its more subtle hacking then speed-hacking for example. Lag switchers are also impossible to hook because they lag so much that you cannot complete the hook-action. Its really unfair to face a lag switcher. I am not sure how BVHR could fix that. Maybe it make that if you lag switch your connection, you disconnect. in server terms, i think its something called a sync limit. it limits how much you can desync. if you desync too much then you d/c to prevent lag switching.

    360's are not an issue. lag switching can be an issue.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    The game refuses to let a killer lunge if they are too close to a survivor, even if they are holding down the M1 key, and even if they are holding down the W key. If a survivor is close to a killer, and the game forces a short M1 tap, and if the survivor uses an unintended mechanic to go over the intended spin rate, they can spin outside of the short M1 tap range.

    Why does this game forbid killers from lunging, if they are "too close" to a survivor? The game obviously has a problem where "being too close" doesn't necessarily mean the survivor will be in M1 tap range when the killer actually goes for an attack. The game should allow killers to lunge regardless of how close they are to a survivor.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    We should be able to select whether "aim dressing" takes effect or not, so we can actually check if it matters.

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    I just turn my camera 360 and hit with consistency. I’m on console, so..

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,337

    as I said it is likely server hit validation. the server is counting your hits as invalid for some reason. regardless of how hard the survivor spins, you can always track the survivor from 360 in my opinion. I suspect OP might be complaining about lagswitching where server is validating his hits. Alternatively, It is possible that his internet connection is bad and server is validating his hits.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    This game is essentially double validating hits, which is unfair for killers. If a killer presses the attack button, while near a survivor, then the game does a first validation, to possibly force the killer to short M1 tap... and then, after it potentially forces an M1 tap, it does a second validation to see if the hit happens.

    This is the same problem with aim dressing. The game does a first validation, to see if it's going to force the killer's camera to be yanked, and then after it potentially yanks the killer's camera, it does a second validation to see if the hit happens.

    The game shouldn't be double validating killers. The game shouldn't be forcing killer to short M1 tap, unless it has already validated a hit. And the game shouldn't be yanking a killer's camera, unless it has already validated a hit.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,738

    it's an auto aim problem, they should give us the option to turn it off i agree on that.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,823

    TBH, I don't think dodging hits should be a thing. I think doing well in chase should come down to using the environment and having a good build, not spinning in a circle or wiggling side to side.